9 research outputs found

    One Health – an Ecological and Evolutionary Framework for tackling Neglected Zoonotic Diseases

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    Understanding the complex population biology and transmission ecology of multihost parasites has been declared as one of the major challenges of biomedical sciences for the 21st century and the Neglected Zoonotic Diseases (NZDs) are perhaps the most neglected of all the Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs). Here we consider how multihost parasite transmission and evolutionary dynamics may affect the success of human and animal disease control programmes, particularly neglected diseases of the developing world. We review the different types of zoonotic interactions that occur, both ecological and evolutionary, their potential relevance for current human control activities, and make suggestions for the development of an empirical evidence base and theoretical framework to better understand and predict the outcome of such interactions. In particular, we consider whether preventive chemotherapy, the current mainstay of NTD control, can be successful without a One Health approach. Transmission within and between animal reservoirs and humans can have important ecological and evolutionary consequences, driving the evolution and establishment of drug resistance, as well as providing selective pressures for spill‐over, host switching, hybridizations and introgressions between animal and human parasites. Our aim here is to highlight the importance of both elucidating disease ecology, including identifying key hosts and tailoring control effort accordingly, and understanding parasite evolution, such as precisely how infectious agents may respond and adapt to anthropogenic change. Both elements are essential if we are to alleviate disease risks from NZDs in humans, domestic animals and wildlife

    Coccidian parasites of fish encompass profound phylogenetic diversity and gave rise to each of the major parasitic groups in terrestrial vertebrates

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    Fish are the oldest and most diverse group of vertebrates; it therefore stands to reason that fish may have been the original hosts for many types of extant vertebrate parasites. Here, we sought to determine whether coccidian parasites of fish are especially diverse. We therefore sampled such parasites from thirty-nine species of fish and tested phylogenetic hypotheses concerning their relationships, using 18S rDNA. We found compelling phylogenetic support for distinctions among at least four lineages of piscine parasites presently ascribed to the genus Goussia. Some, but not all parasites attributed to Eimeria were confirmed as such. Major taxonomic revisions are likely justified for these parasites of fish, which appear to have given rise to each of the major lineages of coccidian parasites that subsequently proliferated in terrestrial vertebrates, including those such as Toxoplasma gondii that form tissue cysts in intermediate hosts

    The controversy of interpretations and the reproductive movement of Brazilian agriculture in the 1980s.

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    Analisa-se o movimento concreto experimentado pela agropecuária brasileira na década de 1980, tomando por base o ciclo de valorização do capital e as leis que o regem a partir da teoria marxista. Antes, porém, apresenta-se o processo recente de transformações ocorridas no setor e as diversas frentes interpretativas as quais são caracterizadas como viéses. A análise conclui que no período a agropecuária é marcada por um processo cíclico, marcado por crises tanto conjuntural quanto estrutural. Entretanto, a evidenciação ou não da crise depende do parâmetro tomado como objeto de análise e que pela desagregação têm-se produtos e grupos de produtos que parecem não ter tomado conhecimento da crise, ao passo que outros foram afetados significativamente.The concrete movement experienced by agriculture is analyzed. in the 1980s, based on the of capital and the laws that govern it from Marxist theory. Before, However, the recent process of sector and the various interpretative fronts which are characterized by as biases. The analysis concludes that in the period the agriculture and livestock is marked by a cyclical process, marked by cyclical structural. However, whether or not the evidence of the crisis is parameter taken as the object of analysis and that by the disaggregation products and product groups that appear to have been unaware of of the crisis, while others were significantly affected

    Tradition and Transition

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    The population genetics of parasitic nematodes of wild animals

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