8 research outputs found

    Save Gas Using your Office Computer from Home

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    The article discusses the protocols used to establish remote computer connections from home. The Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) used in Windows 7 connecting to a Windows 2008 server reportedly allows the playing of high-definition video using Media Player. It is stated that commercial product connections which may bypass security infrastructure are risky because of the home computer\u27s possible insecurity and that home devices used for business purposes may be legally searched by the state

    Emission budgets and pathways consistent with limiting warming to 1.5 °C

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    The Paris Agreement has opened debate on whether limiting warming to 1.5 °C is compatible with current emission pledges and warming of about 0.9 °C from the mid-nineteenth century to the present decade. We show that limiting cumulative post-2015 CO₂ emissions to about 200 GtC would limit post-2015 warming to less than 0.6 °C in 66% of Earth system model members of the CMIP5 ensemble with no mitigation of other climate drivers, increasing to 240 GtC with ambitious non-CO₂ mitigation. We combine a simple climate–carbon-cycle model with estimated ranges for key climate system properties from the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report. Assuming emissions peak and decline to below current levels by 2030, and continue thereafter on a much steeper decline, which would be historically unprecedented but consistent with a standard ambitious mitigation scenario (RCP2.6), results in a likely range of peak warming of 1.2–2.0 °C above the mid-nineteenth century. If CO₂ emissions are continuously adjusted over time to limit 2100 warming to 1.5 °C, with ambitious non-CO₂ mitigation, net future cumulative CO₂ emissions are unlikely to prove less than 250 GtC and unlikely greater than 540 GtC. Hence, limiting warming to 1.5 °C is not yet a geophysical impossibility, but is likely to require delivery on strengthened pledges for 2030 followed by challengingly deep and rapid mitigation. Strengthening near-term emissions reductions would hedge against a high climate response or subsequent reduction rates proving economically, technically or politically unfeasible

    Nature and pets

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    In recent years, research has shown that nature and pets have a profound impact on positive wellness outcomes and lifestyle behaviors. In this chapter, we provide evidence for the importance of nature and pets, otherwise referred to as companion animals, in facilitating human wellness, and point to the implications of this evidence for the development of policy and practice initiatives. Specifically, we argue that nature and pets have important roles in the initiation and enhancement of wellness lifestyle habits and outcomes across multiple wellness domains. Evidence indicates that interacting with nature and pets positively influences emotional, intellectual, spiritual, physical, occupational, and social wellness [1]. Viewing pictures and videos of nature, being active in the presence of nature, and immersive experiences in nature have proven to have resulted in enhanced levels of wellness

    Wellness Measurement

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