16,312 research outputs found

    Random Matching in the College Admissions Problem

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    In the college admissions problem, we consider the incentives confronting agents who face the prospect of being matched by a random stable mechanism. We provide a fairly complete characterization of ordinal equilbria. Namely, every ordinal equilib- rium yields a degenerate probability distribution. Furthermore, individual rationality is a necessary and sufficient condition for an equilibrium outcome, while stability is guaranteed in ordinal equilibrium where firms act straightforwardly. Finally, we re- late equilibrium behavior in random and in deterministic mechanisms.Matching; College Admissions Problem; Stability; Random Mechanism.

    Revisiting the gauge fields of strained graphene

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    We show that, when graphene is only subject to strain, the spin connection gauge field that arises plays no measurable role, but when intrinsic curvature is present and strain is small, spin connection dictates most the physics. We do so by showing that the Weyl field associated with strain is a pure gauge field and no constraint on the (2+1)(2+1)-dimensional spacetime appears. On the other hand, for constant intrinsic curvature that also gives a pure-gauge Weyl field, we find a classical manifestation of a quantum Weyl anomaly, descending from a constrained spacetime. We are in the position to do this because we find the equations that the conformal factor in (2+1)(2+1)-dimensions has to satisfy, that is a nontrivial generalization to (2+1)(2+1)-dimensions of the classic Liouville equation of differential geometry of surfaces. Finally, we comment on the peculiarities of the only gauge field that can describe strain, that is the well known {\it pseudogauge field} A1∼u11−u22A_1 \sim u_{11} - u_{22} and A2∼u12A_2 \sim u_{12}, and conclude by offering some scenarios of fundamental physics that this peculiar field could help to realize.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures. Comments added, text reduced and relevant references include

    Three-quark exchange operators, crossing matrices and Fierz transformations in SU(2) and SU(3)

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    We give explicit expressions for the three-quark exchange operators, crossing matrices and Fierz transforms for the SU(2) and SU(3) groups. We identify the invariant terms in these operators and express them in terms of Casimir operators.Comment: 8 pages, RevTex, to appear in Jour. Math. Phy

    Adaptive Network Dynamics and Evolution of Leadership in Collective Migration

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    The evolution of leadership in migratory populations depends not only on costs and benefits of leadership investments but also on the opportunities for individuals to rely on cues from others through social interactions. We derive an analytically tractable adaptive dynamic network model of collective migration with fast timescale migration dynamics and slow timescale adaptive dynamics of individual leadership investment and social interaction. For large populations, our analysis of bifurcations with respect to investment cost explains the observed hysteretic effect associated with recovery of migration in fragmented environments. Further, we show a minimum connectivity threshold above which there is evolutionary branching into leader and follower populations. For small populations, we show how the topology of the underlying social interaction network influences the emergence and location of leaders in the adaptive system. Our model and analysis can describe other adaptive network dynamics involving collective tracking or collective learning of a noisy, unknown signal, and likewise can inform the design of robotic networks where agents use decentralized strategies that balance direct environmental measurements with agent interactions.Comment: Submitted to Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomen

    Dynamical Contents of Unconventional Supersymmetry

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    The Dirac Hamiltonian formalism is applied to a system in (2+1)(2+1)-dimensions consisting of a Dirac field ψ\psi minimally coupled to Chern-Simons U(1)U(1) and SO(2,1)SO(2,1) connections, AA and ω\omega, respectively. This theory is connected to a supersymmetric Chern-Simons form in which the gravitino has been projected out (unconventional supersymmetry) and, in the case of a flat background, corresponds to the low energy limit of graphene. The separation between first-class and second-class constraints is performed explicitly, and both the field equations and gauge symmetries of the Lagrangian formalism are fully recovered. The degrees of freedom of the theory in generic sectors shows that the propagating states correspond to fermionic modes in the background determined by the geometry of the graphene sheet and the nondynamical electromagnetic field. This is shown for the following canonical sectors: i) a conformally invariant generic description where the spinor field and the dreibein are locally rescaled; ii) a specific configuration for the Dirac fermion consistent with its spin, where Weyl symmetry is exchanged by time reparametrizations; iii) the vacuum sector ψ=0\psi=0, which is of interest for perturbation theory. For the latter the analysis is adapted to the case of manifolds with boundary, and the corresponding Dirac brackets together with the centrally extended charge algebra are found. Finally, the SU(2)SU(2) generalization of the gauge group is briefly treated, yielding analogous conclusions for the degrees of freedom.Comment: 17 pages. Accepted version for publication in JHE

    School Choice and Information An Experimental Study on Matching Mechanisms

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    We present an experimental study where we analyze three well- known matching mechanisms - the Boston, the Gale-Shapley, and the Top Trading Cycles mechanisms - in three different informational set- tings. Our experimental results are consistent with the theory, sug- gesting that the TTC mechanism outperforms both the Boston and the Gale-Shapley mechanisms in terms of efficiency and it is as suc- cessful as the Gale-Shapley mechanism regarding the proportion of truthful preference revelation, whereas manipulation is stronger un- der the Boston mechanism. In addition, even though agents are much more likely to revert to truthtelling in lack of information about the others' payooffs - ignorance may be beneficial in this context - , the TTC mechanism results less sensitive to the amount of information that participants hold. These results therefore suggest that the use of the TTC mechanism in practice is more desirable than of the others.

    Comparative study of patients knowledge on osteoarthritis treatment options to ACR guidelines

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    Portuguese population is growing older, according to national data in 2011 the aging index was 129. The number of elderly population is higher than the younger; average life expectancy is 79,2 years (1). Because knee Osteoarthritis increases with age, and according to WHO 80% of these subjects will have some degree of impairment and 25% will not be able to do their daily living activities (2), OA has a big impact on the sustainability of both health and social care as populations grow older. Our goal was to compare current guidelines of managing knee OA, to the degree of information each patient has about their treatment options.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    College admissions and the role of information : an experimental study

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    We analyze two well-known matching mechanisms—the Gale-Shapley, and the Top Trading Cycles (TTC) mechanisms—in the experimental lab in three different informational settings, and study the role of information in individual decision making. Our results suggest that—in line with the theory—in the college admissions model the Gale-Shapley mechanism outperforms the TTC mechanisms in terms of efficiency and stability, and it is as successful as the TTC mechanism regarding the proportion of truthful preference revelation. In addition, we find that information has an important effect on truthful behavior and stability. Nevertheless, regarding efficiency, the Gale-Shapley mechanism is less sensitive to the amount of information participants hold

    Local supersymmetry without SUSY partners

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    A gauge theory for a superalgebra that includes an internal gauge (G) and local Lorentz algebras, and that could describe the low energy particle phenomenology is constructed. These two symmetries are connected by fermionic supercharges. The system includes an internal gauge connection 1-form AA, a spin-1/2 Dirac spinor ψ\psi, the Lorentz connection ω\omega, and the vielbein ee. The connection one-form is in the adjoint representation of G, while ψ\psi is in the fundamental. In contrast to standard supergravity, the metric is not a fundamental field and is in the center of the superalgebra: it is not only invariant under the internal gauge group and under Lorentz transformations, but is also invariant under supersymmetry. The features of this theory that mark the difference with standard supersymmetry are: A) The number of fermionic and bosonic states is not necessarily the same; B) There are no superpartners with equal mass, "bosoninos", sleptons and squarks are absent; C) Although this supersymmetry originates in a local gauge theory and gravity is included, there is no gravitino; D) Fermions acquire mass from their coupling to the background or from self-couplings, while bosons remain massless. In odd dimensions, the Chern-Simons form provides an action that is quasi-invariant under the entire superalgebra. In even dimensions, the Yang-Mills form is the only natural option, and the symmetry breaks down to [G x SO(1,D-1)]. In 4D, the construction follows the Townsend - Mac Dowell-Mansouri approach. Due to the absence of osp(4|2)-invariant traces in four dimensions, the resulting Lagrangian is only invariant under [U(1) x SO(3,1)], and includes a Nambu--Jona-Lasinio term. In this case, the Lagrangian depends on a single dimensionful parameter that fixes Newton's constant, the cosmological constant and the NJL coupling.Comment: 24 pages, no figures. Title changed in journal version to "Unconventional supersymmetry and its breaking". Few references added and some paragraphs rewritten from v.1. This version includes two appendices that are not found in the journal versio
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