34 research outputs found

    The Effects of Trade, Aid, and Investment on China's Image in Developing Countries

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    One goal of China’s Go Out policy is to create goodwill in countries around the world. At the same time, China’s growing economic engagement has provoked much criticism. This paper is the first to study whether these activities change the attitudes of individuals in developing countries towards China at both the national and subnational level. Using repeated cross-sectional survey data from the Latinobarómetro, we analyze whether and how growing amounts of exports, foreign aid, and foreign direct investment from China to Latin America affect opinions on China within 18 Latin American countries over the 2002-2013 period. We run instrumental-variables regressions by exploiting exogenous variation in the supply of Chinese exports, aid, and investment proxied by China’s market penetration of developing countries outside Latin America. In contrast to the widespread criticism, we do not find evidence that China’s growing economic activities in the respective countries deteriorate average attitudes towards China — neither at the national nor the provincial level. However, our results show that the young, educated, and economically privileged population develops more positive views of China. We interpret this as evidence that China’s economic engagement creates winners and losers

    Experimentelle Methoden in der Informatik

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    Dieser Report enthaelt die Ausarbeitungen von Vortraegen aus einem Seminar gleichen Namens, das am 3./4. Juli 1995 am Institut f"ur Programmstrukturen und Datenorganisation unter Leitung von Walter Tichy, Ernst Heinz, Paul Lukowicz und Lutz Prechelt stattfand. Die Artikel geben einen Ueberblick ueber die moegliche Funktion und den Stellenwert experimentellen Vorgehens in verschiedenen Teilen der Informatik, sowie einerseits deren wissenschaftstheoretische Grundlage und andererseits ihre bisherige praktische Umsetzung

    On kaonic hydrogen. Quantum field theoretic and relativistic covariant approach

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    We study kaonic hydrogen, the bound K^-p state A_(Kp). Within a quantum field theoretic and relativistic covariant approach we derive the energy level displacement of the ground state of kaonic hydrogen in terms of the amplitude of K^-p scattering for arbitrary relative momenta. The amplitude of low-energy K^-p scattering near threshold is defined by the contributions of three resonances Lambda(1405), Lambda(1800) and Sigma^0(1750) and a smooth elastic background. The amplitudes of inelastic channels of low-energy K^-p scattering fit experimental data on near threshold behaviour of the cross sections and the experimental data by the DEAR Collaboration. We use the soft-pion technique (leading order in Chiral Perturbation Theory) for the calculation of the partial width of the radiative decay of pionic hydrogen A_(pi p) -> n + gamma and the Panofsky ratio. The theoretical prediction for the Panofsky ratio agrees well with experimental data. We apply the soft-kaon technique (leading order in Chiral Perturbation Theory) to the calculation of the partial widths of radiative decays of kaonic hydrogen A_(Kp) -> Lambda^0 + gamma and A_(Kp) -> Sigma^0 + gamma. We show that the contribution of these decays to the width of the energy level of the ground state of kaonic hydrogen is less than 1%.Comment: 33 pages, 1 figure, latex, References are adde

    Modelization of the EOS

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    This article summarizes theoretical predictions for the density and isospin dependence of the nuclear mean field and the corresponding nuclear equation of state. We compare predictions from microscopic and phenomenological approaches. An application to heavy ion reactions requires to incorporate these forces into the framework of dynamical transport models. Constraints on the nuclear equation of state derived from finite nuclei and from heavy ion reactions are discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, contributed paper to the World Consensus Initiative (WCI) book "Dynamics and Thermodynamics with Nucleonic Degrees of Freedom

    Effective Field Theory of Nuclear Forces

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    The application of the effective field theory (EFT) method to nuclear systems is reviewed. The roles of degrees of freedom, QCD symmetries, power counting, renormalization, and potentials are discussed. EFTs are constructed for various energy regimes of relevance in nuclear physics, and are used in systematic expansions to derive nuclear forces in terms of a number of parameters that embody information about QCD dynamics. Two-, three-, and many-nucleon systems, including external probes, are considered.Comment: 83 pages, 20 figures, commissioned for Prog. Part. Nucl. Phy

    Nucleon and hadron structure changes in the nuclear medium and impact on observables

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    We review the effect of hadron structure changes in a nuclear medium using the quark-meson coupling (QMC) model, which is based on a mean field description of non-overlapping nucleon (or baryon) bags bound by the self-consistent exchange of scalar and vector mesons. This approach leads to simple scaling relations for the changes of hadron masses in a nuclear medium. It can also be extended to describe finite nuclei, as well as the properties of hypernuclei and meson-nucleus deeply bound states. It is of great interest that the model predicts a variation of the nucleon form factors in nuclear matter. We also study the empirically observed, Bloom-Gilman (quark-hadron) duality. Other applications of the model include subthreshold kaon production in heavy ion collisions, D and D-bar meson production in antiproton-nucleus collisions, and J/Psi suppression. In particular, the modification of the D and D-bar meson properties in nuclear medium can lead to a large J/Psi absorption cross section, which explains the observed J/Psi suppression in relativistic heavy ion collisions.Comment: 143 pages, 77 figures, references added, a review article accepted in Prog. Part. Nucl. Phy

    Roy-Steiner-equation analysis of pion-nucleon scattering

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    We review the structure of Roy-Steiner equations for pion-nucleon scattering, the solution for the partial waves of the t-channel process ππ→NˉN\pi\pi\to \bar N N, as well as the high-accuracy extraction of the pion-nucleon S-wave scattering lengths from data on pionic hydrogen and deuterium. We then proceed to construct solutions for the lowest partial waves of the s-channel process πN→πN\pi N\to \pi N and demonstrate that accurate solutions can be found if the scattering lengths are imposed as constraints. Detailed error estimates of all input quantities in the solution procedure are performed and explicit parameterizations for the resulting low-energy phase shifts as well as results for subthreshold parameters and higher threshold parameters are presented. Furthermore, we discuss the extraction of the pion-nucleon σ\sigma-term via the Cheng-Dashen low-energy theorem, including the role of isospin-breaking corrections, to obtain a precision determination consistent with all constraints from analyticity, unitarity, crossing symmetry, and pionic-atom data. We perform the matching to chiral perturbation theory in the subthreshold region and detail the consequences for the chiral convergence of the threshold parameters and the nucleon mass.Comment: 101 pages, 28 figures; journal versio

    AlN/GaN HEMTs grown by MBE and MOCVD: Impact of Al distribution

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    Binary AlN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) were grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (PA-MBE) as well as metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) and compared with regard to their structural and electrical properties. The investigated structures differ in Al distribution and composition of the AlN barrier due to characteristic differences of the two growth methods such as growth temperature and interface sharpness. While we observe a nearly pure AlN layer and an abrupt interface for MBE growth, a graded "AlN" barrier with a significant amount of Ga is found for the MOCVD grown structures which is reflected by the electrical properties of the HEMT structures. Si-implanted ohmic contacts were formed on MBE as well as MOCVD grown structures. The activation anneal step subsequent to implantation at temperatures ~1100°C changes the observed Al profiles of MBE structures and damages the active region, whereas MOCVD samples react insensitively and thus were able to be further processed. A maximum drain current of ~1.46 mm(-1) at a gate source voltage of +3 V is observed for the processed devices. A current-gain cut-off frequency of 89 GHz and maximum oscillation frequency of 208 GHz were measured, which demonstrate an excellent small-signal performance of AlN/GaN devices with 100nm gate length