6 research outputs found
Systematic Assessment of Nonproteolytic Clostridium botulinum Spores for Heat Resistance
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'American Society for Microbiology'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Microbiological Food Safety and a Low-Microbial Diet to Protect Vulnerable People
- Author
- [CDC] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- [CFA] Chilled Food Association
- [CMO] Chief Medical Officer
- [EFSA ECDC] European Food Safety Authority European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
- AlAskari G
- Barbara M. Lund
- Bouakline A
- Ginsbourger M
- Havelaar AH
- Heperkan D
- Norton DM
- Ozer H
- van Dalen EC
- Publication venue
- 'Mary Ann Liebert Inc'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Foodborne clostridia and the safety of in-pack preserved foods
- Author
- ACMSF (Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food)
- ACMSF (Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food)
- ACMSF (Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food)
- Adak
- Alderton
- Anniballi
- Anon
- Anon
- Anon
- Aureli
- Aureli
- Baird-Parker
- Baker
- Baker
- Baker
- Ball
- Baranyi
- Barker
- Barker
- Baumgart
- Bohrer
- Brett
- Bruggemann
- Bucknavage
- Carlier
- Carlin
- CFA (Chilled Food Association)
- Chai
- Chou
- Crisley
- Czerwinski
- Czerwinski
- D'Argnio
- Dodds
- Dodds
- Dodds
- Dodds
- Dressler
- ECFF (European Chilled Food Federation)
- Eklund
- Eklund
- Esty
- Fach
- Fernandez
- Fernandez
- Fernandez
- Frean
- Fuglsang
- Gaze
- Gould
- Graham
- Graham
- Harvey
- Hauschild
- Hauschild
- Hauschild
- Hauschild
- Juneja
- Juneja
- Juneja
- Kobayashi
- Korkeala
- Krusell
- Lindstrom
- Lindstrom
- Lindstrom
- Lund
- Lund
- Lund
- Lund
- Lynt
- Lynt
- Matsuki
- McClure
- McLauchlin
- Meng
- Meyer
- Morse
- Morton
- Myers
- Nevas
- Nielsen
- Nolling
- Odlaug
- Ohye
- Ohye
- Ohye
- O’Mahony
- Peck
- Peck
- Peck
- Peck
- Peterson
- Post
- Proctor
- Przybylska
- Przybylska
- Przybylska
- Przybylska
- Przybylska
- Przybylska
- Przybylska
- Przybylska
- Przybylska
- Przybylska
- Rhodehamel
- Schmidt
- Schmidt
- Scott
- Sebaihia
- Sebaihia
- Shimizu
- Shuler
- Smelt
- Smelt
- Snyder
- Sobel
- St Louis
- Stringer
- Stringer
- Stringer
- Stringer
- Stumbo
- Tanner
- Therre
- Townes
- Villar
- Viscens
- Webb
- Whiting
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2008
- Field of study
New procedures for food handlers under infectious gastrointestinal disease: To control emerging microbial problems
- Author
- AIB International
- Amieva
- Angelillo
- Arnesen
- Asian Productivity Organization (APO)
- Bari
- Battersby
- Beatty
- Black
- Bradley
- Bross
- Buccheri
- Chaifetz
- Chilled Food Association (CFA)
- Cusato
- Dagnew
- Deleo
- Diercke
- Eriksen
- Fricker
- Gallina
- Gopinath
- Gould
- Hedberg
- Herrman
- Holman
- Irikura
- Jeffrey
- Jimenez
- Johler
- Kussaga
- Lee
- Lillquist
- Liu
- Lopez
- Magny
- Murray
- Nicolas
- Novick
- Papaconstantinou
- Park
- Park
- Park
- Patterson
- Pragle
- Rosenberger
- Sabrià
- Salamina
- Schmid
- Scriven
- Shetty
- Siddiqui
- Smith
- Tannock
- Tauxe
- Tirado
- Viator
- Weil
- Wikswo
- Wing
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- Yang
- Zuo
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Pre- and Postharvest Preventive Measures and Intervention Strategies to Control Microbial Food Safety Hazards of Fresh Leafy Vegetables
- Author
- Allende A.
- Ana Allende
- Artés F.
- Baert L.
- Beuchat L.R.
- Beuchat L.R.
- Cantwell M.I.
- Carr R.M.
- Cencič A.
- CFA Chilled Food Association
- Chambers K.
- D’Lima C.
- Fallon S.D.
- Feng Yu W
- Garg N.
- Garg N.
- Giese J.H.
- Gil M.I.
- ICMSF (International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods)
- IFPA International Fresh-Cut Produce Association
- Islam M.
- Katsuyama A.M.
- Korsten L.
- Kottferová J.
- Le Gentil C.
- Liesbeth Jacxsens
- Maria I. Gil
- Maria V. Selma
- Marites M.
- Marriott N.G.
- Mieke Uyttendaele
- Moncrief J.F.
- Nguyen-The C.
- Niemira B.A.
- Oron G.
- Pachepsky Y.
- Rodriguez-Romo L.A.
- Sapers G.
- Sapers G.M.
- Sapers G.M.
- Sapers G.M.
- Simons L.K.
- SQF Safe Quality Food Institute
- Stephens T.P.
- Stevenson K.E.
- Stine S.W.
- Stine S.W.
- Strauch D.
- Suslow T.V.
- Suslow T.V.
- Suslow T.V.
- Suslow T.V.
- Taormina P.J.
- Thorn C.E.
- Trevor Suslow
- WHO World Health Organization
- Wright K.P.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Properties of Microorganisms that Cause Foodborne Disease
- Author
- Abgueguen
- Acco
- Ackers
- Ackers
- Adak
- Adak
- Adak
- Adam
- Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food (ACMSF)
- Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food (ACMSF)
- Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food (ACMSF)
- Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food (ACMSF)
- Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Foods (ACMSF)
- Akbulut
- Alfano-Sobsey
- Alouf
- Amin
- Ammon
- Amon
- Ang
- Angulo
- Appleton
- Arcieri
- Arnon
- Arnon
- Arrowood
- Asao
- Aspinall
- Aulisio
- Aulisio
- Aureli
- Aureli
- Aureli
- Backer
- Baddour
- Baine
- Baird-Parker
- Banks
- Bar-Oz
- Beatty
- Becker
- Bell
- Berg
- Bergdoll
- Bern
- Bern
- Bern
- Betancourt
- Betancourt
- Beutin
- Bidawid
- Bidawid
- Biering
- Bille
- Bille
- Birkhead
- Birkhead
- Bisharat
- Black
- Blackburn
- Blake
- Blanco
- Blans
- Blaser
- Blaser
- Block
- Boccia
- Boerlin
- Bolduc
- Bone
- Boothroyd
- Borge
- Bornemann
- Bos
- Bosch
- Bowie
- Boxman
- Boyapalle
- Braden
- Bradford
- Brenner
- Brett
- Breuer
- Briley
- Brooks
- Bruins
- Brusin
- Bula
- Butt
- Cabanillas-Beltrán
- Caccio
- Caccio
- Calder
- Calvo
- Cam
- Cameron
- Campylobacter Sentinel Surveillance Scheme Collaborators
- Caprioli
- Carlin
- Carlin
- Carrique-Mas
- Carter
- Carter
- Caul
- Cawthorne
- Cawthraw
- Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centorbi
- Chacin-Bonilla
- Chalmers
- Chalmers
- Chart
- Chilled Food Association (CFA)
- Chironna
- Choi
- Choma
- Chomel
- Christensen
- Clark
- Cliver
- Cody
- Cogan
- Coker
- Colombari
- Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (CDSC)
- Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (CDSC)
- Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (CDSC)
- Conaty
- Cook
- Corbel
- Cotterelle
- Cover
- Cowden
- Cowell
- Craig
- Cree
- Croci
- Croci
- Crowcroft
- Crowcroft
- Crump
- Crump
- Cummings
- Curnow
- Cutler
- Córdova
- D'Aoust
- Dalton
- Daniels
- Daniels
- Davis
- Dawson
- Dawson
- De Buyser
- De Buyser
- De Jong
- De Lalla
- De Valk
- De Valk
- de Wit
- DeBuono
- Department of Health
- Department of Health (DH) (UK)
- Department of Health (DH)(UK)
- Department of Health (DH)(UK)
- Department of Health (DH)(UK)
- Department of Health (UK) (DH)
- Department of Health and Social Security (DHSS)
- Department of Health UK
- Department of Health UK
- Department of Health UK
- Department of Health UK
- Department of Health UK (DH)
- Department of Health UK (DH)
- Department of Health UK(DH)
- Deschênes
- Desenclos
- Desenclos
- Deurenberg
- Dierick
- Djuretic
- Djuretic
- do Carmo
- do Carmo
- Doller
- Doorduyn
- Doorduyn
- Dore
- Doyle
- Drobniewski
- Drudy
- Dryden
- Duan
- Dubey
- Dubey
- Dubey
- Dubois
- Duffy
- Dufrenne
- Dunn
- Dworkin
- Eberhard
- Eberhard
- Eberhart-Phillips
- EC
- EC
- EC
- EC
- EC
- EC
- Editorial team
- Effler
- Ehling-Schulz
- El-Saleeby
- Erickson
- Ericsson
- Espie
- Espie
- Espié
- Estes
- Ethelberg
- Ethelberg
- European Chilled Food Federation (ECFF)
- European Commission (EC)
- European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
- European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
- European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
- European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evenson
- Fahey
- Falkenhorst
- Farber
- Farkas
- Faruque
- Fayer
- Fenicia
- Fenicia
- Fenton
- Ferguson
- Finelli
- Fiore
- Fleming
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- Fosgate
- Frank
- Fredriksson-Ahomaa
- Fredriksson-Ahomaa
- Fredriksson-Ahomaa
- Fredriksson-Ahomaa
- Fricker
- Friedman
- Friedman
- Frost
- Frost
- Frost
- Fryauff
- Frye
- Fukushima
- Fukushima
- Gallimore
- Gallimore
- Garcia-Fulgueiras
- Gaulin
- Gaulin
- Gelletlie
- Germani
- Ghelardi
- Gikas
- Gillespie
- Gillespie
- Godfroid
- Godfroid
- Goh
- Goh
- Goh
- González-Escalona
- Gotz
- Goulet
- Goulet
- Goulet
- Gourdon
- Graham
- Granum
- Greenwood
- Greenwood
- Grein
- Gross
- Guallar
- Guillaume-Gentil
- Gupta
- Gurtler
- Gómez-Couso
- Gómez-Couso
- Gómez-Couso
- Gómez-Couso
- Gómez-Couso
- Gürtler
- Haeghebaert
- Haeghebaert
- Halliday
- Hamada
- Hannu
- Hansell
- Harper
- Hauschild
- Health Protection Agency (HPA)
- Health Protection Agency (HPA)
- Health Protection Agency (HPA)
- Health Protection Agency (HPA)
- Health Protection Agency (HPA)
- Hedberg
- Heikinheimo
- Helms
- Heredia
- Hernandez
- Herwaldt
- Herwaldt
- Herwaldt
- Heuer
- Hewitt
- Hicks
- Hilborn
- Hilborn
- Hiruta
- Hjertqvist
- Ho
- Ho
- Hoang
- Hobbs
- Hoge
- Hoge
- Holtby
- Horby
- Hsueh
- Huang
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hutchinson
- Hutchison
- Hutin
- Hänninen
- Ichiyama
- ICMSF (International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods)
- Ijaz
- Ikeda
- In VS Outbreak Investigation Group
- International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF)
- International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF)
- International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF)
- International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF)
- International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF)
- International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF)
- International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF)
- International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF)
- International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF)
- International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF)
- International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF)
- Iverson
- Iverson
- Jacobs-Reitsma
- Jacobsen
- Jacquet
- Jalava
- Jalava
- Jauregui
- Jay
- Jensen
- Jensen
- Jephcott
- Jewell
- Jiménez
- Johansson
- Johnston
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jørgensen
- Kalinowski
- Kalluri
- Kamath
- Kaper
- Kaper
- Kapperud
- Karmali
- Kayser
- Kaysner
- Keene
- Keene
- Khandhai
- Kijlstra
- Kim
- Kimura
- King
- Kistemann
- Klein
- Kluytmans
- Kobayashi
- Koch
- Kohli
- Koopmans
- Koopmans
- Koopmans
- Kotloff
- Kramer
- Kramer
- Kupulu
- Kérouanton
- L'Ecuyer
- Labbé
- Lai
- Lampel
- Lampel
- Lane
- Layton
- Layton
- Le Guyader
- Le Guyader
- Leclercq
- Leclercq
- Lederer
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lees
- Lehmacher
- Lehner
- Lehner
- Lemoine
- Lennon
- Levine
- Lew
- Li
- Li
- Lieftucht
- Linnan
- Liptakova
- Lo
- Locht
- Logan
- Lopalco
- Lopez
- Lopez
- Lopez
- Lopman
- Lopman
- Lopman
- Lopman
- Lou
- Lozano-León
- Luby
- Lukinmaa
- Lund
- Lund
- Lyytikäinen
- López
- MacDonald
- MacDonald
- Madico
- Maguire
- Maguire
- Mahler
- Maijala
- Makino
- Malfait
- Mandal
- Maree
- Marier
- Marjai
- Marshall
- Martin
- Martinez
- Martinez-Urtaza
- Martinez-Urtaza
- Maruyama
- Mason
- Matin
- Matsuoka
- Mattner
- Mazick
- McCall
- McCall
- McDonnell
- McDonnell
- McIntyre
- McLauchlin
- McLauchlin
- McLaughlin
- McLean
- McNally
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Meehan
- Mendez-Martinez
- Metz
- Michels
- Michino
- Miettinen
- Millard
- Millard
- Mintz
- Mitchell
- Miwa
- Miwa
- Molina-Gamboa
- Monge
- Moore
- Moore
- Moreno
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morris
- Motes
- Murphy
- Muytjens
- Mølbak
- Nachamkin
- Nachamkin
- Naimi
- Naimi
- Nataro
- Nataro
- Nesbakken
- Nevas
- Nevas
- Newman
- Nichols
- Niskanen
- Niskanen
- Niu
- Noriega
- Nowgesic
- Nuorti
- Nygård
- O'Brien
- O'Brien
- O'Brien
- O'Brien
- O'Brien
- O'Mahony
- Oberhelman
- Oguntoyinbo
- Old
- Oliver
- Olsen
- Olsen
- Orlandi
- Orlandi
- Orr
- Ortega
- Ortega
- Ortega
- Ortega
- Ortega
- Osterholm
- Ouagari
- Oz Food Net Working Group
- Pappas
- Paquet
- Parashar
- Parikh
- Parry
- Paton
- Patterson
- Patterson
- Paul
- Pearson
- Pebody
- Pebody
- Pebody
- Peck
- Peck
- Peck
- Pennington
- Pennington
- Percival
- Petersen
- Petersen
- Petrillo
- PHLS Working Group
- Pirhonen
- Pollock
- Ponka
- Popoff
- Porter
- Pourshafie
- Preston
- Proctor
- Public Health Laboratory Service (PHLS)
- Public Health Laboratory Service (PHLS)
- Quick
- Quilici
- Quiroz
- Ragan
- Rajpura
- Rangel
- Rangel
- Ravn
- Reeve
- Regan
- Reid
- Reiss
- Reller
- Reyes
- Richards
- Ripabelli
- Rivas
- Roach
- Robertson
- Robertson
- Robins-Browne
- Rodriguez
- Roels
- Ronveaux
- Rose
- Rosenblum
- Rowe
- Ryan
- Ryser
- Sack
- Said
- Sails
- Sakai
- Sakon
- Sala
- Salamina
- Salmon
- Salmon
- Salmon
- Salmon
- Sanchez
- Sarker
- Sarrias
- Schalch
- Schenkel
- Schets
- Schildt
- Schimmer
- Schlech
- Schmidt-Ott
- Schwab
- Schwartz
- Seimiya
- Semenza
- Seo
- Seymour
- Shapiro
- Shayegani
- Shieh
- Shieh
- Shields
- Shlim
- Shuval
- Shuval
- Sim
- Simmons
- Simon
- Sion
- Skibsted
- Skirrow
- Skirrow
- Slaten
- Slater
- Slifman
- Slomka
- Smerdon
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smyth
- Sobel
- Sobel
- Sprenger
- Sprenger
- Srikantiah
- St Louis
- Stafford
- Stagnitta
- Sterling
- Stern
- Stevenson
- Strom
- Stuart
- Sturbaum
- Sunnotel
- Svensson
- Svensson
- Swaddiwudhipong
- Swaddiwudhipong
- Switaj
- Szabo
- Söderström
- Tacket
- Tacket
- Takkinen
- Takkinen
- Takkinen
- Talan
- Tallis
- Tanaka
- Tang
- Taormina
- Tarr
- Tauxe
- Tauxe
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Telzak
- Tennant
- Tenter
- Terajima
- Terranova
- Tham
- Thapar
- Thisted Lambertz
- Thompson
- Threlfall
- Threlfall
- Thurston-Enriquez
- Tompkin
- Tompkins
- Tortora
- Trevejo
- Tribe
- Tsubokura
- Tsuji
- Tuttle
- Tyrrel
- Upcroft
- Upton
- Usera
- Usera
- Vaillant
- Vaillant V. for French multi-agency outbreak investigation team
- Van Acker
- van Duynhoven
- van Netten
- Van Vliet
- Vaz
- Verhaegen
- Villar
- von Seidlein
- Warren
- Wassenaar
- Watson
- Weber
- Wei
- Weinberger
- Welinder-Olsson
- Wellinghausen
- Weltman
- Wen
- Werber
- Wesley
- Whatmore
- Wheeler
- Wheeler
- White
- Widdowson
- Wieneke
- Williams
- Willshaw
- Winquist
- Woolaway
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- Young
- Zagrebneviene
- Zhao
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study