325 research outputs found

    Efectele adverse ale tratamentului tuberculozei multidrog rezistente

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    Background. Drug resistance threatens global tuberculosis control efforts. Objective of the study. In this study was to assess adverse reactions of second-line TB drugs in patients treated for MDR-TB at Institute of Phthisiopneumology “K. Draganiuc” in 2017. Material and Methods. The 107 patients were resistant to all first line drugs. Results. 72.9% of the patients were males and 27.1% were females. The mean of age was 37.1 years. The most common co-morbidities associated with MDR-TB in the studied cases were diabetes (29.9%). Side effects of drugs were; 57% GIT manifestations, 53.3% peripheral neuritis, hypokalemia 26.2%, irritable bowel syndrome 22.4%, ototoxicity 17.8%, skin reaction 10.3%, hypothyroidism 10.3%, hepatotoxicity 9.3%, hypoalbuminemia 5.6%, depression 3.7%, arthritis 0.9%, gynecomastia 2.8%, hyponatremia 5.6%, hypomagnesaemia 1.9%, dizziness 0.9%, nephrotoxicity 3.7%. Most of the drugs’ side effects started to appear within the first 3 months of treatment. Conclusion. The most common type of resistance is acquired resistance because of lack of adherence to treatment or inappropriate treatment. The most common side effects of MDR TB treatment were gastrointestinal manifestations. Most side effects occurred within the first 3 months of treatment. Introducere. Rezistența la medicamente antiruberculoase amenință eforturile globale de control al tuberculozei. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea reacțiilor adverse ale medicamentelor de linia a doua la pacienții tratați cu TB MDR la Institutul de Fiziopneumologie „C. Draganiuc” în 2017. Material și Metode. 107 pacienți au fost rezistenți la toate medicamentele de primă linie. Rezultate: 72,9% dintre pacienți au fost bărbați și 27,1% femei. Vârsta medie a fost de 37,1 ani. Cele mai frecvente comorbidități asociate cu TB MDR în cazurile studiate au fost diabetul (29,9%). Efectele adverse au fost: 57% manifestări gastro-intestinale, 53,3% neurită periferică, hipokalemie 26,2%, sindromul itestinului iritat 22,4%, ototoxicitate 17,8%, reacții cutanate 10,3%, hipotiroidism 10,3%, hepatotoxicitate 9,3%, hipoalbuminemie 5,6%, depresie 3,7%, artrită 0,9%, ginecomastie 2,8%, hiponatremie 5,6%, hipomagneziemie 1,9%, amețeli 0,9%, nefrotoxicitate 3,7%. Majoritatea efectelor adverse au apărut în primele 3 luni de tratament. Concluzii. Majoritatea au avut rezistență dobândită din cauza lipsei de aderență la tratament sau a tratamentului necorespunzător. Cele mai frecvente efecte adverse au fost manifestările gastroitestinale. Cele mai multe efecte adverse au apărut în primele 3 luni de tratament

    Forward analysis of π\piN scattering with an expansion method

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    The π\piN forward scattering data are analyzed using an expansion method, where the invariant amplitudes are represented by expansions satisfying the forward dispersion relations. The experimental errors of the data are taken into account through the covariance matrix of the coefficients of the expansions in a careful error analysis. From the results, some coefficients, cn0±c_{n0}^\pm, of the subthreshold expansions have been calculated with proper error bars.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. v2: Added some references. v3: Corrected hyphenatio

    Model-independent analysis of the neutron-proton final-state interaction region in the pp -> pn pi^+ reaction

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    Experimental data on the pp -> pn pi^+ reaction measured in an exclusive two-arm experiment at 800 MeV show a narrow peak arising from the strong proton-neutron final-state interaction. It was claimed, within the framework of a certain model, that this peak contained up to a 25% spin-singlet final state contribution. By comparing the data with those of pp -> d pi^+ in a largely model-independent way, it is here demonstrated that at all the angles measured the whole of the peak could be explained as being due to spin-triplet final states, with the spin-singlet being at most a few percent. Good qualitative agreement with the measured proton analysing power is also found within this approach.Comment: 10 pages including 3 eps figure

    Determination of The Effectiveness of Investments in ICT Using a Combination of Functional and Resource Assessment Criteria

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    Analysis of modern literature allows us to assert the following problem: industrial enterprises do not have a universal mechanism for assessing the information and communication potential, which is necessary for the implementation of the forthcoming financing for the development of digital technologies in a given company. The aim of the study is to develop a combined approach for managing the efficiency of investment in information and communication technologies of an enterprise, which contains a set of resource and functional evaluation criteria. Applying the method of factor analysis, using a combination of functional and resource assessment criteria, an effective indicator of information and communication potential was calculated in the study on the example of enterprises in the entrepreneurial sector of the Kaluga region. The authors put forward a hypothesis that the discrepancy between the functional and resource criteria for assessing the investment potential of a territory is due to the type of regional development. In a study based on empirical data obtained as a result of a survey of IT sector employees of 46 enterprises in the entrepreneurial segment of the Kaluga Region (Russia), it was confirmed that the discrepancy between resource assessment criteria and functional criteria, is due to the extensive type of regional development of the Kaluga region, which is characterized by an orientation towards increasing the attracted resources in value-added processes rather than increasing their levels of efficiency.


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    While creating crossbred sheep breeding, a large number of breeds and pedigrees of stud rams and females were used, which then needed a complex evaluation of morpho-biological features. To investigate this issue, sheep lambs were produced from crossing stud rams of Romney Marsh breed, North-Caucasian meat-wool breed and Precoce with fine-wooled and coarse-wooled females in the conditions of the distant pasture and mountain husbandry of the North Caucasus, from 2008 to 2016. Five rams from each group at the age of 4, 8, 13 and 18 months were butchered. It was found that the growth rate of calvaria after birth is lower than in the spine, as a result of this the relative length of the calvaria in comparison with the newborn decreased on average by 3.67%, and the spine, on the contrary, increased by same value. In the postembryonic period, the calvaria developed more intensively in length than in the depth, and the width of angle in the jaw took the first place by the intensity of growth, then the height of the angle and length. During 18 months of life of the experimental youngsters, the mass of the spine and its sections increased by an average of 8.22 - 9.20, and the increase of length was from 2.32 to 2.69. In the embryonic period, the spine more intensively developed in length than in the mass, and at the birth moment it was 37.1 - 43.1% of the length spine of 18 months age. Keywords: hybrids, crossbreeds, skeleton, calvarias, embryonic period, spine, postembryonic period

    Simulation of liquid phase accumulation at centrifugal dewatering of activated sludge

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    Centrifugation of activated sludge is a frequently used dewatering process but there is a need for a fitting function for moderate and high sludge concentrations. In particular, liquid phase accumulation kinetics during centrifugation may be used as a source of information about sedimentation properties and governing mechanism of the cake formation. This will allow the obtention of the optimal parameters for the dewatering control and process optimisation. For this purpose, activated sludge at different concentrations was investigated on a laboratory centrifuge with centrifugation factor 2667. The following sludges were used in the experiments: 1) activated sludge from thickener (with and without floculant treatment); 2) sludge after industrial centrifuge decanter Flottweg Z62-4 collected from dumping pound; sludge (2) after anaerobic treatment; sludge (2) with a dispersed solid additive. Based on the obtained data, the following assumption was made: settling of the solid phase and cake compaction depends on the hindered settling velocity and sediment compression. Due to the applied centrifuge force, a primary cake skeleton from particular aggregates and flocs is formed. During this stage, free water is displaced from the space between aggregates/flocs with a further transition to the compaction of the sediment with the water being displaced from the pores of the flocs by a filtration mechanism until an equilibrium condition is reached. The liquid volume V vs. time t at hindered settling and sediment dewatering can be represented in the form Vα tⁿ, where n ≤1.0. Therefore, in log-log coordinates, the kinetics of liquid accumulation have a linear dependence lg(V ) α n lg(t) in both settling and compaction stages. This assumption was confirmed for different types of activated sludge. Using asymptotical analysis in the function form F(t,V) , a dimensionless fitting function was obtained that describes the centrifugation of activated sludge. For highly concentrated sludge, it was found that the dewatering occurs as cake compression. Analysis of deformation models leads to the conclusion that for the compressible cake it is necessary to introduce a parameter characterising the cake plasticity dependence on the centrifugation time. Developed model was used for fitting numerous experimental data. The main advantage of proposed model is the possibility to fit the liquid phase accumulation kinetics during centrifugation in a wide range of the activated sludge concentration, from suspension up to structured and paste-like cake consistency. The extension of this model to other slurries requires further investigation

    Ecofriendly Method for Treatment of Hatching Eggs

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    The aim of this research is to study the influence of ozone on the efficiency of incubating quail eggs. The study had been conducted in the period from 2014 to 2018 under the SIE LLC “EcoDom”. In the course of the experiment the Estonian quail egg were served as an object of research. To carry out the experiment a household ozonizer ”Groza” was used. The Eggs of the first “control” group were disinfected with formaldehyde vapors according to the standard method – 35 ml of 37 % formalin solution + 20 ml of tap water + 20 g of potassium permanganate per 1 cubic metre of volume in a special chamber. The other three groups were ozonized. The eggs of the 2nd experimental group were treated for 10 minutes exposure time, the third – 20 minutes and the fourth – 30 minutes, the ozone concentration in all experimental groups was the same and was 10 mg/m3. After treatment, the eggs were placed for brooding. Biochemical parameters of blood serum were determined by the analyzer ”Microlab-300”. Ozonation of hatching eggs contributes to increase crude protein in the quail’s blood serum by 9.37, 9.65 and 8.57 % compared to the control group. Hatching conditional quails was increased by 43.35 % in comparison with the control group

    Hysteretic Control Technique for Overload Problem Solution in Network of SIP Servers

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    This paper contains research and development results concerning application of hysteretic control principles to solve SIP servers overload problem, which is known from a number of IETF standards and scientific papers published over the past few years. The problem is that SIP protocol, being the application layer protocol, by default has no build-in means of overload control, as, for example, SS7, MTP2 and MTP3 protocols. It was the SS7 network, where a threshold mechanism of hysteretic signalling load control was first implemented. In this paper we describe the main up-to-date solutions of an overload control problem in a signalling network, and develop analytical models of hysteretic control, which are useful in the development of load management functions of SIP servers. We also propose the design of Open SIP signalling Node (OSN) software architecture which is intended to be used for simulations and comparison of various overload control mechanisms