334 research outputs found

    PT-symmetry from Lindblad dynamics in a linearized optomechanical system

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    We analyze a lossy linearized optomechanical system in the red-detuned regime under the rotating wave approximation. This so-called optomechanical state transfer protocol provides effective lossy frequency converter (quantum beam-splitter-like) dynamics where the strength of the coupling between the electromagnetic and mechanical modes is controlled by the optical steady-state amplitude. By restricting to a subspace with no losses, we argue that the transition from mode-hybridization in the strong coupling regime to the damped-dynamics in the weak coupling regime, is a signature of the passive parity-time (PT) symmetry breaking transition in the underlying non-Hermitian quantum dimer. We compare the dynamics generated by the quantum open system (Langevin or Lindblad) approach to that of the PT-symmetric Hamiltonian, to characterize the cases where the two are identical. Additionally, we numerically explore the evolution of separable and correlated number states at zero temperature as well as thermal initial state evolution at room temperature. Our results provide a pathway for realizing non-Hermitian Hamiltonians in optomechanical systems at a quantum level

    Perfil de ingreso de los alumnos de Enfermería, Facultades de Estudios Superiores Iztacala y Zaragoza, UNAM

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    ResumenIntroducciónLa Universidad tiene como una de sus tareas conocer a los estudiantes, ya que en la medida que nuestro sistema de educación logre tener mayor información sobre el perfil de éstos y sus trayectorias escolares, se podrán diseñar e implementar políticas novedosas y funcionales que atiendan las necesidades específicas de su población.ObjetivoAnalizar el perfil de los estudiantes que ingresan a la Licenciatura en Enfermería de las Facultades de Estudios Superiores (FES) Iztacala y Zaragoza.MétodoEstudio descriptivo-transversal, con estudiantes de primer ingreso de la generación 2011-1 de la FES Zaragoza e Iztacala. La población de estudio fueron 600 alumnos. La recolección de la información fue a través de un cuestionario. La confiabilidad del instrumento fue de 0.875 con la prueba de Alfa de Cronbach. Para el manejo de la información se elaboró una base de datos con el programa SPSS® y se utilizó estadística descriptiva.ResultadosEl 49% de alumnos proviene de pase reglamentado, el promedio de ingreso es de 8.1 a 9.0; en el 61% Enfermería fue primera elección; el nivel socioeconómico de los alumnos es bajo; en el 74% el promedio durante el primer año fue de 8.0 a 10.0.DiscusiónA diferencia de otras Carreras de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), la de Enfermería da cabida a casi el 50% de los aspirantes de escuelas externas a ella. Los alumnos aún cuando son de nivel socioeconómico bajo, reúnen características favorables para su trayectoria escolar, entre ellas, un buen promedio y que fueron admitidos en la Carrera que seleccionaron.AbstractIntroductionThe University has as one of its tasks to better know the profiles and trajectories of students, so that supporting innovative and functional policies can be designed and implemented.ObjectiveTo analyze the profile of students enrolling into the Nursing Undergraduate System at the Iztacala and Zaragoza Superior Studies Faculty.MethodBasic-descriptive study with freshmen students of the 2011 -I generation of the Nursing Bachelors Degree program at the FES Zaragoza and Iztacala. The population was 600 alumni. A questionnaire was used to gather data. The instrument reliability was equivalent to a 0.875 Cronbach Alpha score. A SPSS8 database was created and data were analyzed through descriptive statistics.ResultsThe 49% of the students came from the “automatic pass” format. The enrollment grade point average went from 8.1 to 9.0. For the 61% of the students, nursing was their first choice of major. The socioeconomic level of the students was low. The 76% of the students obtained a grade point average between 8.0 and 10.0 during all their freshman year.DiscussionUnlike other careers at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Nursing accepts almost 50% of the prospects from external schools, situation which does not occur in other careers. Although the majority of students who entered have a low social-economical level, they have other favorable characteristics for their school trajectory such as a good grade point average and that they were accepted in the career that they chose

    Data-driven mapping of hourly wind speed and its potential energy resources: A sensitivity analysis

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    Renewable energies play a significant role to mitigate the impacts of climate change. In countries like Spain, there is a significant potential of wind energy production which might be a key resource. In this research, we obtain wind power at 80 meters height and wind turbine energy (assuming a specific turbine). To achieve this objective we produce an optimal mapping of the hourly “instantaneous surface wind speed” (height 10 m), based on the available data. An extensive region (Granada Province, south Spain) is studied with a spatial resolution of 300 m, during a long period (1996-2016). It allows us to assess the intra- and inter-daily variability of wind energy resources. Several interpolation approaches are tested and a cross validation experiment is applied to identify the optimal approach. The obtained maps were compared with the results obtained in the stations with two common frequency distributions (Rayleigh and Weibull). This is the first time that this sensitivity integrated analysis is performed over an extensive region (12600 km2) for a long time period (20 years) at fine spatiotemporal resolution (300 m, hourly scale). The results can be very valuable for a preliminary analysis of potential optimal location of wind energies facilities

    Dynamic nonlinear feedback control applied to improve butanol production by Clostridium acetobutylicum

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    "The goal of this work is to present a closed-loop operational strategy in order to improve the butanol production in an anaerobic continuous bioreactor for the called Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol (ABE) process. The proposed control scheme considers a class of feedback signal which includes a nonlinear bounded function of the regulation error. The control scheme is applied to a phenomenological unstructured kinetic model obtained from an experimental and metabolic study of butanol production by Clostridium acetobutylicum, which allows the proposed structure to predict several operational conditions from batch and continuous regimes. Numerical experiments using the proposed model considering continuous operation were performed in order to find a feasible operating region for maximum butanol production at open-loop regime. The proposed methodology is applied to regulate the product concentration, manipulating the dilution rate to lead to a higher butanol productivity. The closed-loop behaviour of the bioreactor is analysed, finding that the proposed controller minimizes the response time of the system and allows it to achieve a productivity gain of 55 % over open-loop operation. Further numerical experiments show the satisfactory closed-loop performance of the proposed methodology in comparison with a PI controller.

    Global Assessment of Seawater Intrusion Problems (Status and Vulnerability)

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    In this research paper we propose a novel method to perform an integrated analysis of the status and vulnerability of coastal aquifers to seawater intrusion (SWI). The method is based on a conceptual approach of intrusion that allows to summarised results in a visual way at different spatial scales, moving from steady pictures (corresponding to instantaneous or mean values in a period) including maps and 2D conceptual crosssections and temporal series of lumped indices. Our aim is to help in the identification of coastal groundwater bodies at risk of not achieving good chemical status according to the Water Framework Directive. The indices are obtained from available information about aquifer geometry and historical monitoring data (chloride concentration and hydraulic head data). This method may be applied even in cases where a reduced number of data are available. It does not require complex modelling and has been implemented in a GIS tool that encourages its use in other cases. Analysis of the evolution of historical time series of these indices can be used to assess resilience and trends with respect to SWI problems. This method can be also useful to compare intrusion problems in different aquifers and temporal periods

    Inmigrantes con discapacidad en España

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    Esta investigación, encargada por el Comité Español de Representantes de Personas con Discapacidad (CERMI) para el Observatorio Permanente de la Inmigración del Ministerio de Trabajo e Inmigración, constituye el primer estudio sobre la situación de las personas inmigrantes con discapacidad en España. El informe comienza con un análisis del marco legislativo correspondiente y una primera aproximación al colectivo en cifras. Según los autores, las personas inmigrantes con discapacidad ascienden a unas 225.000, lo que representa casi el 5% del total. Seguidamente, el estudio desarrolla un análisis en profundidad de la situación de los inmigrantes con discapacidad en España (niveles de integración, variables que influyen en dicha integración, necesidades específicas que presentan, dificultades en el acceso a los recursos de atención, situaciones de discriminación existentes). De este retrato, cabe destacar que, en su mayoría, se trata de personas en edad laboral y un bajo nivel de inserción sociolaboral. Después de ofrecer un estudio de casos de inmigrantes que han adquirido su discapacidad durante el trayecto migratorio y una selección de las principales experiencias de intervención desarrolladas hacia este colectivo, el documento termina con una serie de recomendaciones de actuación dirigidas a las Administración , las ONG y la población inmigrante

    Design of a low-cost mobile application for library networks

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    Se presenta el desarrollo de una aplicación móvil de bajo costo para una red de bibliotecas. Existe una necesidad de aplicaciones que proporcionen servicio a los usuarios de las bibliotecas de acuerdo con los usos actuales,fidelizando a los usuarios y simplificando el acceso recurrente a múltiples sitios web. Se utiliza la Red Valenciana de Lectura Pública como estudio de caso para ilustrar la propuesta. El punto de partida es un proceso analítico relativo a las características de la entidad y los requisitos de la aplicación móvil. Para el desarrollo de la aplicación se comparan diferentes plataformas para la construcción de aplicaciones móviles. A continuación, se evalúa el producto final en relación con la eficiencia y la facilidad de uso. Los resultados indican que la utilización de una aplicación, que integra la información en un único punto, mejora el rendimiento en términos de tiempo de búsqueda y tasa de error. La principal contribución de este trabajo destaca las apps como servicios complementarios a los sitios web para redes de bibliotecas en términos de centralización de información y servicios, y para la fidelización de los usuarios.The development of a low-cost mobile application for a library network is presented. These apps are needed to support the uses made by library users, to improve user loyalty, and to facilitate the recurrent access to multiple websites. The Valencian Public Reading Network is used as a case study to illustrate the approach. The starting point is an analytical process regarding the characteristics of the entity and the requirements of the mobile application. For the development of the application, different platforms for the construction of apps are compared. Then, the final product is evaluated in relation to efficiency and usability. The results indicate that the use of an app, which integrates information from a single point, improves performance in terms of search time and error rate. The main contribution of this work highlights apps as complementary services to websites for library networks in terms of centralisation of information and services

    Analysis of the Potential Impact of Climate Change on Climatic Droughts, Snow Dynamics, and the Correlation between Them

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    Acknowledgments: We would like to thank the Spain02, Aemet 5 km, SPREAD, STEAD, and CORDEX projects for the data provided for this study. The work of the first author at “Instituto Geológico y Minero de España” was conducted within the internship program of the Master in Water Quality Science and Technology (University of Granada).Funding: This research was partially supported by the research project SIGLO-AN (RTI2018-101397- B-I00) from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Programa Estatal de ICDCI orientado a los Retos de la Sociedad), the GeoE.171.008.TACTIC from the GeoERA organization funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and the Regional Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities of the Regional Government of Andalusia through the postdoc program of the Andalusian Plan for Research Development and Innovation (PAIDI 2021) (POSTDOC_21_00154, University of Granada, Antonio-Juan Collados-Lara).Climate change is expected to increase the occurrence of droughts, with the hydrology in alpine systems being largely determined by snow dynamics. In this paper, we propose a methodology to assess the impact of climate change on both meteorological and hydrological droughts, taking into account the dynamics of the snow cover area (SCA). We also analyze the correlation between these types of droughts. We generated ensembles of local climate scenarios based on regional climate models (RCMs) representative of potential future conditions. We considered several sources of uncertainty: different historical climate databases, simulations obtained with several RCMs, and some statistical downscaling techniques. We then used a stochastic weather generator (SWG) to generate multiple climatic series preserving the characteristics of the ensemble scenario. These were simulated within a cellular automata (CA) model to generate multiple SCA future series. They were used to calculate multiple series of meteorological drought indices, the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI), and a novel hydrological drought index (Standardized Snow Cover Index (SSCI)). Linear correlation analysis was applied to both types of drought to analyze how they propagate and the time delay between them. We applied the proposed methodology to the Sierra Nevada (southern Spain), where we estimated a general increase in meteorological and hydrological drought magnitude and duration for the horizon 2071–2100 under the RCP 8.5 emission scenario. The SCA droughts also revealed a significant increase in drought intensity. The meteorological drought propagation to SCA droughts was reflected in an immediate or short time (1 month), obtaining significant correlations in lower accumulation periods of drought indices (3 and 6 months). This allowed us to obtain information about meteorological drought from SCA deficits and vice versa.Research project SIGLO-AN (RTI2018-101397- B-I00) from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and UniversitiesGeoE.171.008.TACTIC from the GeoERA organization funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020Andalusian Plan for Research Development and Innovation PAIDI 2021, POSTDOC_21_0015

    La formación laboral, tecnológica, económica y humanística del profesional, un reto en la Facultad de Ciencias Pedagógicas de la Universidad de Ciego de Ávila

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    La actual crisis económica y social que experimenta el mundo, unido al crecimiento del bloqueo del gobierno de Estados Unidos contra Cuba ha tenido su impacto en las condiciones sociales y económicas que atraviesa el país. Para Cuba resulta un gran desafío el manejo de su economía, teniendo en cuenta el marcado interés de proteger a la población, asegurar la estabilidad esencial y preparar condiciones para retomar el crecimiento económico en circunstancias más propicias, para lo cual se ha trazado un grupo de Lineamientos encaminados a reducir los gastos en divisas, sustituir importaciones y elevar la producción. En este proceso de transformación de la economía el desarrollo de una elevada cultura laboral en la población resulta determinante. La escuela cubana junto al hogar y la comunidad, constituyen los escenarios donde se moldea y se forma esa conciencia de productores. De ahí la necesidad de reforzar la formación laboral en la escuela como vía para el desarrollo de una conciencia de productores en los escolares, tomando como base el principio pedagógico de la vinculación e integración del estudio con el trabajo. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo: Proponer un sistema de actividades dirigidas a la formación laboral, económica, tecnológica y humanística de los profesores en formación desde la asignatura Educación Laboral-Informática