82 research outputs found

    Three-way error analysis between AATSR, AMSR-E and in situ sea surface temperature observations

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    Using co-locations of three different observation types of sea surface temperatures (SSTs) gives enough information to enable the standard deviation of error on each observation type to be derived. SSTs derived from the Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR-E) instruments are used, along with SST observations from buoys. Various assumptions are made within the error theory including that the errors are not correlated, which should be the case for three independent data sources. An attempt is made to show that this assumption is valid and also that the covariances between the observations due to representativity error are negligible. Overall, the AATSR observations are shown to have a very small standard deviation of error of 0.16K, whilst the buoy SSTs have an error of 0.23K and the AMSR-E SST observations have an error of 0.42K. 1

    Sea surface temperature for climate from the along-track scanning radiometers

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    This thesis describes the construction of a sea surface temperature (SST) dataset from Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR) observations suitable for climate applications. The algorithms presented here are now used at ESA for reprocessing of historical ATSR data and will be the basis of the retrieval used on the forthcoming SLSTR instrument on ESA’s Sentinel-3 satellite. In order to ensure independence of ATSR SSTs from in situ measurements, the retrieval uses physics-based methods through the use of radiative transfer (RT) simulations. The RT simulations are based on the Reference ForwardModel line-by-line model linked to a new sea surface emissivity model which accounts for surface temperature, wind speed, viewing angle and salinity, and to a discrete ordinates scattering (DISORT) model to account for aerosol. An atmospheric profile dataset, based on full resolution ERA-40 numerical weather prediction (NWP) data, is defined and used as input to the RTmodel. Five atmospheric trace gases (N2O, CH4, HNO3, and CFC-11 and CFC-12) are identified as having temporal and geographical variability which have a significant (∼0.1K) impact on RT simulations. Several additional trace gases neglected in previous studies are included using fixed profiles contributing ∼0.04K to RT simulations. Comparison against ATSR-2 and AATSR observations indicates that RT model biases are reduced from 0.2–0.5K for previous studies to ∼0.1K. A new coefficient-based SST retrieval scheme is developed from the RT simulations. Coefficients are banded by total column water vapour (TCWV) from NWP analyses reducing simulated regional biases to <0.1K compared to ∼0.2K for global coefficients. An improved treatment of the instrument viewing geometry decreases simulated view-angle related biases from ∼0.1K to <0.005K for the day-time dual-view retrieval. To eliminate inter-algorithmbiases due to remaining RT model biases and uncertainty in the characterisation of the ATSR instruments the offset coefficient for each TCWV band is adjusted to match the results from a reference channel combination. As infrared radiometers are sensitive to the skin SST while in situ buoys measure SST at some depth below the surface an adjustment for the skin effect and diurnal stratification is included. The samemodel allows adjustment for the differing time of observation between ATSR-2 and AATSR to prevent the diurnal cycle being aliased into the final record. The RT simulations are harmonised between sensors using a double-difference technique eliminating discontinuities in the final SST record. Comparison against in situ drifting and tropical moored buoys shows the new SST dataset is of high quality. Systematic differences between ATSR retrieved SST and in situ drifters show zonal, regional, TCWV, and wind speed biases are less than 0.1K except for themost extreme cases (TCWV <5 kgm−2). The precision of ATSR retrieved SSTs is ∼0.15 K, lower than the precision ofmeasurement of the global ensemble of in situ drifting buoys. From 1995 onwards the ARC SSTs are stable with instability of less than 5mK year−1 to 95% confidence (demonstrated for tropical regions)

    Inter-calibration of HY-1B/COCTS thermal infrared channels with MetOp-A/IASI

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    The Chinese Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (COCTS) on board the Haiyang-1B (HY-1B) satellite has two thermal infrared channels (9 and 10) centred near 11 μm and 12 μm respectively which are intended for sea surface temperature (SST) observations. In order to improve the accuracy of COCTS SSTs, the inter-calibration of COCTS thermal infrared radiance is carried out. The Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) on board MetOp-A satellite is used as inter-calibration reference owing to its hyperspectral nature and high-quality measurements. The inter-calibration of HY-1B COCTS thermal infrared radiances with IASI is undertaken for data from the period 2009 to 2011 located in the northwest Pacific. Collocations of COCTS radiance with IASI are identified within a temporal window of 30 minutes, a spatial window of 0.12° and an atmospheric path tolerance of 3%. Matched IASI spectra are convolved with the COCTS spectral response functions, while COCTS pixels within the footprint of each IASI pixel are spatially averaged, thus creating matched IASI-COCTS radiance pairs that should agree well in the absence of satellite biases. The radiances of COCTS 11 and 12 μm channel are lower than IASI with relatively large biases, and a strong dependence of difference on radiance in the case of 11 μm channel. We use linear robust regression for different four detectors of COCTS separately to obtain the inter-calibration coefficients to correct the COCTS radiance. After correction, the mean values of COCTS 11 and 12 μm channel minus IASI radiance are -0.02 mW m-2 cm sr-1 and -0.01 mW m-2 cm sr-1 respectively, with corresponding standard deviations of 0.51 mW m-2 cm sr-1 and 0.57 mW m-2 cm sr-1. Striped noise is present in COCTS original radiance imagery associated with inconsistency between four detectors, and inter-calibration is shown to reduce, although not eliminate, the striping. The calibration accuracy of COCTS is improved after inter-calibration, that is potentially useful for improving COCTS SST accuracy in the future

    Investigation and validation of algorithms for estimating land surface temperature from Sentinel-3 SLSTR data

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    Land surface temperature (LST) is an important indicator of global ecological environment and climate change. The Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer (SLSTR) onboard the recently launched Sentinel-3 satellites provides high-quality observations for estimating global LST. The algorithm of the official SLSTR LST product is a split-window algorithm (SWA) that implicitly assumes and utilizes knowledge of land surface emissivity (LSE). The main objective of this study is to investigate alternative SLSTR LST retrieval algorithms with an explicit use of LSE. Seventeen widely accepted SWAs, which explicitly utilize LSE, were selected as candidate algorithms. First, the SWAs were trained using a comprehensive global simulation dataset. Then, using simulation data as well as in-situ LST, the SWAs were evaluated according to their sensitivity and accuracy: eleven algorithms showed good training accuracy and nine of them exhibited low sensitivity to uncertainties in LSE and column water vapor content. Evaluation based on two global simulation datasets and a regional simulation dataset showed that these nine SWAs had similar accuracy with negligible systematic errors and RMSEs lower than 1.0 K. Validation based on in-situ LST obtained for six sites further confirmed the similar accuracies of the SWAs, with the lowest RMSE ranges of 1.57–1.62 K and 0.49−0.61 K for Gobabeb and Lake Constance, respectively. While the best two SWAs usually yielded good accuracy, the official SLSTR LST generally had lower accuracy. The SWAs identified and described in this study may serve as alternative algorithms for retrieving LST products from SLSTR data

    Use of satellite observations for operational oceanography: recent achievements and future prospects

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    The paper gives an overview of the development of satellite oceanography over the past five years focusing on the most relevant issues for operational oceanography. Satellites provide key essential variables to constrain ocean models and/or serve downstream applications. New and improved satellite data sets have been developed and have directly improved the quality of operational products. The status of the satellite constellation for the last five years was, however, not optimal. Review of future missions shows clear progress and new research and development missions with a potentially large impact for operational oceanography should be demonstrated. Improvement of data assimilation techniques and developing synergetic use of high resolution satellite observations are important future priorities