139 research outputs found

    Simulador educativo de tecnología en informática y trabajo social (S.E.T.I.T.S).

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    Diseñar e implementar un simulador educativo que evalúe y fortalezca el conocimiento sobre las áreas de intervención social que tienen los graduados y estudiantes del Programa de Trabajo Social del centro regional Girardot del semestre I-2018.El proyecto es realizado principalmente con el fin de llevar de la mano y brindar un acompañamiento a los egresados del programa de Trabajo Social de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios Centro Regional Girardot, teniendo en cuenta los estudios y el análisis realizado a este tipo de población, el cual presenta falencias a la hora de enfrentase a la vida laboral en el tema de entrevistas, presentación personal, presentación de hoja de vida, el léxico que se debe manejar a la hora de expresarse en diferentes tipos de ambientes y entorno laboral, esto en cuanto a la parte de egresados. En cuanto a los alumnos que se encuentran en la etapa de prácticas profesionales, se enfoca en el acompañamiento por parte de los tutores resolviendo cualquier tipo de duda o información que requieran en el proceso, teniendo en cuenta que esta fase es muy importante para el profesional en formación y que este proceso contribuye significativamente a la construcción de conocimiento y experiencia en el ámbito laboral. De acuerdo a la problemática, se decidió resolver de manera práctica y dinámica combinando el campo de los tecnólogos en informática mediante la implementación de un simulador que permite anticiparse a los conceptos básicos, la experiencia y demás falencias anteriormente mencionadas, dando de esta manera solución a dicha problemática. Para concluir se realizó una prueba piloto de forma muestral analizando las evidencias estadísticas de los resultados positivos que deja este exitoso simulador brindando bienestar para todos los alumnos y egresados del programa de Trabajo Social de la universidad Minuto de Dios, evidenciando los conocimientos adquiridos en la academia como Tecnólogos en Informática y contribuyendo al mejoramiento de la calidad del servicio que brinda la Universidad Minuto de Dios frente al acompañamiento y compromiso que tiene con sus alumnos y egresados.The project is realized with the purpose of carrying out, and providing an accompaniment to the graduates of the Social Work program of the University Corporation Minuto de Dios Girardot Regional Center, taking into account the studies and the analysis made to this type of population, which present shortcomings in the face of working life in the subject of interviews, personal presentation, presentation of resume, the lexicon that must be handled when expressing in different types of environment, environment and environment work, this in terms of the part of graduates. As for the part of the students who are in the stage of professional practices, its focus on the accompaniment by the tutors solving any type of doubt or information that they require in the process, taking into account that this phase is very important for the professional in training and that this process contributes significantly to the construction of knowledge and experience in the labor field. According to the problem it was decided to solve in a practical and dynamic way combining the technology or the field of the technologists in computer science through the implementation of a simulator that allows to anticipate to the basic concepts, the experience and other shortcomings previously mentioned, giving of this way solution to this problem. To conclude, a pilot test was carried out in a sample form, analyzing the statistical evidence of the positive results of this successful simulator, providing well-being for all students and graduates of the Social Work program at Minuto de Dios University, evidencing the knowledge acquired in the academy as Computer Technologists and contributing to the improvement of the quality of the service offered by the Minuto de Dios University in the face of the accompaniment and commitment it has with its students and alumni

    Comparison of survival in patients with T cell lymphoma after autologous and allogeneic stem cell transplantation as a frontline strategy or in relapsed disease.

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    We studied the roles of autologous (A) and allogeneic (allo) stem cell transplantation (SCT) in the treatment of 134 patients with T cell lymphoma (TCL) at our center. For frontline SCT, 58 patients were studied. The 4-year overall survival (OS) rates for ASCT (n = 47; median age, 49 years) and alloSCT (n = 11; median age, 55 years) groups were 76% and 54%, respectively (P \u3e .05). The 4-year OS rates for first complete remission (CR1) patients were 84% and 83%, respectively. For SCT for relapsed disease, 76 patients were studied (41 with ASCT and 35 with alloSCT). The 4-year OS rates were 50% and 36% for ASCT and alloSCT patients with chemosensitive disease, respectively (P \u3e .05). Those who were in CR2 and CR3 had 4-year OS rates of 59% and 53%, respectively. Similar results were also observed in patients with refractory disease (29% and 35%, respectively). These data suggest that a pre-SCT CR is associated with improved outcomes in TCL patients after SCT. Considering the 84% 4-year OS rates in CR1 patients and the unpredictable responses in patients with relapsed disease, we favor the use of ASCT as consolidation therapy after CR1. AlloSCT did not result in a superior outcome compared with ASCT

    2017 HRS/EHRA/ECAS/APHRS/SOLAECE expert consensus statement on catheter and surgical ablation of atrial fibrillation: executive summary.

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    2017 HRS/EHRA/ECAS/APHRS/SOLAECE expert consensus statement on catheter and surgical ablation of atrial fibrillation: executive summary.

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