122 research outputs found

    Observing the QuantumBehavior of Light in an Undergraduate Laboratory

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    While the classical, wavelike behavior of light (interference and diffraction) has been easily observed in undergraduate laboratories for many years, explicit observation of the quantum nature of light (i.e., photons) is much more difficult. For example, while well-known phenomena such as the photoelectric effect and Compton scattering strongly suggest the existence of photons, they are not definitive proof of their existence. Here we present an experiment, suitable for an undergraduate laboratory, that unequivocally demonstrates the quantum nature of light. Spontaneously downconverted light is incident on a beamsplitter and the outputs are monitored with single-photon counting detectors. We observe a near absence of coincidence counts between the two detectors—a result inconsistent with a classical wave model of light, but consistent with a quantum description in which individual photons are incident on the beamsplitter. More explicitly, we measured the degree of second-order coherence between the outputs to be g(2)(0)=0.0177±0.0026,g(2)(0)=0.0177±0.0026, which violates the classical inequality g(2)(0)⩾1g(2)(0)⩾1 by 377 standard deviations

    Avant-garde and experimental music

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    Cal Poly Sit Ski: Final Report

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    The purpose of this project was to design, build, and test a Sit Ski for the US Adaptive Ski Team. The design is for Mr. Marlon Shepard, a new competitor on the Ski Team, who is in need of a new racing sit ski. Some of the top design priorities include reduced weight, increased rider comfort, and increased durability over existing designs. With these design considerations in mind, our team from Cal Poly designed, built and tested a cross country sit ski in June 2010 at the mechanical engineering senior project expo. The project was sponsored by a National Science Foundation grant written by Dr. Brian Self of the Mechanical Engineering Dept. and Dr. Kevin Taylor of the Kinesiology Dept. at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. We also worked closely with Mr. Jon Kreamelmeyer, the Developmental Coach of the US Adaptive Ski Team to determine the needs and goals of the project

    Study guide for the enjoyment of music

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    Study Guide of The Enjoyment of Music

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    BK017113, ada 2 keping piringan hitam dan pada tgl. 21-10-2015 telah diambil oleh UPT Perpus., dan diserahkan ke bag. pengolahan

    The Civil Government Litigator: A View from the Jury Box

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    This article examines the role and responsibilities of the government’s civil trial lawyers from the perspective of two jurors, one a law professor and the other a novelist and self-described recovering lawyer. It begins by telling the story of a trial in which the authors served as jurors: a personal-injury case brought against New York City by a tenant who claimed to have been injured when the ceiling of her city-owned apartment fell on her head. The article then explores the role of the city’s lawyer, whose performance failed to live up to the jury’s expectations. The article suggests that the jury expected more from the city’s lawyer than it expected from the plaintiff’s lawyer and more than it would have expected from a lawyer representing a private landlord, in part because the city’s lawyer serves as the public face of the city and in part because she represents a government entity that has responsibilities aside from winning trials or minimizing the city’s expenditures. Among other things, from the jury’s perspective, the city’s lawyer should have conducted sufficient discovery to decide whether or not the city deserved to be found liable and to have offered a fair settlement if it did and a vigorous defense if it did not. Further, the lawyer should have promoted broader public interests, including the interest in encouraging future jury service by respecting the jurors’ time and the interest in correcting problems revealed by the litigation
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