106 research outputs found

    The OsNRAMP1 iron transporter is involved in Cd accumulation in rice

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    Cadmium (Cd) is a heavy metal toxic to humans and the accumulation of Cd in the rice grain is a major agricultural problem, particularly in Asia. The role of the iron transporter OsNRAMP1 in Cd uptake and transport in rice was investigated here. An OsNRAMP1:GFP fusion protein was localized to the plasma membrane in onion epidermal cells. The growth of yeast expressing OsNRAMP1 was impaired in the presence of Cd compared with yeast transformed with an empty vector. Moreover, the Cd content of OsNRAMP1-expressing yeast exceeded that of the vector control. The expression of OsNRAMP1 in the roots was higher in a high Cd-accumulating cultivar (Habataki) than a low Cd-accumulating cultivar (Sasanishiki) regardless of the presence of Cd, and the amino acid sequence of OsNRAMP1 showed 100% identity between Sasanishiki and Habataki. Over-expression of OsNRAMP1 in rice increased Cd accumulation in the leaves. These results suggest that OsNRAMP1 participates in cellular Cd uptake and Cd transport within plants, and the higher expression of OsNRAMP1 in the roots could lead to an increase in Cd accumulation in the shoots. Our results indicated that OsNRAMP1 is an important protein in high-level Cd accumulation in rice

    Characterizing the role of rice NRAMP5 in Manganese, Iron and Cadmium Transport

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    Metals like manganese (Mn) and iron (Fe) are essential for metabolism, while cadmium (Cd) is toxic for virtually all living organisms. Understanding the transport of these metals is important for breeding better crops. We have identified that OsNRAMP5 contributes to Mn, Fe and Cd transport in rice. OsNRAMP5 expression was restricted to roots epidermis, exodermis, and outer layers of the cortex as well as in tissues around the xylem. OsNRAMP5 localized to the plasma membrane, and complemented the growth of yeast strains defective in Mn, Fe, and Cd transport. OsNRAMP5 RNAi (OsNRAMP5i) plants accumulated less Mn in the roots, and less Mn and Fe in shoots, and xylem sap. The suppression of OsNRAMP5 promoted Cd translocation to shoots, highlighting the importance of this gene for Cd phytoremediation. These data reveal that OsNRAMP5 contributes to Mn, Cd, and Fe transport in rice and is important for plant growth and development

    Systems-wide analysis of manganese deficiency-induced changes in gene activity of Arabidopsis roots

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    Manganese (Mn) is pivotal for plant growth and development, but little information is available regarding the strategies that evolved to improve Mn acquisition and cellular homeostasis of Mn. Using an integrated RNA-based transcriptomic and high-throughput shotgun proteomics approach, we generated a comprehensive inventory of transcripts and proteins that showed altered abundance in response to Mn deficiency in roots of the model plant Arabidopsis. A suite of 22,385 transcripts was consistently detected in three RNA-seq runs; LC-MS/MS-based iTRAQ proteomics allowed the unambiguous determination of 11,606 proteins. While high concordance between mRNA and protein expression (R = 0.87) was observed for transcript/protein pairs in which both gene products accumulated differentially upon Mn deficiency, only approximately 10% of the total alterations in the abundance of proteins could be attributed to transcription, indicating a large impact of protein-level regulation. Differentially expressed genes spanned a wide range of biological functions, including the maturation, translation, and transport of mRNAs, as well as primary and secondary metabolic processes. Metabolic analysis by UPLC-qTOF-MS revealed that the steady-state levels of several major glucosinolates were significantly altered upon Mn deficiency in both roots and leaves, possibly as a compensation for increased pathogen susceptibility under conditions of Mn deficiency

    A new vesicle trafficking regulator CTL1 plays a crucial role in ion homeostasis

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    Ion homeostasis is essential for plant growth and environmental adaptation, and maintaining ion homeostasis requires the precise regulation of various ion transporters, as well as correct root patterning. However, the mechanisms underlying these processes remain largely elusive. Here, we reported that a choline transporter gene, CTL1, controls ionome homeostasis by regulating the secretory trafficking of proteins required for plasmodesmata (PD) development, as well as the transport of some ion transporters. Map-based cloning studies revealed that CTL1 mutations alter the ion profile of Arabidopsis thaliana. We found that the phenotypes associated with these mutations are caused by a combination of PD defects and ion transporter misregulation. We also established that CTL1 is involved in regulating vesicle trafficking and is thus required for the trafficking of proteins essential for ion transport and PD development. Characterizing choline transporter-like 1 (CTL1) as a new regulator of protein sorting may enable researchers to understand not only ion homeostasis in plants but also vesicle trafficking in general

    Effect of the down-regulation of the high Grain Protein Content (GPC) genes on the wheat transcriptome during monocarpic senescence

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Increasing the nutrient concentration of wheat grains is important to ameliorate nutritional deficiencies in many parts of the world. Proteins and nutrients in the wheat grain are largely derived from the remobilization of degraded leaf molecules during monocarpic senescence. The down-regulation of the NAC transcription factor <it>Grain Protein Content </it>(<it>GPC</it>) in transgenic wheat plants delays senescence (>3 weeks) and reduces the concentration of protein, Zn and Fe in the grain (>30%), linking senescence and nutrient remobilization.</p> <p>Based on the early and rapid up-regulation of <it>GPC </it>in wheat flag leaves after anthesis, we hypothesized that this transcription factor is an early regulator of monocarpic senescence. To test this hypothesis, we used high-throughput mRNA-seq technologies to characterize the effect of the <it>GPC </it>down-regulation on the wheat flag-leaf transcriptome 12 days after anthesis. At this early stage of senescence <it>GPC </it>transcript levels are significantly lower in transgenic GPC-RNAi plants than in the wild type, but there are still no visible phenotypic differences between genotypes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We generated 1.4 million 454 reads from early senescing flag leaves (average ~350 nt) and assembled 1.2 million into 30,497 contigs that were used as a reference to map 145 million Illumina reads from three wild type and four GPC-RNAi plants. Following normalization and statistical testing, we identified a set of 691 genes differentially regulated by <it>GPC </it>(431 ≥ 2-fold change). Transcript level ratios between transgenic and wild type plants showed a high correlation (<it>R </it>= 0.83) between qRT-PCR and Illumina results, providing independent validation of the mRNA-seq approach. A set of differentially expressed genes were analyzed across an early senescence time-course.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Monocarpic senescence is an active process characterized by large-scale changes in gene expression which begins considerably before the appearance of visual symptoms of senescence. The mRNA-seq approach used here was able to detect small differences in transcript levels during the early stages of senescence. This resulted in an extensive list of <it>GPC</it>-regulated genes, which includes transporters, hormone regulated genes, and transcription factors. These <it>GPC</it>-regulated genes, particularly those up-regulated during senescence, provide valuable entry points to dissect the early stages of monocarpic senescence and nutrient remobilization in wheat.</p

    Transport proteins promoting Escherichia coli pathogenesis

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    Escherichia coli is a genetically diverse species infecting hundreds of millions of people worldwide annually. We examined seven well-characterized E. coli pathogens causing urinary tract infections, gastroenteritis, pyelonephritis and haemorrhagic colitis. Their transport proteins were identified and compared with each other and a non-pathogenic E. coli K12 strain to identify transport proteins related to pathogenesis. Each pathogen possesses a unique set of protein secretion systems for export to the cell surface or for injecting effector proteins into host cells. Pathogens have increased numbers of iron siderophore receptors and ABC iron uptake transporters, but the numbers and types of low-affinity secondary iron carriers were uniform in all strains. The presence of outer membrane iron complex receptors and high-affinity ABC iron uptake systems correlated, suggesting co-evolution. Each pathovar encodes a different set of pore-forming toxins and virulence-related outer membrane proteins lacking in K12. Intracellular pathogens proved to have a characteristically distinctive set of nutrient uptake porters, different from those of extracellular pathogens. The results presented in this report provide information about transport systems relevant to various types of E. coli pathogenesis that can be exploited in future basic and applied studies

    Cation transporters/channels in plants: Tools for nutrient biofortification

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