13 research outputs found

    Bodenphysikalische und computertomographische Messungen zur Untersuchung verdichtungsabhĂ€ngiger GefĂŒgeĂ€nderung bei Strip-Till im Vergleich zu Mulchsaat und Direktsaat

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    Bei Strip-Till (ST), einer besonderen Form der konservierenden Bodenbearbeitung, entstehen kleinrĂ€umige Strukturunterschiede, da die Bodenbearbeitung nur innerhalb der Saatreihen (STIS) stattfindet, wĂ€hrend den Boden zwischen der Saatreihen (STZS) unbearbeitet bleibt. Diese Differenzierungen werden hier im Vergleich zu Mulchsaat (MS) und Direktsaat (DS) aus kombinierten klassischen bodenmechanischen und computertomographischen (CT) Methoden auf einem Tschernosem (Textur 0-30 cm: stark toniger Schluff) untersucht. ZusĂ€tzlich zu den Parametern Trockenrohdichte (TRD) und gesĂ€ttigte WasserleitfĂ€higkeit (Jahre: 2012, 2014, 2015) in 2-8 und 12-18 cm Tiefe wurden Drucksetzungsversuche (Jahr 2015, 12-18 cm Tiefe, 5-550 kPa) durchgefĂŒhrt. Die mechanische Vorbelastung wurde an den Druck-TRD-Kurven bestimmt. Ferner wurden CT-Bilder und CT-Parameter (PorengrĂ¶ĂŸe, PorositĂ€t, KonnektivitĂ€t, Anisotropie) derselben Bodenproben ermittelt. Von 2012 bis 2015 kam es zu einer Erhöhung der TRD bei STZS und DS im Vergleich zu STIS und MS, die in 2-8 cm Tiefe stĂ€rker ausgeprĂ€gt war als in 12-18 cm Tiefe. STZS zeigte trotz höherer TRD eine höhere gesĂ€ttigte WasserleitfĂ€higkeit im Gegensatz zu STIS aufgrund erhöhter RegenwurmaktivitĂ€t. Die mechanische Vorbelastung war bei STZS signifikant höher als bei STIS. Die CT-Bilder und die CT-Parameter unterstĂŒtzen die beobachtete mechanisch stabilere Bodenstruktur unter STZS aufgrund der fehlenden Bodenbearbeitung. Andererseits erzeugte die Bodenbearbeitung bei STIS ein lockeres, poröses und konnektives BodengefĂŒge. Bei allen Varianten fĂŒhrte der Anstieg der TRD, durch zunehmende Belastung, zu einer Zunahme der Anisotropie, wĂ€hrend die ĂŒbrigen CT-Parameter abnahmen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass ST die Vorteile von DS und einer tieferen Grundbodenbearbeitung vereint, da einerseits MS und STWS und andererseits STBS und DS sehr Ă€hnliche Bodeneigenschaften aufweisen. Daneben können die CT-Parameter unser VerstĂ€ndnis ĂŒber das Funktionsverhalten der Böden bei unterschiedlicher Bodenbearbeitung verbessern

    Site-specific seeding using multi-sensor and data fusion techniques : a review

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    Site-specific seeding (SSS) is a precision agricultural (PA) practice aiming at optimizing seeding rate and depth, depending on the within field variability in soil fertility and yield potential. Unlike other site-specific applications, SSS was not adopted sufficiently by farmers due to some technological and practical challenges that need to be overcome. Success of site-specific application strongly depends on the accuracy of measurement of key parameters in the system, modeling and delineation of management zone maps, accurate recommendations and finally the right choice of variable rate (VR) technologies and their integrations. The current study reviews available principles and technologies for both map-based and senor-based SSS. It covers the background of crop and soil quality indicators (SQI), various soil and crop sensor technologies and recommendation approaches of map-based and sensor-based SSS applications. It also discusses the potential of socio-economic benefits of SSS against uniform seeding. The current review proposes prospective future technology synthesis for implementation of SSS in practice. A multi-sensor data fusion system, integrating proper sensor combinations, is suggested as an essential approach for putting SSS into practice

    "The cowboy captures cows and suchlike" : Reading comprehension strategies in school year 2 by the teaching material "A Reading Class"

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    The aim of the study is to examine which reading comprehension strategies by the teaching material "A Reading Class" a teacher in second grade tutors about and how the teacher tutors, and which reading comprehension strategies pupils in second grade state that they use when they read on their own, and in what whey they use those reading comprehension strategies. Therefore this study proceeds from the following questions: Which reading comprehension strategies does the teacher tutor about and how does the teacher tutor about those strategies? Which reading comprehension strategies do the pupils state that they are using when they are reading on their own? How do the pupils use the reading comprehension strategies when they read on their own, according to themselves? The investigation is based on three observations of the tutoring about reading comprehension strategies and six interviews with a total of eleven pupils. The theoretical basis is composed of theories about the sociocultural perspective, scaffolding, zone of proximal development and reciprocal teaching. The result showed that the teacher tutored about the reading comprehension strategies: predicting, clarifying, questioning and summarizing. She encouraged the pupils to create inner images and to make text connections (text-to-self, text- to-text, text-to-world). She tutored about the strategies by the model "think aloud". The pupils seem to use the strategies predicting and clarifying most frequently when they are reading on their own but also creating inner images. For example, they use the strategy predicting when they are choosing books to read and the strategy clarifying when they don’t understand words while they are reading. A lot of the pupils seem to have trouble explaining how to use the strategy summarizing, and also seem to find it hard to summarize after reading, but skillful readers seem to accomplish that better than less skillful readers. The pupils seem to use the reading comprehension strategies in greater occurrence when they are reading on their own than they are aware of

    "Princesses are beautiful, princes are brave" : Childrens books by a gender perspective

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    The aim of the study is to examine characters in books for children through a gender perspective. Partly I want to examine how female and male gender are constructed, partly how gender norms reproduce and/or challenges. This study proceeds from the following questions: ● How are female and male characters described in the books? ● What actions do female and male characters perform? ● How do the characters act towards characters of the opposite gender? The investigation is based on text analysis and the material consists of seven books for children. The theoretical basis is based on Butlers theory “gender performativity”, Hirdmans gender theory and Nikolajevas scheme of qualities of gender stereotypes. The result showed that the characters often seem to have gender stereotypical qualities. Female characters are more likely to behave as both male and female gender performativity and the male gender performativity and qualities of gender stereotypes are considered more valuable than female. To challenge gender norms we need to study and discuss literature, otherwise the gender norms will be maintained

    To manage what you didn ́t ask for : A literature study about young adults with type-1 diabetes and their experiences of diabetic care

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    Bakgrund: Diabetes mellitus typ-1 Àr en autoimmun sjukdom som varje Är krÀver mÀnniskors liv. Att undersöka unga vuxna personer med typ-1 diabetes erfarenheter av diabetesvÄrden kan bidra till att identifiera problemomrÄden som kan förbÀttras, samt stÀrka relevansen för redan insatta behandlingsmetoder.  Syfte: Studiens avsikt var att beskriva unga vuxna personer med typ-1 diabetes erfarenheter av diabetesvÄrden. Metod: En allmÀn litteraturöversikt enligt Polit och Becks niostegsmodell. Elva artiklar inhÀmtades frÄn databaserna PubMed och CINAHL. Data analyserades med kvalitativ innehÄllsanalysmetod av Graneheim och Lundman.  Resultat: I studien identifierades tvÄ kategorier och fyra underkategorier. Personen i fokus utgjorde en kategori med underkategorierna: att klandras och att inte fÄ tillrÀckligt med stöd. TillgÀnglighet utgjorde den andra kategorin med underkategorierna: att stÀllas inför förÀndring och behov av kontinuerlig samverkan. Resultatet visar att erfarenheter talar för en undermÄlig diabetesvÄrd.  Slutsats: Diabetes typ-1 Àr en omstÀllning i livet som innebÀr stora pÄfrestningar och krav pÄ patienten, men ocksÄ för vÄrden i hantering av patienten i förhÄllande till behandlingsstrategier och den personcentrerade vÄrden. Det krÀvs mer forskning för att fÄ ett bredare perspektiv pÄ den individuella patienten i förhÄllande till den skildring som ska förÀndra vÄrdstrategier pÄ en global nivÄ.Background: Diabetes mellitus type-1 is an autoimmune disease that claim lives every year. Investigating the experiences of diabetes care, can identify problem areas and improve them to strengthen already implemented treatment methods.  Aim: The purpose of the study was to describe the experiences of young adults with type-1 diabetes of diabetes care. Method: A general literature review according to Polit and Beck's nine-step model. Eleven articles were retrieved from the databases PubMed and CINAHL. The data was analyzed using the qualitative content analysis method by Graneheim and Lundman. Results: In the study two categories and four subcategories were identified. The person in focus constituted the first category, with subcategories: to be blamed and not receiving enough support. Availability formed the second category with the subcategories: to be faced with change and need for continuous collaboration. The results speak for a substandard diabetes care. Conclusions: Diabetes type-1 entails great stress and demands on patients and the healthcare system in relation to treatment strategies and the person-centered care. Further research is needed to gain a broader perspective in relation to the portrayal that will change care strategies on a global level

    To manage what you didn ́t ask for : A literature study about young adults with type-1 diabetes and their experiences of diabetic care

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    Bakgrund: Diabetes mellitus typ-1 Àr en autoimmun sjukdom som varje Är krÀver mÀnniskors liv. Att undersöka unga vuxna personer med typ-1 diabetes erfarenheter av diabetesvÄrden kan bidra till att identifiera problemomrÄden som kan förbÀttras, samt stÀrka relevansen för redan insatta behandlingsmetoder.  Syfte: Studiens avsikt var att beskriva unga vuxna personer med typ-1 diabetes erfarenheter av diabetesvÄrden. Metod: En allmÀn litteraturöversikt enligt Polit och Becks niostegsmodell. Elva artiklar inhÀmtades frÄn databaserna PubMed och CINAHL. Data analyserades med kvalitativ innehÄllsanalysmetod av Graneheim och Lundman.  Resultat: I studien identifierades tvÄ kategorier och fyra underkategorier. Personen i fokus utgjorde en kategori med underkategorierna: att klandras och att inte fÄ tillrÀckligt med stöd. TillgÀnglighet utgjorde den andra kategorin med underkategorierna: att stÀllas inför förÀndring och behov av kontinuerlig samverkan. Resultatet visar att erfarenheter talar för en undermÄlig diabetesvÄrd.  Slutsats: Diabetes typ-1 Àr en omstÀllning i livet som innebÀr stora pÄfrestningar och krav pÄ patienten, men ocksÄ för vÄrden i hantering av patienten i förhÄllande till behandlingsstrategier och den personcentrerade vÄrden. Det krÀvs mer forskning för att fÄ ett bredare perspektiv pÄ den individuella patienten i förhÄllande till den skildring som ska förÀndra vÄrdstrategier pÄ en global nivÄ.Background: Diabetes mellitus type-1 is an autoimmune disease that claim lives every year. Investigating the experiences of diabetes care, can identify problem areas and improve them to strengthen already implemented treatment methods.  Aim: The purpose of the study was to describe the experiences of young adults with type-1 diabetes of diabetes care. Method: A general literature review according to Polit and Beck's nine-step model. Eleven articles were retrieved from the databases PubMed and CINAHL. The data was analyzed using the qualitative content analysis method by Graneheim and Lundman. Results: In the study two categories and four subcategories were identified. The person in focus constituted the first category, with subcategories: to be blamed and not receiving enough support. Availability formed the second category with the subcategories: to be faced with change and need for continuous collaboration. The results speak for a substandard diabetes care. Conclusions: Diabetes type-1 entails great stress and demands on patients and the healthcare system in relation to treatment strategies and the person-centered care. Further research is needed to gain a broader perspective in relation to the portrayal that will change care strategies on a global level

    Assessing the Impact of Different Irrigation Levels on Starch Potato Production

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    In the view of increasing water demands in agriculture, efficient water use is a key factor in potato production. The aim of this study was to compare two deficit (80% and 90%) and one abundant (120%) gun sprinkler irrigation levels with the longtime used irrigation level of a farmer (100%). Irrigation was supplied during the 2021 growing season on a loamy sand site in Mecklenburg–Western Pomerania, Germany. Yield and tuber quality of the high-amylopectin potato (HAPP) variety “Waxy/Henriette” were assessed in a three-grade tuber size distribution. Five economic indicators were used to assess the suitability of the investigated irrigation levels to secure economic responses. Yield and starch yield did not significantly differ between the 90% (561.1 dt ha−1 and 102.0 dt ha−1) and the 100% irrigation levels (559.1 dt ha−1 and 102.3 dt ha−1), with total production increasing by 2.0 dt ha−1 and starch production decreasing by 0.4 dt ha−1 at the 90% irrigation level. Tuber lesions decreased the economic responses at all irrigation levels. Potentially, 87,469 m3 of irrigation water (125.8 m3 ha−1) could have been saved on the loamy sand starch potato sites of the local farm (695.3 ha) in 2021

    Potential erodibility of semi‐arid steppe soils derived from aggregate stability tests

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    Erosion is a severe threat to the sustainable use of agricultural soils. However, the structural resistance of soil against the disruptive forces steppe soils experience under field conditions has not been investigated. Therefore, 132 topsoils under grass‐ and cropland covering a large range of physico‐chemical soil properties (sand: 2–76%, silt: 18–80%, clay: 6–30%, organic carbon: 7.3–64.2 g kg−1, inorganic carbon: 0.0–8.5 g kg−1, pH: 4.8–9.5, electrical conductivity: 32–946 ÎŒS cm−1) from northern Kazakhstan were assessed for their potential erodibility using several tests. An adjusted drop‐shatter method (low energy input of 60 Joule on a 250‐cm3 soil block) was used to estimate the stability of dry soil against weak mechanical forces, such as saltating particles striking the surface causing wind erosion. Three wetting treatments with various conditions and energies (fast wetting, slow wetting, and wet shaking) were applied to simulate different disruptive effects of water. Results indicate that aggregate stability was higher for grassland than cropland soils and declined with decreasing soil organic carbon content. The results of the drop‐shatter test suggested that 29% of the soils under cropland were at risk of wind erosion, but only 6% were at high risk (i.e. erodible fraction >60%). In contrast, the fast wetting treatment revealed that 54% of the samples were prone to become “very unstable” and 44% “unstable” during heavy rain or snowmelt events. Even under conditions comparable to light rain events or raindrop impact, 53–59% of the samples were “unstable.” Overall, cropland soils under semi‐arid conditions seem much more susceptible to water than wind erosion. Considering future projections of increasing precipitation in Kazakhstan, we conclude that the risk of water erosion is potentially underestimated and needs to be taken into account when developing sustainable land use strategies. Highlights Organic matter is the important binding agent enhancing aggregation in steppe topsoils. Tillage always declines aggregate stability even without soil organic carbon changes. All croplands soil are prone to wind or water erosion independent of their soil properties. Despite the semi‐arid conditions, erosion risk by water seems higher than by wind.Bundesministerium fĂŒr Bildung und Forschung http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/50110000234