764 research outputs found

    Le travail manuel : analyseur de curriculum scolaire

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    Houssaye Jean. Le travail manuel : analyseur de curriculum scolaire. In: Revue française de pĂ©dagogie. Volume 132, 2000. Evaluation, suivi pĂ©dagogique et portfolio. pp. 67-78. doi : 10.3406/rfp.2000.1034 http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/rfp_0556-7807_2000_num_132_1_1034Abstract What place is left for craft in school ? To answer this question, we can analyse the relation between craft and culture in school through various educational trends : traditional pedagogy, "New Pedagogy", pedagogy of the Left, contemporary pedagogies. Then we realize that craft statute may be quite different, according to society choices, but also that in the contemporary period, school managed to exclude craft from school world. RĂ©sumĂ© Le travail manuel a-t-il une place Ă  l'Ă©cole ? Pour rĂ©pondre Ă  une telle question, on peut analyser le rapport entre travail manuel et culture Ă  l'Ă©cole, et ce, Ă  travers les tendances pĂ©dagogiques : pĂ©dagogie traditionnelle, Éducation nouvelle, pĂ©dagogie socialiste, pĂ©dagogies contemporaines. On saisit alors que le statut du travail manuel diffĂšre profondĂ©ment selon les choix de sociĂ©tĂ©, mais aussi que la pĂ©riode contemporaine, elle, est parvenue Ă  l'exclure de l'Ă©cole

    Hommage Ă  Jean-Pierre Astolfi (1943-2009)

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    Tools for quantitative form description : an evaluation of different software packages for semi-landmark analysis

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    The challenging complexity of biological structures has led to the development of several methods for quantitative analyses of form. Bones are shaped by the interaction of historical (phylogenetic), structural, and functional constrains. Consequently, bone shape has been investigated intensively in an evolutionary context. Geometric morphometric approaches allow the description of the shape of an object in all of its biological complexity. However, when biological objects present only few anatomical landmarks, sliding semi-landmarks may provide good descriptors of shape. The sliding procedure, mandatory for sliding semi-landmarks, requires several steps that may be time-consuming. We here compare the time required by two different software packages ('Edgewarp' and 'Morpho') for the same sliding task, and investigate potential differences in the results and biological interpretation. 'Morpho' is much faster than 'Edgewarp,' notably as a result of the greater computational power of the 'Morpho' software routines and the complexity of the 'Edgewarp' workflow. Morphospaces obtained using both software packages are similar and provide a consistent description of the biological variability. The principal differences between the two software packages are observed in areas characterized by abrupt changes in the bone topography. In summary, both software packages perform equally well in terms of the description of biological structures, yet differ in the simplicity of the workflow and time needed to performthe analyses

    National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) New Orleans Helpline Analysis

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    ABSTRACT This study built on prior research about helplines that focused on descriptive accounts of caller profiles (frequent callers, children callers, male/female, reason for calls, help seeking intentions/beliefs, attitudes and expectations of callers); counselor profiles (active listening skills, motivation, empathy, altruism, family peer advocates); and helpline profiles (advantages and limitations of telephone, chat rooms, emails, and texting). The intention of this study was to assess the needs of the organization in order to build a helpline that meets the needs of the clients. It assessed existing data from calls made to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) New Orleans where staff members handle approximately 1000 calls and emails yearly from individuals with mental illness, their families, or loved ones. For six weeks during the fall of 2015, NAMI staff logged incoming calls to their de facto helpline and the existing data was analyzed. Emails and Facebook queries to the agency were also included in the analysis. Findings indicate that most people called to have someone listen to their concerns and provide support. In terms of type of callers, most callers were family members of persons living with mental illness. Individuals living with mental illness were the second most frequent type of caller. Family members called more frequently than other types of callers and women called three times more than men. The support provided to callers was mainly referrals to NAMI New Orleans support and/or education groups and then to outside agencies. Those who referred callers to NAMI were principally from the internal (support groups) and external (media) realms of NAMI New Orleans, although it was often not known who referred the calls. The duration of calls and the types of referrals made varied greatly by the responders, or those who logged the calls, however, the mean call duration of 8.9 minutes was close to the industry standard. Implications for practice and policy are discussed showing suggestions for ways to work with family members in order to accommodate their need for support; for providing volunteer recruitment, orientation, and training; and for creating a call-response decision tree

    Faster simulation of (Coloured) Petri nets using parallel computing

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    International audienceFast simulation, i.e., automatic computation of sequential runs, is widely used to analyse Petri nets. In particular, it enables for quantitative statistical analysis by observing large sets of runs. Moreover, fast simulation may be used to actually run a Petri net model as a (prototype) implementation of a system, in which case such a net would embed fragments of the code of the system. In both these contexts, being able to perform faster simulation is highly desirable. In this paper, we propose a way to accelerate fast simulation by exploiting parallel computing, targeting both the multi-core cpus available nowadays in every laptop or workstation, and larger parallel computers including those with distributed memory (clusters). We design an algorithm to do so and assess in particular its correctness and completeness through its formal modelling as a Petri net whose state space is analysed. We also present a benchmark of a prototype implementation that clearly shows how our algorithm effectively accelerates fast simulation, in particular in the case of large concurrent coloured Petri nets, which is precisely the kind of nets that are usually slow to simulate

    L’autoritĂ© ne passera pas

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    Dans une perspective de clarification conceptuelle, il s’agira ici de se placer dĂ©libĂ©rĂ©ment du cĂŽtĂ© de la pĂ©dagogie pour aborder la question de la place de l’autoritĂ© dans les pratiques de classe. Il apparaĂźt alors qu’il est bien vrai que, thĂ©oriquement parlant, l’autoritĂ© ne passera jamais, car il sera toujours possible de trouver des distinctions conceptuelles qui la justifieront dans son essence et la sauveront face Ă  ses incarnations controversĂ©es. Il est bien vrai aussi que, pratiquement parlant, l’autoritĂ© ne passera jamais, car, qu’il s’agisse d’hier et encore plus d’aujourd’hui, les problĂšmes d’autoritĂ© ne cesseront de s’inscrire au cƓur de l’acte pĂ©dagogique. Il est bien vrai enfin que, pĂ©dagogiquement parlant, l’autoritĂ© ne passe pas, parce que tout simplement elle n’est pas une solution tenable, susceptible de rĂ©pondre de façon satisfaisante Ă  la question conjointe : comment vivre ensemble et comment apprendre dans une classe ? DĂšs lors, il reste Ă  dissocier l’autoritĂ© et la pĂ©dagogie, Ă  faire le choix de la pĂ©dagogie comme construction du rapport Ă  l’autre et du rapport au savoir.For the sake of conceptual clarification, the perspective of pedagogy is necessary to address the issue of the place of authority in classroom practices. Theoretically speaking, it is true that authority will never prevail because it will always be possible to find conceptual distinctions that will justify it in its essence and save it in the face of its controversial incarnations. It is also true that, practically speaking, authority will never prevail because problems of authority will always be part of the pedagogical act. It is finally true that, pedagogically speaking, authority does not prevail simply because it is not a sustainable solution that might adequately answer the joint question: how can we live together and learn in a classroom? Therefore, authority should be disassociated from authority and pedagogy and take the option of pedagogy when developing the relation to the other and to knowledge

    Formar en pedagogĂ­a: SĂ­, Âżpero cĂłmo?

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    A lo largo de la historia, la especificidad de la pedagogía ha sido negada u ocultada en reiteradas ocasiones, aunque paradójicamente su propia historia ha sido la de resistir, prueba de que su naturaleza no puede ser negada. En este artículo entenderemos la pedagogía como la reunión mutua y dialéctica de la teoría y de la pråctica por la misma persona en la persona que se forma. Proyectamos que la propia formación pedagógica inicial no puede escapar a esta naturaleza de la pedagogía en tanto su objetivo apunta a que el pedagogo que se forma reflexione sobre lo que hizo o lo que hicimos. Solo a partir de dicha reflexión podrå constituir su saber-hacer desde su propio hacer. De esta forma, constatamos que el saber pedagógico existe, que es problemåtico y muy frågil, pero que corre el riesgo de perderse en cinco ilusiones que analizaremos

    Pédagogies : import-export

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    Comment s’opĂšre le mouvement entre les pĂ©dagogues et les pĂ©dagogies ? En quĂȘte d’une thĂ©orie de l’import-export des pĂ©dagogies –thĂ©orie qu’il ne trouvera pas–, l’auteur commence par aborder le problĂšme sous diffĂ©rents angles pour, dans un deuxiĂšme temps, se mettre en quĂȘte d’un cadre de rĂ©fĂ©rence et, dans un troisiĂšme temps, analyser dans cette perspective les actes d’un colloque sur l’Éducation nouvelle. Il dĂ©bouche sur un ensemble organisĂ© de propositions qui puissent servir de trame provisoire Ă  la comprĂ©hension de cette approche particuliĂšre de l’histoire des idĂ©es pĂ©dagogiques.How do exchanges between teachers and educational methods take place? Looking for a theory of importing et exporting methods – theory which will not be found –, the author first tackles the issue from different angles in order to then look for a reference framework. next, from that standpoint, he analyses the actions of a conference on Éducation nouvelle. Finally, he gives a structured set of suggestions that can be used as temporary basic outlines for an understanding of this particular approach to the history of educational ideas.Âż CĂłmo se opera el movimiento entre los pedĂĄgogos y las pedagogĂ­as? En bĂșsqueda de una teorĂ­a de la importaciĂłn-exportaciĂłn de las pedagogĂ­as –teorĂ­a que no encontrarĂĄ-, el autor empieza abordando el problema bajo diferentes ĂĄngulos para, en un segundo tiempo, ponerse en busca de un marco de referencia y, en un tercer tiempo, analizar en esta perspectiva las actas de un coloquio sobre la EducaciĂłn nueva. Desemboca en un conjunto organizado de propuestas que puedan servir de tela provisional a la comprensiĂłn de este enfoque particular de la historia de las ideas pedagĂłgicas.Wie operiert die Bewegung zwischen PĂ€dagogen und PĂ€dagogiksformen ? Auf der Suche nach einer Theorie ĂŒber die Einfuhr-Ausfuhr der PĂ€dagogik – die er letztendlich nicht ausfinding macht –, fĂ€ngt der Autor damit an, das Problem unter verschiedenen Blickwinkeln zu betrachten, um sich dann in einer zweiten Phase auf der Suche nach einem Referenzrahmens zu begeben, und in einer dritten Phase die Collloquien ĂŒber die Neue Erziehung in dieser Hinsicht zu analysieren. Es mĂŒndet in eine organisierte Gesamtheit von Angeboten, die als vorlĂ€ufiger roter Faden fĂŒr das VerstĂ€ndnis jener besonderen Bertrachtungsweise der Geschichte der pĂ€dagogischen Ideen fungieren könnte

    Interspecific variation in the limb long bones among modern rhinoceroses—extent and drivers

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    International audienceAmong amniotes, numerous lineages are subject to an evolutionary trend toward body mass and size increases. Large terrestrial species may face important constraints linked to weight bearing, and the limb segments are particularly affected by such constraints due to their role in body support and locomotion. Such groups showing important limb modifications related to high body mass have been called "graviportal." Often considered graviportal, rhinoceroses are among the heaviest terrestrial mammals and are thus of particular interest to understand the limb modifications related to body mass and size increase. Here, we present a morphofunctional study of the shape variation of the limb long bones among the five living rhinos to understand how the shape may vary between these species in relation with body size, body mass and phylogeny. We used three dimensional geometric morphometrics and comparative analyses to quantify the shape variation. Our results indicate that the five species display important morphological differences depending on the considered bones. The humerus and the femur exhibit noticeable interspecific differences between African and Asiatic rhinos, associated with a significant effect of body mass. The radius and ulna are more strongly correlated with body mass. While the tibia exhibits shape variation both linked with phylogeny and body mass, the fibula displays the greatest intraspecific variation. We highlight three distinct morphotypes of bone shape, which appear in accordance with the phylogeny. The influence of body mass also appears unequally expressed on the different bones. Body mass increase among the five extant species is marked by an increase of the general robustness, more pronounced attachments for muscles and a development of medial parts of the bones. Our study underlines that the morphological features linked to body mass increase are not similar between rhinos and other heavy mammals such as elephants and hippos, suggesting that the weight bearing constraint can lead to different morphological responses
