72 research outputs found

    Influence οf households’ borrowings οn consumer spending during the escalation of the crisis

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    This article investigates the relationship between the borrowing activity of Russian households and their current conumer expendatures in the period of escalation of the social and economic crisis. The analysis was conducted on the basis of data provided by the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey, RLMS-HSE for 2015. The paper proposes and implements an approach that makes it possible to assess the impact of borrowings on inequality in consumption and poverty among households. It was revealed that the need of repayment results in saving on food, medical treatment and other vital needs for an overwhelming number of households. This is especially acute among families being beyond the poverty threshold.peer-reviewe

    Electroless Deposition of Silver on Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Using Iodide Bath

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    Electroless deposition of silver on multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) was investigated using an iodide bath. Prior to electroless deposition of silver, the MWCNTs were chemically oxidized and then pre-treated using a typical two-step method (sensitization and activation) to form catalytic palladium nuclei on the MWCNTs. Dimethylaminoborane (DMAB) was used to reduce silver ions. Electroless deposition of silver was carried out at 25 degrees C with variation of the pH. The microstructure of the deposits was evaluated using field emission-scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The silver iodide complex ion species present was determined to be AgI(4)(3-) from equilibrium potential measurements. Silver was selectively deposited on palladium nuclei on the surface of the MWCNTs and continuous diffusion of deposited silver and palladium nuclei resulted in a solid solution of Ag-Pd alloy particles on the MWCNTs at pH = 7.5.ArticleJOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY 158: D506-D510(2011)journal articl

    Совмещенный процесс синтеза циклогексилциклогексанкарбоксилата из циклогексанола и CO, катализируемый системой Pd(OAc)2–PPh3–п-толуолсульфокислота

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    Objectives. To study the possibility of combining acid-catalytic cyclohexanol dehydration and alkoxycarbonylation of the formed cyclohexene with cyclohexanol and carbon(II) oxide in a single reactor in order to achieve high yields of the target cyclohexyl cyclohexanecarboxylate product under mild conditions using the Pd(OAc)2–PPh3–p-toluenesulfonic acid catalytic system.Methods. The combined process took place in a toluene medium in a periodic steel reactor designed to operate at elevated pressure, equipped with a glass insert, a magnetic stirrer, and a sampler, as well as gas input and discharge devices. The reaction mass with the components of the catalytic system was placed in a glass reactor inside a steel autoclave. The reaction mass samples obtained during the combined process were analyzed by gas–liquid chromatography with a flame ionization detector.Results. The possibility of combining cyclohexanol dehydration catalyzed by p-toluenesulfonic acid monohydrate and formed cyclohexene alkoxycarbonylation with cyclohexanol and CO during catalysis by the Pd(OAc)2–PPh3–p-toluenesulfonic acid system in a single reactor was demonstrated. Under mild conditions (temperature 110°C; CO pressure 2.1 MPa), the target product yield reached 64.8% in 5 h. However, the combined process is complicated by the formation of a cyclohexanecarboxylic acid by-product formed as a result of the cyclohexyl cyclohexanecarboxylate hydrolysis and the cyclohexene hydroxycarbonylation.Conclusions. The reactions of intramolecular acid-catalytic cyclohexanol dehydration and formed cyclohexene alkoxycarbonylation catalyzed by the Pd(OAc)2–PPh3–p-toluenesulfonic acid system can be combined in a single reactor. p-Toluenesulfonic acid can simultaneously act as a catalyst for the cyclohexanol dehydration and a co-catalyst of the palladium–phosphine system of cyclohexene alkoxycarbonylation. The involvement of cyclohexene, representing a product of reversible cyclohexanol dehydration, in the alkoxycarbonylation reaction is a factor in shifting the dehydration reaction equilibrium towards the formation of cyclohexene. Cyclohexanecarboxylic acid is a by-product of the proposed combined process. A factor in the reduction of target product yield is water formed as a result of cyclohexanol dehydration due to the involvement of the latter in the hydrolysis reaction and the course of the cyclohexene hydroxycarbonylation.Цели. Изучение возможности совмещения в одном реакторе реакций кислотнокаталитической дегидратации циклогексанола и алкоксикарбонилирования образующегося циклогексена циклогексанолом и оксидом углерода (II). Установление возможности достижения высоких выходов целевого продукта – циклогексилциклогексанкарбоксилата – в мягких условиях при катализе системой Pd(OAc)2–PPh3–п-толуолсульфокислота.Методы. Совмещенный процесс изучался в среде толуола в периодическом стальном реакторе, рассчитанном на работу при повышенном давлении, снабженном стеклянной вставкой, магнитной мешалкой, пробоотборником, устройствами ввода и сброса газов. Реакционная масса с компонентами каталитической системы помещалась в стеклянный реактор внутри стального автоклава. Отбираемые в ходе совмещенного процесса пробы реакционной массы анализировали методом газо-жидкостной хроматографии с пламенно-ионизационным детектором.Результаты. Показана возможность совмещения в одном реакторе дегидратации циклогексанола, катализируемой моногидратом п-толуолсульфокислоты, и алкоксикарбонилирования образующегося циклогексена циклогексанолом и СО при катализе системой Pd(OAc)2–PPh3–п-толуолсульфокислота. В мягких условиях (температура 110 °С, давление СО 2.1 МПа) выход целевого продукта достигал 64.8% за 5 ч. Установлено, что совмещенный процесс осложняется образованием побочного продукта – циклогексанкарбоновой кислоты – в результате гидролиза циклогексилового эфира циклогексанкарбоновой кислоты и гидроксикарбонилирования циклогексена


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    Objective: to ground the choice of ships’ ballast water decontamination methods with disinfection substance under the title «Biopag-D».Materials and Methods: for study of methods of ballast water decontamination in preliminary experiment in vitro with selected concentration «Biopag-D», in which disinfectant has a the strong antibacterial effect against the test microorganisms.Results: based on the established concentrations the methods of ballast water decontamination are developed (irrigation of empty ballast tanks, adding the working concentration of the disinfectant in complete ballast tanks and the combined method).Conclusion: the offered methods of ship’s ballast water decontamination with disinfection substance are a new disinfection technology and will assist contribute to the implementation of the international quality standard of ballast water in the Russian Federation


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    Purpose: to develop the methodology for risk-assessment of the potential hazard of the Rostov region’s territory due to anthrax based on the spatial analysis, independent of the administrative division.Materials and Methods: for development the risk-based assessment of potential hazards of territory due to anthrax the registration data of cases for 132 years have been used. The construction of risk cartograms were carried out on the basis of biweight distribution of stationary unfavorable places due to anthrax.Results: the average value of the epizootic index and density of stationary unfavorable places due to anthrax are calculated for 413 administrative units of the Rostov region.Summary: the identification of «risk areas» by using risk-based methodology would provide the more accurate results than the zoning due to administrative territories


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    Objective of the study was to develop the methodology for identification of administratively independent areas under potential risk of “external” epidemiological threat realization, by the example of cholera.Materials and methods. Analysis was conducted using free software package with open source code (QGIS 2.8 and GRASS GIS 7.0) on the basis of the data received from Rosgranitsa and the Federal State Statistics Service. The construction of risk cartogram was performed on the base of Euclidean distance and estimation of nuclear density.Results and conclusions. In accordance with the obtained results, the GIS containing information about the checkpoints on the Russian border, settlements, roads and railway lines was worked out. The method of identification of risk areas due to importation of infectious diseases based on the cholera model has been developed, and the total area of such territories was less than 1 % of the total area of the country. It was found that in some cases the risk area is located at a certain distance from the checkpoint, but the existence of checkpoint does not lead to the formation of risk areas. The developed GIS is available on the geo-information portal of FGHI Rostov-on-Don Research Anti-Plague Institute of Rospotrebnadzor

    Results of epizootic monitoring of natural foci of particularly dangerous infections common to humans and animals in Rostov Oblast

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    Objective: To analyze the results of epizootic monitoring of natural foci of particularly dangerous infections common to humans and animals in Rostov Oblast to establish their activity.Materials and Methods: The data of epizootic monitoring conducted by zoologists; the results of laboratory research of field material obtained in natural foci of infectious diseases. Descriptive, zoological, genetic, serological methods, and retrospective epidemiological analysis were used.Results: The results of the conducted epizootic monitoring showed the presence in Rostov Oblast of natural foci of particularly dangerous infectious diseases common to humans and animals. While the natural focus of the plague is in a depressed state and does not show activity, in the foci of tularemia, West Nile fever (WNF), Crimean hemorrhagic fever (CHF), ixodic tick-borne borreliosis (ITB), hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), Q fever, Batai fever, California serogroups, Syndbis revealed the antigens of these pathogens in biological material obtained from small mammals and blood-sucking insects, which indicates the epizootic activity of these foci. In the natural foci of WNF, CHF, ITB, HFRS, cases of these disease among the population were recorded, which confirms the epidemic activity of these foci.Conclusion: The obtained results of epizootic monitoring over the period from 2008 to 2020 emphasize the relevance and necessity of continuing these studies in natural foci in Rostov Oblast

    Comparing Notes: Recording and Criticism

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    This chapter charts the ways in which recording has changed the nature of music criticism. It both provides an overview of the history of recording and music criticism, from the advent of Edison’s Phonograph to the present day, and examines the issues arising from this new technology and the consequent transformation of critical thought and practice