28 research outputs found

    Discourse and religion in educational practice

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    Despite the existence of long-held binaries between secular and sacred, private and public spaces, school and religious literacies in many contemporary societies, the significance of religion and its relationship to education and society more broadly has become increasingly topical. Yet, it is only recently that the investigation of the nexus of discourse and religion in educational practice has started to receive some scholarly attention. In this chapter, religion is understood as a cultural practice, historically situated and embedded in specific local and global contexts. This view of religion stresses the social alongside the subjective or experiential dimensions. It explores how through active participation and apprenticeship in culturally appropriate practices and behaviors often mediated intergenerationally and the mobilisation of linguistic and other semiotic resources but also affective, social and material resources, membership in religious communities is constructed and affirmed. The chapter reviews research strands that have explored different aspects of discourse and religion in educational practice as a growing interdisciplinary field. Research strands have examined the place and purpose of religion in general and evangelical Christianity in particular in English Language Teaching (ELT) programmes and the interplay of religion and teaching and learning in a wide range of religious and increasingly secular educational contexts. They provide useful insights for scholars of discourse studies to issues of identity, socialisation, pedagogy and language policy

    Quelques traces chronologiques de l’exploration textométrique

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    International audienceA Few Chronological Traces of Textometric Exploration: Development of the sociology of language seen through its four stages – the past, only yesterday, today and tomorrow – and the role of the BMS in these developments

    Práticas educativas: perspectivas que se abrem para a Educação Especial Educative practices: perspectives that open to the especial education

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    O objetivo desse texto é registrar reflexões que permitam uma maior compreensão do conceito de simbolização para introduzir a questão da constituição do sujeito simbólico, comprometido pela deficiência mental. As reflexões passam por encontros com diferentes autores, de áreas diversas do conhecimento, com a intenção de marcar a escolha da perspectiva histórico-cultural como a que melhor responde às interrogações sobre o ser humano capaz de dar significado ao mundo, mesmo quando impedido por problemas orgânicos. São fundamentais as contribuições de Vigotski e Bakhtin que concebem o homem como ser que significa e se constitui nas relações concretas de vida.<br>This text objective is to register reflections that permits a major understanding of the symbolization concept to introduce the issue of the symbolic subject constitution, implicated by mental deficiency. The reflections pass by meetings with different authors, from different areas of knowledge having the intention of making the choice of the historical-cultural perspectives with the one that best answers to the interrogations about the human being capable of giving meaning to the world, even being stopped by organic problems. The Vigotski and Bakhtin's contributions are fundamental. They conceive man as a being that signifies and constitutes himself in the concrete relations of life