27 research outputs found

    Legitimating space: art and the politics of place

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    Rock art, graffiti, and other emplaced works of art bring people together at specific places. This type of art allows for encounters between people in their absence, and thus presents a range of possibilities for making statements about specific places and those who occupy or visit. This opens the possibility for issues of legitimation to become implicitly or explicitly articulated. However, the legitimate use of space, and the legitimate employment of art, can vary drastically across different contexts. Here, the paper discusses a range of different strategies of art and legitimation in three case studies from India, California, and Spai

    Advances in the treatment of prolactinomas

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    Prolactinomas account for approximately 40% of all pituitary adenomas and are an important cause of hypogonadism and infertility. The ultimate goal of therapy for prolactinomas is restoration or achievement of eugonadism through the normalization of hyperprolactinemia and control of tumor mass. Medical therapy with dopamine agonists is highly effective in the majority of cases and represents the mainstay of therapy. Recent data indicating successful withdrawal of these agents in a subset of patients challenge the previously held concept that medical therapy is a lifelong requirement. Complicated situations, such as those encountered in resistance to dopamine agonists, pregnancy, and giant or malignant prolactinomas, may require multimodal therapy involving surgery, radiotherapy, or both. Progress in elucidating the mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of prolactinomas may enable future development of novel molecular therapies for treatment-resistant cases. This review provides a critical analysis of the efficacy and safety of the various modes of therapy available for the treatment of patients with prolactinomas with an emphasis on challenging situations, a discussion of the data regarding withdrawal of medical therapy, and a foreshadowing of novel approaches to therapy that may become available in the future

    Of jars and gongs: Two keys to Ot Danum Dayak cosmology

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    This book deals with the traditional ritual art of Ot Danum Dayak subsistence farmers from a stretch of tropical rainforest in the hearth of Borneo. Together with the Ngaju, their neighbours to the south, they glories in one of the most elaborate secondary mortuary rites in the world. Much of their art depicts the journey of the soul of the deceased through a richly variegated spirit world. Heirloom jars and bronze gongs were as omnipresent in their art, ritual and cosmology as in their real-life exchanges. They contributing substantially to the identity of both humans and spirits. The present publication offers a comparative analysis of various Ot Danum ritual objects. It draws on a long tradition of ethnographic writing on the area stretching back to the mid-19th century, mainly by German and Swiss Protestant missionaries and Dutch colonials

    Inventaire et surveillance : l'appropriation de la nature à travers l'histoire naturelle

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    Inventaire : Revue minutieuse (d'un ensemble de choses).Surveiller : Observer avec une attention soutenue, de façon à exercer un contrôle [...].Le Robert Un thème commun reliait des pratiques du XIXème siècle aussi diverses que les muséums, les zoos, les jardins botaniques, les expositions universelles, les archives de toutes sortes, les dioramas, les panoramas et la photographie des types anthropologiques : c’était l’idée, et l’idéal, d’un inventaire visuel encyclopédique du monde naturel, s..