989 research outputs found

    Computing Multivariate Process Capability Indices With Microsoft Excel

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    In manufacturing industry there is growing interest in measures of process capability under multivariate setting. While there are many statistical packages to assess univariate capability, a current problem with the multivariate measures of capability is the shortage of user friendly software. In this paper a Visual Basic program has been developed to realize an Excel spreadsheet that may be used to compute two multivariate measures of capability. Our aim is to provide a useful tool for practitioners dealing with multivariate capability assessment problems. The features of the program include easy data entry and clear report formatMultivariate Process capability indices, statistical quality control, Visual Basic, Excel Indici di capacità multivariati, Controllo statistico della qualità

    Heat flux scaling in turbulent Rayleigh-B\'enard convection with an imposed longitudinal wind

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    We present a numerical study of Rayleigh-B\'enard convection disturbed by a longitudinal wind. Our results show that under the action of the wind, the vertical heat flux through the cell initially decreases, due to the mechanism of plumes-sweeping, and then increases again when turbulent forced convection dominates over the buoyancy. As a result, the Nusselt number is a non-monotonic function of the shear Reynolds number. We provide a simple model that captures with good accuracy all the dynamical regimes observed. We expect that our findings can lead the way to a more fundamental understanding of the of the complex interplay between mean-wind and plumes ejection in the Rayleigh-B\'enard phenomenology.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Control Charts and the Effect of the Two-Component Measurement Error Model

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    Monitoring algorithms, such as the Shewhart and Cusum control charts, are often used for monitoring purposes in the chemical industry or within an environmental context. The statistical properties of these algorithms are known to be highly responsive to measurement errors. Recent studies have underlined the important role played by the twocomponent measurement error model in chemical and environmental monitoring. In the present work, we study the effects of the twocomponent error model on the performance of the X and S Shewhart control charts. Results reveal that gauge imprecision may seriously alter the statistical properties of the control charts. We propose how to reduce the effects of measurement errors, and illustrate how to take errors into account in the design of monitoring algorithmsAverage run length, calibration curve, constant measurement error, Monte Carlo study, proportional measurement error, repeated measurements, Shewhart control charts

    Mesoscopic simulation study of wall roughness effects in micro-channel flows of dense emulsions

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    We study the Poiseuille flow of a soft-glassy material above the jamming point, where the material flows like a complex fluid with Herschel- Bulkley rheology. Microscopic plastic rearrangements and the emergence of their spatial correlations induce cooperativity flow behavior whose effect is pronounced in presence of confinement. With the help of lattice Boltzmann numerical simulations of confined dense emulsions, we explore the role of geometrical roughness in providing activation of plastic events close to the boundaries. We probe also the spatial configuration of the fluidity field, a continuum quantity which can be related to the rate of plastic events, thereby allowing us to establish a link between the mesoscopic plastic dynamics of the jammed material and the macroscopic flow behaviour

    Hybrid Lattice Boltzmann/Finite Difference simulations of viscoelastic multicomponent flows in confined geometries

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    We propose numerical simulations of viscoelastic fluids based on a hybrid algorithm combining Lattice-Boltzmann models (LBM) and Finite Differences (FD) schemes, the former used to model the macroscopic hydrodynamic equations, and the latter used to model the polymer dynamics. The kinetics of the polymers is introduced using constitutive equations for viscoelastic fluids with finitely extensible non-linear elastic dumbbells with Peterlin's closure (FENE-P). The numerical model is first benchmarked by characterizing the rheological behaviour of dilute homogeneous solutions in various configurations, including steady shear, elongational flows, transient shear and oscillatory flows. As an upgrade of complexity, we study the model in presence of non-ideal multicomponent interfaces, where immiscibility is introduced in the LBM description using the "Shan-Chen" model. The problem of a confined viscoelastic (Newtonian) droplet in a Newtonian (viscoelastic) matrix under simple shear is investigated and numerical results are compared with the predictions of various theoretical models. The proposed numerical simulations explore problems where the capabilities of LBM were never quantified before.Comment: 32 Pages, 11 Figure

    Statistics of small scale vortex filaments in turbulence

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    We study the statistical properties of coherent, small-scales, filamentary-like structures in Turbulence. In order to follow in time such complex spatial structures, we integrate Lagrangian and Eulerian measurements by seeding the flow with light particles. We show that light particles preferentially concentrate in small filamentary regions of high persistent vorticity (vortex filaments). We measure the fractal dimension of the attracting set and the probability that two particles do not separate for long time lapses. We fortify the signal-to-noise ratio by exploiting multi-particles correlations on the dynamics of bunches of particles. In doing that, we are able to give a first quantitative estimation of the vortex-filaments life-times, showing the presence of events as long as the integral correlation time. The same technique introduced here could be used in experiments as long as one is capable to track clouds of bubbles in turbulence for a relatively long period of time, at high Reynolds numbers; shading light on the dynamics of small-scale vorticity in realistic turbulent flows.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    La privacy al tempo dell'état d'urgence: il Conseil constitutionnel sentenzia correttamente

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    L'Autore commenta la sentenza 2016-536 QPC con la quale il Conseil constitutionnel ha respinto le questioni sollevate in relazione alla modifica legislativa approvata in Francia nel mese di novembre 2015 in tema di stato d'emergenza, eccezion fatta per quella concernente la tutela della vita privata a fronte della possibilità di sequestro di dati informatici, che viene invece accolta. In particolare, egli sottolinea come si deduca dalla pronuncia che la privacy non viene fatta prevalere sulla sicurezza, di cui si afferma a chiare lettere il valore costituzionale, se non per il fatto che la legge non prevedeva idonee garanzie a tutela della libertà del soggetto che poteva subire la limitazione di tale suo diritto. Nel condividere l'equilibrio della posizione assunta dal giudice costituzionale francese, l'Autore ne sottolinea anche la coerenza con le pronunce sul tema della Corte di Giustizia dell'Unione europea. Lo scritto si chiude con una considerazione critica sul ritiro del progetto di legge costituzionale volto ad inserire nella Carta fondamentale lo stato d'emergenza, in quanto, a giudizio dell'Autore, esso poteva rappresentare un'opportunità per porre limiti al futuro legislatore a garanzia dei diritti anche nella situazioni emergenziali

    Law of the wall in an unstably stratified turbulent channel flow

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    We perform direct numerical simulations of an unstably stratified turbulent channel flow to address the effects of buoyancy on the boundary layer dynamics and mean field quantities. We systematically span a range of parameters in the space of friction Reynolds number (ReτRe_{\tau}) and Rayleigh number (RaRa). Our focus is on deviations from the logarithmic law of the wall due to buoyant motion. The effects of convection in the relevant ranges are discussed providing measurements of mean profiles of velocity, temperature and Reynolds stresses as well as of the friction coefficient. A phenomenological model is proposed and shown to capture the observed deviations of the velocity profile in the log-law region from the non-convective case