858 research outputs found

    Classic Psychedelic Drugs: Update on Biological Mechanisms

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    Renewed interest in the effects of psychedelics in the treatment of psychiatric disorders warrants a better understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the effects of these substances. During the past two decades, state-of-the-art studies of animals and humans have yielded new important insights into the molecular, cellular, and systems-level actions of psychedelic drugs. These efforts have revealed that psychedelics affect primarily serotonergic receptor subtypes located in cortico-thalamic and cortico-cortical feedback circuits of information processing. Psychedelic drugs modulate excitatory-inhibitory balance in these circuits and can participate in neuroplasticity within brain structures critical for the integration of information relevant to sensation, cognition, emotions, and the narrative of self. Neuroimaging studies showed that characteristic dimensions of the psychedelic experience obtained through subjective questionnaires as well as alterations in self-referential processing and emotion regulation obtained through neuropsychological tasks are associated with distinct changes in brain activity and connectivity patterns at multiple-system levels. These recent results suggest that changes in self-experience, emotional processing, and social cognition may contribute to the potential therapeutic effects of psychedelics

    Skalendokumentation der Gießener Offensive Lehrerbildung zur Reflexionsbereitschaft

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    Ein zentrales Anliegen der Gießener Offensive Lehrerbildung (GOL) ist die (Weiter-)Entwicklung von Reflexionskompetenz Studierender des Lehramts. Insgesamt wurden angelehnt an das Kompetenzmodell von Blömeke, Gustaffson und Shelverson (2015) unterschiedliche Dimensionen von Reflexionskompetenz entwickelt und empirisch getestet. Im Fokus dieser Skalendokumentation stehen drei Dimensionenen der persönlichen Bereitschaft zu reflektieren: 1) Reflexion im zukĂŒnftigen Lehralltag 2) Reflexionsbezogene Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung 3) Reflexive Orientierung (mit den Subskalen innere und externe Orientierung) Das Dokument beinhaltet die operationalisierten Skalen, die im April 2017 in unterschiedlichen Lehrveranstaltungen (hauptsĂ€chlich in Vorlesungen) in LehramtsstudiengĂ€ngen eingesetzt wurden (n=184)

    Silica scale formation and effect of sodium and aluminium ions -29Si NMR study

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    Silica scale formation on reverse osmosis (RO) membrane surface is a significant problem for operation of high recovery RO desalination plant. In this study we report the effects of sodium ions derived from sodium chloride and aluminium ions derived from aluminium chloride on dissolved silica species obtained from commercial sodium silicate solutions. Five dissolved silica species have been positively identified in sodium silica solutions. 29 Si NMR spectroscopy has proven to be particular well suited to obtain in situ information on the connectivity of silicon atoms in the solution and the impact of sodium and aluminium ions on connectivity between monomeric silica acid groups. Such information extends the understanding of how polysilicate ion mixtures change under different chemical conditions. Implications for RO desalination and silica scale formation on the membrane surface were discussed

    Centre-level variation in treatment and outcomes and predictors of outcomes in 5-year-old children with non-syndromic unilateral cleft lip treated within a centralized service:the Cleft Care UK study. Part 6: summary and implications

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    Objectives: To summarize and discuss centre-level variation across a range of treatment and outcome measures and examine individual and ecological determinants of outcome in children in Cleft Care UK (CCUK). Setting and sample population: Two hundred and sixty-eight 5-year-old British children with non-syndromic unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) recruited to CCUK and treated within a centralized service. Materials and Methods: Children had a range of treatment and outcome measures collected at a 5-year audit clinic. These outcomes included dento-alveolar arch relationships from study models, measures of facial appearance from cropped photographs, hearing loss from audiological assessment, speech from speech recordings, self-confidence and strengths and difficulties from parental self-report. Data were collected on educational attainment at age 7 using record linkage. Centre variation was examined using hierarchical regression and associations between variables were examined using logistic or poisson regression. Results: There was centre-level variation for some treatments (early grommet placement, fitting of hearing aids, fluoride treatment, secondary speech surgery and treatment for cleft speech characteristics) and for some outcomes (intelligibility of speech). Hearing loss was associated with a higher risk of poor speech while speech therapy was associated with a lower risk of poor speech. Children had high levels of caries but levels of preventative treatment (fluoride varnish and tablets) were low. Conclusions: Further improvements to and monitoring of the current centralized model of care are required to ensure the best outcomes for all children with cleft lip and palate

    Order-Order Morphological Transitions for Dual Stimulus Responsive Diblock Copolymer Vesicles

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    A series of non-ionic poly(glycerol monomethacrylate)− poly(2-hydroxypropyl methacrylate) (PGMA−PHPMA) diblock copolymer vesicles has been prepared by reversible addition−fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) aqueous dispersion polymerization of HPMA at 70 °C at low pH using a carboxylic acid-based chain transfer agent. The degree of polymerization (DP) of the PGMA block was fixed at 43, and the DP of the PHPMA block was systematically varied from 175 to 250 in order to target vesicle phase space. Based on our recent work describing the analogous PGMA−PHPMA diblock copolymer worms [Lovett, J. R.; et al. Angew. Chem. 2015, 54, 1279−1283], such diblock copolymer vesicles were expected to undergo an order−order morphological transition via ionization of the carboxylic acid end-group on switching the solution pH. Indeed, irreversible vesicleto-sphere and vesicle-to-worm transitions were observed for PHPMA DPs of 175 and 200, respectively, as judged by turbidimetry, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and dynamic light scattering (DLS) studies. However, such morphological transitions are surprisingly slow, with relatively long time scales (hours) being required at 20 °C. Moreover, no order−order morphological transitions were observed for vesicles comprising longer membrane-forming blocks (e.g., PGMA43− PHPMA225−250) on raising the pH from pH 3.5 to pH 6.0. However, in such cases the application of a dual stimulus comprising the same pH switch immediately followed by cooling from 20 to 5 °C, induces an irreversible vesicle-to-sphere transition. Finally, TEM and DLS studies conducted in the presence of 100 mM KCl demonstrated that the pH-responsive behavior arising from end-group ionization could be suppressed in the presence of added electrolyte. This is because charge screening suppresses the subtle change in the packing parameter required to drive the morphological transition

    Staff Experiences of Victoria University’s First Year College During the Implementation of Block Mode Teaching

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    [EN] This report reviews the findings of staff satisfaction surveys conducted in 2018 and 2019 following the creation of a transformative and revolutionary approach to tertiary education in Australia, namely the creation of a new First Year College at Victoria University. Lectures were abolished from all units; class sizes were reduced; class timetabling was dramatically changed to allow for greater student study flexibility and accessibility; learning and teaching professional staff numbers were increased and facilities were built and repurposed. This report discusses the staff satisfaction and challenges encountered by staff in 2018 and 2019 providing quantitative and qualitative data. This data revealed high levels of satisfaction along with concerns about workload and related issues. Variations between 2018 and 2019 indicate that despite an increase in overall satisfaction, staff were concerned about awards and recognition, involvement in decisions that affected them, and receiving support to conduct their roles. The First Year College implemented a series of measures to address the issues raised in the 2018 survey. Further measures are recommended following the 2019 survey as well as future surveys that include stress levels and other psychological markers.Oraison, H.; Konjarski, L.; Young, J.; Howe, S.; Smallridge, A. (2020). Staff Experiences of Victoria University’s First Year College During the Implementation of Block Mode Teaching. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politùcnica de Valùncia. (30-05-2020):45-51. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.10975OCS455130-05-202

    Centre-level variation of treatment and outcome in 5-year-old children with non-syndromic unilateral cleft lip and palate:the Cleft Care UK study. Part 1: Methodology and results for dento-facial outcomes

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    Objectives: Outline methods used to describe centre-level variation in treatment and outcome in children in the Cleft Care UK (CCUK) study. Report centre-level variation in dento-facial outcomes. Setting and Sample Population: Two hundred and sixty-eight five-year-old British children with non-syndromic unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP). Materials and Methods: Between January 2011 and December 2012, data were collected on a comprehensive range of outcomes. Child facial appearance and symmetry were assessed using photographic pictures. Dental arch relationships were assessed from standardized dental study models. Hierarchical statistical models were used to predict overall means and the variance partition coefficient (VPC)—a measure of amount of variation in treatment or outcome explained by the centre. Results: Data on dento-alveolar arch relationships and facial appearance were available on 197 and 252 children, respectively. The median age of the children was 5.5 years, and 68% were boys. Variation was described across 13 centres. There was no evidence of centre-level variation in good or poor dento-alveolar arch relationships with a VPC of 4% and 3%, respectively. Similarly, there was no evidence of centre-level variation in good or poor facial appearance with a VPC of 2% and 5%, respectively. Conclusions: There was no evidence of centre-level variation for dento-facial outcomes although this study only had the power to detect large variation between sites

    SammelaktivitĂ€ten im Grundschulalter – Studien zur pĂ€dagogischen Anthropologie der Kindheit

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    Auch heutzutage stellt das Sammeln eine TĂ€tigkeit dar, der Kinder gerne und in unterschiedlicher IntensitĂ€t nachgehen. Das kindliche Sammeln ist bereits schon in den KindergĂ€rten und auch auf den Schulhöfen und Schulwegen zu beobachten. Dabei erstreckt sich die Vielfalt der SammelstĂŒcke von nĂŒtzlichen und wertlosen, unkommerziellen und kommerziellen bis hin zu lebendigen und abgestorbenen Dingen, die von Kindern gesammelt und aufbewahrt werden. Das Sammeln, als eine bewusste TĂ€tigkeit, verlangt ein Höchstmaß an AktivitĂ€t und Leidenschaft. Es wird gesucht, gestöbert, geprĂŒft, erworben, getauscht, bewahrt, entdeckt, geordnet, umsortiert und aussortiert. In der Auseinandersetzung mit der eigenen Sammlung oder auch im Austausch mit anderen Sammlern entstehen bei den Kindern Fragen ĂŒber die Herkunft oder Bedeutung der SammelstĂŒcke. Sie machen vielfĂ€ltige Erfahrungen und eignen sich Wissen an. Der Umgang mit Dingen und somit auch die Auseinandersetzung mit Sammlungen spielt im Subjektwerdungsprozess der Kinder in vielfĂ€ltiger Weise eine Rolle. Aus diesem Grund stellt die Erforschung des kindlichen Sammelverhaltens aus der Perspektive der pĂ€dagogischen Anthropologie ein interessantes Forschungsgebiet dar. Die vorliegende Arbeit konnte mithilfe von qualitativen Interviews das Sammelverhalten von Kindern im Grundschulalter ĂŒber den Zeitraum von 3 Jahren erforschen, dokumentieren, bisherige Ergebnisse bestĂ€tigen und neue Erkenntnisse gewinnen

    Re-building the first year experience, one block at a time

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    For many years, universities around the world have been developing and enhancing the First Year Experience (FYE), with a view to improving retention, performance and student satisfaction.  This feature practice report outlines a strategic initiative, launched in 2018 at Victoria University in Melbourne, Australia that aims to transform the experience of Victoria University’s first-year students on an unprecedented scale. This unique model reconceptualises the design, structure and delivery of first year units of study in order to deliver a program that deliberately focuses on students’ pedagogical, transition and work/life balance needs.  This initiative required the disruption and redevelopment of all university systems to ensure students experience a supportive and seamless transition into, and journey through, their first year of study at university
