3,576 research outputs found

    Muzeum (nie)pamięci. Koń a Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego

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    The permanent exhibition at the Warsaw Uprising Museum, which has been on display since 2004 (continuously since 2005) is a text of culture – a construct that is not free from power and politics. The political nature of the Museum does not, however, determine its value, but rather represents a diagnosis of the social reality where culture is a space of ideological confrontation. The view that the Museum is politically entangled in organisational and ideological terms is neither demeaning nor ennobling for a cultural institution. However, it requires that the Museum surrender its claims of neutrality in a situation where, by decision of its creators, it occupies a defined position in the discourse, as illustrated by the omission of the history of animals – victims of war – in the exhibition. Meanwhile, the new humanities provide the new museum (and also the traditional one) with trends that unmask the author of the narrative and demystify the objective nature of that narrative. They allow us not only to identify and explain the reasons why the WUM left out the wartime history of animals, but also to show how and why those issues should be thought about, discussed and presented in a different way.Prezentowana od 2004 roku (nieprzerwanie od 2005 roku) wystawa stała w Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego jest tekstem kultury – konstruktem niewolnym od władzy i polityki. Polityczność Muzeum nie przesądza jednak o jego wartości, a jedynie stanowi diagnozę rzeczywistości społecznej,w której kultura jest obszarem konfrontacji ideologicznej. Teza, że Muzeum jest uwikłane politycznie pod względem organizacyjnym i ideologicznym, nie jest deprecjonujące ani nobilitujące dla instytucji kultury. Wymaga jednak od Muzeum rezygnacji z roszczeń do neutralności, w sytuacji w której, decyzją swoich twórców, zajmuje ono w dyskursie określoną pozycję, czego przykładem jest pominięcie na ekspozycji historii zwierząt – ofiar wojny. Tymczasem nowa humanistyka oferuje nowemu muzeum (ale i tradycyjnemu) nurty, które demaskują twórcę narracji i demistyfikują jej obiektywny charakter. Pozwalają one zobaczyć i wyjaśnić powody pominięcia wojennej historii zwierząt w MPW, ale i wskazać, jak można i dlaczego powinno się inaczej o tych kwestiach myśleć, mówić i je pokazywać

    Early gene expression divergence between allopatric populations of the house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus)

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    Divergence of gene expression is known to contribute to the differentiation and separation of populations and species, although the dynamics of this process in early stages of population divergence remains unclear. We analyzed gene expression differences in three organs (brain, liver, and testis) between two natural populations of Mus musculus domesticus that have been separated for at most 3000 years. We used two different microarray platforms to corroborate the results at a large scale and identified hundreds of genes with significant expression differences between the populations. We find that although the three tissues have similar number of differentially expressed genes, brain and liver have more tissue–specific genes than testis. Most genes show changes in a single tissue only, even when expressed in all tissues, supporting the notion that tissue–specific enhancers act as separable targets of evolution. In terms of functional categories, in brain and to a smaller extent in liver, we find transcription factors and their targets to be particularly variable between populations, similar to previous findings in primates. Testis, however, has a different set of differently expressed genes, both with respect to functional categories and overall correlation with the other tissues, the latter indicating that gene expression divergence of potential importance might be present in other datasets where no differences in fraction of differentially expressed genes were reported. Our results show that a significant amount of gene expression divergence quickly accumulates between allopatric population

    Social and environmental interventions to reduce childhood obesity: a systematic map of reviews

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    Changes while Implementing Law-reforms and Albania as a new EU candidate country

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    Obviously the study of this paper consists on identifying and why not in addressing the important factors underlying the bailiff office in Albania and changes in the form of organization, under the administrative and implementing reforms in law. The paper also introduces some changes in national law, private or state organizational form. The Bailiff Section in Albania serves two key roles as part of the Judiciary. Both roles help to ensure that justice is fairly administered and carry to its proper conclusion. The Bailiffs and their assistants serve summonses and other important legal documents on parties as required by a Court or Tribunal, or as requested by a person who is a party to litigation, as an instance, a court or tribunal sentence which parties are required to attend. Surely it cannot proceed unless there is proof that the parties concerned have had the summonses attending properly served on them in a specified way by law. The judicial power is one of the most important issues on the legal state. As stated in the Albanian constitution, one basic principle is: equality and control between governments. Our paper research will analyze the justice reforms in Albania; will analyze bailiff organizational management (private or state form)

    “The Monument of Wojtek the Bear” or Polish Projects to Commemorate Animals Involved in World War II

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    Pomnik nie jest imitacją czy reprezentacją przeszłości, lecz konstruktem kulturowym. Dobór tematu i sposób jego przedstawienia w rzeźbie pomnikowej, są świadectwem tego, co dana grupa uznała za ważne i godne upamiętnienia. I choć traktuje o tym, co minione, to przede wszystkim dotyczy rzeczywistości, w której został stworzony. Jest odpowiedzią na zapotrzebowanie. Powstałe w Polsce w latach 2013–2014 pomniki Wojtka, przyczyniły się do utrwalenia i rozpowszechnienia wyobrażeń o niedźwiedziu-bohaterze spod Monte Cassino. Eksponując wątki patriotyczne i symbole narodowe, losy niedźwiedzia powiązano z historią Polski w okresie i po zakończeniu drugiej wojny światowej. Dbałość o klarowny i jednoznaczny przekaz, którego treścią była nietypowa relacja między Wojtkiem i żołnierzami Armii Andersa, spowodowała pominięcie kwestii przedmiotowego traktowania zwierzęcia. Tym samym nie wykorzystano szans na sproblematyzowanie losów niedźwiedzia w niewoli człowieka.A monument is not an imitation or representation of the past, but a cultural construct. The choice of a theme and the way it is presented in a monumental sculpture show what a particular group considered important and worthy of commemoration. Although it refers to the past, it is primarily concerned with the reality in which it was created. It is a response to a demand. The monuments of Wojtek which were founded in Poland in 2013-2014 contributed to the consolidation and dissemination of ideas about the bear-hero of Monte Cassino. By exposing patriotic themes and national symbols, the fate of the bear has been linked with the history of Poland during and after World War II. This clear and unequivocal message about the unusual relationship between Wojtek and the Anders’ Army soldiers does not mention how the animal was treated. Thus, the chance to problematize the fate of the bear in man’s captivity has been missed

    Język jako jeden z czynników narodotwórczych a ruchy separatystyczne w Europie Zachodniej

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    Publikacja stanowi wybór tekstów prezentowanych w ramach Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Naukowej „Państwo w państwie? Terytoria autonomiczne, państwa nieuznawane i ruchy separatystyczne w przestrzeni międzynarodowej” (Łódź 2014). Jak pisze recenzent książki, dr hab. Łukasz Donaj: „Państwa są wciąż podstawowymi jednostkami organizacji świata, a przez stulecia były właściwie jedynymi uczestnikami w stosunkach międzynarodowych. W dalszym ciągu ich rola w stosunkach międzynarodowych jest dominująca, chociaż niewątpliwie widoczne są objawy osłabienia. Obecnie coraz wyraźniej zauważane są procesy ewolucji tradycyjnej roli państwa w stosunkach międzynarodowych. Państwo, będące specyficzną formą organizacji życia społecznego, stara się przystosować do zmian zachodzących w jego wnętrzu i w środowisku”

    Efficient Bootstrap Simulation in Linear Regression

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    Two basic sources of errors are associated to the use of bootstrap methods: one is derived from the fact that the true distribution is substituted by a suitable estimate, and the other is simulation errors. Some techniques to reduce or quantify these errors such as importance sampling or antithetic variates are adapted from classical Monte Carlo swindles, whereas others such as the centered and the balanced bootstrap are more specific. The classical importance sampling estimate is well-suited for variance reduction in rare event applications. It fails in many other applications. The ratio and regression estimates, well-known in sampling theory, succeed in many of these cases. In our work we have done various simulations in linear models to determine the needed number of the bootstrap replications

    Polityczność sztuki. Analiza pracy Zbigniewa Libery pt. LEGO. Obóz koncentracyjny z 1996 roku

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    The objective of the paper is to analyze Zbigniew Libera’s Lego. Concentration Camp from 1996, which is considered to be one of the most important Polish works of art in the 1990s. Lego exemplifies the problem of the politicality of art which consists of art’s involvement in politics. The considerations on the permeation of the fields of politics and esthetics constitute a sig- nificant part of the work of French philosopher Jacques Ranciere, whose concepts provide the theoretical foundations for the analysis of Libera’s Lego. The juxtaposition of toys with the symbol of the Holocaust raises questions about the role of art in uncovering the discourse of power as understood by Michel Foucault, the influence of public policies (cultural, educational policies and the policy towards the past) on art and the borders of commercialization and trivialization of the symbols of collective memory. Libera’s Lego is a transgressive work, representing the trend of so-called critical art in modern Polish art. The artist used artistic methods to break the cultural taboo that concerns the presentation of the non-presentable. Libera showed the past and the present, the former by re- ferring to the topic of the Holocaust, indicating the pragmatism of the Nazi system, and the lat- ter by uncovering the laws of the teaching process, carried out by means of repeating patterns. Above all, however, Libera showed that artistic activity can be a form of expressing interests and can influence the shape of public policies.The objective of the paper is to analyze Zbigniew Libera’s Lego. Concentration Camp from 1996, which is considered to be one of the most important Polish works of art in the 1990s. Lego exemplifies the problem of the politicality of art which consists of art’s involvement in politics. The considerations on the permeation of the fields of politics and esthetics constitute a sig- nificant part of the work of French philosopher Jacques Ranciere, whose concepts provide the theoretical foundations for the analysis of Libera’s Lego. The juxtaposition of toys with the symbol of the Holocaust raises questions about the role of art in uncovering the discourse of power as understood by Michel Foucault, the influence of public policies (cultural, educational policies and the policy towards the past) on art and the borders of commercialization and trivialization of the symbols of collective memory. Libera’s Lego is a transgressive work, representing the trend of so-called critical art in modern Polish art. The artist used artistic methods to break the cultural taboo that concerns the presentation of the non-presentable. Libera showed the past and the present, the former by re- ferring to the topic of the Holocaust, indicating the pragmatism of the Nazi system, and the lat- ter by uncovering the laws of the teaching process, carried out by means of repeating patterns. Above all, however, Libera showed that artistic activity can be a form of expressing interests and can influence the shape of public policies