524 research outputs found


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    Keharmonisan merupakan syarat yang penting bagi setiap keluarga. Agar mampu mencapai tujuan keluarga yang sakinah, mawadah, dan warahmah. Keharmonisan keluarga yang ada di Kelurahan Durian Payung Kecamatan Tanjung Karang Pusat Bandar Lampung memiliki kualitas keluarga yang baik dan menjadi pengembang Bina Keluarga Remaja. Bina Keluarga Remaja program yang didirikan oleh BKKBN, merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang sangat strategis dalam mengupayakan terwujudnya sumber daya manusia potensial melalui upaya meningkatkan pengetahuan dalam mengasuh dan membina tumbuh kembang remaja melalui peran orang tua. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran Bina Keluarga Remaja dalam mewujudkan keharmonisan keluarga dan mengetahui faktor penghambat dan pendukung program tersebut di Kelurahan Durian Payung Kecamatan Tanjung Karang Pusat Bandar Lampung. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif bersifat deskriptif, dengan pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 5 orang pengurus BKR, 10 kepala keluarga anggota BKR dan 2 orang staff kelurahan. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan analisis data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Bina Keluarga Remaja memiliki peran sebagai fasilitator, motivator dan katalisator. Penyuluhan yang dilakukan Bina Keluarga Remaja berpengaruh terhadap terwujudnya keharmonisan keluarga di kelurahan durian payung kecamatan tanjung karang pusat. Adapun faktor penghambat adalah masih kurangnya kesadaran pasangan usia untuk ikut berpartisipasi dan masih kurangnya sarana dan prasarana untuk menunjang kegiatan Bina Keluarga Remaja. Faktor pendukung Adanya semangat dan kerjasama yang baik dari setiap kader, kemudian di dukung oleh Petugas Lapangan Keluarga Berencana (PLKB) yang mendampingi dan membantu kader dalam melaksanakan kegiatan Bina Keluarga Remaja

    Motivation Posture and Tax Incentives Towards Tax Compliance of SME in Surabaya During the Pandemic

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    Abstract: The economy in Indonesia is affected by pandemic COVID-19, resulting in a 5.32% decline in the 2nd quartal of 2020. The government issued tax incentive during this pandemic. This study aims to understand motivation postures (commitment, capitulation, resistance, game playing dan disengagement) towards tax compliance in 2019 and perception of tax compliance in 2020. Respondent in this research are SME tax payers in Surabaya. The results show that resistance and game-playing affect tax compliance in 2019, commitment affect perception of tax compliance in 2020 and tax incentive moderating commitment towards perception of tax compliance in 2020

    Motivation Posture and Tax Incentives Towards Tax Compliance of SME in Surabaya During the Pandemic

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    Abstract: The economy in Indonesia is affected by pandemic COVID-19, resulting in a 5.32% decline in the 2nd quartal of 2020. The government issued tax incentive during this pandemic. This study aims to understand motivation postures (commitment, capitulation, resistance, game playing dan disengagement) towards tax compliance in 2019 and perception of tax compliance in 2020. Respondent in this research are SME tax payers in Surabaya. The results show that resistance and game-playing affect tax compliance in 2019, commitment affect perception of tax compliance in 2020 and tax incentive moderating commitment towards perception of tax compliance in 2020

    Understanding predictive uncertainty in hydrologic modeling: The challenge of identifying input and structural errors

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    Meaningful quantification of data and structural uncertainties in conceptual rainfall-runoff modeling is a major scientific and engineering challenge. This paper focuses on the total predictive uncertainty and its decomposition into input and structural components under different inference scenarios. Several Bayesian inference schemes are investigated, differing in the treatment of rainfall and structural uncertainties, and in the precision of the priors describing rainfall uncertainty. Compared with traditional lumped additive error approaches, the quantification of the total predictive uncertainty in the runoff is improved when rainfall and/or structural errors are characterized explicitly. However, the decomposition of the total uncertainty into individual sources is more challenging. In particular, poor identifiability may arise when the inference scheme represents rainfall and structural errors using separate probabilistic models. The inference becomes ill‐posed unless sufficiently precise prior knowledge of data uncertainty is supplied; this ill‐posedness can often be detected from the behavior of the Monte Carlo sampling algorithm. Moreover, the priors on the data quality must also be sufficiently accurate if the inference is to be reliable and support meaningful uncertainty decomposition. Our findings highlight the inherent limitations of inferring inaccurate hydrologic models using rainfall‐runoff data with large unknown errors. Bayesian total error analysis can overcome these problems using independent prior information. The need for deriving independent descriptions of the uncertainties in the input and output data is clearly demonstrated.Benjamin Renard, Dmitri Kavetski, George Kuczera, Mark Thyer, and Stewart W. Frank

    Methods comparison for detecting trends in herbicide monitoring time-series in streams

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    An inadvertent consequence of pesticide use is aquatic pesticide pollution, which has prompted the implementation of mitigation measures in many countries. Water quality monitoring programs are an important tool to evaluate the efficacy of these mitigation measures. However, large interannual variability of pesticide losses makes it challenging to detect significant improvements in water quality and to attribute these improvements to the application of specific mitigation measures. Thus, there is a gap in the literature that informs researchers and authorities regarding the number of years of aquatic pesticide monitoring or the effect size (e.g., loss reduction) that is required to detect significant trends in water quality. Our research addresses this issue by combining two exceptional empirical data sets with modelling to explore the relationships between the achieved pesticide reduction levels due to mitigation measures and the length of the observation period for establishing statistically significant trends. Our study includes both a large (Rhine at Basel, ∼36,300 km2) and small catchment (Eschibach, 1.2 km2), which represent spatial scales at either end of the spectrum that would be realistic for monitoring programs designed to assess water quality. Our results highlight several requirements in a monitoring program to allow for trend detection. Firstly, sufficient baseline monitoring is required before implementing mitigation measures. Secondly, the availability of pesticide use data helps account for the interannual variability and temporal trends, but such data are usually lacking. Finally, the timing and magnitude of hydrological events relative to pesticide application can obscure the observable effects of mitigation measures (especially in small catchments). Our results indicate that a strong reduction (i.e., 70–90 %) is needed to detect a change within 10 years of monitoring data. The trade-off in applying a more sensitive method for change detection is that it may be more prone to false-positives. Our results suggest that it is important to consider the trade-off between the sensitivity of trend detection and the risk of false positives when selecting an appropriate method and that applying more than one method can provide more confidence in trend detection

    Reply to comment by K. Beven et al. on "Pursuing the method of multiple working hypotheses for hydrological modelling"

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    Martyn P. Clark, Dmitri Kavetski, and Fabrizio Fenici

    Incidencia de casos de dengue en el periodo comprendido entre mayo a octubre de 2018 en el Hospital Nacional San Juan de Dios de Santa Ana

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    Al presentarse alza de casos, con limitaciones tanto en recursos humanos, materiales y espacios físicos adecuados para la atención de estos pacientes. Sin preparación ni anticipaciones previas del curso que tomaría en ese momento la incidencia de casos. Con el fin de contar para situaciones a futuro con un estudio que ayude a prever el curso de la enfermedad para preparar tanto al personal, equipos, áreas de atención para estos pacientes; por ser una enfermedad dinámica que requiere monitoreo continuo; evitando el retraso en su atención, manejo y numero de complicaciones en los pacientes