594 research outputs found
Concepciones de contabilidad en estudiantes de la instituci?n educactiva Manuel Murillo Toro jornada diurna grado once tres en la modalidad de administraci?n financiera
102 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEn la actualidad se puede percibir que la mayor?a de estudiantes cultivan sentimientos negativos por el ?rea de las matem?ticas, y todo lo que implica el uso de los n?meros, entre ellas la contabilidad; lo cual impide conocer las diferentes concepciones que tienen los estudiantes sobre la misma lo que a su vez en muchos casos se debe a que tienen un concepto errado de la misma, o no tienen unos fundamentos s?lidos en Matem?ticas dificultando el aprendizaje y todo lo que se derive de ella. Todo esto puede deberse a diferentes factores pedag?gicos, did?cticos, motivacionales, personales, sociales entre otros. Pues en cualquier carrera t?cnica, tecn?loga o universitaria incluye en su pensum acad?mico las Matem?ticas o la Contabilidad; por consiguiente se espera que estos conocimientos le permitan desempe?arse de una forma calculada y mesurada en cuanto a su vida personal, y el manejo de su dinero. Lo anterior llev? al equipo investigativo a plantearse la siguiente pregunta problema: ?Cu?les son las concepciones de la contabilidad en los estudiantes de la Instituci?n Educativa INEM Manuel Murillo Toro, jornada diurna del grado 11-3 de la ciudad de Ibagu? (Tolima)?
En vista de lo anterior el presente ejercicio investigativo tuvo como objetivo identificar, analizar, modificar y fortalecer, la concepci?n de Contabilidad en estudiantes de la Instituci?n Educativa INEM Manuel Murillo Toro del grado 11-3. Para lo anterior se us? la Metodolog?a de investigaci?n ? Acci?n, la cual permite intervenir directamente en la situaci?n probl?mica.
Como primera medida se seleccion? la instituci?n Educativa, seg?n las modalidades de profundizaci?n se escogi? la instituci?n Inem Manuel Murillo Toro por su modalidad de Contabilidad, en el programa de Administraci?n Financiera en articulaci?n con la Universidad del Tolima y un convenio interinstitucional con la Uniminuto, y en especial se escogi? el grado 11-3 puesto que estos estudiantes desde el grado 9? han escogido esta modalidad y est?n en proceso de culminaci?n de su formaci?n escolar, lo cual permite tener una visi?n general del programa y en particular los conocimientos de la asignatura de Contabilidad.
En conclusi?n est? investigaci?n busc? servir como referente y como documento de consulta sobre el ?rea de la Contabilidad, el papel relevante del docente en la formaci?n de esta ?rea, las posibles herramientas a implementar dentro del proceso y su papel decisivo en las concepciones de los estudiantes sobre la Contabilidad. En vista de lo anterior se resalta la importancia de investigar en el aula, partiendo del contexto en que se encuentran inmersos los estudiantes, con el fin de dar respuesta a al desconocimiento de las concepciones que se presentan en el aprendizaje de la Contabilidad y de esta manera contribuir y facilitar el aprendizaje de la mismas de tal forma que estos comprendan la transcendencia de esta ?rea en su cotidianidad.Currently, it can preceived that the majority of students cultivate negative feelings in the area of mathematics, and everything that involves the use of numbers, including accounting.
These negavie feelings toward mathematics impede the students from understanding different mathematical concepts or have the wrong idea of the concept or they do not have a strong foundation in Mathematics, and thus it makes it very difficult to learn anything that arises from the mathematical concept.
All of this is due to different factors such as: pedagogical, educational, motivational, personal, and social factors among others. In any University, as mathematics is included in the curriculum, technical career or technology. Therefore, this knowlege of mathematics will allow you to enhance your personal life as well, including how you manage money.
This, therefore lead the investigative team to ask this problematic question: What accounting concepts do the students from the Inem Manuel Murillo Toro School grade11-3 in the city of Ibague, Tolima have?
In view of the above, the present investigative exercise was intended to identify, analyze, modify, y strengthen the conception of accounting for the students in the Educational Institute Inem Manual Murillo Toro from grades 11-3. The technique of research was used for the above action, which allows you to intervene directly in the problematic situation.
The first step was selecting the educational institution according to the deepening modalities the Institution of Inem Manuel Murillo Toro was chosen due to its model of accounting, financial management, in coordination with the University of Tolima, and an interinstitutional with Uniminuto, and in special we chose grades 11-3 given that these students have chosen this avenue and are in the process of completing high school, which therefore allows to have a general vision or overview of the program and in particular the accounting.In finding, this investigation sought to serve as a reference and consultation document in the area of accounting, the role of the teacher in the training in this area, and possible tools to be implemented within the process. In view of the above highlights, the importance of research in the classroom, on the basis of the context in which they are immersed students, in order to respond to the various problems which arise in when learning about accounting, and in this way contribute and facilitate the learning of the same so that they understand the significance of this area in their daily lives.
Keywords: Accounting, Research-Action, Conceptio
S?ndrome de burnout en el personal de enfermer?a de un hospital de referencia Ibagu? 2014.
94 P?ginasRecurso Electr?nicoIntroducci?n: El S?ndrome de Burnout (SB) se define como la respuesta al estr?s laboral caracterizado por el cansancio emocional, la despersonalizaci?n y la baja realizaci?n personal, la desmotivaci?n, el desinter?s, el malestar interno o la insatisfacci?n laboral.
Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia del SB en el personal de enfermer?a de un hospital de referencia de una ciudad colombiana y su relaci?n con variables sociodemogr?ficas.
Materiales y m?todos: Se llev? a cabo un estudio de corte transversal en una muestra aleatoria y representativa de 174 enfermeras(os), estratificada seg?n si la enfermera era profesional o auxiliar, en un hospital de referencia de una ciudad colombiana. Se utiliz? como instrumento para la determinaci?n del evento la escala validada en Colombia del MBI (Maslach Burnout Inventory). Para la obtenci?n de los resultados se utilizaron pruebas ji-cuadrado de independencia, t para diferencia de promedios en muestras independientes y an?lisis de la varianza de una v?a o de Kruskal Wal?s seg?n si las variables en los grupos de comparaci?n proven?an de una poblaci?n con distribuci?n normal. En an?lisis multivariado, se seleccionaron como variables candidatas a ingresar al modelo de regresi?n log?stica, aquellas que cumplieran con el criterio de Hosmer Lemeshow. En la construcci?n del modelo se tom? como medida de la asociaci?n el OR acompa?ado de su respectivo intervalo de confianza del 95%.
Resultados: La prevalencia de Burnout fue del 20.1% (IC 95%: 13,9 26,4) y adem?s el 52,3% est?n a riesgo de padecerlo. Quienes afirmaron ser solteros/viudos/separados, las profesionales de enfermer?a, los que al momento de la encuesta ten?an una vinculaci?n temporal o de supernumerario, quienes laboraban en servicios administrativos/oncolog?a/camillero/esterilizaci?n y los
hombres y aquellos que afirmaron tener m?s de un contrato, fueron quienes presentaron indicadores de la proporci?n de Burnout mayores del 20,1%.En el an?lisis multivariado, los factores conjuntos que probablemente tienen mayor incidencia en la presencia del Burnout son el n?mero de hijos y ser hombre. Conclusiones: Con respecto a otros estudios, este estudio revela que la prevalencia del s?ndrome de Burnout en el hospital de referencia es mayor.Introduction: Burnout Syndrome (BS) is defined as the response to occupational stress characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment, discouragement, disinterest, internal discomfort or dissatisfaction labor. Objective: To determine the prevalence of BS nurses in a hospital reference a Colombian city and its relationship with sociodemographic variables. Materials and methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in a random and representative sample of 174 nurses, stratified according to whether they were professional or nurse assistant in a referral hospital of a Colombian city, was used as an instrument for determining the scale of the event in Colombia validated MBI (Maslach Burnout Inventory). To obtain the results chi- square test of independence, t-tests for mean differences in independent samples and analysis of variance or one-way Kruskal Wallis were used depending on whether the variables in the comparison groups were drawn from a population with normal distribution. In multivariate analysis, were selected as candidate variables to enter the logistic regression model those that met the criteria of Hosmer-Lemeshow. In building the model was taken as the measure of association OR accompanied by its respective confidence interval 95 %. Results: The prevalence of burnout was 201.1 % (95 % CI: 13.9 26.4) and also the 52.3 % are at risk for suffering. Who claimed to be single / widowed / separated, nursing professionals, which at the time of the survey had a temporary or temporary bonding, who worked in administrative / oncology / orderly / sterilization services and those men who reported having more than a contract, who presented were indicators of burnout higher proportion of 20.1%. In the multivariate analysis, the factors that sets probably have a greater incidence in the presence of burnout are the number of children and be a man.
Conclusions: With respect to other studies, this study reveals that the prevalence of burnout syndrome in the referral hospital is greater.RESUMEN 10
2.2.1 Caracter?sticas del s?ndrome de Burnout 22
2.2.2 Consecuencias del s?ndrome de Burnout 23
2.2.3 Instrumento de medici?n del s?ndrome de Burnout 25
2.2.4 Prevenci?n del s?ndrome de Burnout 27
2.2.5 Tratamiento del s?ndrome de Burnout 30
5.1.1 Variables cualitativas 50
5.1.2 Variables cuantitativas 51
5.2.1 An?lisis de los ?tems 53
5.2.2 Grados del Burnout 55
5.2.3 An?lisis por patrones: Niveles del Burnout 56
5.2.4 Prevalencia del Burnout 59
5.2.5 Descripci?n de las dimensiones del MBI 62
Formation of the black-hole binary M33 X-7 via mass-exchange in a tight massive system
M33 X-7 is among the most massive X-Ray binary stellar systems known, hosting
a rapidly spinning 15.65 Msun black hole orbiting an underluminous 70 Msun Main
Sequence companion in a slightly eccentric 3.45 day orbit. Although
post-main-sequence mass transfer explains the masses and tight orbit, it leaves
unexplained the observed X-Ray luminosity, star's underluminosity, black hole's
spin, and eccentricity. A common envelope phase, or rotational mixing, could
explain the orbit, but the former would lead to a merger and the latter to an
overluminous companion. A merger would also ensue if mass transfer to the black
hole were invoked for its spin-up. Here we report that, if M33 X-7 started as a
primary of 85-99 Msun and a secondary of 28-32 Msun, in a 2.8-3.1 day orbit,
its observed properties can be consistently explained. In this model, the Main
Sequence primary transferred part of its envelope to the secondary and lost the
rest in a wind; it ended its life as a ~16 Msun He star with a Fe-Ni core which
collapsed to a black hole (with or without an accompanying supernova). The
release of binding energy and, possibly, collapse asymmetries "kicked" the
nascent black hole into an eccentric orbit. Wind accretion explains the X-Ray
luminosity, while the black hole spin can be natal.Comment: Manuscript: 18 pages, 2 tables, 2 figure. Supplementary Information:
34 pages, 6 figures. Advance Online Publication (AOP) on
http://www.nature.com/nature on October 20, 2010. To Appear in Nature on
November 4, 201
Association between proton pump inhibitor therapy and clostridium difficile infection: a contemporary systematic review and meta-analysis.
Emerging epidemiological evidence suggests that proton pump inhibitor (PPI) acid-suppression therapy is associated with an increased risk of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI).
Ovid MEDLINE, EMBASE, ISI Web of Science, and Scopus were searched from 1990 to January 2012 for analytical studies that reported an adjusted effect estimate of the association between PPI use and CDI. We performed random-effect meta-analyses. We used the GRADE framework to interpret the findings.
We identified 47 eligible citations (37 case-control and 14 cohort studies) with corresponding 51 effect estimates. The pooled OR was 1.65, 95% CI (1.47, 1.85), I2 = 89.9%, with evidence of publication bias suggested by a contour funnel plot. A novel regression based method was used to adjust for publication bias and resulted in an adjusted pooled OR of 1.51 (95% CI, 1.26ā1.83). In a speculative analysis that assumes that this association is based on causality, and based on published baseline CDI incidence, the risk of CDI would be very low in the general population taking PPIs with an estimated NNH of 3925 at 1 year.
In this rigorously conducted systemic review and meta-analysis, we found very low quality evidence (GRADE class) for an association between PPI use and CDI that does not support a cause-effect relationship
El g?nero literario una estrategia pedag?gica para fortalecer el proceso de ense?anza en primaria y secundaria del departamento del Tolima tomando como referencia los trabajos de Lengua Castellana de la Universidad del Tolima
47 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEste trabajo investigativo se desarroll? tomando 106 tesis de grado de la licenciatura en b?sica con ?nfasis en lengua castellana de los diferentes CREAD de la Universidad del Tolima.
Este an?lisis se realiz? con base en tres tablas, la primera ten?a como objetivo conocer la l?nea y la subl?nea a la que correspond?an los trabajos de grado, la segunda tabla se diligencio con datos concretos de cada tesis, por ?ltimo, una tercera que nos permiti? recopilar mayor informaci?n para dar inicio a un an?lisis m?s profundo de estos trabajos.
La literatura fue base fundamental para el an?lisis concienzudo desarrollado, ya que nos permiti? observar cada uno de los trabajos y conocer aspectos importantes tales como ?a qu? g?nero literario pertenec?a?, ?Qu? los motivo a desarrollar estas investigaciones? (la expresi?n oral, dislexia, disgraf?a, muletillas, p?nico esc?nico, entre otras), encontrando que los g?neros narrativos, lirico y dram?tico estuvieron siempre presentes en la ejecuci?n de cada una de las investigaciones.
Concluyendo as?, que dentro del g?nero narrativo se trabajaron los siguientes subg?neros: el cuento 67%, mitos y leyendas 19%, la f?bula 7%, la novela 5% y el relato 2%, evidenciamos que el cuento fue el subg?nero m?s trabajado, puesto que este les permiti? hallar m?s estrategias para el desarrollo del proceso investigativo, dentro del g?nero lirico la poes?a en un 100% y para finalizar el g?nero dram?tico as?: el teatro 94% y el drama con un 6%. Cabe resaltar que la mayor parte de estas investigaciones logr? el objetivo propuesto.This research work was developed by taking 106 undergraduate theses of the degree in basic with emphasis in Spanish language of the different CREAD of the University of Tolima.
This analysis was based on three tables, the first one was to know the line and the subline to which the degree works corresponded, the second table was diluted with specific data of each thesis, finally, a third one that allowed us to gather more information to initiate a deeper analysis of these works.
Literature was a fundamental basis for the conscientious analysis developed, since it allowed us to observe each one of the works and to know important aspects such as to which literary genre it belonged? What reasons to develop these investigations? (The oral expression, dyslexia, Dysgraphia, muletillas, scenic panic, among others), finding that the narrative, lyrical and dramatic genres were always present in the execution of each of the investigations.
Thus, the following subgenres were worked within the narrative genre: the story 67%, myths and legends 19%, the fable 7%, the novel 5% and the story 2%, we show that the story was the subgenre most worked, Since it allowed them to find more strategies for the development of the investigative process, within the lyrical genre, poetry 100% and to complete the dramatic genre in this way: theater 94% and drama with 6%. It should be noted that most of these investigations achieved the proposed objective.
Keywords: Literature, literary genres: narrative, lyric and dramatic
Suppression of charged particle production at large transverse momentum in central Pb-Pb collisions at TeV
Inclusive transverse momentum spectra of primary charged particles in Pb-Pb
collisions at = 2.76 TeV have been measured by the ALICE
Collaboration at the LHC. The data are presented for central and peripheral
collisions, corresponding to 0-5% and 70-80% of the hadronic Pb-Pb cross
section. The measured charged particle spectra in and GeV/ are compared to the expectation in pp collisions at the same
, scaled by the number of underlying nucleon-nucleon
collisions. The comparison is expressed in terms of the nuclear modification
factor . The result indicates only weak medium effects ( 0.7) in peripheral collisions. In central collisions,
reaches a minimum of about 0.14 at -7GeV/ and increases
significantly at larger . The measured suppression of high- particles is stronger than that observed at lower collision energies,
indicating that a very dense medium is formed in central Pb-Pb collisions at
the LHC.Comment: 15 pages, 5 captioned figures, 3 tables, authors from page 10,
published version, figures at http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/ArtSubmission/node/98
Two-pion Bose-Einstein correlations in central Pb-Pb collisions at = 2.76 TeV
The first measurement of two-pion Bose-Einstein correlations in central Pb-Pb
collisions at TeV at the Large Hadron Collider is
presented. We observe a growing trend with energy now not only for the
longitudinal and the outward but also for the sideward pion source radius. The
pion homogeneity volume and the decoupling time are significantly larger than
those measured at RHIC.Comment: 17 pages, 5 captioned figures, 1 table, authors from page 12,
published version, figures at
Search for new phenomena in final states with an energetic jet and large missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at ā s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Results of a search for new phenomena in final states with an energetic jet and large missing transverse momentum are reported. The search uses 20.3 fbā1 of ā s = 8 TeV data collected in 2012 with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Events are required to have at least one jet with pT > 120 GeV and no leptons. Nine signal regions are considered with increasing missing transverse momentum requirements between Emiss T > 150 GeV and Emiss T > 700 GeV. Good agreement is observed between the number of events in data and Standard Model expectations. The results are translated into exclusion limits on models with either large extra spatial dimensions, pair production of weakly interacting dark matter candidates, or production of very light gravitinos in a gauge-mediated supersymmetric model. In addition, limits on the production of an invisibly decaying Higgs-like boson leading to similar topologies in the final state are presente
Nutrient intake and risk of open-angle glaucoma: the Rotterdam Study
Open-angle glaucoma (OAG) is the commonest cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. Apart from an increased intraocular pressure (IOP), oxidative stress and an impaired ocular blood flow are supposed to contribute to OAG. The aim of this study was to determine whether the dietary intake of nutrients that either have anti-oxidative properties (carotenoids, vitamins, and flavonoids) or influence the blood flow (omega fatty acids and magnesium) is associated with incident OAG. We investigated this in a prospective population-based cohort, the Rotterdam Study. A total of 3502 participants aged 55Ā years and older for whom dietary data at baseline and ophthalmic data at baseline and follow-up were available and who did not have OAG at baseline were included. The ophthalmic examinations comprised measurements of the IOP and perimetry; dietary intake of nutrients was assessed by validated questionnaires and adjusted for energy intake. Cox proportional hazard regression analysis was applied to calculate hazard ratios of associations between the baseline intake of nutrients and incident OAG, adjusted for age, gender, IOP, IOP-lowering treatment, and body mass index. During an average follow-up of 9.7Ā years, 91 participants (2.6%) developed OAG. The hazard ratio for retinol equivalents (highest versus lowest tertile) was 0.45 (95% confidence interval 0.23ā0.90), for vitamin B1 0.50 (0.25ā0.98), and for magnesium 2.25 (1.16ā4.38). The effects were stronger after the exclusion of participants taking supplements. Hence, a low intake of retinol equivalents and vitamin B1 (in line with hypothesis) and a high intake of magnesium (less unambiguous to interpret) appear to be associated with an increased risk of OAG
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