9 research outputs found

    Maussollos and the ‘Uzun Yuva’ in Mylasa: an unfinished Proto-Maussolleion at the heart of a new urban centre?

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    I am deeply indebted to R. van Bremen and R. R. R. Smith for carefully revising my English. Introduction: Previous Research And The Date Of The Menandros-Column Since Antiquity, a Corinthian column has stood on a stone support in the old part of the modern town of Milas, more exactly on the HisarbaĆŸÄ± hill’s south-eastern slope (figs. 1, 12, 15). The people of Milas call the column ‘Uzun Yuva’ which is Turkish for ‘High Nest’, because every summer a couple of storks nests here. The column has ..

    Hellenistic Karia

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    Le prĂ©sent volume procĂšde d'un colloque organisĂ© Ă  Oxford Ă  l'Ă©tĂ© 2006. Rassemblant linguistes, archĂ©ologues, Ă©pigraphistes, numismates et historiens, il fut l'occasion d'Ă©changer des idĂ©es sur une pĂ©riode de transition fondamentale dans l'histoire de la Carie : le ive siĂšcle et les deux siĂšcles qui suivirent la conquĂȘte d'Alexandre. Cette pĂ©riode fut en effet d'abord marquĂ©e par la prĂ©sence et la visibilitĂ© des satrapes, mais aussi ensuite par une intense activitĂ© civique et une conscience politique accrue des communautĂ©s cariennes. La symbiose entre les Ăźles du DodĂ©canĂšse, en particulier Rhodes et Cos, et le littoral carien constitue un autre thĂšme important. Plusieurs communications se rattachent enfin Ă  une orientation de recherche sur les cultures anatoliennes qui est aujourd'hui en plein essor, celle de l'Ă©tude des interactions culturelles entre Grecs et Anatoliens depuis la fin de l'Ăąge du Bronze et le dĂ©but de l'Ăąge du Fer, dont on perçoit encore les Ă©chos aux Ă©poques plus rĂ©centes.The conference on which the present volume is based took place in Oxford in the summer of 2006. It brought together linguists, archaologists, epigraphists, numismatists and historians and allowed them to exchange ideas about a period of major transition in Karian history: the fourth century and the two centuries after Alexander. This was first a period of great starapal visibility and presence, but then alsol of intense civic engagement and increased political awareness among Karian communities. The symbiotic relationship between the islands of the Dodekanese, in particular Rhodes and Kos, and the coastal regions of Karia forms another major theme. Finally, a number of papers pick up on a major recent trend in the study of Anatolian culture, namely the investigation of cross-cultural Greeak-Anatolian interactions in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages and their echoes in later periods


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