490 research outputs found

    Operational Research in Education

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    Operational Research (OR) techniques have been applied, from the early stages of the discipline, to a wide variety of issues in education. At the government level, these include questions of what resources should be allocated to education as a whole and how these should be divided amongst the individual sectors of education and the institutions within the sectors. Another pertinent issue concerns the efficient operation of institutions, how to measure it, and whether resource allocation can be used to incentivise efficiency savings. Local governments, as well as being concerned with issues of resource allocation, may also need to make decisions regarding, for example, the creation and location of new institutions or closure of existing ones, as well as the day-to-day logistics of getting pupils to schools. Issues of concern for managers within schools and colleges include allocating the budgets, scheduling lessons and the assignment of students to courses. This survey provides an overview of the diverse problems faced by government, managers and consumers of education, and the OR techniques which have typically been applied in an effort to improve operations and provide solutions

    Hybrid heuristic for multi-carrier transportation plans

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    This paper describes a hybrid heuristic approach to construct transportation plans for a singlecustomer multi-carrier scenario that arises at 3T Logistics Ltd, a UK company that provides outsourced transportation planning and management services. The problem consists on planning the delivery, using a set of carrier companies, of a set of shipments from a warehouse to different consignees across the UK. The problem tackled resembles a vehicle routing problem with time windows but there are several differences in our scenario. The hybrid heuristic algorithm described here combines a clustering algorithm, constructive and local search heuristics, and exact assignment based on integer programming. This approach is being currently evaluated at the company and results so far indicate the suitability of the algorithm to produce practical transportation plans at reduced cost compared to current practice

    Hybridizations within a graph based hyper-heuristic framework for university timetabling problems

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    A significant body of recent literature has explored various research directions in hyper-heuristics (which can be thought as heuristics to choose heuristics). In this paper, we extend our previous work to construct a unified graph-based hyper-heuristic (GHH) framework, under which a number of local search-based algorithms (as the high level heuristics) are studied to search upon sequences of low-level graph colouring heuristics. To gain an in-depth understanding on this new framework, we address some fundamental issues concerning neighbourhood structures and characteristics of the two search spaces (namely, the search spaces of the heuristics and the actual solutions). Furthermore, we investigate efficient hybridizations in GHH with local search methods and address issues concerning the exploration of the high-level search and the exploitation ability of the local search. These, to our knowledge, represent entirely novel directions in hyper-heuristics. The efficient hybrid GHH obtained competitive results compared with the best published results for both benchmark course and exam timetabling problems, demonstrating its efficiency and generality across different problem domains. Possible extensions upon this simple, yet general, GHH framework are also discussed

    Hyper‐Heuristics and Metaheuristics for Selected Bio‐Inspired Combinatorial Optimization Problems

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    Many decision and optimization problems arising in bioinformatics field are time demanding, and several algorithms are designed to solve these problems or to improve their current best solution approach. Modeling and implementing a new heuristic algorithm may be time‐consuming but has strong motivations: on the one hand, even a small improvement of the new solution may be worth the long time spent on the construction of a new method; on the other hand, there are problems for which good‐enough solutions are acceptable which could be achieved at a much lower computational cost. In the first case, specially designed heuristics or metaheuristics are needed, while the latter hyper‐heuristics can be proposed. The paper will describe both approaches in different domain problems

    Hybrid Variable Neighborhood HyperHeuristics for Exam Timetabling Problems

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    This paper presents our work on analysing the high level search within a graph based hyperheuristic. The graph based hyperheuristic solves the problem at a higher level by searching through permutations of graph heuristics rather than the actual solutions. The heuristic permutations are then used to construct the solutions. Variable Neighborhood Search, Steepest Descent, Iterated Local Search and Tabu Search are compared. An analysis of their performance within the high level search space of heuristics is also carried out. Experimental results on benchmark exam timetabling problems demonstrate the simplicity and efficiency of this hyperheuristic approach. They also indicate that the choice of the high level search methodology is not crucial and the high level search should explore the heuristic search space as widely as possible within a limited searching time. This simple and general graph based hyperheuristic may be applied to a range of timetabling and optimisation problems

    Hybrid Variable Neighborhood HyperHeuristics for Exam Timetabling Problems

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    This paper presents our work on analysing the high level search within a graph based hyperheuristic. The graph based hyperheuristic solves the problem at a higher level by searching through permutations of graph heuristics rather than the actual solutions. The heuristic permutations are then used to construct the solutions. Variable Neighborhood Search, Steepest Descent, Iterated Local Search and Tabu Search are compared. An analysis of their performance within the high level search space of heuristics is also carried out. Experimental results on benchmark exam timetabling problems demonstrate the simplicity and efficiency of this hyperheuristic approach. They also indicate that the choice of the high level search methodology is not crucial and the high level search should explore the heuristic search space as widely as possible within a limited searching time. This simple and general graph based hyperheuristic may be applied to a range of timetabling and optimisation problems

    Choice function based hyper-heuristics for multi-objective optimization

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    A selection hyper-heuristic is a high level search methodology which operates over a fixed set of low level heuristics. During the iterative search process, a heuristic is selected and applied to a candidate solution in hand, producing a new solution which is then accepted or rejected at each step. Selection hyper-heuristics have been increasingly, and successfully, applied to single-objective optimization problems, while work on multi-objective selection hyper-heuristics is limited. This work presents one of the initial studies on selection hyper-heuristics combining a choice function heuristic selection methodology with great deluge and late acceptance as non-deterministic move acceptance methods for multi-objective optimization. A well-known hypervolume metric is integrated into the move acceptance methods to enable the approaches to deal with multi-objective problems. The performance of the proposed hyper-heuristics is investigated on the Walking Fish Group test suite which is a common benchmark for multi-objective optimization. Additionally, they are applied to the vehicle crashworthiness design problem as a real-world multi-objective problem. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the non-deterministic move acceptance, particularly great deluge when used as a component of a choice function based selection hyper-heuristic

    Hyper-heuristic decision tree induction

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    A hyper-heuristic is any algorithm that searches or operates in the space of heuristics as opposed to the space of solutions. Hyper-heuristics are increasingly used in function and combinatorial optimization. Rather than attempt to solve a problem using a fixed heuristic, a hyper-heuristic approach attempts to find a combination of heuristics that solve a problem (and in turn may be directly suitable for a class of problem instances). Hyper-heuristics have been little explored in data mining. This work presents novel hyper-heuristic approaches to data mining, by searching a space of attribute selection criteria for decision tree building algorithm. The search is conducted by a genetic algorithm. The result of the hyper-heuristic search in this case is a strategy for selecting attributes while building decision trees. Most hyper-heuristics work by trying to adapt the heuristic to the state of the problem being solved. Our hyper-heuristic is no different. It employs a strategy for adapting the heuristic used to build decision tree nodes according to some set of features of the training set it is working on. We introduce, explore and evaluate five different ways in which this problem state can be represented for a hyper-heuristic that operates within a decisiontree building algorithm. In each case, the hyper-heuristic is guided by a rule set that tries to map features of the data set to be split by the decision tree building algorithm to a heuristic to be used for splitting the same data set. We also explore and evaluate three different sets of low-level heuristics that could be employed by such a hyper-heuristic. This work also makes a distinction between specialist hyper-heuristics and generalist hyper-heuristics. The main difference between these two hyperheuristcs is the number of training sets used by the hyper-heuristic genetic algorithm. Specialist hyper-heuristics are created using a single data set from a particular domain for evolving the hyper-heurisic rule set. Such algorithms are expected to outperform standard algorithms on the kind of data set used by the hyper-heuristic genetic algorithm. Generalist hyper-heuristics are trained on multiple data sets from different domains and are expected to deliver a robust and competitive performance over these data sets when compared to standard algorithms. We evaluate both approaches for each kind of hyper-heuristic presented in this thesis. We use both real data sets as well as synthetic data sets. Our results suggest that none of the hyper-heuristics presented in this work are suited for specialization – in most cases, the hyper-heuristic’s performance on the data set it was specialized for was not significantly better than that of the best performing standard algorithm. On the other hand, the generalist hyper-heuristics delivered results that were very competitive to the best standard methods. In some cases we even achieved a significantly better overall performance than all of the standard methods