1,344 research outputs found

    Rhizosphere in space and time – challenges for designing the most relevant root traits for efficient nutrient acquisition

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    [dĂ©but du texte]The rhizosphere, i.e. the soil volume that is influenced by the activities of living roots, has been largelydocumented for its pivotal role in plant nutrition, and thus ecological significance in terrestrial ecosystems (e.g.Hinsinger et al., 2009). The number of studies on the fate of nutrients in the rhizosphere, especiallyphosphorus amongst major nutrients, iron and zinc amongst micronutrients, has considerably increased overthe past decades, as revealed by the published literature. However, much of our understanding of theunderlying rhizosphere processes rely on microcosm experiments in more or less artificial conditions. Incontrast, we still lack comprehensive studies of the rhizosphere of field-­‐grown plants that includes both itsspatial and temporal dimensions. The aim of this keynote lecture is to address these two facets that challengeour capacity to predict plant nutrition and to manipulate such rhizosphere properties for the purpose of anecological intensification of agroecosystems

    Thermodynamic modelling of P availability: the case of intercropping rhizosphere

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    Plants of chickpea and durum wheat were cultivated as sole-­‐crop and intercrop in a rhizobox deviceaccording to a substitutive design. Unplanted soil was used as a control treatment. The soil used was a noncarbonated Luvisol with a neutral pH. Plants were harvested at the chickpea flowering stage. The pH, Pavailability and dissolved Ca were measured in soil as extracted by water and CaCl2 (1 and 10 mM). A set ofthermodynamic models were used (i.e. CD MUSIC; Nica Donnan; ion exchange) to simulate and understandmeasured P availability variations in each treatment

    Interactive animation of ocean waves

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    Modélisation et animation de la mer en temps réel

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    National audienceDepuis toujours, dans le domaine de la synthĂšse d'images, la mer fait l'objet de nombreux travaux. Mais il est impossible de reprĂ©senter tous les aspects du phĂ©nomĂšne de la mĂȘme façon. Depuis quelques annĂ©es, sa simulation, dans le domaine des effets spĂ©ciaux, atteint une qualitĂ© visuelle photorĂ©aliste. Mais la mer, malgrĂ© la place qu'elle occupe sur nore planĂšte, est pratiquement absente du principal domaine du temps rĂ©el, les jeux vidĂ©os. Le but de se travail est developper une mĂ©thode en temps rĂ©el d'animation et de rendu de la mer , scĂšne relativement complexe par nature qui se prĂšte bien 'a la recherche de techniques d'optimisations des mĂ©thodes d'animation en temps rĂ©el

    Diversité et évolution du genre Fraxinus

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    Le genre Fraxinus comprend environ 45 espĂšces d’arbres et d’arbustes de zones tempĂ©rĂ©es, colonisant des habitats variĂ©s de l’hĂ©misphĂšre Nord. Une diversitĂ© intraspĂ©cifique et interspĂ©cifique Ă©levĂ©e justifiait le besoin de l'estimation d'une phylogĂ©nie molĂ©culaire permettant de mieux reconstituer et interprĂ©ter l'histoire biogĂ©ographique de ce genre d’angiospermes circumpolaires, et ce Ă  l’échelle gĂ©nĂ©rique, mais aussi Ă  l’échelle spĂ©cifique en Europe. L’étude de la diversitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique des sĂ©quences du gĂ©nome chloroplastique n’a pas permis de distinguer les diffĂ©rentes espĂšces du genre, particuliĂšrement lorsque ces espĂšces Ă©taient phylogĂ©nĂ©tiquement proches, en raison de taux de divergence particuliĂšrement bas. Toutefois, certaines sections taxonomiques du genre ont pu ĂȘtre identifiĂ©es convenablement grĂące Ă  ces sĂ©quences d’ADN chloroplastique. Ces rĂ©sultats montrent que l’utilisation de rĂ©gions du gĂ©nome chloroplastique comme code-barre molĂ©culaire, en dĂ©pit de bons rĂ©sultats dans plusieurs genres non ligneux, ne pourrait ĂȘtre une solution universelle pour l’estimation de la biodiversitĂ© et la reconnaissance taxonomique chez les arbres. Les efforts subsĂ©quents se sont donc portĂ©s sur l’identification et l’utilisation de rĂ©gions du gĂ©nome nuclĂ©aire pour l’estimation de la phylogĂ©nie du genre. Les sections prĂ©cĂ©demment dĂ©crites dans la littĂ©rature ont Ă©tĂ© retrouvĂ©es, et les espĂšces n’ayant pu ĂȘtre attribuĂ©es Ă  un groupe taxonomique (incertae sedis) ont Ă©tĂ© assignĂ©es de maniĂšre robuste Ă  la section Melioides. Certaines espĂšces de la section Melioides semblaient avoir Ă©changĂ© des gĂšnes rĂ©cemment ou avoir radiĂ©, formant une polytomie dans l’ensemble des jeux de donnĂ©es. À partir de cette phylogĂ©nie ont Ă©tĂ© infĂ©rĂ©s trois Ă©vĂšnements de dispersions intercontinentales, deux de l’AmĂ©rique du Nord vers l’Asie, et un de l’Asie vers l’AmĂ©rique du Nord. L’évolution de la section Fraxinus, qui se retrouve principalement en Eurasie, a ensuite Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e et datĂ©e, afin de dĂ©terminer si des facteurs gĂ©ologiques ou climatiques passĂ©s pouvaient ĂȘtre responsables de la structure de la diversitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique actuellement observĂ©e. Une incongruence topologique majeure a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©tectĂ©e entre les phylogĂ©nies dĂ©coulant de diffĂ©rentes rĂ©gions du gĂ©nome nuclĂ©aire, mettant en Ă©vidence une Ă©volution rĂ©ticulĂ©e ancienne entre F. angustifolia et F. mandshurica. La mise en place de l’Himalaya et les changements climatiques de la fin du Tertiaire pourraient expliquer les Ă©vĂšnements de spĂ©ciation dans la section, alors que le rĂ©chauffement climatique intervenu durant le MiocĂšne pourrait avoir offert les conditions climatiques nĂ©cessaires au rapprochement des distributions naturelles et Ă  l’évolution rĂ©ticulĂ©e observĂ©e entre F. angustifolia et F. mandshurica. L’ensemble de nos rĂ©sultats confirme le rĂŽle important jouĂ© par l’hybridation naturelle et l’évolution rĂ©ticulĂ©e ancienne, apportant un Ă©clairage nouveau sur l’influence majeure qu’ont eu les changements environnementaux sur la mise en place de la diversitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique et taxonomique actuelle dans le genre Fraxinus.The genus Fraxinus contains about 45 species of temperate trees and shrubs colonizing various habitats in the Northern hemisphere. A great intraspecific and interspecific diversity indicated the need to estimate a molecular phylogeny in order to reconstruct and interpret the biogeographic history of this circumpolar angiosperm tree genus, both at the generic and the specific scale in Europe. The study of cpDNA diversity did not allow to distinguish among the different species of the genus, particularly when these species were closely related, due to very low divergence rates at the nucleotide level. However, some taxonomical sections of the genus could be recognised. These results show that the use of cpDNA regions as a molecular barcode cannot be a universal answer for the estimation of forest tree biodiversity, despite the good discrimination and results obtained with herbaceous plants. Thus, subsequent efforts at estimating the phylogeny of the genus were thus directed towards nuclear regions. The sections previously described were retrieved, and species that could not be attributed to a taxonomic group (incertae sedis) were assigned with confidence to the section Melioides. Some species of the section Melioides appeared to have exchanged genes recently or having radiated, forming a polytomy in all datasets. According to this phylogeny, three dispersal events were inferred, two from North America to Asia, the last from Asia to North America. The evolution of the section Fraxinus, which is mainly found in Eurasia, was further investigated and the phylogeny dated, in order to determine associations between past geological and climatic changes and the extant genetic diversity. A major incongruence was detected between tree topologies derived from different regions of the nuclear genome, indicating ancient reticulate evolution between F. angustifolia and F. mandshurica. The Himalaya uplift and climatic changes observed during the end of Tertiary could explain the speciation events in the section, whereas the warmer climate during the Miocene could have provided favourable conditions for expanding natural ranges, favouring reticulate evolution between F. angustifolia and F. mandshurica. All these results confirm the key role of natural hybridization and ancient reticulate evolution, highlighting the major influence of environmental changes on structuring the present taxonomical and genetic diversity of the genus Fraxinus

    Rhizosphere microbial community in intercropped durum wheat and faba bean as affected by phosphorus fertilizer history

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    The experiment was conducted in the long term P fertilizer trial of INRA research centre at Auzeville(43.5oN, 1.43oE) in south western France. The three P regimes corresponded to fertilizer levels applied since1968: P0 (no fertilization), P1 (fertilization rate to balance the mean annual P removal by crops) and P4(fertilization rate representing three-­‐ to four-­‐fold that of P1). Durum wheat and faba bean were grown aloneor as durum wheat/faba bean intercrops in this field trial. Their rhizospheres were collected at the faba beanflowering stage, as well as the corresponding bulk soils. Soil DNA and RNA were extracted in these varioussamples and qPCR was used to assess the number of gene copies of fungi, bacteria, as well as several bacterialphyla (Actinobacteria, α-­‐Proteobacteria and Firmicutes (strongly dominated with P-­‐cycling taxa)) and betapropeller phytase (BPP)

    Interactions entre céréale et légumineuse en association et acquisition de phosphore du sol (processus rhizosphériques sous-jacents)

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    L'objectif de cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© de prĂ©ciser l'implication des processus rhizosphĂ©riques dans lesinteractions pour l'acquisition de phosphore (P) entre une cĂ©rĂ©ale et une lĂ©gumineuse enassociation. Nous avons proposĂ© comme mĂ©canisme de facilitation l'acidification de la rhizosphĂšredes espĂšces en association induite par la fixation de N2 de la lĂ©gumineuse dans le cas de sol neutres Ă alcalins. Ainsi, l'Ă©tude s'est focalisĂ©e sur l'influence des changements de pH induits par les racines.Les effets de la disponibilitĂ© initiale en P du sol ainsi que de la distance entre les racines des espĂšcesassociĂ©es ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© testĂ©s. Les expĂ©rimentations ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es au champ ainsi qu'enconditions contrĂŽlĂ©es. Le blĂ© dur et diffĂ©rentes lĂ©gumineuses ont Ă©tĂ© cultivĂ©s en culturemonospĂ©cifique ou en association sur un mĂȘme sol pour toutes les expĂ©rimentations. Le sol neutreutilisĂ© (Luvisol) prĂ©sentait trois niveaux contrastĂ©s de fertilisation phosphatĂ©e et provenait desparcelles d'un essai de longue durĂ©e. Nous avons pu dĂ©montrer que la manipulation des interactionsrhizosphĂ©riques entre une cĂ©rĂ©ale et une lĂ©gumineuse en association pouvait ĂȘtre optimisĂ©e pourpermettre l'augmentation de la disponibilitĂ© en P dans la rhizosphĂšre des espĂšces associĂ©es, etencore plus dans le cas de sols prĂ©sentant une faible valeur initiale de disponibilitĂ©. LescaractĂ©ristiques du sol ont eu un rĂŽle clĂ© dans la dĂ©termination des processus rhizosphĂ©riquesimpliquĂ©s. Dans notre cas, les changements de pH induits par les racines ont permis d'augmenter defaçon substantielle la disponibilitĂ© en P suite Ă  une acidification, mais aussi Ă  une alcalinisation de larhizosphĂšre. Ainsi la lĂ©gumineuse, mais aussi la cĂ©rĂ©ale sont susceptibles de faciliter l'acquisition del'espĂšce associĂ©e. Les interactions relatives au pH peuvent influencer la disponibilitĂ© en P sur unedistance de plusieurs millimĂštres et ainsi amĂ©liorer l'acquisition de P des plantes Ă  proximitĂ© del'espĂšce facilitatrice.Mots clĂ©s : culture associĂ©e, facilitation, rhizosphĂšre, disponibilitĂ©, phosphore, pH, racineThe aim of the study was to elucidate the implication of rhizospheric processes on plant speciesinteractions for phosphorus (P) acquisition between a cereal and a legume, when intercropped. Weproposed that root-induced acidification of the rhizosphere by the intercropped legume due to N2-fixation as a mechanism of facilitation in neutral to alkaline soils. Thus, the study focused on rootinducedchanges of pH. The effects of initial soil P availability and distance between roots ofintercropped species were also tested. In order to achieve our goals, experiments in the field and incontrolled condition for several cropping devices were conducted. Durum wheat and differentlegumes were grown as sole crops and intercropped on the same soil for all the experiments. Weused a neutral soil (Luvisol) presenting three contrasted fertilization rates from the field of a longtermP fertilizer trial. We demonstrated that cereal-legume can be used to enhance P availability, andeven more so in low P soils, through managing rhizospheric interactions to optimize P acquisition ofintercropped species. Soil characteristics are also a key factor determining the influence of thoserhizospheric processes. In our studied soil root-induced changes of pH substantially enhanced Pavailability in the rhizosphere either through acidification or alkalization. Thus the legume but alsothe cereal may facilitate the acquisition of the intercropped species. Interactions involving pH canaffect P availability over distance of several millimeters and ultimately enhance P acquisition ofplants in the surrounding of the facilitative species.Key words: intercrop, facilitation, rhizosphere, availability, phosphorus, pH, rootMONTPELLIER-SupAgro La Gaillarde (341722306) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Proceedings of the First SolACE Stakeholder Event

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    This document provides an overview of the proceedings of the first SolACE stakeholder event

    Interspecific competition between entomopathogenic nematodes (Steinernema) is modified by their bacterial symbionts (Xenorhabdus)

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    BACKGROUND: Symbioses between invertebrates and prokaryotes are biological systems of particular interest in order to study the evolution of mutualism. The symbioses between the entomopathogenic nematodes Steinernema and their bacterial symbiont Xenorhabdus are very tractable model systems. Previous studies demonstrated (i) a highly specialized relationship between each strain of nematodes and its naturally associated bacterial strain and (ii) that mutualism plays a role in several important life history traits of each partner such as access to insect host resources, dispersal and protection against various biotic and abiotic factors. The goal of the present study was to address the question of the impact of Xenorhabdus symbionts on the progression and outcome of interspecific competition between individuals belonging to different Steinernema species. For this, we monitored experimental interspecific competition between (i) two nematode species: S. carpocapsae and S. scapterisci and (ii) their respective symbionts: X. nematophila and X. innexi within an experimental insect-host (Galleria mellonella). Three conditions of competition between nematodes were tested: (i) infection of insects with aposymbiotic IJs (i.e. without symbiont) of both species (ii) infection of insects with aposymbiotic IJs of both species in presence of variable proportion of their two Xenorhabdus symbionts and (iii) infection of insects with symbiotic IJs (i.e. naturally associated with their symbionts) of both species. RESULTS: We found that both the progression and the outcome of interspecific competition between entomopathogenic nematodes were influenced by their bacterial symbionts. Thus, the results obtained with aposymbiotic nematodes were totally opposite to those obtained with symbiotic nematodes. Moreover, the experimental introduction of different ratios of Xenorhabdus symbionts in the insect-host during competition between Steinernema modified the proportion of each species in the adults and in the global offspring. CONCLUSION: We showed that Xenorhabdus symbionts modified the competition between their Steinernema associates. This suggests that Xenorhabdus not only provides Steinernema with access to food sources but also furnishes new abilities to deal with biotic parameters such as competitors
