2,624 research outputs found

    How defensive were lending and aid to HIPC?

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    We investigate whether defensive lending and defensive granting motivated the transfer of resources by official donors to low income countries. We estimate a dynamic panel of 75 low-income IDA and IDA-Blend countries for the period 1982 to 2008, where the sample includes 41 HIPC and a control group of other 34 low- income countries. Our results point to no evidence of defensive lending as opposed to strong evidence of defensive granting. Both bilateral and multilateral donors reduce their loans as the debt they hold increases (where such “correction” is actually weaker in the case of multilateral loans to HIPC). Official donors provide more grants as multilateral debt increases where this effect is significant only for debt- ridden HIPC countries. This result is consistent with a substitution of grants for loans and the new approach to debt sustainability, but questions the efficiency and selectivity of the aid policy.debt relief, foreign aid, highly indebted poor countries.

    Public Debt Management in Brazil

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    This paper derives the optimal composition of the Brazilian public debt by looking at the relative impact of the risk and cost of alternative debt instruments on the probability of missing the stabilization target. This allows to price risk against the expected cost of debt service and thus to find the optimal combination along the trade off between cost and risk minimization. The optimal debt structure is a function of the expected return differentials between debt instruments, of the conditional variance of debt returns and of their covariances with output growth, inflation, exchange-rate depreciation and the Selic rate. We estimate the relevant covariances by: i) exploiting the daily survey of expectations; ii) simulating a small structural model of the Brazilian economy under different shocks; iii) estimating the unanticipated components of the relevant variables with forecasting regressions. The empirical evidence strongly supports the funding strategy of Brazilian Treasury in 2003 of relying heavily on fixed-rate LTN bonds. It also supports its recent decision to revitalize the market for price-indexed bonds with the new NTN-B program of IPCA indexation. Though decreasing, the exposure to exchange rate risk appears too large suggesting that more efforts should be made to reduce funding in foreign currencies.

    Managing Debt Stability

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    This paper presents a simple model in which debt management stabilizes the debt-to-GDP ratio in face of shocks to real returns and output growth and thus supports fiscal restraint in ensuring sustainability. The optimal composition of public debt is derived by looking at the relative impact of the risk and cost of alternative debt instruments on the cost of missing the stabilization target. The optimal debt structure is a function of the expected return differentials between debt instruments, of the conditional variance of their returns and of the conditional covariances of their returns with output growth and inflation. We then explore how the relevant covariances and thus the optimal choice of debt instruments depend on the monetary regime and on Central Bank preferences for output stabilization, inflation control and interest-rate smoothing. Finally, we estimate the composition of public debt that would have supported debt stabilization in OECD countries over the last two decades. The empirical evidence suggests that the public debt should have a long maturity and a large share of it should be indexed to the price level.debt management, debt structure, debt stabilization, inflation indexation, interest rates

    The Debt Burden and Debt Maturity

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    At low and moderate levels of government debt, there appears to be little relation between the level of debt and its maturity. But at high levels of debt, a strong inverse relation emerges. We start the paper by documenting this inverse relation for those OECD Countries which have reached very high levels of debt. We then provide a theory of the joint movements of debt and maturity which can explain both sets of facts. It is based on the idea that, at high levels of debt, the government may need to decrease the maturity of the debt as debt increases, in order to maintain the credibility of its anti-inflation stance.

    Immune contexture monitoring in solid tumors focusing on Head and Neck Cancer

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    Forti evidenze dimostrano una stretta interazione tra il sistema immunitario e lo sviluppo biologico e la progressione clinica dei tumori solidi. L'effetto che il microambiente immunitario del tumore può avere sul comportamento clinico della malattia è indicato come "immunecontexture". Nonostante ciò, l'attuale gestione clinica dei pazienti affetti da cancro non tiene conto di alcuna caratteristica immunologica né per la stadiazione né per le scelte terapeutiche. Il tumore della testa e del collo (HNSCC) rappresenta il 7° tumore più comune al mondo ed è caratterizzato da una prognosi relativamente sfavorevole e dall'effetto negativo dei trattamenti sulla qualità della vita dei pazienti. Oltre alla chirurgia e alla radioterapia, sono disponibili pochi trattamenti sistemici, rappresentati principalmente dalla chemioterapia a base di platino-derivati o dal cetuximab. L'immunoterapia è una nuova strategia terapeutica ancora limitata al setting palliativo (malattia ricorrente non resecabile o metastatica). La ricerca di nuovi biomarcatori o possibili nuovi meccanismi target è molto rilevante quindi nel contesto clinico dell'HNSCC. In questa tesi ci si concentrerà sullo studio di tre possibili popolazioni immunitarie pro-tumorali studiate nell'HNSCC: i neutrofili tumore-associati (TAN), le cellule B intratumorali con fenotipo immunosoppressivo e i T-reg CD8+. Particolare attenzione è data all'applicazione di moderne tecniche biostatistiche e bioinformatiche per riassumere informazioni complesse derivate da variabili cliniche e immunologiche multiparametriche e per validare risultati derivati ​​in situ, attraverso dati di espressione genica derivati da dataset pubblici. Infine, la seconda parte della tesi prenderà in considerazione progetti di ricerca clinica rilevanti, volti a migliorare l'oncologia di precisione nell'HNSCC, sviluppando modelli predittivi di sopravvivenza, confrontando procedure oncologiche alternative, validando nuovi classificatori o testando l'uso di nuovi protocolli clinici come l'uso dell'immunonutrizione.Strong evidences demonstrate a close interplay between the immune system and the biological development and clinical progression of solid tumors. The effect that the tumor immune microenvironment can have on the clinical behavior of the disease is referred as the immuno contexture. Nevertheless, the current clinical management of patients affected by cancer does not take into account any immunological features either for the staging or for the treatment choices. Head and Neck Cancer (HNSCC) represents the 7th most common cancer worldwide and it is characterized by a relatively poor prognosis and detrimental effect of treatments on the quality of life of patients. Beyond surgery and radiotherapy, few systemic treatments are available, mainly represented by platinum-based chemotherapy or cetuximab. Immunotherapy is a new therapeutical strategy still limited to the palliative setting (recurrent not resectable or metastatic disease). The search for new biomarkers or possible new targetable mechanisms is meaningful especially in the clinical setting of HNSCC. In this thesis a focus will be given on the study of three possible pro-tumoral immune populations studied in HNSCC: the tumor associated neutrophils (TAN), intratumoral B-cells with a immunosuppressive phenotype and the CD8+ T-regs. Biostatistical and bioinformatical techniques are applied to summarize complex information derived from multiparametric clinical and immunological variables and to validate in-situ derived findings through gene expression data of public available datasets. Lastly, the second part of the thesis will take into account relevant clinical research projects, aimed at improving the precision oncology in HNSCC developing survival prediction models, comparing alternative oncological procedures, validating new classifiers or testing the use of novel clinical protocols as the use of immunnutrition

    Public Health Implications of Mass Rape as a Weapon of War

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    Although rape and other forms of sexual violence have historically been present during wartime, it has recently become a strategic weapon of war in many settings. The term mass rape as a weapon of war is defined as a systematic pattern of rape perpetrated by fighters usually against civilian women and children at a rate much higher than the rate of rape prevailing during peacetime. This study will examine issues surrounding mass rape as a weapon of war including: emerging theories, effectiveness of current international law, public health consequences, and relevant indicators of likelihood of occurrence. Grave physical and mental health outcomes associated with mass rape highlight the need for intervention through policy and program planning. The proposed multi-dimensional prevention pathway addresses the ecological determinants of mass rape

    Did high debts distort loan and grant allocation to IDA countries?

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    We examine the allocation of net loans, net transfers and grants to IDA countries over the period 1982-2008 focusing on the role of debt and debt sustainability in the decisions of multilateral and bilateral donors. We find no evidence of defensive lending but strong evidence of defensive granting. A significant negative reaction of net loans to the debt ratio indeed characterizes the decisions of both multilateral and bilateral creditors. The impact of lower loans on the budget of debtor countries is however accommodated through higher grants, in addition to debt relief. These findings are consistent with a substitution of grants for loans and with the new approach to debt sustainability but question the efficiency and selectivity of foreign ai

    How is the Debt Managed? Learning from Fiscal Stabilizations

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    This paper provides evidence on the behavior of public debt managers during fiscal stabilizations. Such episodes provide valuable information on the way debt instruments are chosen because they allow to overcome the problem that policymakers' expectations of interest rates are generally not observable. We find that governments increase the share of fixed-rate long-term debt denominated in the domestic currency the higher is the conditional volatility of short-term interest rates, the lower are long-term interest rates, and the stronger is the fall in long-term rates that follows the announcement of the stabilization program. By contrast, conventional measures of the relative cost of issuing long-term debt, such as the long-short interest-rate spread, are not significant. This evidence suggests that debt managers tend to prefer long to short maturity debt because they are concerned about the risk of refinancing at higher than expected interest rates. However, when long-term rates are high relative to their expectations, they issue short maturity debt to minimize borrowing costs.This paper provides evidence on the behavior of public debt managers during fiscal stabilizations. Such episodes provide valuable information on the way debt instruments are chosen because they allow to overcome the problem that policymakers' expectations of interest rates are generally not observable. We find that governments increase the share of fixed-rate long-term debt denominated in the domestic currency the higher is the conditional volatility of short-term interest rates, the lower are long-term interest rates, and the stronger is the fall in long-term rates that follows the announcement of the stabilization program. By contrast, conventional measures of the relative cost of issuing long-term debt, such as the long-short interest-rate spread, are not significant. This evidence suggests that debt managers tend to prefer long to short maturity debt because they are concerned about the risk of refinancing at higher than expected interest rates. However, when long-term rates are high relative to their expectations, they issue short maturity debt to minimize borrowing costs.Non-Refereed Working Papers / of national relevance onl

    Managing the Public Debt in Fiscal Stabilizations: the Evidence

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    This paper provides evidence on the behavior of public debt managers during fiscal stabilizations in OECD countries over the last two decades. We find that debt maturity tends to lengthen the more credible is the program, the lower is the long-term interest rate and the higher is the volatility of short-term interest rates. We show that this debt issuing strategy is consistent with optimal debt management if information bewteen the government and private investors is asymmetric, as it is usually the case at the outset of a stabilization attempt when private investors may lack full confidence in the announced budget cuts.This paper provides evidence on the behavior of public debt managers during fiscal stabilizations in OECD countries over the last two decades. We find that debt maturity tends to lengthen the more credible is the program, the lower is the long-term interest rate and the higher is the volatility of short-term interest rates. We show that this debt issuing strategy is consistent with optimal debt management if information bewteen the government and private investors is asymmetric, as it is usually the case at the outset of a stabilization attempt when private investors may lack full confidence in the announced budget cuts.Non-Refereed Working Papers / of national relevance onl

    Iatrogenic Duodenal Perforation Treated with Endoscopic Placement of Metallic Clips: A Case Report

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    Perforation is one of the major complications encountered during endoscopic procedures. The standard of care for these complications is either surgical intervention or nonoperative medical approach with antibiotics and bowel rest with or without parenteral alimentation. Metallic clips, initially developed to secure hemostasis in bleeding, have been successfully used to close perforations in the gastrointestinal tract (GI) including the duodenum. This avoids perioperative morbidities associated with surgical intervention while limiting the leakage of intestinal contents and peritoneal contamination that is possible with medical management. We present a case of a patient with a lateral duodenal perforation during an endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) which was successfully treated with immediate placement of metallic endoclips
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