123 research outputs found

    Guidelines for Developing a Campus Master Plan Document for Small Colleges and Universities

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    Problem. From a review of dissertations in the field of campus master planning, no study was found that attempted to identify the essential elements, principles, configuration and format of campus master plans for guiding small colleges and universities in developing a master plan document. The lack of this type of study left a void in the campus planning process in regards to developing a campus master plan, its purpose, and how it contributed to the overall strength of a small college or university with little campus planning experience. Results. A campus master plan document was developed from the summation of both the typology and the data master plans, globally representative. These results were organized to serve in a general sense for directing the composition, configuration and format of a campus master plan document. The intent of the study was serve as a guide or resource. Each institution will have unique features which would need to be incorporated into each institution\u27s particular planning document. However, one objective of this research was that the document could be adaptable to different regions, cultures, and environments. Conclusions. Campus master plan documents evolved over time and will continue to do so, partly because a document needs to be reflective of the local institution, situation, and needs. Any planning resource or materials used in the creation of a document need to be tempered by this purpose. Most of the master plan documents created in the 199Os and beyond will be for existing campuses. Individuals involved in campus planning will be faced mostly with additions to existing conditions, correcting past mistakes, and attempting to have linear integration of different campus plans and efforts into a continuous process of past and present harmony, with the constant possibility of future expansion. Campus master plan documents will need to be more of a loose-leaf and informal design, able to be updated and revised on a yearly basis. However, the overall themes of the plan need ta remain consistent. The yearly updates reflect the changing dynamics of the institution, yet the long-range view of the document should not be radically changed by these. Campus master plan documents have became increasingly shorter, possibly due to a higher percentage of colleges and universities contracting out master planning services to architects and consultants, usually with the charge of solving a particular problem. The resulting master plan documents, authored through these services, heavily reflected the problems needing solutions, without always keeping in view long range planning. Finally, although this study focused on the campus master plan document itself, it was recognized that the planning process and the curriculum of the institution shape the document. The document is only a result or product of the process, and as such cannot be taken out of that context

    Complete Genome Sequences of Paenibacillus Larvae Phages BN12, Dragolir, Kiel007, Leyra, Likha, Pagassa, PBL1c, and Tadhana

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    We present here the complete genomes of eight phages that infect Paenibacillus larvae, the causative agent of American foulbrood in honeybees. Phage PBL1c was originally isolated in 1984 from a P. larvae lysogen, while the remaining phages were isolated in 2014 from bee debris, honeycomb, and lysogens from three states in the USA

    Constraints to Implementing the Essential Health Package in Malawi

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    Increasingly seen as a useful tool of health policy, Essential or Minimal Health Packages direct resources to interventions that aim to address the local burden of disease and be cost-effective. Less attention has been paid to the delivery mechanisms for such interventions. This study aimed to assess the degree to which the Essential Health Package (EHP) in Malawi was available to its population and what health system constraints impeded its full implementation. The first phase of this study comprised a survey of all facilities in three districts including interviews with all managers and clinical staff. In the second and third phase, results were discussed with District Health Management Teams and national level stakeholders, respectively, including representatives of the Ministry of Health, Central Medical Stores, donors and NGOs. The EHP in Malawi is focussing on the local burden of disease; however, key constraints to its successful implementation included a widespread shortage of staff due to vacancies but also caused by frequent trainings and meetings (only 48% of expected man days of clinical staff were available; training and meetings represented 57% of all absences in health centres). Despite the training, the percentage of health workers aware of vital diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to EHP conditions was weak. Another major constraint was shortages of vital drugs at all levels of facilities (e.g. Cotrimoxazole was sufficiently available to treat the average number of patients in only 27% of health centres). Although a few health workers noted some improvement in infrastructure and working conditions, they still considered them to be widely inadequate. In Malawi, as in similar resource poor countries, greater attention needs to be given to the health system constraints to delivering health care. Removal of these constraints should receive priority over the considerable focus on the development and implementation of essential packages of interventions

    Picture this SELFI: Submillimeter Enceladus Life Fundamentals Instrument

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    The Submillimeter Enceladus Life Fundamentals Instrument (SELFI) is a passive remote sensing submillimeter heterodyne spectrometer being developed at NASA GSFC under NASA's Maturation of Instruments for Solar System Exploration (MatISSE) program. SELFI will advance submillimeter receiver technology by 1) investigating the chemical and isotopic compositions and corresponding densities of Enceladus' plume material, their vertical thermal structures, and the transport mechanisms within the plumes, and 2) characterizing the source regions from which the plumes emerge. The Enceladus plumes are important in the context of life and habitability of its subsurface ocean environment. SELFI remote sensing measurements will 1) measure the spatial and temporal variabilities in the plume chemical compositions, 2) provide insight in to Enceladus' subsurface ocean environment by monitoring H2O, HDO, d18O, and d17O, 3) constrain the oxidation state of the subsurface ocean using H2O2 and O3, and 4) utilize the SO2 and H2S spectral signatures to constrain the impact arising from both the sea-floor volcanoes and pre-biotic molecules. Moreover, the detection of the remaining molecular species (14 in total) is vital to improving the current state of knowledge of Enceladus' subsurface ocean habitability this also permits us to explore the chemical alteration processes arising from primordial volatiles that have been observed in comets. Lastly, SELFI's continuum observations enable the correlation between observed variations in plume activity with surface temperatures.SELFI is currently being developed under a technology maturation program that will advance the RF-to-digital electronics of a submillimeter-wave heterodyne spectrometer to simultaneously observe fourteen molecular species with resonances between 530 GHz and 600 GHz. SELFI will have fine radiometric resolution, high spectral resolution (resolving power R > 106), multiple continuum channels and a high dynamical range, necessary to map Enceladus across its 30 K to 250 K temperature range. Under the MatISSE program, SELFI will advance from TRL 4 to 6 four key technologies of the RF-to-digital subsystem, which are: 1) the RF low noise amplifier design; 2) the single-sideband (SSB) mixer and local oscillator; 3) the IF assembly down-converter that maps the fourteen species to 2 x 500 MHz bandwidth; and 4) the digital spectrometer electronics

    Impairment Rating Ambiguity in the United States: The Utah Impairment Guides for Calculating Workers' Compensation Impairments

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    Since the implementation of workers' compensation, accurately and consistently rating impairment has been a concern for the employee and employer, as well as rating physicians. In an attempt to standardize and classify impairments, the American Medical Association (AMA) publishes the AMA Guides ("Guides"), and recently published its 6th edition of the AMA Guides. Common critiques of the AMA Guides 6th edition are that they are too complex, lacking in evidence-based methods, and rarely yield consistent ratings. Many states mandate use of some edition of the AMA Guides, but few states are adopting the current edition due to the increasing difficulty and frustration with their implementation. A clearer, simpler approach is needed. Some states have begun to develop their own supplemental guides to combat problems in complexity and validity. Likewise studies in Korea show that past methods for rating impairment are outdated and inconsistent, and call for measures to adapt current methods to Korea's specific needs. The Utah Supplemental Guides to the AMA Guides have been effective in increasing consistency in rating impairment. It is estimated that litigation of permanent impairment has fallen below 1% and Utah is now one of the least costly states for obtaining workers' compensation insurance, while maintaining a medical fee schedule above the national average. Utah's guides serve as a model for national or international impairment guides

    Cigarette smoking among school-going adolescents in Lithuania: Results from the 2005 Global Youth Tobacco Survey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The majority of people who suffer morbidity due to smoking may have initiated smoking during adolescent period. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence and associated factors for cigarette smoking among school-going adolescents in Lithuania.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Data from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) 2005 were used to conduct this study. Data were analyzed using SUDAAN software 9.03. Comparisons for categorical variables were done using the Pearson's Chi-square test. The cut of point for statistical significance was set at 5% level. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to determine factors associated with the outcome. Unadjusted odds ratios (OR) and adjusted odds ratios (AOR) together with their 95% confidence intervals (CI) are reported.</p> <p>Of the 1822 respondents, 35.8% males and 27.1% females reported being current cigarette smokers (p < 0.001). Having friends who smoke cigarettes was associated with smoking after controlling for age, gender, parental smoking status, and perception of risks of smoking (AOR = 3.76; 95% CI [2.33, 6.90] for some friends using tobacco; and AOR = 17.18; 95% CI [10.46, 28.21] for most or all friends using tobacco). Male gender and having one or both parents who smoke cigarettes were associated with smoking (AOR = 1.31; 95% CI [1.03, 1.66]) and AOR = 1.76; 95% CI [1.37, 2.27]) respectively).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>There is a high prevalence of cigarette smoking among Lithuanian adolescents. Male adolescents and adolescents who have friends or parents who smoke should be the main target for tobacco control in Lithuania.</p

    Atom lasers: production, properties and prospects for precision inertial measurement

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    We review experimental progress on atom lasers out-coupled from Bose-Einstein condensates, and consider the properties of such beams in the context of precision inertial sensing. The atom laser is the matter-wave analog of the optical laser. Both devices rely on Bose-enhanced scattering to produce a macroscopically populated trapped mode that is output-coupled to produce an intense beam. In both cases, the beams often display highly desirable properties such as low divergence, high spectral flux and a simple spatial mode that make them useful in practical applications, as well as the potential to perform measurements at or below the quantum projection noise limit. Both devices display similar second-order correlations that differ from thermal sources. Because of these properties, atom lasers are a promising source for application to precision inertial measurements.Comment: This is a review paper. It contains 40 pages, including references and figure

    Operational Research in Education

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    Operational Research (OR) techniques have been applied, from the early stages of the discipline, to a wide variety of issues in education. At the government level, these include questions of what resources should be allocated to education as a whole and how these should be divided amongst the individual sectors of education and the institutions within the sectors. Another pertinent issue concerns the efficient operation of institutions, how to measure it, and whether resource allocation can be used to incentivise efficiency savings. Local governments, as well as being concerned with issues of resource allocation, may also need to make decisions regarding, for example, the creation and location of new institutions or closure of existing ones, as well as the day-to-day logistics of getting pupils to schools. Issues of concern for managers within schools and colleges include allocating the budgets, scheduling lessons and the assignment of students to courses. This survey provides an overview of the diverse problems faced by government, managers and consumers of education, and the OR techniques which have typically been applied in an effort to improve operations and provide solutions

    Extreme Ultraviolet Reflective Grating Characterization and Simulationsfor the Aspera SmallSat Mission

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    The Aspera SmallSat mission is designed to detect and map the warm-hot gaseous component of the halos of nearby galaxies through long-slit spectroscopy of the ionized O VI emission line (103.2 nm) for the first time. The Aspera Rowland circle type spectrograph uses a toroidal grating coated with a multilayer film consisting of aluminum, lithium fluoride, and magnesium fluoride capping to optimize reflectivity in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) waveband from 103 to 104nm. We discuss the grating characterization test setup at the University of Arizona (UA), which will validate the multilayer coating and grating efficiency in a UV vacuum chamber. We also simulate the reflectivity of the multilayer thin film coating using IMD IDL software to compare simulated results with measured reflectivity. Additionally, non-sequential ray trace simulations and 3D CAD modeling are used for verification of the test setup. Finally, the implications of the differences between the measured and simulated reflectivity and grating efficiencies are considered, including impact to the mission