184 research outputs found

    Mixing and blending syntactic and semantic dependencies

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    Our system for the CoNLL 2008 shared task uses a set of individual parsers, a set of stand-alone semantic role labellers, and a joint system for parsing and semantic role labelling, all blended together. The system achieved a macro averaged labelled F1- score of 79.79 (WSJ 80.92, Brown 70.49) for the overall task. The labelled attachment score for syntactic dependencies was 86.63 (WSJ 87.36, Brown 80.77) and the labelled F1-score for semantic dependencies was 72.94 (WSJ 74.47, Brown 60.18)

    Skeletal indicators of developmental changes in arboreality and locomotor maturation in extant apes and their relevance to hominin paleobiology

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    IntroductionModern humans are the only fully terrestrial ape. All other apes are partially arboreal, particularly as infants and juveniles. Precocial locomotor development, high frequency of arboreal locomotion in early ontogeny, and increased terrestriality throughout development are ubiquitous amongst the hominines and likely represent the ancestral state. The role of climbing in hominin evolution has been debated for decades, but if hominins climbed regularly then subadults likely relied on it most frequently. Investigating the role of climbing throughout hominin evolution requires reliable developmentally plastic traits that are responsive to locomotor loading and can be identified in the fossil record. Chimpanzees and gorillas provide a natural experiment to examine the relationship between age-related variation locomotor activities and bone structure. Chimpanzees and gorillas are most arboreal during infancy and become more terrestrial throughout development. Gorillas are comparatively more terrestrial and transition to predominantly terrestrial locomotion at an earlier age. This paper has two main objectives. First, to examine if interspecific differences in the rate of locomotor development is reflected in bone structure. Second, to determine if ontogenetic reductions in the frequency of arboreal locomotion correspond to age-related variation in bone structure.MethodsThe humerus, tibia, calcaneus, and seventh cervical vertebrae of an ontogenetic series of gorillas and chimpanzees from the Powell Cotton Museum (n = 71) were uCT scanned. Trabecular, cortical, and total bone volume fraction (BV/TV) were calculated in developmentally homologous regions of interest.ResultsBV/TV scales with positive allometry throughout ontogeny. The achievement of adult-like locomotor behaviour can be identified by a significant change in the slope of Total.BV/TV with age. Younger, more arboreal individuals have relatively greater upper limb Total.BV/TV relative to the neck and lower limb than older, more terrestrial individuals in gorillas and chimpanzees. More arboreal chimpanzees have relatively more Total.BV/TV in the upper limb relative to the lower limb and neck.DiscussionThe correspondence between developmental trajectories of BV/TV and locomotor ontogeny in extant apes suggests that analyses of hominin skeletal ontogeny can provide new insights into the evolution of two characteristic human traits: our slow rate of maturation and the evolution of fully terrestrial bipedalism

    Chemical gastritis after chronic bromazepam intake: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We describe a rare case of diffuse macroscopic discoloration and chemical gastritis due to chronic bromazepam intake. The chemical composition of pharmaceuticals has to be considered at endoscopy and it is evident that some chemical substances damage the epithelial tissue and lead to clinical symptoms.</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>Endoscopy was performed in an 82-year-old patient due to gastroesophageal reflux symptoms and epigastric pain. Gastroscopy showed a hiatal hernia and a scarred duodenal bulb. More striking was the yellow-brownish discoloration of the gastric and the duodenal mucosa. The gastric antrum and the duodenal bulb showed local discoloration that could not be rinsed off. The medical history indicated that bromazepam (6 mg) had been used daily as a sleeping aid in the previous two years. The histopathological findings showed appearances of chemical gastritis. Within the lamina propria and on the epithelial surface there were granules. There was no foreign body reaction to these granules. Corpus mucosa showed a mild chronic gastritis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>If discoloration of the mucosa at endoscopy is seen, a careful drug history must be sought. This is the first case in literature that shows a chemical gastritis after bromazepam intake.</p

    Anwendbarkeit und Dosisfindung des Anästhetikums Thiopental für die Narkose des Schweins nach vorhergehender Neuroleptanalgesie mit Ketamin und Azaperon

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    Die Arbeit beschreibt die Anwendbarkeit und Dosisfindung des Anästhetikums Thiopental für die Narkose des Schweins nach vorhergehender Neuroleptanalgesie mit einer Ketamin-/Stresnil-/Atropin-Kombination für Schweine verschiedener Gewichtsklassen und Nutzungsrichtungen. Mit Einstellung der Produktion des Thiamylal (Surital) im Jahr 2002 stellt die Anästhesie des Schweins einen Therapienotstand dar. Eine Zulassung für die Anwendung beim Schwein haben nur noch Ursotamin und Stresnil, die weder allein noch kombiniert eine chirurgische Toleranz beim Schwein bewirken. Gleiches gilt für andere bei Lebensmittel liefernden Tieren zugelassene Anästhetika. Durch Umwidmung ist es möglich, das Thiobarbiturat Thiopental (Trapanal) aus der Humanmedizin anzuwenden, um die bestehende Therapielücke zu schließen. Die Untersuchung wurde unter klinischen Bedingungen an insgesamt 90 Schweinen, davon 18 Minipigs, mit Gewichten zwischen 7,5 und 350 kg durchgeführt. Allen Tieren wurde Ketamin (Ursotamin) und Azaperon (Stresnil) in einer Dosierung von 15 mg/kg KGW und 2 mg/kg KGW zusammen mit Atropin in einer Dosierung von 0,02 mg/kg KGW appliziert. Die Dosierung erwies sich als ausreichend, um allen Tieren ohne oder nur mit geringen Abwehrbewegungen eine Venenverweilkanüle in die Vena auricularis lateralis zu legen. Anschließend wurde Thiopental (Trapanal) schrittweise bis zum Erreichen der chirurgischen Toleranz i.v. verabreicht und die benötigte Dosis dokumentiert. Der Reflex der lateralen Lippenfalte, die Afterklauen- und Zwischenklauenreflexe sowohl der Vorder- als auch der Hintergliedmaße und der Schluckreflex dienten als Referenzreflexe zur Definition der chirurgischen Toleranz. Der Narkoseverlauf wurde anhand der Parameter Atem- und Herzfrequenz, Körpertemperatur, periphere Sauerstoffsättigung, Reflexaktivität und Bulbusrotation bis zur Wiederkehr der Muskelrigidität in fünfminütigem Abstand dokumentiert. Venöses und arterielles Blut wurde für die Untersuchung der hämatologischen Parameter und der Blutgase entnommen

    Unstable regimes for a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice

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    We report on the experimental characterization of energetic and dynamical instability, two mechanisms responsible for the breakdown of Bloch waves in a Bose-Einstein condensate interacting with a 1D optical lattice. A clear separation of these two regimes is obtained performing measurements at different temperatures of the atomic sample. The timescales of the two processes have been determined by measuring the losses induced in the condensate. A simple phenomenological model is introduced for energetic instability while a full comparison is made between the experiment and the 3D Gross-Pitaevskii theory that accounts for dynamical instability

    Observation of dynamical instability for a Bose-Einstein condensate in a moving 1D optical lattice

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    We have experimentally studied the unstable dynamics of a harmonically trapped Bose-Einstein condensate loaded into a 1D moving optical lattice. The lifetime of the condensate in such a potential exhibits a dramatic dependence on the quasimomentum state. This is unambiguously attributed to the onset of dynamical instability, after a comparison with the predictions of the Gross-Pitaevskii theory. Deeply in the unstable region we observe the rapid appearance of complex structures in the atomic density profile, as a consequence of the condensate phase uniformity breakdown
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