1,219 research outputs found

    Fire extinguishment and inhibition in spacecraft environments

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    It was concluded that it is essential that NASA develop a comprehensive approach to fire extinguishment and inerting in spacecraft environments. Electronic equipment might be easily protected through use of an onboard inert gas generating system. The use of Halon 1301 presents serious technological challenges for agent cleanup and removal of the toxic and corrosive products of combustion. Nitrogen pressurization, while effective, probably presents a serious weight penality. The use of liquid water sprays appears to be the most effective approach to general purpose spacecraft fire protection

    A finite-state approach to arabic broken noun morphology

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    In this paper, a finite-state computational approach to Arabic broken plural noun morphology is introduced. The paper considers the derivational aspect of the approach, and how generalizations about dependencies in the broken plural noun derivational system of Arabic are captured and handled computationally in this finite-state approach. The approach will be implemented using Xerox finite-state tool


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menggambarkan persepsi manajemen klub dengan motivasi berprestasi atlet bulutangkis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Fokus penelitian yang ditetapkan pada penelitian ini yaitu mengenai apakah terdapat korelasi antara persepsi manajemen klub dengan motivasi berprestasi atlet. Adapun pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 20 orang atlet bulutangkis kelompok taruna usia 17-19 tahun baik itu pemain tunggal putra atau putri, ganda putra atau putri, maupun ganda campuran di PB. Mutiara Cardinal Bandung. Alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu instrumen untuk mengetahui korelasi menggunakan bentuk angket tertutup. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, terdapat korelasi yang cukup signifikan antara persepsi manajemen klub dengan motivasi berprestasi atlet yaitu sebesar 42,90%. Artinya persepsi manajemen klub memberikan kontribusi korelasi yang cukup besar terhadap motivasi berprestasi atlet, sedangkan sisanya 100%-42,90%=57,10% merupakan kontribusi dari variabel lain yang tidak diteliti.;---The purpose of this research is to investigate and describe the perception of club management with achievement motivation of badminton athletes. Research method that is used in this study is descriptive method. The study focuses on whether there is a correlation between the perception of club management with achievement motivation of athletes. Sampling technique that is used is purposive sampling, with the number of samples as much 20 badminton athletes in a group of cadets 17-19 years old both men and women singles players, doubles and mix doubles in PB. Mutiara Cardinal Bandung. Data collection that is used is closed questionnaire. Based on the result of the research has been done, there is a significant correlation between the perception of club management with the achievement motivation of athletes as much as 42,90%. It means, the perception of club management contributes a correlation that is pretty much to the achievement motivation of athletes, while the rest of it which is 100%-42,90%=57,10% is contributed by other variables that aren’t investigated

    Research on heteregeneous data for recognizing threat

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    The information increasingly large of volume dataset and multidimensional data has grown rapidly in recent years. Inter-related and update information from security communities or vendor network security has present of content vulnerability and patching bug from new attack (pattern) methods. It given a collection of datasets, we were asked to examine a sample of such data and look for pattern which may exist between certain pattern methods over time. There are several challenges, including handling dynamic data, sparse data, incomplete data, uncertain data, and semistructured/unstructured data. In this paper, we are addressing these challenges and using data mining approach to collecting scattered information in routine update regularly from provider or security community

    Predicting protein-protein interactions as a one-class classification problem

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    Protein-protein interactions represent a key step in understanding proteins functions. This is due to the fact that proteins usually work in context of other proteins and rarely function alone. Machine learning techniques have been used to predict protein-protein interactions. However, most of these techniques address this problem as a binary classification problem. While it is easy to get a dataset of interacting protein as positive example, there is no experimentally confirmed non-interacting protein to be considered as a negative set. Therefore, in this paper we solve this problem as a one-class classification problem using One-Class SVM (OCSVM). Using only positive examples (interacting protein pairs) for training, the OCSVM achieves accuracy of 80%. These results imply that protein-protein interaction can be predicted using one-class classifier with reliable accuracy


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menggambarkan persepsi manajemen klub dengan motivasi berprestasi atlet bulutangkis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Fokus penelitian yang ditetapkan pada penelitian ini yaitu mengenai apakah terdapat korelasi antara persepsi manajemen klub dengan motivasi berprestasi atlet. Adapun pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 20 orang atlet bulutangkis kelompok taruna usia 17-19 tahun baik itu pemain tunggal putra atau putri, ganda putra atau putri, maupun ganda campuran di PB. Mutiara Cardinal Bandung. Alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu instrumen untuk mengetahui korelasi menggunakan bentuk angket tertutup. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, terdapat korelasi yang cukup signifikan antara persepsi manajemen klub dengan motivasi berprestasi atlet yaitu sebesar 42,90%. Artinya persepsi manajemen klub memberikan kontribusi korelasi yang cukup besar terhadap motivasi berprestasi atlet, sedangkan sisanya 100%-42,90%=57,10% merupakan kontribusi dari variabel lain yang tidak diteliti.;---The purpose of this research is to investigate and describe the perception of club management with achievement motivation of badminton athletes. Research method that is used in this study is descriptive method. The study focuses on whether there is a correlation between the perception of club management with achievement motivation of athletes. Sampling technique that is used is purposive sampling, with the number of samples as much 20 badminton athletes in a group of cadets 17-19 years old both men and women singles players, doubles and mix doubles in PB. Mutiara Cardinal Bandung. Data collection that is used is closed questionnaire. Based on the result of the research has been done, there is a significant correlation between the perception of club management with the achievement motivation of athletes as much as 42,90%. It means, the perception of club management contributes a correlation that is pretty much to the achievement motivation of athletes, while the rest of it which is 100%-42,90%=57,10% is contributed by other variables that aren’t investigated

    Protein sequences classification based on weighting scheme

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    We present a new technique to recognize remote protein homologies that rely on combining probabilistic modeling and supervised learning in high-dimensional feature spaces. The main novelty of our technique is the method of constructing feature vectors using Hidden Markov Model and the combination of this representation with a classifier capable of learning in very sparse high-dimensional spaces. Each feature vector records the sensitivity of each protein domain to a previously learned set of sub-sequences (strings). Unlike other previous methods, our method takes in consideration the conserved and non-conserved regions. The system subsequently utilizes Support Vector Machines (SVM) classifiers to learn the boundaries between structural protein classes. Experiments show that this method, which we call the String Weighting Scheme-SVM (SWS-SVM) method, significantly improves on previous methods for the classification of protein domains based on remote homologies. Our method is then compared to five existing homology detection methods

    Effects of Rimbaka Forest Harvesting Technique on Stream Water Quality and Soil Physical Properties

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    Forest harvesting has raised public attention and has been blamed for environmental problems especially land slide, soil erosion, flooding and degradation of water quality. In Peninsular Malaysia, forest harvesting in the hill forest mainly uses ground based system with the combination of crawler tractors and winch. In an attempt to reduce soil disturbance and degradation of river water quality, Rimbaka Timber Harvester (RIMBAKA) was introduced as an alternative to the crawler tractor. This study focused on the effects of forest harvesting using RIMBAKA technique on river water quality index and soil physical characteristics. The study was carried out at Hutan Simpan Gunung Benom, Raub, Pahang. This study is important to determine the effects of using RIMBAKA for forest harvesting as it can be considered as an alternative to the ground- based system which has been proven to result in negative impact on soil properties such as soil compaction, increased run-off and erosion and also caused degradation of river water quality. The main objective of this study is to determine the forest harvesting effects on river water quality index and soil physical properties such as texture, bulk density, particle density, porosity and moisture content. Sampling of river water quality and soil physical characteristics were carried out in the area that has been approved for logging at three stages namely before, during and after forest harvesting. In order to determine forest harvesting effects on water quality index, water samples were collected from the stream channel site that flows through the forest harvesting area, logging road and virgin forest area. In addition, river water quality index was also studied during the dry and wet seasons for each site and also forest harvesting phases. The soil was sampled randomly in the area approved for logging during each harvesting phase. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to detect significant differences in river water quality index and soil physical characteristics for each forest harvesting phase. Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) was used to determine differences between each phase. In order to determine significant differences between river water quality during dry and wet seasons, a T-test was conducted. Meanwhile, Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to determine the turbidity and TSS relationship. T-test was also used to determine differences between soil physical characteristics at two altitudes (below and above 550 meters above sea level (masl)). It was found that RIMBAKA harvesting technique has adversely affected to water quality index. Water quality slightly decreased during the wet season as compared to the dry season. The decline in water quality index is caused by an increase in Total Suspended Solid (TSS). During wet seasons, TSS value before, during and after forest harvesting were 13.38 mg/L, 52.67 mg/L and 66.00 mg/L, respectively. The corresponding values during dry seasons were 7.58 mg/L, 33.08 mg/L and 27.83 mg/L, respectively.Stream crossing during road construction is the main factor in that increase TSS concentration. During the harvesting phase in the wet season, TSS value in the stream water at the road crossing is 71.07 mg/L compared to 34.5 mg/L at the forest harvesting site and 28.83 mg/L at the control area. Meanwhile, after forest harvesting, TSS value at the forest road site, harvesting area and the control area are 88.75, 43.25 and 33.0 mg/L, respectively. However, an increase in TSS value only resulted in a slight effect on water quality index value. Water quality index before, during and after forest harvesting belong to Class I and II. Turbidity and suspended solids showed strong linear relationship (r2 = 0.769). The forest harvesting operation also changed the texture, increased the bulk density and soil particle density. Indirectly, the changes had caused a decline in the porosity and soil moisture (P≤0.05). Based on this study, forest harvesting using RIMBAKA technique only resulted in slight negative effects on water quality index and soil physical characteristics. However, the negatives effects can be further reduced if the forest harvesting is confined to dry season only. It is recommended that in future studies, more sampling should be carried out in the logging area to provide a more complete picture of the changes in soil and river water quality

    A component-oriented programming framework for developing embedded mobile robot software using PECOS model

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    A practical framework for component-based software engineering of embedded real-time systems, particularly for autonomous mobile robot embedded software development using PECOS component model is proposed The main features of this framework are: (1) use graphical representation for components definition and composition; (2) target C language for optimal code generation with small micro-controller; and (3) does not requires run-time support except for real-time kernel. Real-time implementation indicates that, the PECOS component model together with the proposed framework is suitable for resource constrained embedded systems


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    Masalah penelitian berawal dari perubahan pariwisata yang sekarang diminati dari bersifat umum ke pariwisata bersifat minat khusus. Pergeseran tren ini karena kejenuhan dan kurang mengesankan wisatawan terhadap pariwisata yang bersifat massal. Wana wisata merupakan perpaduan bentuk wisata alam dan minat khusus yang memberikan pengalaman yang berbeda. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui: 1) mengenai potensi Wana Wisata Urug Kawalu berupa sarana prasarana, atraksi wisata, aksesibilitas, kegiatan wisatawan, kepuasan wisatawan 2) partisipasi masyarakat, dan 3) pengelolaan di objek wisata tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode deskriptif dan survei. Populasi penelitian terbagi 2 yaitu 1) populasi wilayah yaitu meliputi sumberdaya fisik lingkungan, atraksi wisata, aksesibilitas dan sarana prasarana 2) populasi manusia meliputi wisatawan, masyarakat sekitar dan pengelola. Sampel penelitian manusia untuk wisatawan berjumlah 100 orang, masyarakat sekitar berjumlah 20 orang, dan pengelola berjumlah 5 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah accidental sampling. Fokus variabel penelitiannya yaitu potensi fisik berupa sumberdaya, sarana prasarana, aksesibilitas dan atraksi wisata. Kemudian potensi sosial berupa kegiatan wisatawan serta kepuasan wisatawan terhadap objek wisata. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, angket, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan persentase dan analisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity dan Threats). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) potensi Wana Wisata Urug Kawalu dapat dikembangkan berdasarkan aspek fisik berupa sumber daya wisata, sarana prasarana, aksesibilitas dan atraksi wisata yang tersedia, 2) Partisipasi masyarakat belum sepenuhnya dilibatkan dalam pembangunan dan pengembangan dilihat dari partisipasi adat istiadat, kesenian, kearifan lokal, penjualan cinderamata dalam rangka promosi dan pemasaran objek wisata. 3) diperoleh strategi pengelolaan yang perlu dilakukan pengelola antara lain: 1) menjaga lingkungan supaya bersih, 2) meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia, 3) menambah atraksi wisata, 4) mengelola pemasaran dan promosi kemudian 5) menambah sarana prasarana penunjang wisata