5,406 research outputs found

    Phase and Amplitude Interferometry Based Radio Frequency Direction Finder

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    Direction finding (DF) systems have been around for decades, preceding WWII. The main function of these systems is to calculate the direction of arrival of an electromagnetic wave. There are many real-world applications which utilize direction finders and direction-finding techniques, from recreational “fox hunts” to military geolocation systems. The following approach for implementing a direction finding system revolves around the phase and amplitude of a signal that is being radiated at an unlicensed frequency of 2.45Ghz by an RF source. The system is comprised of an antenna array of 4 antennas which can be used receive the radiated signal. By comparing the amplitudes of the signal received by each antenna relative to each other, the quadrant from which the RF source is located in can be identified. By comparing the phase difference, 0° to +/- 180°, of the signal received by each antenna relative to each other, four possible directions can be calculated, one in each quadrant. Using the information discovered from comparing the phase and the amplitudes of the received signal at each antenna, the direction of the RF source can be found. The system runs the direction finding algorithm when the user commands it to from the graphical user interface (GUI), iterates it hundreds of times per second, and averages the found direction to reduce the effects of noise. The direction is then displayed on the GUI

    A Pedagogy for Original Synners

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    Part of the Volume on Digital Young, Innovation, and the UnexpectedThis essay begins by speculating about the learning environment of the class of 2020. It takes place entirely in a virtual world, populated by simulated avatars, managed through the pedagogy of gaming. Based on this projected version of a future-now-in-formation, the authors consider the implications of the current paradigm shift that is happening at the edges of institutions of higher education. From the development of programs in multimedia literacy to the focus on the creation of hybrid learning spaces (that combine the use of virtual worlds, social networking applications, and classroom activities), the scene of learning as well as the subjects of education are changing. The figure of the Original Synner is a projection of the student-of-the-future whose foundational literacy is grounded in their ability to synthesize information from multiple information streams

    Firsthand Opiates Abuse on Social Media: Monitoring Geospatial Patterns of Interest Through a Digital Cohort

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    In the last decade drug overdose deaths reached staggering proportions in the US. Besides the raw yearly deaths count that is worrisome per se, an alarming picture comes from the steep acceleration of such rate that increased by 21% from 2015 to 2016. While traditional public health surveillance suffers from its own biases and limitations, digital epidemiology offers a new lens to extract signals from Web and Social Media that might be complementary to official statistics. In this paper we present a computational approach to identify a digital cohort that might provide an updated and complementary view on the opioid crisis. We introduce an information retrieval algorithm suitable to identify relevant subspaces of discussion on social media, for mining data from users showing explicit interest in discussions about opioid consumption in Reddit. Moreover, despite the pseudonymous nature of the user base, almost 1.5 million users were geolocated at the US state level, resembling the census population distribution with a good agreement. A measure of prevalence of interest in opiate consumption has been estimated at the state level, producing a novel indicator with information that is not entirely encoded in the standard surveillance. Finally, we further provide a domain specific vocabulary containing informal lexicon and street nomenclature extracted by user-generated content that can be used by researchers and practitioners to implement novel digital public health surveillance methodologies for supporting policy makers in fighting the opioid epidemic.Comment: Proceedings of the 2019 World Wide Web Conference (WWW '19

    Tarare i termometri di una CMM non è sempre una buona idea

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    Gli effetti termini sono molto importanti nella metrologia dimensionale. Dopo una breve introduzione sui diversi tipi d'effetto (temperatura stabile e informe, stabile con gradienti, non stabile), l'articolo di concentra sul caso delle CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine). Qui cooperano tre scale ortogonali x,y,z, per ognuna delle quali intervengono termicamente due corpi: il pezzo in misura e la scala di misura. Gli effetti termici sono intrecciati con le compensazioni di geometria della CMM, ottenute periodicamente mediante confronto con campioni dimensionali tarati da parte di personale esperto. Tarare i termometri delle scale della CMM è di nocumento, perché altera le condizioni sotto le quali è stata effettuata la compensazione di geometria. Vengono dati alcuni consigli sull'uso dei termometri della CMM, sia durante la fase di compensazione delle deformazioni termiche, sia durate l'uso ordinario

    Il nuovo SI: cambia tutto perché nulla cambi - 2ª parte

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    Nella prima parte di questo articolo ho descritto l’impianto concettuale dello SI: la coerenza (le unità derivate si formano componendo quelle di base tutte con coefficiente unitario), la collocazione di qualsiasi unità nel sistema (mediante una settupla di esponenti delle unità di base), la disponibilità di multipli e sottomultipli (a coprire 48 ordini di grandezza), il battesimo di alcune unità derivate con nomi speciali (di solito in onore di un illustre scienziato). Ho anche illustrato la definizione in vigore allora (vecchio SI) delle sette unità di base. Dopo la pubblicazione, è accaduto l’atteso evento: il 20 maggio 2019 è entrato in vigore il nuovo SI. L’impianto concettuale rimane identicamente lo stesso, mentre cambiano le definizioni delle unità di base; più precisamente, cambia il modo stesso in cui sono definite, che fa loro perdere molto del loro primato nel sistema. In questa seconda parte, illustrerò i punti di debolezza del vecchio SI e gli avanzamenti tecnici che hanno permesso di superarli, per arrivare al nuovo SI ora in vigore.I described the conceptual frame of the SI in the first part of this paper: coherence (derived units are formed by composing the base units all with unit coefficients), coordinates of any unit within the system (by means of a 7-tuple of exponents to base units), the avilability of mulpitles and submultiples (covering 48 orders of magnitude), the naming of some derived units with special names (usually after eminent scientists). I also illustrated the definitions in force (old SI) of the seven base units. After publication, the awaited event occurred: the new SI entered into force on May 20th, 2019. The conceptual frame remains identical, while the base unit definitions change. More precisely, the very way they are defined changes, which relinquishes most of their supremacy in the system. This second part illustrates the weaknesses of the old SI and the technical breakthroughs that enabled to overcome them and to get to the new SI now in force

    TPD e GPS – Documentazione, specificazione e verifica geometriche dei prodotti

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    I disegni tecnici e la modellazione solida (CAD) descrivono la geometria nominale dei prodotti. Su questi si calano le tolleranze dimensionali e geometriche, che definiscono i margini ammessi di deviazione dalla geometria nominale, utilissimi in produzione per minimizzare i costi nel rispetto del requisito funzionale. Il TPD (Technical Product Documentation) è l'insieme delle descrizioni tecniche dei prodotti, mentre il GPS (Geometrical Product Specification) è il linguaggio unificato per descrivere le deviazioni ammesse mediante tolleranze. (Nella rubrica "Dalle Commissioni Tecniche"

    Hugelo Balsamo to James Meredith (3 October 1962)

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    Il sistema tastatore a contatto: errori, cause, consigli

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    Le cause d’errore principali di cui sono affetti i sistemi tastatori a contatto sono l’anisotropia, cioè la risposta non uniforme in tutte le direzioni, e la deriva termica. Questo articolo esamina tali cause, e fornisce suggerimenti sul come minimizzarne e stimarne gli effetti
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