222,435 research outputs found

    A Diophantine approximation problem with two primes and one k-power of a prime

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    We refine a result of the last two Authors on a Diophantine approximation problem with two primes and a k-th power of a prime which was only proved to hold for 1<k<4/3. We improve the k-range to 1<k 643 by combining Harman's technique on the minor arc with a suitable estimate for the L4-norm of the relevant exponential sum over primes Sk. In the common range we also give a stronger bound for the approximation

    A Diophantine problem with prime variables

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    We study the distribution of the values of the form λ1p1+λ2p2+λ3p3k\lambda_1 p_1 + \lambda_2 p_2 + \lambda_3 p_3^k, where λ1\lambda_1, λ2\lambda_2 and λ3\lambda_3 are non-zero real number not all of the same sign, with λ1/λ2\lambda_1 / \lambda_2 irrational, and p1p_1, p2p_2 and p3p_3 are prime numbers. We prove that, when 1<k<4/31 < k < 4 / 3, these value approximate rather closely any prescribed real number.Comment: submitte

    Sums of four prime cubes in short intervals

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    We prove that a suitable asymptotic formula for the average number of representations of integers n=p13+p23+p33+p43n=p_{1}^{3}+p_{2}^{3}+p_{3}^{3}+p_{4}^{3}, where p1,p2,p3,p4p_1,p_2,p_3,p_4 are prime numbers, holds in intervals shorter than the the ones previously known.Comment: Unconditional result improved by using a Robert-Sargos estimate (lemmas 6-7); more detailed proof of Lemma 5 inserted. Correction of a typo. 10 page

    The number of Goldbach representations of an integer

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    We prove the following result: Let N2N \geq 2 and assume the Riemann Hypothesis (RH) holds. Then n=1NR(n)=N222ρNρ+1ρ(ρ+1)+O(Nlog3N), \sum_{n=1}^{N} R(n) =\frac{N^{2}}{2} -2 \sum_{\rho} \frac{N^{\rho + 1}}{\rho (\rho + 1)} + O(N \log^{3}N), where ρ=1/2+iγ\rho=1/2+i\gamma runs over the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function ζ(s)\zeta(s)

    A Vietoris-Smale mapping theorem for the homotopy of hyperdefinable sets

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    Results of Smale (1957) and Dugundji (1969) allow to compare the homotopy groups of two topological spaces XX and YY whenever a map f:XYf:X\to Y with strong connectivity conditions on the fibers is given. We apply similar techniques in o-minimal expansions of fields to compare the o-minimal homotopy of a definable set XX with the homotopy of some of its bounded hyperdefinable quotients X/EX/E. Under suitable assumption, we show that πn(X)defπn(X/E)\pi_{n}(X)^{\rm def}\cong\pi_{n}(X/E) and dim(X)=dimR(X/E)\dim(X)=\dim_{\mathbb R}(X/E). As a special case, given a definably compact group, we obtain a new proof of Pillay's group conjecture "dim(G)=dimR(G/G00\dim(G)=\dim_{\mathbb R}(G/G^{00})" largely independent of the group structure of GG. We also obtain different proofs of various comparison results between classical and o-minimal homotopy.Comment: 24 page

    A Ces\`aro Average of Hardy-Littlewood numbers

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    Let Λ\Lambda be the von Mangoldt function and rHL(n)=m1+m22=nΛ(m1),r_{\textit{HL}}(n) = \sum_{m_1 + m_2^2 = n} \Lambda(m_1), be the counting function for the Hardy-Littlewood numbers. Let NN be a sufficiently large integer. We prove that nNrHL(n)(1n/N)kΓ(k+1)=π1/22N3/2Γ(k+5/2)12NΓ(k+2)π1/22ρΓ(ρ)Γ(k+3/2+ρ)N1/2+ρ+1/2ρΓ(ρ)Γ(k+1+ρ)Nρ+N3/4k/2πk+11Jk+3/2(2πN1/2)k+3/2N1/4k/2πkρΓ(ρ)Nρ/2πρ1Jk+1/2+ρ(2πN1/2)k+1/2+ρ+Ok(1).\begin{align}\sum_{n \le N} r_{\textit{HL}}(n) \frac{(1 - n/N)^k}{\Gamma(k + 1)} &= \frac{\pi^{1 / 2}}2 \frac{N^{3 / 2}}{\Gamma(k + 5 / 2)} - \frac 12 \frac{N}{\Gamma(k + 2)} - \frac{\pi^{1 / 2}}2 \sum_{\rho} \frac{\Gamma(\rho)}{\Gamma(k + 3 / 2 + \rho)} N^{1 / 2 + \rho}\\ &+ 1/2 \sum_{\rho} \frac{\Gamma(\rho)}{\Gamma(k + 1 + \rho)} N^{\rho} + \frac{N^{3 / 4 - k / 2}}{\pi^{k + 1}} \sum_{\ell \ge 1} \frac{J_{k + 3 / 2} (2 \pi \ell N^{1 / 2})}{\ell^{k + 3 / 2}}\\ &- \frac{N^{1 / 4 - k / 2}}{\pi^k} \sum_{\rho} \Gamma(\rho) \frac{N^{\rho / 2}}{\pi^\rho} \sum_{\ell \ge 1} \frac{J_{k + 1 / 2 + \rho} (2 \pi \ell N^{1 / 2})} {\ell^{k + 1 / 2 + \rho}} + \mathcal{O}_k(1).\end{align} for k>1k > 1, where ρ\rho runs over the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta-function ζ(s)\zeta(s) and Jν(u)J_{\nu} (u) denotes the Bessel function of complex order ν\nu and real argument uu.Comment: submitte