973 research outputs found

    The Otoqata project

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    Preferential Trade Arrangements, Induced Investment, and National Income in a Heckscher-Ohlin-Ramsey Model

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    We develop a Heckscher-Ohlin-Ramsey model, combining dual techniques with classic geometric techniques from trade theory. This framework is used to explore the long-run general equilibrium effects of regional integration (preferential trade agreements). Emphasis is placed on positive mechanics related to adjustment in the capital stock, long-run changes in the pattern in trade, and the implications for changes in long-run (steady-state) national income. The importance of relative country size and the dynamic implications for third countries are also addressed

    Teachers' implementation and evaluation of design principles for value-loaded critical thinking

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    An important aim of education is that students learn to think critically about moral values. This study examines how five secondary school philosophy teachers implement and evaluate design principles for promoting value-loaded critical thinking in whole-class dialogues. The five design principles are: address, apply and reason critically about moral values, create intercontextuality, and promote metacognitive reflection. For our evaluation, we first analyzed teachers’ judgments of the relevance, consistency, and practicality of the design principles. Secondly, we conducted classroom observations to analyse teachers’ implementation of the design principles. We find that teachers consider the design principles relevant, consistent and mostly practical and that they use a wider range of teaching strategies for each design principle, after participating in this study

    Adapting to Complexities in Dialogue

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    The world is getting a VUCA place. A world that is more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Changing conditions can be seen at a global level, on the level of societies and organizations but also at a micro level of people. Dealing with differences requires awareness about our own world views, and an open mind to understand the viewpoint of others. For interaction to be productive, participants need to recognize the different voices that come into play. This ‘social complexity’ is a underlying aspect relevant for understanding how to cope with VUCA situations. The aim of this chapter is to describe the conversational processes that take place during interactions between different professionals in organizations. Applying the ‘ladder of complexity’ and discourse analysis in three cases reveal that different ‘voices’ can be distinguished in the process of organizational change. We promote incorporating sociolinguistics into the field of organizational change. Section 1 introduces the ‘playground’ we live in followed by different paradigms about communicating and change management. Section 3 introduces the ‘ladder of complexity’ aligning social complexity and dialogue. Section 4 describes 3 cases using discourse analysis to understand the interaction in conversations. Section 5 draws conclusions and give directions for future research

    Inventaris van het archief van het controlekantoor Beringen van de administratie van het kadaster : overdracht 2010

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    De belastingdienst ondernam begin negentiende eeuw het reusachtige werk om het onroerend vermogen van elke familie te registreren. Deze inventarisatie wordt tot op heden geactualiseerd. Het kadaster brengt deze informatie ook nog eens in kaart. Het resultaat van al dit werk is een belangrijke bron voor het historisch onderzoek. Het kadastraal archief wordt echter relatief weinig geraadpleegd. De toegankelijkheid van al dit materiaal was lange tijd niet optimaal, en daardoor bleven de waardevolle bronnen onderbenut. Deze inventaris ontsluit een reeks kadastrale documenten uit het controlekantoor van Beringen - de oudste leggers en tafels zijn ruim 150 jaar oud en vormen een onafgebroken reeks archiefbescheiden van onschatbare waarde. Onderzoekers vinden hierin de toegang tot een veelzijdige bron voor de geschiedschrijving van de (deel)gemeenten Beringen, Beverlo, Heusden, Koersel, Kwaadmechelen, Oostham, Paal, Tessenderlo en Zolder
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