54 research outputs found

    Impact of the rotavirus vaccine in Valladolid, Spain: An interrupted time series analysis

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    Producción CientíficaRotavirus vaccines (RV) have decreased the infant morbidity and mortality in countries that included RV in their national schedule. Rotavirus vaccination is recommended by the Spanish Society of Pediatrics; however, Spain, as most countries in Europe, has authorized commercialization but not included RV in its national vaccination program. We assessed the impact of RV on the rotavirus hospitalization rate through an interrupted time series analysis. There was a 46.8% (95% CI: 29.3–60.2) decrease on the rotavirus hospitalizations rate in the study region after RV commercialization in 2006. Currently there is limited evidence about the impact of RV in Europe, especially among countries not offering systematic vaccination in their national schedule. Documentation of RV coverage, effectiveness and impact is urgently needed in these countries

    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the care of cancer patients in Spain

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    Background: Studies evaluating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on public healthcare systems are limited, particularly in cancer management. As no such studies have been carried out in Spain, our objective is to describe and quantify the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer patients in Spanish hospitals during the first wave of the pandemic. Materials and methods: This retrospective, multicenter, nationwide study collected information from hospital departments treating oncology patients. An electronic questionnaire comparing outcomes and management of oncohematological patients for the March-June 2019 and March-June 2020 periods was used. Results: Information from 78 departments (36 tertiary hospitals) was analyzed. Forty-four departments implemented adapted protocols during March 2020. Most of these (n = 38/44; 86.4%) carried out COVID-19 triage, while 26 of 44 (59.1%) carried out onsite polymerase chain reaction tests for clinically suspected cases. A shift from in-person to telephone visits was observed in 43 of 44 (97.7%) departments. Comparing the March-June 2019 and March-June 2020 periods, the number of new patients decreased by 20.8% (from 160.2 to 126.4). Decreases were also seen in the mean number of total (2858.2 versus 1686.1) and cancer (465.5 versus 367.2) biopsies, as well as the mean number of bone marrow biopsies (30.5 versus 18.6). Concerning the number of patients visiting specific cancer care departments, a decrease from 2019 to 2020 was seen for mean number of chemotherapy treatments (712.7 versus 643.8) and radiation therapy (2169.9 versus 2139.9). Finally, a reduction from 2019 to 2020 of 12.9% (from 8.6 to 7.4) in the mean number of patients included in clinical trials was noted. Conclusions: This study provides the first comprehensive data concerning the impact of COVID-19 on cancer care in Spain. The pandemic caused a 20.8% decrease in newly diagnosed patients, which may impact future outcomes. Measures must be taken to ensure cancer management receives priority in times of healthcare emergencies

    Post-Franco Theatre

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    In the multiple realms and layers that comprise the contemporary Spanish theatrical landscape, “crisis” would seem to be the word that most often lingers in the air, as though it were a common mantra, ready to roll off the tongue of so many theatre professionals with such enormous ease, and even enthusiasm, that one is prompted to wonder whether it might indeed be a miracle that the contemporary technological revolution – coupled with perpetual quandaries concerning public and private funding for the arts – had not by now brought an end to the evolution of the oldest of live arts, or, at the very least, an end to drama as we know it

    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the care of cancer patients in Spain

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    Altres ajuts: Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC).Background: Studies evaluating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on public healthcare systems are limited, particularly in cancer management. As no such studies have been carried out in Spain, our objective is to describe and quantify the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer patients in Spanish hospitals during the first wave of the pandemic. Materials and methods: This retrospective, multicenter, nationwide study collected information from hospital departments treating oncology patients. An electronic questionnaire comparing outcomes and management of oncohematological patients for the March-June 2019 and March-June 2020 periods was used. Results: Information from 78 departments (36 tertiary hospitals) was analyzed. Forty-four departments implemented adapted protocols during March 2020. Most of these (n = 38/44; 86.4%) carried out COVID-19 triage, while 26 of 44 (59.1%) carried out onsite polymerase chain reaction tests for clinically suspected cases. A shift from in-person to telephone visits was observed in 43 of 44 (97.7%) departments. Comparing the March-June 2019 and March-June 2020 periods, the number of new patients decreased by 20.8% (from 160.2 to 126.4). Decreases were also seen in the mean number of total (2858.2 versus 1686.1) and cancer (465.5 versus 367.2) biopsies, as well as the mean number of bone marrow biopsies (30.5 versus 18.6). Concerning the number of patients visiting specific cancer care departments, a decrease from 2019 to 2020 was seen for mean number of chemotherapy treatments (712.7 versus 643.8) and radiation therapy (2169.9 versus 2139.9). Finally, a reduction from 2019 to 2020 of 12.9% (from 8.6 to 7.4) in the mean number of patients included in clinical trials was noted. Conclusions: This study provides the first comprehensive data concerning the impact of COVID-19 on cancer care in Spain. The pandemic caused a 20.8% decrease in newly diagnosed patients, which may impact future outcomes. Measures must be taken to ensure cancer management receives priority in times of healthcare emergencies

    Factors associated with the appropriate use of preoperatory hospital stays: historical cohort study

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    Abstract Background To ensure the highest efficiency, health services should be provided with the least possible complexity. The aim of this study is to quantify the degree of appropriateness in preoperatory hospital stays and to analyse those factors associated with a greater inappropriate use. Methods Historical cohort study. The histories of 440 hospitalised patients who underwent at least one surgical procedure were analysed. Data collection was carried out by doctors not involved in the services studied, following the Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol. A bivariate and multivariate analysis of the factors associated with the appropriateness of preoperatory stays was carried out. Results The mean number of days of preoperatory stay was 5.5 (SD 5.11), of which a mean number of 2.5 days were considered to be inappropriate (SD 4.11). The overall rate of inappropriateness was 45.2% (CI 95% 43.3–47.1). The multivariate analysis showed a positive association of the inappropriateness of the preoperatory stay with weekend days, programmed admission, hospital stays longer than 7 days, medical records incorrectly or incompletely documented and the age groups of 45–65 and the >65 with respect to the Conclusion The inappropriate use of hospital stay during preoperatory care affects almost half the period and there are some risk determinants that could act as indicators at admission. In addition, the efficiency of care provision was found to vary greatly from the point of view of its appropriateness.</p

    Influencia de las cutículas de semillas de Plantago ovata (lspaghula husk) en la glucemia posprandial en voluntarias sanas

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    P. 197-202Objetivos: Evaluar la influencia que tienen las cutícu­las de semillas de Plantago ovata (Ispaghula husk) en las concentraciones séricas posprandiales de glucosa en in­dividuos sanos. Material y métodos: Este estudio consta de dos partes y en ambas participaron 7 mujeres sanas con edades comprendidas entre 35 y 45 años. Ensayo 1: administra­ción de 5O g de glucosa disuelta en 125 ml de agua (segui­do de otros l5O ml de agua). Ensayo 2: se llevó a cabo una semana más tarde en las mismas mujeres y condi­ ciones que el ensayo 1, pero a la disolución de glucosa se le añadieron 10,5 g de Ispaghula husk. En ambos ensa­yos se tomaron muestras de sangre a los siguientes tiem­pos: O, 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90 y 120 minutos, procedien­do posteriormente a la determinación de la concentración sérica de glucosa. Resultados: El área bajo la curva elaborada con las concentraciones medias de glucosa en el ensayo 2 (en presencia de fibra) fue un 13,6% menor que la obtenida en el ensayo 1(diferencia significativa, p < O,O5). Las curvas individuales obtenidas en el ensayo 1 se pueden catalogar como normales en 4 de las 7 volunta­rias, observándose anomalías que se corresponden: con su historial de prediabética en una (valores por encima de 180 mg/100 ml); con antecedentes de diabéticos en la familia en otra (2 valores por encima de 180 mg/100 ml) y la hipoglucemia presentada por 2 de las voluntarias. En el ensayo 2 al administrar la glucosa con fibra se obser­va en todos los rasos que la concentración máxima alcanzada es siempre menor; que las oscilaciones en los valores de la glu­ cemia también son menores a lo largo de los distintos tiempos de muestreo (desaparecen los picos o son mucho menos pro­nunciados) y que no se presenta ninguna hipoglucemia.S

    ACROSTART: Estudio retrospectivo del período de tiempo para lograr el control hormonal con lanreótida Autogel en pacientes con acromegalia en la práctica clínica española

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    Objectives: The ACROSTART study was intended to determine the time to achieve normalization of GH and IGF-I levels in responding patients with acromegaly administered different dosage regimens of lanreotide Autogel (Somatuline ® Autogel ® ). Methods: From March 2013 to October 2013, clinical data from 57 patients from 17 Spanish hospitals with active acromegaly treated with lanreotide for ≥4 months who achieved hormonal control (GH levels &lt;2.5 ng/ml and/or normalized IGF-I levels in ≥2 measurements) were analyzed. The primary objective was to determine the time from start of lanreotide treatment to hormonal normalization. Results: Median patient age was 64 years, 21 patients were male, 39 patients had undergone surgery, and 14 patients had received radiotherapy. Median hormonal values at start of lanreotide treatment were: GH, 2.6 ng/ml; IGF-I, 1.6 × ULN. The most common starting dose of lanreotide was 120 mg (29 patients). The main initial regimens were 60 mg/4 weeks (n = 13), 90 mg/4 weeks (n = 6), 120 mg/4 weeks (n = 13), 120 mg/6 weeks (n = 6), and 120 mg/8 weeks (n = 9). An initial treatment regimen with a long interval (≥6 weeks) was administered in 25 patients. Mean duration of lanreotide treatment was 68 months (7–205). Median time to achieve hormonal control was 4.9 months. Injections were managed without healthcare assistance in 13 patients. Median number of visits to endocrinologists until hormonal control was achieved was 3. Fifty-one patients were “satisfied”/“very satisfied” with treatment and 49 patients did not miss any dose. Conclusions: Real-life treatment with lanreotide Autogel resulted in early hormonal control in responding patients, with high treatment adherence and satisfaction despite disparity in starting doses and dosing intervals.Objetivos: El objetivo del estudio ACROSTART era determinar el período de tiempo para lograr la normalización hormonal (GH e IGF-I) en pacientes con acromegalia respondedores al tratamiento considerando los regímenes de lanreótida Autogel (Somatuline®Autogel®) utilizados en la práctica clínica.Métodos: Desde marzo de 2013 hasta octubre de 2013, en 17 hospitales españoles se analizaron los datos clínicos de 57 pacientes con acromegalia activa tratados con lanreótida durante ≥4 meses que lograron control hormonal (niveles de GH <2,5 ng/ml y/o IGF-I normalizado en ≥2 evaluaciones). El objetivo principal fue determinar el período de tiempo desde el inicio del tratamiento con lanreótida hasta la normalización hormonal.Resultados: La mediana de edad de los pacientes fue 64 años, 21 pacientes eran hombres,39 pacientes habían recibido cirugía, 14 pacientes habían recibido radioterapia. Los valores hormonales medianos al inicio del tratamiento con lanreótida fueron GH: 2,6 ng/ml, IGF-I:1,6 × LSN. La dosis inicial más frecuente de lanreótida fue de 120 mg (29 pacientes). Los principales regímenes iniciales fueron 60 mg/4 semanas (n = 13), 90 mg/4 semanas (n = 6), 120 mg/ 4 semanas (n = 13), 120 mg/6 semanas (n = 6), 120 mg/8 semanas (n = 9). Se administró un régimen de intervalo prolongado (≥6 semanas) en 25 pacientes. La duración media del tratamiento con lanreótida fue de 68 meses (7---205). El tiempo medio hasta lograr el control hormonal fue de 4,9 meses. Las inyecciones se manejaron sin asistencia médica en 13 pacientes. La mediana del número de visitas al endocrinólogo hasta el control hormonal fue 3. Cincuenta y un pacientes estaban ‘‘satisfechos’’/‘‘muy satisfechos’’ con el tratamiento y 49 pacientes no olvidaron ninguna dosis. Conclusiones: El tratamiento en la vida real con lanreótida Autogel condujo a un control hormonal temprano en pacientes que respondieron, con una alta adherencia al tratamiento y satisfacción con el tratamiento, a pesar de la disparidad de las dosis iniciales y los intervalos de dosificaciónThis study was funded by Ipsen Pharma S.A., Spai