2,522 research outputs found

    Measuring Progress on the Control of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) at a Regional Level: The Minnesota N212 Regional Control Project (Rcp) as a Working Example.

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    Due to the highly transmissible nature of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS), implementation of regional programs to control the disease may be critical. Because PRRS is not reported in the US, numerous voluntary regional control projects (RCPs) have been established. However, the effect of RCPs on PRRS control has not been assessed yet. This study aims to quantify the extent to which RCPs contribute to PRRS control by proposing a methodological framework to evaluate the progress of RCPs. Information collected between July 2012 and June 2015 from the Minnesota Voluntary Regional PRRS Elimination Project (RCP-N212) was used. Demography of premises (e.g. composition of farms with sows = SS and without sows = NSS) was assessed by a repeated analysis of variance. By using general linear mixed-effects models, active participation of farms enrolled in the RCP-N212, defined as the decision to share (or not to share) PRRS status, was evaluated and used as a predictor, along with other variables, to assess the PRRS trend over time. Additionally, spatial and temporal patterns of farmers' participation and the disease dynamics were investigated. The number of farms enrolled in RCP-N212 and its geographical coverage increased, but the proportion of SS and NSS did not vary significantly over time. A significant increasing (p<0.001) trend in farmers' decision to share PRRS status was observed, but with NSS producers less willing to report and a large variability between counties. The incidence of PRRS significantly (p<0.001) decreased, showing a negative correlation between degree of participation and occurrence of PRRS (p<0.001) and a positive correlation with farm density at the county level (p = 0.02). Despite a noted decrease in PRRS, significant spatio-temporal patterns of incidence of the disease over 3-weeks and 3-kms during the entire study period were identified. This study established a systematic approach to quantify the effect of RCPs on PRRS control. Despite an increase in number of farms enrolled in the RCP-N212, active participation is not ensured. By evaluating the effect of participation on the occurrence of PRRS, the value of sharing information among producers may be demonstrated, in turn justifying the existence of RCPs

    Integer programming models for the pre-marshalling problem

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    [EN] The performance of shipping companies greatly depends on reduced berthing times. The trend towards bigger ships and shorter berthing times places severe stress on container terminals, which cannot simply increase the available cranes indefinitely. Therefore, the focus is on optimizing existing resources. An effective way of speeding up the loading/unloading operations of ships at the container terminal is to use the idle time before the arrival of a ship for sorting the stored containers in advance. The pre-marshalling problem consists in rearranging the containers placed in a bay in the order in which they will be required later, looking for a sequence with the minimum number of moves. With sorted bays, loading/unloading operations are significantly faster, as there is no longer a need to make unproductive moves in the bays once ships are berthed. In this paper, we address the pre-marshalling problem by developing and testing integer linear programming models. Two alternative families of models are proposed, as well as an iterative solution procedure that does not depend on a difficult to obtain upper bound. An extensive computational analysis has been carried out over several well-known datasets from the literature. This analysis has allowed us to test the performance of the models, and to conclude that the performance of the best proposed model is superior to that of previously published alternatives.This study has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport, FPU Grant A-2015-12849 and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, under projects DPI2014-53665-P and DPI2015-65895-R, partially financed with FEDER funds.Parreño-Torres, C.; Alvarez-Valdes, R.; Ruiz García, R. (2019). Integer programming models for the pre-marshalling problem. European Journal of Operational Research. 274(1):142-154. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2018.09.048S142154274

    Why Should Growth Hormone (GH) Be Considered a Promising Therapeutic Agent for Arteriogenesis? Insights from the GHAS Trial

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    Despite the important role that the growth hormone (GH)/IGF-I axis plays in vascular homeostasis, these kind of growth factors barely appear in articles addressing the neovascularization process. Currently, the vascular endothelium is considered as an authentic gland of internal secretion due to the wide variety of released factors and functions with local effects, including the paracrine/autocrine production of GH or IGF-I, for which the endothelium has specific receptors. In this comprehensive review, the evidence involving these proangiogenic hormones in arteriogenesis dealing with the arterial occlusion and making of them a potential therapy is described. All the elements that trigger the local and systemic production of GH/IGF-I, as well as their possible roles both in physiological and pathological conditions are analyzed. All of the evidence is combined with important data from the GHAS trial, in which GH or a placebo were administrated to patients suffering from critical limb ischemia with no option for revascularization. We postulate that GH, alone or in combination, should be considered as a promising therapeutic agent for helping in the approach of ischemic disease

    A constraint programming approach for the premarshalling problem

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    [EN] The enormous amount of containers handled at ports hampers the efficiency of terminal operations. The optimization of crane movements is crucial for speeding up the loading and unloading of vessels. To this end, the premarshalling problem aims to reorder a set of containers placed in adjacent stacks with a minimum number of crane movements, so that a container with an earlier retrieval time is not below one with a later retrieval time. In this study, we present a series of constraint programming models to optimally solve the premarshalling problem. Extensive computational comparisons show that the best proposed constraint programming formulation yields better results than the state-of-the-art integer programming approach. A salient finding in this paper is that the logic behind the model construction in constraint programming is radically different from that of more traditional mixed integer linear programming models.Acknowledgements This study has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under predoctoral grant PRE2019-087706 and the project 'OPTEP-Port Terminal Operations Opti-mization' (No. RTI2018-094940-B-I00) financed with FEDER funds.Jiménez-Piqueras, C.; Ruiz, R.; Parreño-Torres, C.; Alvarez-Valdes, R. (2023). A constraint programming approach for the premarshalling problem. European Journal of Operational Research. 306(2):668-678. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2022.07.042668678306

    Double percolation effects and fractal behavior in magnetic/superconducting hybrids

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    Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy ferromagnetic/ superconducting (FM/SC) bilayers with a labyrinth domain structure are used to study nucleation of superconductivity on a fractal network, tunable through magnetic history. As clusters of reversed domains appear in the FM layer, the SC film shows a percolative behavior that depends on two independent processes: the arrangement of initial reversed domains and the fractal geometry of expanding clusters. For a full labyrinth structure, the behavior of the upper critical field is typical of confined superconductivity on a fractal network.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Mathematical models for multicontainer loading problems

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    This paper deals with the problem of a distribution company that has to serve its customers by putting first the products on pallets and then loading the pallets onto trucks. We approach the problem by developing and solving integer linear models. We start with basic models, that include the essential features of the problem, such as respecting the dimensions of the truck, and not exceeding the total weight capacity and the maximum weigh capacity on each axle. Then, we add progressively new conditions to consider the weight and volume of pallet bases and to include other desirable features for the solutions to be useful in practice, such as the position of the center of gravity and the minimization of the number of pallets.The models have been tested on a large set of real instances involving up to 46 trucks and kindly provided to us by a distribution company. The results show that in most cases the optimal solution can be obtained in small running times. Moreover, when optimality cannot be proven, the gap is very small, so we obtain high quality solutions for all the instances that we tested

    A branch and bound approach for large pre-marshalling problems

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    [EN] The container pre-marshalling problem involves the sorting of containers in stacks so that there are no blocking containers and retrieval is carried out without additional movements. This sorting process should be carried out in as few container moves as possible. Despite recent advancements in solving real world sized problems to optimality, several classes of pre-marshalling problems remain difficult for exact approaches. We propose a branch and bound algorithm with new components for solving such difficult instances. We strengthen existing lower bounds and introduce two new lower bounds that use a relaxation of the pre-marshalling problem to provide tight bounds in specific situations. We introduce generalized dominance rules that help reduce the search space, and a memoization heuristic that finds feasible solutions quickly. We evaluate our approach on standard benchmarks of pre-marshalling instances, as well as on a new dataset to avoid overfitting to the available data. Overall, our approach optimally solves many more instances than previous work, and finds feasible solutions on nearly every problem it encounters in limited CPU times.The authors thank the Paderborn Center for Parallel Computation (PC2) for the use of the Arminius cluster for the computational study in this work. This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities FPU Grant A-2015-12849 and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, under projects DPI2014-53665-P and DPI2015-65895-R, partially financed with FEDER funds.Tanaka, S.; Tierney, K.; Parreño-Torres, C.; Alvarez-Valdes, R.; Ruiz García, R. (2019). A branch and bound approach for large pre-marshalling problems. European Journal of Operational Research. 278(1):211-225. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2019.04.005S211225278

    Hipertensión arterial y enfermedades consecuentes de la aterosclerosis en instructores de Karate-Do

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    Se realiza un estudio observacional, descriptivo y longitudinal donde de 415 profesores de artes marciales (Karate) de la provincia de Ciudad Habana, se seleccionaron 310 que cumplían 2 criterios de inclusión: estar realizando actividad física sistemática y programada, y tener edades comprendidas entre 20 y 60 años. Se estudiaron la Hipertensión y Prehipertensión Arterial, y las Enfermedades consecuentes de la aterosclerosis no tuvieron gran presencia; sin embargo, se identificaron 14 pacientes con Cardiopatía Isquémica (4,5%) y solo 2 pacientes con Enfermedad Cerebrovascular y Enfermedad Arterial Periférica, respectivamente. La incidencia de HTA  fue de 23,2% y de PreHTA de 24,7%

    Alcoholismo y enfermedades consecuentes de la aterosclerosis en instructores de karate-2

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    Se realiza un estudio observacional, descriptivo y longitudinal, en el que de 415 profesores de Artes Marciales (Karate)  de la provincia de Ciudad Habana, se seleccionaron 310 que cumplían 2 criterios de inclusión: Estar realizando actividad física sistemática y programada y tener edades comprendidas entre 20 y 60 años. Se estudió el alcoholismo y las enfermedades consecuentes de la aterosclerosis, las cuales no tuvieron gran presencia;  sin embargo, el alcoholismo estuvo presente en 57,7% de los analizados; se identificaron 14 pacientes con Cardiopatía Isquémica (4,5%) y solo  2 pacientes con Enfermedad Cerebro Vascular y Enfermedad Arterial Periférica, respectivamente