4,085 research outputs found

    Cycle Accurate Energy and Throughput Estimation for Data Cache

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    Resource optimization in energy constrained real-time adaptive embedded systems highly depends on accurate energy and throughput estimates of processor peripherals. Such applications require lightweight, accurate mathematical models to profile energy and timing requirements on the go. This paper presents enhanced mathematical models for data cache energy and throughput estimation. The energy and throughput models were found to be within 95% accuracy of per instruction energy model of a processor, and a full system simulator?s timing model respectively. Furthermore, the possible application of these models in various scenarios is discussed in this paper


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    Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) mempunyai program Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) yang dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa program studi kependidikan sebagai kegiatan menyangkut profesinya sebagai tenaga pendidik.. Di mana dalam pengembangannya masih tetap mempertahankan dan terus harapkan program PPL ini dapat mempersiapkan serta menghasilkan guru atau tenaga kependidikan lainnya yang memiliki nilai, sikap, pengetahuan dan keterampilan sehingga menjelama menjadi tenaga professional pendidikan. Pada kegiatan ini para mahasiswa dituntut untuk bisa berkreasi dalam penerapan ilmu pengetahuan yang telah diperoleh dan dikembangkan kepada masyarakat, terutama masyarakat sekolah. Pelaksanaan PPL bertempat di SMP Negeri 1 Prambanan, dengan melaksanakan program-program kegiatan baik yang bersifat fisik maupun non-fisik sesuai ketrampilan yang dimiliki mahasiswa. Kegiatan atau program PPL dilaksanakan mulai tanggal 1 Juli sampai dengan 17 September 2014. Sebelum kegiatan dilaksanakan terlebih dahulu diawali dengan berbagai persiapan. Persiapan tersebut menyangkut kegiatan yang diprogramkan dari UNY maupun yang diprogramkan secara individu oleh praktikan, yang meliputi pengajaran mikro, pembekalan, observasi dan pembuatan perangkat pembelajaran, pengadaan silabus, membuat pogram tahunan, program semester dan RPP, praktik mengajar, menyusun administrasi mengajar, dan penyusunan evaluasi pembelajaran. Pelaksanaan PPL meliputi pembuatan perangkat pembelajaran serta praktik mengajar yang pelaksanaannya berjalan lancar. . Pelaksanaan PPL ini tentulah bermanfaat untuk praktikan, walaupun terkadang dijumpai hambatan-hambatan. Terdapat pula kelebihan dan kelemahan dalam pelaksaan PLL namun praktikan selalu berusaha mencari solusi untuk mengatasi kelemahan yang dihadapi

    Data Cache-Energy and Throughput Models: Design Exploration for Embedded Processors

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    Most modern 16-bit and 32-bit embedded processors contain cache memories to further increase instruction throughput of the device. Embedded processors that contain cache memories open an opportunity for the low-power research community to model the impact of cache energy consumption and throughput gains. For optimal cache memory configuration mathematical models have been proposed in the past. Most of these models are complex enough to be adapted for modern applications like run-time cache reconfiguration. This paper improves and validates previously proposed energy and throughput models for a data cache, which could be used for overhead analysis for various cache types with relatively small amount of inputs. These models analyze the energy and throughput of a data cache on an application basis, thus providing the hardware and software designer with the feedback vital to tune the cache or application for a given energy budget. The models are suitable for use at design time in the cache optimization process for embedded processors considering time and energy overhead or could be employed at runtime for reconfigurable architectures

    China-Pakistan Relations: With Reference to the Political Economy

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    Pakistan has a long and strong relationship with China, and it will remain their strength due to their geo-political requirements. A close identity of socio-political views and mutual interests in the political economy remain the centre-point of bilateral ties. Since 1962 war, Pakistan has supported China in important matters regarding national and international issues. Pak-China also collaborated extensively in military and economic projects. Pakistan has also served as a conduit for China’s influence in the Muslim World. China has pledged to vastly increase their investment in Pakistan’s economy and infrastructure. The author of the paper believes that this paper would academically contribute towards Pakistan to promote peace through political economy between China- Pakistan Economic Corridor. Keywords: geo-political, socio-political, China- Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), Pak-China, political econom

    U.S- Pakistan Foreign Policy during Musharraf’s Era

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    This article is about Pakistan’s foreign policy with United States of America specifically during Musharraf era. The article studies that since its independence, Pakistan has faced advantageous and disadvantageous situations that yield to periodic ups and downs in the association with USA. However, Retired General Pervez Musharraf’s era have important and significant insights that hold special value in the history of Pakistan’s foreign policy. The tragic incident of 9/11 placed Pakistan initially, in a very favorable position where U.S and Pakistan shook their hands for the long term mutual benefits. Pakistan was expected to play their role on war against terrorism and in return U.S aid will provide development in social and economic sectors in Pakistan. Since 9/11, both states witnessed an era of close ties with shared interests. Conclusively, President Musharraf realized that he has been struck in a complex situation between Taliban and US along with national and international criticism, possible threat from India and country’s future at stake. The article studies the details of this era and tries to rationalize President’s hidden motives

    Structure-Based Subspace Method for Multi-Channel Blind System Identification

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    In this work, a novel subspace-based method for blind identification of multichannel finite impulse response (FIR) systems is presented. Here, we exploit directly the impeded Toeplitz channel structure in the signal linear model to build a quadratic form whose minimization leads to the desired channel estimation up to a scalar factor. This method can be extended to estimate any predefined linear structure, e.g. Hankel, that is usually encountered in linear systems. Simulation findings are provided to highlight the appealing advantages of the new structure-based subspace (SSS) method over the standard subspace (SS) method in certain adverse identification scenarii.Comment: 5 pages, Submitted to IEEE Signal Processing Letters, January 201


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