27 research outputs found

    Is diet partly responsible for differences in COVID-19 death rates between and within countries?

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    Correction: Volume: 10 Issue: 1 Article Number: 44 DOI: 10.1186/s13601-020-00351-w Published: OCT 26 2020Reported COVID-19 deaths in Germany are relatively low as compared to many European countries. Among the several explanations proposed, an early and large testing of the population was put forward. Most current debates on COVID-19 focus on the differences among countries, but little attention has been given to regional differences and diet. The low-death rate European countries (e.g. Austria, Baltic States, Czech Republic, Finland, Norway, Poland, Slovakia) have used different quarantine and/or confinement times and methods and none have performed as many early tests as Germany. Among other factors that may be significant are the dietary habits. It seems that some foods largely used in these countries may reduce angiotensin-converting enzyme activity or are anti-oxidants. Among the many possible areas of research, it might be important to understand diet and angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) levels in populations with different COVID-19 death rates since dietary interventions may be of great benefit.Peer reviewe

    Correlation between work impairment, scores of rhinitis severity and asthma using the MASK-air (R) App

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    Background In allergic rhinitis, a relevant outcome providing information on the effectiveness of interventions is needed. In MASK-air (Mobile Airways Sentinel Network), a visual analogue scale (VAS) for work is used as a relevant outcome. This study aimed to assess the performance of the work VAS work by comparing VAS work with other VAS measurements and symptom-medication scores obtained concurrently. Methods All consecutive MASK-air users in 23 countries from 1 June 2016 to 31 October 2018 were included (14 189 users; 205 904 days). Geolocalized users self-assessed daily symptom control using the touchscreen functionality on their smart phone to click on VAS scores (ranging from 0 to 100) for overall symptoms (global), nose, eyes, asthma and work. Two symptom-medication scores were used: the modified EAACI CSMS score and the MASK control score for rhinitis. To assess data quality, the intra-individual response variability (IRV) index was calculated. Results A strong correlation was observed between VAS work and other VAS. The highest levels for correlation with VAS work and variance explained in VAS work were found with VAS global, followed by VAS nose, eye and asthma. In comparison with VAS global, the mCSMS and MASK control score showed a lower correlation with VAS work. Results are unlikely to be explained by a low quality of data arising from repeated VAS measures. Conclusions VAS work correlates with other outcomes (VAS global, nose, eye and asthma) but less well with a symptom-medication score. VAS work should be considered as a potentially useful AR outcome in intervention studies.Peer reviewe

    Next-generation ARIA care pathways for rhinitis and asthma : a model for multimorbid chronic diseases

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    Background In all societies, the burden and cost of allergic and chronic respiratory diseases are increasing rapidly. Most economies are struggling to deliver modern health care effectively. There is a need to support the transformation of the health care system into integrated care with organizational health literacy. Main body As an example for chronic disease care, MASK (Mobile Airways Sentinel NetworK), a new project of the ARIA (Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma) initiative, and POLLAR (Impact of Air POLLution on Asthma and Rhinitis, EIT Health), in collaboration with professional and patient organizations in the field of allergy and airway diseases, are proposing real-life ICPs centred around the patient with rhinitis, and using mHealth to monitor environmental exposure. Three aspects of care pathways are being developed: (i) Patient participation, health literacy and self-care through technology-assisted "patient activation", (ii) Implementation of care pathways by pharmacists and (iii) Next-generation guidelines assessing the recommendations of GRADE guidelines in rhinitis and asthma using real-world evidence (RWE) obtained through mobile technology. The EU and global political agendas are of great importance in supporting the digital transformation of health and care, and MASK has been recognized by DG Sante as a Good Practice in the field of digitally-enabled, integrated, person-centred care. Conclusion In 20 years, ARIA has considerably evolved from the first multimorbidity guideline in respiratory diseases to the digital transformation of health and care with a strong political involvement.Peer reviewe

    ARIA digital anamorphosis: Digital transformation of health and care in airway diseases from research to practice

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    Digital anamorphosis is used to define a distorted image of health and care that may be viewed correctly using digital tools and strategies. MASK digital anamorphosis represents the process used by MASK to develop the digital transformation of health and care in rhinitis. It strengthens the ARIA change management strategy in the prevention and management of airway disease. The MASK strategy is based on validated digital tools. Using the MASK digital tool and the CARAT online enhanced clinical framework, solutions for practical steps of digital enhancement of care are proposed

    Seropositividad a Helicobacter pylori entre estudiantes universitarios y sus familias: Estudio comparativo

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    Objetivo: asociar la respuesta serológica a Helicobacter pylori (Hp) entre estudiantes universitarios seropositivos y sus familias en el occidente de México. Métodos: estudio transversal comparativo aleatorizado de 30 núcleos familiares de 14 estudiantes universitarios seropositivos para Hp, y 16 negativos. Se realizó determinación de seropositividad (IgG) a Hp por método de ELISA. El análisis se hizo utilizando chi cuadrado y U de Mann Whitney, con la ayuda de los programas EPI INFO 2000 y SIGMA STAT 3.1 Resultados: la seropositividad global del núcleo familiar de los estudiantes infectados fue del 57 vs. el 13% de los familiares de los estudiantes no infectados (p = 0,000002). En las familias de los estudiantes positivos a Hp se encontró una frecuencia de: binomio paterno (padre y madre) 70%, madres 71%, hermanos 42%, mientras que en los seronegativos fue: binomio paterno 17% (p = 0,00005), madres 12% (p = 0,001), hermanos 10% (p = 0,0076). Conclusiones: existió mayor prevalencia de anticuerpos a Hp en los familiares de los alumnos seropositivos

    Indigestible fraction of guava fruit : Phenolic profile, colonic fermentation and effect on HT-29 cells

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    Guava fruit is rich in phenolic compounds (PCs), whose metabolic fate has not been explored. Non-digestible carbohydrates and PCs in whole guava (WG) and seedless guava (SG) were submitted to an in vitro colonic fermentation, followed by evaluation of the anti-proliferative activity of the fermentation extracts in HT-29 cancer cell lines. The main PCs in both samples were (+)-gallocatechin and gallic acid, while procyanidin B was the most abundant one associated with soluble indigestible fraction and quercetin predominated in the insoluble indigestible fraction. The fermentability index at 24 h was 78.84% in WG and 84.74% for SG, near to the value for raffinose used as reference, with butyric acid as the main short chain fatty acids (SCFA) produced. The greatest antiproliferative effects were observed in the SG at 12 h of fermentation and WG at 24 h of fermentation. These results allow to suggest consumption of guava fruit, either with or without seeds, as a feasible way to maintain colonic health

    Dinâmica sazonal da produção e decomposição de serrapilheira em floresta tropical de transição Seasonal dynamics of the litterfall production and decomposition in tropical transitional forest

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    Em função de se analisar a produção, dinâmica e decomposição de serrapilheira em busca da sazonalidade do microclima em uma floresta tropical de transição Amazônia Cerrado, propõe-se estimar a produção de serrapilheira, por meio de caixas de coleta de 1 m² e o acúmulo de serrapilheira sobre o solo por meio de quadrantes de 25 x 25 cm, distribuídos aleatoriamente. Determinaram-se a constante de decaimento (K), o coeficiente de retorno de serrapilheira (K L) e a constante de decomposição (K'). Com o emprego de bolsas de nylon preenchidas com folhas de espécies de relevância na floresta (Tovomita schomburgkki e Brosimium lactescens) estudou-se a decomposição de folhas e se monitaram os fatores ambientais por meio de equipamentos instalados em uma torre micrometeorológica. A produção de serrapilheira não só se apresentou de forma sazonal, com significativa influência da umidade relativa do ar e da precipitação, em uma floresta de transição, mas foi majoritariamente composta de folhas seguidas de galhos e miscelânea (flores e frutos). A decomposição de folhas em florestas tropicais foi acelerada em ambas as estações, seca-úmida e úmida-seca, sendo a velocidade de decomposição das folhas maior na estação úmida-seca.<br>The objective of this study was to analyze the production, dynamics and litter decomposition as a function of the seasonality of the microclimate in a transitional tropical forest of Amazonia Cerrado. Estimate of litterfall was carried out with collection boxes of 1 m² and floor forest mass with quadrants of 25 x 25 cm distributed randomly. The decline constant (K), litter turnover rate (K L) and litter decomposition rate (K') were determined by estimation of litterfall and forest floor litter mass. Leaf decomposition was studied by litter bags with leaves of species of relevance (Tovomita schomburgkki and Brosimium lactescens) in the forest. The analysis of the environmental factors was measured through micrometeorological equipments. The litterfall was seasonal in nature, with significant influence from relative air humidity and rainfall in a transitional forest. Litterfall was mainly composed of leaves, followed by twigs, and miscellany (flowers and fruits). The leaf decomposition in tropical forests was accelerated in seasons, dry-wet and wet-dry, being the leaf decomposition higher in the wet-dry season