11,513 research outputs found

    Sensitivity of the DANSS detector to short range neutrino oscillations

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    DANSS is a highly segmented 1m^3 plastic scintillator detector. It's 2500 scintillator strips have a Gd loaded reflective cover. Light is collected with 3 wave length shifting fibers per strip and read out with 50 PMTs and 2500 SiPMs. The DANSS will be installed under the industrial 3 GW reactor of the Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant at distances varying from 9.7m to 12.2m from the reactor core. Tests of the detector prototype DANSSino demonstrated that in spite of a small size (20x20x100 cm^3) it is quite sensitive to reactor antineutrinos, detecting about 70 Inverse Beta Decay events per day with the signal-to-background ratio of about unity. The prototype tests have demonstrated feasibility to reach the design performance of the DANSS detector. The DANSS experiment will detect about 10 thousand antineutrino events per day with a background below ~1%. Detector will be calibrated every day and its position will be changed frequently to reduce systematic errors. These features will provide a high sensitivity to reactor antineutrino oscillations to sterile neutrinos, suggested recently to explain a so-called "reactor anomaly". Data taking will start already next year.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures; Proceedings of the European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics, 18-24 July, 2013, Stockholm, Swede

    Experimental Review on Pentaquarks

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    The experimental evidence for pentaquarks is reviewed and compared with the experiments that do not see any sign of pentaquarks.Comment: Talk at the Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallee d'Aoste 17 pages, 11 figure

    Planar Solidification from Undercooled Melt: An Approximation of a Dilute Binary Alloy for a Phase-field Model

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    Planar solidification from an undercooled melt has been considered using the phase-field model. The solute and the phase fields have been found in the limit of small impurity concentration. These solutions in the limit of vanishing velocity of the interface motion give the equilibrium partition coefficient and the liquidus slope. Asymptotic expansions for the solute and for the phase fields, and the relation between the diffusive speed and the parameters of the phase field model have been found at high growth velocity. A comparison with numerical calculations is presented.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Novel Photo-Detectors and Photo-Detector Systems

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    Recent developments in photo-detectors and photo-detector systems are reviewed. The main emphasis is made on Silicon Photo-Multipliers (SiPM) - novel and very attractive photo-detectors. Their main features are described. Properties of detectors manufactured by different producers are compared. Different applications are discussed including calorimeters, muon detection, tracking, Cherenkov light detection, and time of flight measurements.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, prepared for Position Sensitive Detectors 0

    Sensitivity of DANSS detector to short range neutrino oscillations

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    DANSS is a highly segmented 1m31m^3 plastic scintillator detector. Its 2500 scintillator strips have a Gd loaded reflective cover. Light is collected with 3 wave length shifting fibers per strip and read out with 50 PMTs and 2500 SiPMs. The DANSS will be installed under the industrial 3GWth_{th} reactor of the Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant at distances varying from 9.7m to 12.2m from the reactor core. PMTs and SiPMs collect about 30 photo electrons per MeV distributed approximately equally between two types of the readout. Light collection non-uniformity across and along the strip is about ±13%\pm13\% from maximum to minimum. The resulting energy resolution is modest, σ/E=15%\sigma/E=15\% at 5MeV. This leads to a smearing of the oscillation pattern comparable with the smearing due to the large size of the reactor core. Nevertheless because of the large counting rate (∼10000\sim 10000 / day), small background (<1%<1\%) and good control of systematic uncertainties due to frequent changes of positions, the DANSS is quite sensitive to reactor antineutrino oscillations to hypothetical sterile neutrinos with a mass in eV ballpark suggested recently to explain a so-called "reactor anomaly". DANSS will have an elaborated calibration system. The high granularity of the detector allows calibration of every strip with about 40 thousand cosmic muons every day. The expected systematic effects do not reduce much the sensitivity region. Tests of the detector prototype DANSSino demonstrated that in spite of a small size (4%4\% of DANSS), it is quite sensitive to reactor antineutrinos, detecting about 70 Inverse Beta Decay events per day with the signal-to-background ratio of about unity. The prototype tests have demonstrated feasibility to reach the design performance of the DANSS detector.Comment: Contributed to ICHEP2014, 4 pages, 7 figure

    Resonant Atom Traps for Electromagnetic Waves

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    Exitation of atomic levels due to interaction with electromagnetic waves has been the subject of numerous works, both experimental and theoretical. This topic became of interest in accelerator physics in relation to high efficiency charge exchange injection into rings for high beam power applications. Taking equations of resonant atom-wave interaction equations as a basis, this paper shows that there exist some interesting phenomena which lead to the existence of trapped electomagnetic waves (photon traps) in a medium that consists of atoms with transition frequencies in proximity to the wave frequency. These traps may exist in random and periodic lattices, and may have very low loss rate. The atomic medium can serve as an excellent wavegiude or tool to form and transmit electromagnetic waves for applications to accelerators and to electromagnetic devices in general, where high pressure gas use is acceptable. In addition, such traps in gases may accumulate substantial energy for a long period of time, leading to the possibility of creating objects similar (or equivalent) to ball lightning.Comment: 17 pages 8 figure

    Absence of eigenvalues for the generalized two-dimensional periodic Dirac operator

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    A generalized two-dimensional periodic Dirac operator is considered, with L∞L^{\infty}-matrix-valued coefficients of the first order derivatives and with complex matrix-valued potential. It is proved that if the matrix-valued potential has zero bound relative to the free Dirac operator, then the spectrum of the operator in question contains no eigenvalues

    On cruel mistakes in the calculation of multi-loop superstring amplitudes, the ambiguity of the modular integral and the integration over the module space

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    Widely spread cruel misconceptions and mistakes in the calculation of multi-loop superstring amplitudes are exposed. Correct calculations are given. It is shown that the cardinal mistake in the gauge fixing procedure presents ab ovo in the Verlinde papers. The mistake was reproduced in following proposals including the recent papers. The modular symmetry of the multi-loop superstring amplitudes is clarified, an incorrectness of previous conjectures being shown. It is shown that the Berezin-type integral versus boson and fermion moduli is doubt under non-split transformations mixing fermion integration variables to the boson integration ones. In particular, due to singularities in moduli of the given spin structure, the integral can be finite or divergent dependently on the integration variables employed. Hence, unlike naive expectations, the multi-loop superstring amplitude is ambiguous. Nevertheless, the ambiguity is totally resolved by the requirement to preserve local symmetries of the superstring amplitude. In the Verlinde world-sheet description it includes, among other thing, the requirement that the amplitude is independent of the gravitino field locations. In action the resolution of the ambiguity in the Verlinde scheme is achieved by going to the supercovariant gauge. As it has been argued earlier, the resulted arbitrary-loop amplitudes are finite.Comment: 28 page

    On Besicovitch Almost Periodic Selections of Multivalued Maps

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    We prove that Besicovitch almost periodic multivalued maps R∋t→F(t)∈clU{\bf R}\ni t \to F(t) \in cl U have Besicovitch almost periodic selections, where clUcl U is the collection of non-empty closed sets of a complete metric space UU.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX2

    Finiteness of multi-loop superstring amplitudes

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    Superstring amplitudes of an arbitrary genus are calculated through super-Schottky parameters by a summation over the fermion strings. For a calculation of divergent multi-loop fermion string amplitudes a supermodular invariant regularization procedure is used. A cancellation of divergences in the superstring amplitudes is established. Grassmann variables are integrated, the superstring amplitudes are obtained to be explicitly finite and modular invariant.Comment: 16 pages, LaTe
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