9,415 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Non Performing Loan, Capital Adequacy Ratio Dan Loan To Deposit Ratio Terhadap Return On Equity Pada Perusahaan Perbankan Yang Go Public Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    This research’s purpose is to know the influence of non performing loan, capital adequacy ratio, and loan to deposit ratio to return on equity. This research’s main theory is going concern theory. The population of this research is all of the companies that are listed in Bursa Efek Indonesia from 2014 to 2016. The sample is taken with purposive sampling method with total 41 banking companies as the sample. The independence variable are non performing loan, capital adequacy ratio, and loan to deposit ratio. The data was analyzed with return on equity as the dependence variable. The result were showing that all of the independence variables have no influence to return on equity

    Analisis Pengaruh Non Performing Loan, Capital Adequacy Ratio Dan Loan To Deposit Ratio Terhadap Return On Equity Pada Perusahaan Perbankan Yang Go Public Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    This research’s purpose is to know the influence of non performing loan, capital adequacy ratio, and loan to deposit ratio to return on equity. This research’s main theory is going concern theory. The population of this research is all of the companies that are listed in Bursa Efek Indonesia from 2014 to 2016. The sample is taken with purposive sampling method with total 41 banking companies as the sample. The independence variable are non performing loan, capital adequacy ratio, and loan to deposit ratio. The data was analyzed with return on equity as the dependence variable. The result were showing that all of the independence variables have no influence to return on equity

    Money in Market Clearing

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    Market clearing is the central issue in macroeconomics. Two centuries of debate on Say’s Law indicates that the issue is not yet settled. This essay proposes that double coincidence is a necessary condition for market clearing, in addition to the equality of demand and supply at equilibrium prices. However, the literature does not recognize necessity of double coincidence. Jevons (1875) gave shape to the conventional wisdom on double coincidence. The idea is that it is peculiar to barter, and that money overcomes this inconvenience. This is a fallacy. It prevents the development of a theory of money as a necessary medium of indirect exchange. It hides the role of money in market clearing. By recognizing double coincidence as a necessary condition for any trade, and the role of money in market clearing, economics can become a much stronger and practically more useful science. Monetary reform can correct the perverse circulation of money and prevent involuntary unemployment, undue instability, and excess debt.Market clearing, neutrality of money, double coincidence, unemployment, instability, debt.

    Micro Takes Over Macro

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    An analytical innovation enhances microeconomics, enabling it to answer all questions of macroeconomics. It combines the production and consumption decisions of the individual in one model. For each individual, it identifies the customers of what he sells, and the suppliers of what he buys. It specifies the exchange relations between the suppliers and the customers. These relations deal with value (quantities and prices), payment (subsistence, barter, money, and bond) and intermediation (entrepreneurship, transaction costs, institutions), all of them integrated. It is easier done than said with the input- output table. There is no further need for a separate macroeconomics.Microeconomics, macroeconomics, innovation, output, employment, money.

    The meaning of gainful trade

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    'Gainful trade: a new economics' explains why and how economics may be rebuilt from scratch to allow the occurence of gainful trade. It uses a new concept of consistency of social choice and a new analytical tool called consistency analysis to build a unified model of economics. It answers all questions of macroeconomics from an extended micro model. The new paradigm makes macroeconomics obsolete. The key element is the treatment of money as a means of payment to allow indirect exchange.Trade, gains, consistent choice, money as a means of payment, entrepreneurship, allocation,

    New Trade Theory Takes Over Monetary Theory

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    Prevailing trade theory is a neglected stepchild of economics. Micro rejects the sole reason for trade’s occurrence. It declares zero profit in equilibrium. Monetary theory and macroeconomics dismiss concerns of trade financing. They assert that money has nothing to do with traded output, but everything to do with storing value. But now a new trade theory takes over monetary theory, by reducing money into a mere tool of trade, as just a means of payment. It takes over theory of exchange, abolishing any distinction between micro and macro. Finally, all of economics becomes a study of exchange, what Whately wished in 1832. This magical empowerment of trade theory occurs as we add indirect trade formally. We put it in the familiar input-output table. We consider demand and supply at four levels: for each good, for each transaction, for each household/nation, and for each economy. At each level, something different happens in equilibrium. We employ intermediaries to settle prices through arbitrage, and payments through seigniorage (by creating and issuing money). Suddenly economics studies economy rather than human behavior. The market economy is an institution of exchange, which is a matrix of real output. All economics now belongs to trade.Social Choice, Trade, Entrepreneurship, Intermediation, Payment Circuit, Money, Price, Unemployment, Business Cycle, Debt.

    The Representation of Urban Upper Middle Class American Women\u27s Community in Sex and the City

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    The portrayal of urban upper middle class American women\u27s community in Sex and the City-SATC-is built upon constructed symbols related to the position of urban upper middle class American Women\u27s community and how cosmopolitan the women are. The symbol\u27s construction is characterized by singleness, upper middle class social status, well-established career, alienation, consumptiveness, independence, gender consciousness, and open mindedness in their sexual knowledge. Television has helped to fracture traditional conventions about how women should place themselves in the midst of their society and constructed urban upper middle class American women\u27s image and identity

    Decision support system to help choose between an ITE or a BTE hearing aid

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    A decision support system (DSS) is used for analysing a situation and making decisions. The goal of this research is to mine a large set of heterogeneous audiology data and create a DSS to help audiology technicians to choose between an ITE or BTE hearing aid. Although, in many cases such a choice is clear cut, but at other times this system could be used as a second opinion to predict the hearing aid type. A number of data mining techniques, such as clustering of audiograms, association analysis of variables (such as, age, gender, diagnosis, masker, mould and free text keywords) using contingency tables and principal component analysis on audiograms were used to find candidate variables to be combined into a DSS. The DSS was created using the techniques of logistic regression, Naïve Bayesian analysis and Bayesian networks, and these systems were tested and validated on test data to see which of the techniques produced the better results. This DSS takes air and bone conduction frequencies, age, gender, diagnosis, masker, mould and some free text words associated with a patient as input and gives as the output a decision as to whether the patient would be more likely to prefer an ITE or a BTE hearing aid type. The highest agreement between predicted results and actual hearing aid type in the data were obtained using Bayesian networks, with 93 to 94 percent similarity overall, with a precision of 0.91 for ITE and 0.96 for BTE. The reason for this might be that the Bayesian network also considers interaction between variables while the other two techniques (logistic regression and Naïve Bayesian analysis) consider only the individual variables. One of the important features of this DSS is that once the final choice of hearing aid type is predicted, the decision process can be tracked back to see which factors (variables) contributed how much to the final decision. The theoretical upper bound of classifier performance is the inter-annotator agreement (Altman, 1991), in this case the rate at which two expert audiologists would assign the same hearing aid to the same patient. Unfortunately, this type of data was not included in the audiology database

    Keberkesanan modul infusi kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi pembelajaran luar bilik darjah (iKBAT-PLBD) bagi bidang pembelajaran sukatan dan geometri

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    Kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi (KBAT) merupakan satu kemahiran berfikir yang sangat diperlukan dalam mendepani cabaran kehidupan masa kini terutama dalam bidang matematik. Oleh itu, kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji sama ada KBAT matematik pelajar dapat ditingkatkan dengan menggunakan modul infusi Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi - Pembelajaran Luar Bilik Darjah (iKBAT–PLBD) atau tidak? Justeru itu, satu kerangka perancangan telah dibuat terhadap empat kemahiran tertinggi dalam Taksonomi Bloom semakan semula yang juga merupakan konstruk utama dalam KBAT. Konstruk KBAT tersebut ialah konstruk menganlisis, mengaplikasi menilai dan mencipta. Sampel kajian ini melibatkan 120 pelajar tingkatan 1 di empat buah sekolah yang berbeza di negeri Johor. Dalam menjalankan kajian kuasi eksperimental ini, data dikumpul melalui kajian keputusan ujian pra dan ujian pos sebelum dan selepas menggunakan modul bagi kumpulan rawatan. Manakala pendekatan PdP tradisional pula digunakan bagi kumpulan kawalan. Hasil daripada analisis data menunjukkan bahawa aktiviti pembelajaran dan pemudahcaraan (PdPc) yang bertunjangkan modul iKBAT–PLBD telah dapat meningkatkan penguasaan matematik pelajar dalam kempat-empat tahap KBAT serta bagi keseluruhan tahap. Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan yang signifikasi antara kumpulan kawalan dan kumpulan rawatan terhadap peningkatan KBAT pelajar dalam matematik dengan menggunakan pendekatan iKBAT–PLBD bagi tahap mengaplikasi, menganalisis, menilai, mencipta juga secara keseluruhan. Kesimpulannya, kajian ini dapat memberi manfaat kepada semua pihak termasuk pihak Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM), pihak pentadbiran sekolah, ibubapa, guru matematik malah bagi pelajar itu dari segi pengubalan dasar yang berkaitan, pengaplikasian dan sebagai satu bukti keberkesanan dalam proses pemerkasaan KBAT matematik di Malaysia