265 research outputs found

    Sensitivity to Proportions in Faces of Varying Anthropomorphism

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    Although it has been said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, studies in social and medical sciences indicate that certain facial and bodily proportions are perceived to be more attractive across cultures. Additionally, studies indicate that the percep- tion of attractiveness is more hardwired than learned, being present even in infants. Behavioral scientists have found that attractive people are often judged to have more positive character traits. Interface designers must make choices regarding how to rep- resent the human form, whether in animation, virtual reality, or physical robots. An understanding of human preferences, in addition to other developments in the science of perception, can lead to design principles. This study measured sensitivity to the best proportions, and tolerance for ac- ceptable proportions in people, androids and more mechanical-looking robots, and three-dimensional and two-dimensional computer graphics characters. In an on-line experiment participants set the best point and acceptable range in four facial propor- tions for eleven characters, and completed a questionnaire rating character attributes such as human likeness. Participants showed greater sensitivity to the best propor- tions in faces they judged as more attractive and more humanlike. Participants also showed less tolerance for changes in proportion in more attractive faces

    Synegies Between Visible/Near-Infrared Imaging Spectrometry and the Thermal Infrared in an Urban Environment: An Evaluation of the Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HYSPIRI) Mission

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    A majority of the human population lives in urban areas and as such, the quality of urban environments is becoming increasingly important to the human population. Furthermore, these areas are major sources of environmental contaminants and sinks of energy and materials. Remote sensing provides an improved understanding of urban areas and their impacts by mapping urban extent, urban composition (vegetation and impervious cover fractions), and urban radiation balance through measures of albedo, emissivity and land surface temperature (LST). Recently, the National Research Council (NRC) completed an assessment of remote sensing needs for the next decade (NRC, 2007), proposing several missions suitable for urban studies, including a visible, near-infrared and shortwave infrared (VSWIR) imaging spectrometer and a multispectral thermal infrared (TIR) instrument called the Hyperspectral Infrared Imagery (HyspIRI). In this talk, we introduce the HyspIRI mission, focusing on potential synergies between VSWIR and TIR data in an urban area. We evaluate potential synergies using an Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) and MODIS-ASTER (MASTER) image pair acquired over Santa Barbara, United States. AVIRIS data were analyzed at their native spatial resolutions (7.5m VSWIR and 15m TIR), and aggregated 60 m spatial resolution similar to HyspIRI. Surface reflectance was calculated using ACORN and a ground reflectance target to remove atmospheric and sensor artifacts. MASTER data were processed to generate estimates of spectral emissivity and LST using Modtran radiative transfer code and the ASTER Temperature Emissivity Separation algorithm. A spectral library of common urban materials, including urban vegetation, roofs and roads was assembled from combined AVIRIS and field-measured reflectance spectra. LST and emissivity were also retrieved from MASTER and reflectance/emissivity spectra for a subset of urban materials were retrieved from co-located MASTER and AVIRIS pixels. Fractions of Impervious, Soil, Green Vegetation (GV) and Non-photosynthetic Vegetation (NPV), were estimated using Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (MESMA) applied to AVIRIS data at 7.5, 15 and 60 m spatial scales. Surface energy parameters, including albedo, vegetation cover fraction, broadband emissivity and LST were also determined for urban and natural land-cover classes in the region. Fractions were validated using 1m digital photography

    Non-Scanning Radiometer Results for Earth Radiation Budget Investigations

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    The Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) included non-scanning radiometers (Luther, 1986) flown aboard a dedicated mission of Earth Radiation Budget Satellite, and the NOAA-9 and -10 operational meteorological spacecraft (Barkstrom and Smith, 1986). The radiometers first began providing Earth radiation budget data in November 1984 and have remained operational, providing a record of nearly 8 years of data to date for researchers. Although they do not produce measurements with the resolution given by the scanning radiometers, the results from the non-scanning radiometers are extremely useful for climate research involving long-term radiation data sets. This paper discusses the non-scanning radiometers, their stability, the method of analyzing the data, and brief scientific results from the data

    Real-Time Detection and Rapid Multiwavelength Follow-up Observations of a Highly Subluminous Type II-P Supernova from the Palomar Transient Factory Survey

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    The Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) is an optical wide-field variability survey carried out using a camera with a 7.8 square degree field of view mounted on the 48-in Oschin Schmidt telescope at Palomar Observatory. One of the key goals of this survey is to conduct high-cadence monitoring of the sky in order to detect optical transient sources shortly after they occur. Here, we describe the real-time capabilities of the PTF and our related rapid multiwavelength follow-up programs, extending from the radio to the gamma-ray bands. We present as a case study observations of the optical transient PTF10vdl (SN 2010id), revealed to be a very young core-collapse (Type II-P) supernova having a remarkably low luminosity. Our results demonstrate that the PTF now provides for optical transients the real-time discovery and rapid-response follow-up capabilities previously reserved only for high-energy transients like gamma-ray bursts.Comment: ApJ, in press; all spectroscopic data available from the Weizmann Institute of Science Experimental Astrophysics Spectroscopy System (WISEASS; http://www.weizmann.ac.il/astrophysics/wiseass/

    PTF10fqs: A Luminous Red Nova in the Spiral Galaxy Messier 99

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    The Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) is systematically charting the optical transient and variable sky. A primary science driver of PTF is building a complete inventory of transients in the local Universe (distance less than 200 Mpc). Here, we report the discovery of PTF10fqs, a transient in the luminosity "gap" between novae and supernovae. Located on a spiral arm of Messier 99, PTF 10fqs has a peak luminosity of Mr = -12.3, red color (g-r = 1.0) and is slowly evolving (decayed by 1 mag in 68 days). It has a spectrum dominated by intermediate-width H (930 km/s) and narrow calcium emission lines. The explosion signature (the light curve and spectra) is overall similar to thatof M85OT2006-1, SN2008S, and NGC300OT. The origin of these events is shrouded in mystery and controversy (and in some cases, in dust). PTF10fqs shows some evidence of a broad feature (around 8600A) that may suggest very large velocities (10,000 km/s) in this explosion. Ongoing surveys can be expected to find a few such events per year. Sensitive spectroscopy, infrared monitoring and statistics (e.g. disk versus bulge) will eventually make it possible for astronomers to unravel the nature of these mysterious explosions.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, Replaced with published versio

    VAST: An ASKAP Survey for Variables and Slow Transients

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    The Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) will give us an unprecedented opportunity to investigate the transient sky at radio wavelengths. In this paper we present VAST, an ASKAP survey for Variables and Slow Transients. VAST will exploit the wide-field survey capabilities of ASKAP to enable the discovery and investigation of variable and transient phenomena from the local to the cosmological, including flare stars, intermittent pulsars, X-ray binaries, magnetars, extreme scattering events, interstellar scintillation, radio supernovae and orphan afterglows of gamma ray bursts. In addition, it will allow us to probe unexplored regions of parameter space where new classes of transient sources may be detected. In this paper we review the known radio transient and variable populations and the current results from blind radio surveys. We outline a comprehensive program based on a multi-tiered survey strategy to characterise the radio transient sky through detection and monitoring of transient and variable sources on the ASKAP imaging timescales of five seconds and greater. We also present an analysis of the expected source populations that we will be able to detect with VAST.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures. Submitted for publication in Pub. Astron. Soc. Australi

    Scoping workshop 3 on next generation of mixed fisheries advice (WKMIXFISH3)

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    WKMIXFISH are a series of workshops bringing together scientists, advice recipients, and stakeholders to identify future research and advisory priorities for mixed fisheries science. The third scoping workshop on the next generation of mixed fisheries advice (WKMIXFISH3) met to review changes to mixed fisheries considerations and progress on method development since the last workshop in March 2023. The workshop focused on three areas of development. First, it reviewed changes and clarifications to mixed fisheries considerations that were incorporated to improve communication around the purpose of and assumptions in the advice. Second, it reviewed the substantial methodological development that has been undertaken by WGMIXFISH-METHODS and EU and UK research projects. The focus of this work was to address an EU/UK joint request to ICES on mixed fisheries science. Third, it discussed the outcome of a workshop on fleet and métier definitions (WKMIXFLEET) that took place the preceding two days. Methodological developments included evaluation of uncertainty in mixed fisheries models, analyses of sensitivity to model assumptions, including fleet and métier structure, and creating new ways to explore mixed fisheries data. It was noted that these, in combination with new tools, guidance, and visualizations, helped to provide greater understanding of the models and advice. While these endeavours are ongoing, there was general support for continued development; in particular, the deployment of a mixed fisheries online app to provide end-users and stakeholders with the ability to interact with the multifaceted outputs from mixed fisheries models. Support for, and engagement with, developments on using the Regional Database Estimation System (RDBES) data to make improvements to fleet and métier definitions was also highlighted. Next steps identified were for WGMIXFISH-ADVICE and WGMIXFISH-METHODS to use the valuable feedback obtained to continue to develop the tools, and implement and receive feedback on them as part of an iterative process. It was noted that further research and dedicated time for scientists was necessary to support the ongoing improvements to mixed fisheries advice and data products, and that this should be a priority.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Social Class

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    Discussion of class structure in fifth-century Athens, historical constitution of theater audiences, and the changes in the comic representation of class antagonism from Aristophanes to Menander

    PTF10iya: A short-lived, luminous flare from the nuclear region of a star-forming galaxy

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    We present the discovery and characterisation of PTF10iya, a short-lived (dt ~ 10 d, with an optical decay rate of ~ 0.3 mag per d), luminous (M_g ~ -21 mag) transient source found by the Palomar Transient Factory. The ultraviolet/optical spectral energy distribution is reasonably well fit by a blackbody with T ~ 1-2 x 10^4 K and peak bolometric luminosity L_BB ~ 1-5 x 10^44 erg per s (depending on the details of the extinction correction). A comparable amount of energy is radiated in the X-ray band that appears to result from a distinct physical process. The location of PTF10iya is consistent with the nucleus of a star-forming galaxy (z = 0.22405 +/- 0.00006) to within 350 mas (99.7 per cent confidence radius), or a projected distance of less than 1.2 kpc. At first glance, these properties appear reminiscent of the characteristic "big blue bump" seen in the near-ultraviolet spectra of many active galactic nuclei (AGNs). However, emission-line diagnostics of the host galaxy, along with a historical light curve extending back to 2007, show no evidence for AGN-like activity. We therefore consider whether the tidal disruption of a star by an otherwise quiescent supermassive black hole may account for our observations. Though with limited temporal information, PTF10iya appears broadly consistent with the predictions for the early "super-Eddington" phase of a solar-type star disrupted by a ~ 10^7 M_sun black hole. Regardless of the precise physical origin of the accreting material, the large luminosity and short duration suggest that otherwise quiescent galaxies can transition extremely rapidly to radiate near the Eddington limit; many such outbursts may have been missed by previous surveys lacking sufficient cadence.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures; revised following referee's comment