124 research outputs found

    Procedures for assessing cognitive skills of prospective language teachers

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    The purpose of the research was to find out how the procedures for measuring students’ cognitive skills could be incorporated into the university course Language Teaching Methodology. The study was organised within a framework of Anderson’s theory of cognitive skills development and Glaser’s taxonomy of dimensions for assessing achievement. We developed the instrument, which encompassed two empirical questionnaires for treatment groups. Both questionnaires comprised an equal number of tasks but differed in the content of procedures for measuring knowledge acquisition and structure as one of the dimensions of cognitive assessment. Empirical Questionnaire 1, based on a traditional approach to assessment, included multiple-choice questions related to the lecture material. Empirical Questionnaire 2 comprised both traditional and unconventional measures, such as a SVT test; constructed and conversation-based responses; simple and high order rule tasks. Thirty-four third-year students of the Department of Foreign Languages, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University participated in three-stage research-oriented teaching, which lasted ten weeks. Both qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods were employed for the evaluation of learning outcomes. After final testing, we compared the results obtained from the students. The group mean difference (EG vs. CG) was 0.12 points, 95% confidence interval (0.07 - 0.17), two-sample t-test p < 0.0001. Findings suggest that cognitive skills assessment considerably affects and improves student learning. The implications relate to final grades assessment and curriculum design and contribute to expanded uses for cognitive skills testing

    Перспективи збереження і розвитку традиційних лексико-граматичних форм ввічливості в сучасній японській мові

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    У статті розглядаються особливості японської системи форм ввічливості, а також тенденції до їхньої трансформації на сучасному етапі розвитку мови. На прикладі дослідження процесу засвоєння і використання ввічливої мови японськими дітьми робляться висновки щодо стійкості та прогнозується подальше функціонування системи форм ввічливості як однієї з фундаментальних засад японського суспільства. (The article explores the specifics of Japanese system of polite language. Existing classifications of Japanese polite language forms, created by Japanese linguists and japanologists from other countries, are being analysed. Also tendencies for transformation of polite forms at the present stage of Japanese language development, such as simplification, substitution of particular forms by the others, expanding and shrinking of spheres of usage of particular forms are also being studied. Through the example of exploration of acquisition and use of polite language by Japanese children the conclusions about stability and future functioning of politeness system as one of the fundamental grounds of Japanese society. Considerable difficulties in acquisition of forms of politeness by children, a significant number of errors or attempts of children and youth to avoide completely the traditional structures of polite speech in any of the situations could indicate a tendency to a gradual disappearance of these forms. However, the results of the study suggest early and successful mastery of polite language by Japanese children, which is demonstrated in the role-playing games. Japanese children successfully master early enough the basics of polite language in the family, and quickly learn to analyze the social context and factors influencing the choice of lexical or grammatical constructions. Purposefully skills of proper use of polite language are improved during the preschool and school education and further professional activities. Polite language continues to reflect the relationship of social hierarchy in Japanese society, and so soon, albeit in a somewhat modified form, to retain its position in modern Japanese.


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    We developed diagnostic protocol and studied cervical diseases in 733 women with HIV. There were found high incidence of sexual transmitted diseases and multifocal papilloma in these patients. We describe colposcopical signs of cervical papilloma virus infection in HIV-positive women. We suppose that low information content of cervical cytology could be connected with concomitant infections. We also found that HIV is not eliminated but cause to dysplasia of cervical epithelium. That is why we suppose to optimal to pay an attention to cervical neoplasms in women with HIV-PVI association. Severity of observed cervical changes was depended on the associations with sexual transmitted infections, CD4+ lymphocytes level and total virus load


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    The purpose of the article is to determine the factors contributing to the development of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical cancer during pregnancy, and the assessment of the impact of HIV infection on the progression of dysplasia of the cervix during pregnancy. 1146 pregnant women at various stages of gestation, including in 124 HIV-positive were examined. The control group included 146 pregnant women without HIV The survey included: examination, colposcopy, PAP test, PCR for HPV and Chlamydia, HlV diagnosis activity: ELISA, immune blotting, PCR, VIRAL LOAD, identification numbers of CD4 + and CD8 +. The presence of HPV in HIV-positive pregnant women is the leading risk factor for cervical dysplasia epithelium regardless of gestational age. Dysplasia may be suspected at colposcopy examination. The final diagnosis is stated morphologically. HIV in combination with CIN detected in the early stage of pregnancy, it is important to determine the risk of cervical cancer, while maintaining the pregnancy. You must assign the ART in detecting cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of 2-3 grade. When CIN 3 during pregnancy is appropriate elective caesarean section, as a way to prevent the development of cervical cancer after the birth, along with a reduced likelihood of intrapartum transmission of HIV

    Distribution of dirofilariasis in Omsk region

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    Background. Recently, in the Russian Federation, there has been a tendency to an increase in the number of registered cases of dirofilariasis among residents living in a temperate climate zone, including in Western Siberia. The species Dirofilaria repens and Dirofilaria immitis are of clinical importance for humans. Dirofilariae are characterized by migration into the subcutaneous tissue, mucous membranes, organs of vision, internal organs. In the Omsk region, there is an increase in cases of dirofilariasis, including among children.The aim. To assess endemicity of the territory of the Omsk region in relation to pathogens of dirofilariasis.Materials and methods. The maps of the epidemiological survey of persons infected with dirofilariae for the period 2013–2020 were analyzed, parasitological and molecular biological methods examined 1155 blood samples of dogs, 2488 samples female blood-sucking mosquitoes, 26 samples of dirofilaria helminths removed from residents of the Omsk region.Results. In 18 people, the infection was regarded as local, since the infected persons had not left the Omsk region for the previous three years. Local infections are reported annually. Infection of the final owners – dogs – with dirofilaria ranges from 0.6 to 4.8 % in different years. On average, the extensiveness of the invasion was 3.0 ± 0.6 %; and the intensity of microfilaremia was 1277.68 ± 395.87 specimens/ml of blood. On the territory of Omsk and the Omsk region, 11 species of mosquitoes belonging to the genus Aedes, Ochlerotatus, Culex, Anopheles, Coquillettidia were identified. The estimated individual infection of mosquitoes of different species ranged from 0.6 % (O. flavescens) to 9.8 % (An. messeae). The total infection of vectors was 3.4 %. All positive samples were found to contain DNA of D. repens.Conclusion. The territory of the Omsk region is endemic for pathogens of dirofilariasis, in particular, D. repens. Further studies are needed to study the prevalence and species diversity of pathogens of dirofilariasis in Western Siberia, to identify the most dangerous from an epidemiological point of view, species of vectors

    Therapeutic physical training for arthrosis of the shoulder joints of athletes

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    This article examines the statistics of the occurrence of arthrosis of the shoulder joints in athletes and its connection with the popularization of various sports, as well as compares the methods of treatment of this diseaseВ данной статье рассматривается статистика возникновения артроза плечевых суставов у спортсменов и связь её с популяризацией различных видов спорта, а также сравниваются методы лечения данного заболевания. Артроз часто является следствием травмы, поэтому в статье будет рассмотрена статистика травм плечевого сустав

    Cancellous bone and theropod dinosaur locomotion. Part II—a new approach to inferring posture and locomotor biomechanics in extinct tetrapod vertebrates

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    This paper is the second of a three-part series that investigates the architecture of cancellous bone in the main hindlimb bones of theropod dinosaurs, and uses cancellous bone architectural patterns to infer locomotor biomechanics in extinct non-avian species. Cancellous bone is widely known to be highly sensitive to its mechanical environment, and therefore has the potential to provide insight into locomotor biomechanics in extinct tetrapod vertebrates such as dinosaurs. Here in Part II, a new biomechanical modelling approach is outlined, one which mechanistically links cancellous bone architectural patterns with three-dimensional musculoskeletal and finite element modelling of the hindlimb. In particular, the architecture of cancellous bone is used to derive a single ‘characteristic posture’ for a given species—one in which bone continuum-level principal stresses best align with cancellous bone fabric—and thereby clarify hindlimb locomotor biomechanics. The quasi-static approach was validated for an extant theropod, the chicken, and is shown to provide a good estimate of limb posture at around mid-stance. It also provides reasonable predictions of bone loading mechanics, especially for the proximal hindlimb, and also provides a broadly accurate assessment of muscle recruitment insofar as limb stabilization is concerned. In addition to being useful for better understanding locomotor biomechanics in extant species, the approach hence provides a new avenue by which to analyse, test and refine palaeobiomechanical hypotheses, not just for extinct theropods, but potentially many other extinct tetrapod groups as well

    Cancellous bone and theropod dinosaur locomotion. Part I—an examination of cancellous bone architecture in the hindlimb bones of theropods

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    This paper is the first of a three-part series that investigates the architecture of cancellous (‘spongy’) bone in the main hindlimb bones of theropod dinosaurs, and uses cancellous bone architectural patterns to infer locomotor biomechanics in extinct non-avian species. Cancellous bone is widely known to be highly sensitive to its mechanical environment, and has previously been used to infer locomotor biomechanics in extinct tetrapod vertebrates, especially primates. Despite great promise, cancellous bone architecture has remained little utilized for investigating locomotion in many other extinct vertebrate groups, such as dinosaurs. Documentation and quantification of architectural patterns across a whole bone, and across multiple bones, can provide much information on cancellous bone architectural patterns and variation across species. Additionally, this also lends itself to analysis of the musculoskeletal biomechanical factors involved in a direct, mechanistic fashion. On this premise, computed tomographic and image analysis techniques were used to describe and analyse the three-dimensional architecture of cancellous bone in the main hindlimb bones of theropod dinosaurs for the first time. A comprehensive survey across many extant and extinct species is produced, identifying several patterns of similarity and contrast between groups. For instance, more stemward non-avian theropods (e.g. ceratosaurs and tyrannosaurids) exhibit cancellous bone architectures more comparable to that present in humans, whereas species more closely related to birds (e.g. paravians) exhibit architectural patterns bearing greater similarity to those of extant birds. Many of the observed patterns may be linked to particular aspects of locomotor biomechanics, such as the degree of hip or knee flexion during stance and gait. A further important observation is the abundance of markedly oblique trabeculae in the diaphyses of the femur and tibia of birds, which in large species produces spiralling patterns along the endosteal surface. Not only do these observations provide new insight into theropod anatomy and behaviour, they also provide the foundation for mechanistic testing of locomotor hypotheses via musculoskeletal biomechanical modelling

    Mapping trabecular disconnection "hotspots" in aged human spine and hip

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    Trabecular bone disconnection is an independent factor in age-related skeletal failure where real termini (ReTm; rare in youth) may cause weakness disproportionate to tissue loss, yet their structural contribution at vulnerable locations remains uncertain. ReTm (previously recorded at the iliac crest) were mapped in "normal" aged vertebral bodies (T11-L5 autopsy; 20 females, 10 males) and corresponding proximal femora (autopsy; 10 females). Results were compared with biomechanically failed femora from orthopaedic subjects aged >. 58. yr (osteoporosis OP, 10 females; osteoarthritis OA, 10 females). A novel direct 2D/3D histological method was applied to large, thick (300. μm) slices superficially silver-stained to separate ReTm (unstained) from apparent termini (planar artefacts, brown). Light microscope field co-ordinates enabled ReTm mapping and statistical testing relative to i) sex, ii) tissue sector and iii) slicing plane. In men ReTm populations were small and random while in women they were large and sector-specific. In vertebrae they clustered anterior/superior being rare posterior/inferior; in the femoral head they concentrated distal/superior and also near the fovea, being fewer distal/inferior. A distribution polarity was evident with 100% more ReTm observed transversely (i.e., on tensile-related cross struts) than longitudinally (i.e., on compression-related vertical struts). Their numbers rose in OP (BV/TV. . 14%), remaining polarised and sector-specific in OP only. Comparative experimentation by marrow elution of an OP animal model demonstrated "floating segments" as a possible outcome. Conclusions were supported statistically that trabecular disconnection "hotspots" at vulnerable locations are sex- and sector-specific, mainly transaxial, and subject to disease modulation