23 research outputs found

    The Relationship of Consumer Ethnocentrism, Purchase Intention, and Lifestyle in First-generation Bicultural Ethnic Groups

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    This study analyzed the relationship between first-generation Colombian – Canadian bicultural ethnic consumers, their purchase intention, and lifestyles. These common types of consumers were to make purchases depending on the lifestyle, bicultural ethnic group, and the ethnocentric trends that might differ from the country of origin or the host country. There were 158 surveys administered in Toronto, Canada. Structural Equation Modeling was applied, using the Unweighted Least Squares Estimates and Maximum Likelihood Methods. An Exploratory Factor Analysis was run using the principal axis method and Promax rotation after conducting the multivariate normality tests, reliability, and discriminant and convergent validity tests. The Confirmatory Factor Analysis guaranteed an adequate measurement model. The purchase intention was explained as 85.2% for lifestyle factors, such as self-reliance and leadership, nurturing and family orientation, household oriented and industrious, and ethnocentrism in Colombia and Canada. It was found that lifestyle factors were not significantly related to purchase intention. However, ethnocentrism positively impacted Canadian product perceptions and a negative impact on Colombian products. Results showed that lifestyles (activities, interests, and opinions [AIO]) are not always key elements in consumer’s purchase intentions. Bicultural consumer ethnocentric trends are stronger in the host country because consumers in a developing country accept more developed countries. The study supported the theory of social identity (Tajfel, 1982) and optimal distinction (Brewer, 1979), which suggests consumers would have a bias towards the country with which they identify or experience dual or divided loyalties between the country of origin and the host country

    The relationship of consumer ethnocentrism, purchase intention, and lifestyle in first-generation bicultural ethnic groups

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    The study analyzed consumer ethnocentrism’s relationship in the first generation Colombian-Canadian bicultural ethnic consumer with purchase intention and lifestyle. One hundred and fifty-eight personal surveys were conducted in Toronto, Canada. It found that ethnocentrism positively influenced the perceptions of Canadian products compared to Colombian products. However, lifestyle was not significantly related to purchase intention. These findings motivate companies to identify their bicultural consumers who may favor products of the host country over most foreign products. It is possible that individuals who incorporate dual ethnic identities can move away from one value system and adopt another; thus, more empirical evidence on the behavior of this type of consumer must be provided, mainly when multinationals compete among one another rather than with their national rivals, with the concept of country of origin being highlighted. Consequently, organizations should know how affiliation with the host country may positively affect on purchase intentions concerning the country of origin

    Estudio de la demanda de carreras universitarias a nivel de bachillerato

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    The present research is directed to show the importance of higher education for high school students in the public, fiscal, fiscomisionales and municipal institutions from the Quito Canton, Pichincha province, allowing the analysis of several variables such as: university positioning, diverse options of faculties and careers, study schedules and training camps. It is necessary for the Instittutions of Higher Education (IES) to take into account that the demands of the new market segments of the country are related to academic innovation, and new teaching-learning processes and practices.La presente investigación está orientada a evidenciar la importancia que tiene la educación superior para los estudiantes de bachillerato de las instituciones públicas, fiscales-fiscomisionales y municipales del cantón Quito de la provincia de Pichincha, permitiendo analizar variables como: posicionamiento de las universidades, preferencia entre distintas opciones de facultades y carreras, horarios de estudio y campos de formación. Es necesario que las Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) tomen en cuenta que las exigencias de los nuevos segmentos de mercado del país se relacionan con la innovación académica, nuevos procesos y prácticas de enseñanza-aprendizaje

    Evolución de las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito en ecuador, 2000-2015

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    Este artículo evalúa la evolución de las Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito controladas por la Superintendencia de Economía Popular y Solidaria de Ecuador en el período 2000-2015.En la metodología se calculó un índice basado en los factores clave del negocio (cartera, captaciones y resultados) ajustados por inflación (año base 2007), cuyos resultados fueron aplicados a la teoría Fisher y comparados con la variación porcentual del Producto Interno Bruto. Del análisis se concluye que las Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito que forman parte del Sistema Financiero Popular y Solidario crecieron en términos reales el 18,18% lo que las convierte en las Instituciones Financieras de mejor desempeño en el Sistema Financiero Nacional

    Millennials ¿similares o diferentes?: inclinación al individualismo en una sociedad colectivista (Estudios)

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    This investigation intends to identify whether collectivist cultures may show individualistic tendencies due to generational change. Personal polls were made including instrument VSM08 on a sample of 390 Ecuadorian millennials, as well as the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Mann-Whitney’s U, Kruskal-Wallis and chi-squared tests. It was noted that there might be cultural changes in collectivism-oriented countries. It was also found that there are differences between men and women depending on their age and location. Younger men and women tend to be more individualistic, with men being less individualistic depending on their residency area. Finally, it was proven that IDV is a valid indicator despite cultural changes.Esta investigación buscó identificar si las culturas colectivistas pueden presentar tendencias individualistas según los cambios generacionales. Mediante encuestas personales se aplicó el instrumento VSM08 a una muestra de 390 millennials ecuatorianos y se utilizó la prueba de Kolmogorov-Smirnov, U de Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis y chi cuadrado de Pearson. Se evidenció que pueden existir cambios culturales en países colectivistas. Además, se encontró que existen diferencias entre hombres y mujeres de acuerdo con su edad y sector de ubicación. Los hombres y las mujeres más jóvenes son más individualistas y los hombres son menos individualistas en función al sector donde residen. Finalmente, se prueba que el IDV es un indicador válido a pesar de los cambios culturales

    Catalytic Ozonation as a Promising Technology for Application in Water Treatment: Advantages and Constraints

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    Freshwater pollution compromises drinking water in a worldwide context. Water pollution is one of the major environmental challenges facing humanity. Therefore, the application of methods to control the pollution in water is a growing research field. Among the methods, ozone has been widely applied due to its high oxidation potential. However, one disadvantage is the presence of refractory organic compounds that are partially oxidized leaving mineralization incomplete. Several approaches have been considered to improve the oxidizing power, reducing the reaction time, and increasing the mineralization degree of ozone. So far, the combination of a solid catalyst with ozone (catalytic ozonation) has shown to enhance the degradation of refractory organic compounds in water. This chapter presents the combination of different metallic oxides (Al2O3, TiO2, SiO2, and NiO) with ozone to determine the effect of ozone decomposition and the subsequent elimination of one chlorinated compound (2,4-D). The chemical structure of the initial compound (2,4-D, benzoic and phthalic acid), as well as the initial catalyst dosage (0.1 and 0.5 g L−1) with the mentioned compounds, was also studied. Moreover, the degradation of two aromatic compounds (naphthalene and naproxen) with different proportions of ethanol (representing the organic matter of wastewater) was analyzed to establish their effect on the catalytic ozonation process

    Hofstede’s Cultural dimensions in Ecuadorian society

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    El presente artículo hace un recorrido importante del concepto de cultura. Se concentra en la teoría del antropólogo holandés Geert Hendrik Hofstede que manifiesta que los agrupamientos culturales que tiene una sociedad influencian su comportamiento y toma de decisiones en una región, país, continente e incluso en las organizaciones empresariales. Estas dimensiones se evalúan en una escala del 1 al 120 y confrontan entre ellas: la igualdad versus la desigualdad de podereconómico y social, el individualismo versus colectivismo, la masculinidad versus femineidad, evitar la incertidumbre versus la tolerancia, la indulgencia versus la restricción y la orientación de corto plazo versus largo plazo. Se observa a la República de Ecuador ciertos factores demográficos, geográficos y económicos, además que se realiza un análisis de los índices Hofstede y se examina el lugar que ocupa cada dimensión en la sociedad ecuatoriana.Ecuador, de acuerdo al análisis cultural del Hofstede Centre, se ubica como una sociedad colectivista pues consideran que pertenecer a un grupo es muy importante. A la vez, las reglas no son necesariamente seguidas, debido a que depende en última instancia, de la decisión de los titulares del poder que hacen sus propias reglas. La religión y la superstición tienen gran protagonismo, por lo que la tradición de cada grupo es respetada por sus miembros. La sociedad solo serádiferente cuando una autoridad de poder los conduzca hacia un cambio que agrupe a sus seguidores. Las personas buscan una sociedad que les otorguen estatus y recompensas vinculadas al desempeño, pero con frecuencia sacrifican el ocio en relación al trabajo.The present article makes an important tour of the concept of culture. It focuses on the theory of the Dutch anthropologist Geert Hendrik Hofstede, who states that the cultural groupings that a society has influence their behavior and decision making in a region, country, continent and even in business organizations. These dimensions are evaluated on a scale of 1 to 120 and they confront each other: equality versus inequality of economic and social power, individualismversus collectivism, masculinity versus femininity, avoiding uncertainty versus tolerance, indulgence versus restriction, and short-term versus long-term orientation. The Republic of Ecuador is observed certain demographic, geographical and economic factors, in addition that an analysis of the Hofstede indices is carried out and the place that each dimension occupies in the Ecuadorian society.According to the cultural analysis of the Hofstede Center, Ecuador is located as a collectivist society because they consider that belonging to a group is very important. At the same time, the rules are not necessarily followed, because they ultimately depend on the decision of the holders of power who make their own rules. The religion and the superstitionhave great protagonism too, which is why the tradition of each group is respected by its members. Society will only be different when a power authority leads them to a change that groups their followers. People seek a society that gives them status and rewards linked to performance, but often sacrifice leisure in relation to work

    La Sociedad Ecuatoriana Analizada desde las Dimensiones Culturales

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    The cultural dimensions of the Ecuadorian society were oriented according to the Hofstede model, which are evaluated on a scale from 1 to 100, which implies measuring the variability between them: Equality versus inequality of economic and social power; individualism compared to collectivism; masculinity and femininity; avoid uncertainty as opposed to tolerance; indulgence against restriction and short-term orientation compared to the long term. An exploratory study was applied by secondary sources, which determined that Ecuador is located as a collectivist society that considers that it belongs to a very important group. Likewise, religion and superstition have great prominence, being the tradition respected by its members. Consider that society is always different when a power authority leads to a change that groups its followers. In this society people seek status and rewards linked to performance, but often sacrifices leisure in relation to work.Se analizaron las dimensiones culturales de la sociedad ecuatoriana de acuerdo al modelo Hofstede, las que se evalúan en una escala del 1 al 100, lo que implica medir la variabilidad entre ellas: La igualdad versus la desigualdad de poder económico y social; el individualismo comparado con el colectivismo; la masculinidad y la femineidad; evitar la incertidumbre en oposición a la tolerancia; la indulgencia contra la restricción y la orientación de corto plazo comparada con el  largo plazo.  Se aplicó un estudio exploratorio mediante revisión de fuentes secundarias, lo que determinó que Ecuador se ubica como una sociedad colectivista pues consideran que pertenecer a un grupo es muy importante. Así mismo, la religión y la superstición tienen gran protagonismo, siendo la tradición respetada por sus miembros. Consideran que la sociedad sólo será diferente cuando una autoridad de poder los conduzca hacia un cambio que agrupe a sus seguidores.  En esta sociedad las personas buscan status y recompensas vinculadas al desempeño, pero con frecuencia sacrifican el ocio en relación al trabajo

    Repositioning of the global epicentre of non-optimal cholesterol

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    High blood cholesterol is typically considered a feature of wealthy western countries(1,2). However, dietary and behavioural determinants of blood cholesterol are changing rapidly throughout the world(3) and countries are using lipid-lowering medications at varying rates. These changes can have distinct effects on the levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol, which have different effects on human health(4,5). However, the trends of HDL and non-HDL cholesterol levels over time have not been previously reported in a global analysis. Here we pooled 1,127 population-based studies that measured blood lipids in 102.6 million individuals aged 18 years and older to estimate trends from 1980 to 2018 in mean total, non-HDL and HDL cholesterol levels for 200 countries. Globally, there was little change in total or non-HDL cholesterol from 1980 to 2018. This was a net effect of increases in low- and middle-income countries, especially in east and southeast Asia, and decreases in high-income western countries, especially those in northwestern Europe, and in central and eastern Europe. As a result, countries with the highest level of non-HDL cholesterol-which is a marker of cardiovascular riskchanged from those in western Europe such as Belgium, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and Malta in 1980 to those in Asia and the Pacific, such as Tokelau, Malaysia, The Philippines and Thailand. In 2017, high non-HDL cholesterol was responsible for an estimated 3.9 million (95% credible interval 3.7 million-4.2 million) worldwide deaths, half of which occurred in east, southeast and south Asia. The global repositioning of lipid-related risk, with non-optimal cholesterol shifting from a distinct feature of high-income countries in northwestern Europe, north America and Australasia to one that affects countries in east and southeast Asia and Oceania should motivate the use of population-based policies and personal interventions to improve nutrition and enhance access to treatment throughout the world.Peer reviewe