267 research outputs found

    The Classification and Dynamics of the Momentum Polytopes of the SU(3) Action on Points in the Complex Projective Plane with an Application to Point Vortices

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    We have fully classified the momentum polytopes of the SU(3) action on CP2 x CP2 and CP2 x CP2 x CP2, both actions with weighted symplectic forms, and their corresponding transition momentum polytopes. For CP2 x CP2 the momentum polytopes are distinct line segments. The action on CP2 x CP2 x CP2 has 8 different momentum polytopes. The vertices of the momentum polytopes of the SU(3) action on CP2 x CP2 x CP2 fall into two categories: definite and indefinite vertices. The reduced space corresponding to momentum map image values at definite vertices is isomorphic to the 2-sphere. We show that these results can be applied to assess the dynamics by introducing and computing the space of allowed velocity vectors for the different configurations of two-vortex systems

    Paleoenvironmental implications through the study of an Eemian paleosol in northwestern Sardinia (Italy)

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    The aim of this work is to define the paleoenvironmental changes related to a soil belonging to the studied succession, by means of an in-depth micromorphological study. In particular, the presence of this paleosol is associated to the fast climatic fluctuations that took place between MIS5e and MIS5c

    The Effect of Performance Based Assessment on Language Accuracy of Tenth Grade English Language Students at Mafraq Borough Directorate of Education

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of using performance-based assessment on tenth grade students' language accuracy achievement in Mafraq Borough Directorate- Jordan. Equivalent pre/post-test two group design was used. through a pre/post-test comprehension test with grammar components was constructed to measure students' achievement in language accuracy. The sample of this study consisted of 128 tenth grade students; sixty-four were male students from The First Secondary School for Boys, and sixty-four were female students from Princess Alia Bent Al-Hussein School for Girls during the first semester of the academic year 2009/2010.  The subjects of the study were distributed among four groups (a female experimental group and control group, and a male experimental group and control group). The experimental groups were evaluated using performance based Assessment, while the control groups were evaluated via traditional pencil and paper test. The subjects were (32) male students for the experimental group and (32) male students for the control group, while the female students for the experimental and control group were (32) and (32) respectively. Those subjects were distributed among four purposefully selected sections in two schools that were also selected purposefully. The findings of the study indicated that there were statistically significant differences in the post- test between the control group and the experimental group in favor of the experimental group, and there was a statistically significant difference in the students' achievement due to gender in favor of females. There was statistically significant difference due to the interaction between gender and group in favor of female students in the experimental group. Keywords: Performance Based Assessment. Language Accuracy. 10th grade students. Mafraq. Jorda

    The degree of educational difficulties faced by teachers of Physical Education in the north-east Badia

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    This study aimed to identify the degree of educational difficulties faced by teachers of Physical Education in the desert north-east. The study population consisted of all teachers of Physical Education who is studying curriculum of physical education in schools affiliated to the Directorate of Education of the brigade desert north-east, due to the small size of the study population has been taken in full has been numbered (158) teachers who are studying education curriculum sports, has They distributed questionnaires and retrieved them Researcher (135) form a percentage of (85.4%) of the study, for the purposes of the study, the researcher using the questionnaire as the Chairperson of the data collection. The questionnaire of two parts: the first, and include personal information about the study sample, such as race and stage of teaching experience, and the second consists of 20 items distributed on two areas, namely: (technical difficulties, difficulties administrative) describes the difficulties of educational facing teachers of Physical Education in the desert north-east, and after data collection and discharge have been processed using statistical methods and descriptive and analytical occasion. The study showed the following results: that the degree of difficulty educational facing teachers of Physical Education in the desert north-east (high) where the arithmetic average of the responses of the sample (3.68: 5.00), and that technical difficulties (medium) with a mean (3.54: 5.00), and administrative difficulties (high) with a mean (3.81: 5.00), and the results revealed non-existence of statistically significant differences attributable to the variables of sex and stage of teaching experience on the fields and the tool as a whole, and in light of the results of this study, the researcher recommended a number of recommendations. Keywords: educational difficulties, Physical Education, Northern Badia East


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    The aim of this study is to assess the impact of the curriculum of physical education on the physical, kinetic, physiological, and skill variables of the Northern Badia Eastern students. A study of all the teachers of physical education at the basic stage of the Directorate of Education of the brigade Northern Badia East schools was carried out. Due to the small size of the study population, a total of 181 teachers who teaches physical education were used for the purpose of this study. The researcher uses a questionnaire for the purpose of data collection. The questionnaire consists of two parts. The first include personal information about the members of the study, such as gender, educational qualification, and experience. The second consists of 10 phrases. After data collection and discharged, it was processed using suitable descriptive statistical and analytical methods. The study showed the results to assess the impact of physical education curriculum on the physical and motor skills. In addition, the results show the physiological variables at the north-eastern desert students (medium), where the mean was the responses of the study sample (3.53: 5.00). The existence of differences is statistically attributed to the variable gender in favor of females. Also, the differences are attributable to the qualification variable in favor of less than BA category. Finally, the researcher recommended a number of recommendations due to the lack of differences attributable to variable experience, and in light of the results of this study

    Uji Diagnostik dengan Menggunakan Kriteria qSOFA dalam Mendiagnosis Awal Pasien Sepsis di Rumah Sakit Umum Bahteramas Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara

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    ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Sepsis merupakan salah satu masalah terbesar yang memerlukan perhatian, karena merupakan penyebab utama kematian dan penyakit kritis di seluruh dunia. Pada praktiknya, penilaian sepsis dengan skor SOFA membutuhkan pemeriksaan laboratorium, dan kriteria tersebut jarang digunakan di luar ruang rawat intensif. Mempertimbangkan hal tersebut, The Sepsis-3 Task Force memperkenalkan alat identifikasi yang lebih sederhana yaitu The Quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment atau qSOFA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sensitivitas, spesifisitas, akurasi, nilai duga negatif, nilai duga positif kriteria qSOFA dalam mendiagnosis awal pasien sepsis di Rumah Sakit Umum Bahteramas Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Metode: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian observasional deskriptif dengan rancangan penelitian cross sectional. Lokasi penelitian di ruang rekam Medik Rumah Sakit Umum Bahteramas. Sampel sebanyak 72 responden yang diambil menggunakan tehnik purposive sampling dengan menggunakan analisis data tabel 2x2. Hasil: Hasil penelitian didapatkan uji diagnostik kriteria qSOFA dalam mendiagnosis awal sepsis di RSU Bahteramas Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara memiliki sensitivitas 55%, spesifisitas 88%, akurasi 72%, nilai duga positif 85% dan nilai duga negatif 66%.  Simpulan: Kriteria qSOFA memiliki sensitifitas kurang baik, namun spesifisitas yang baik dalam mendiagnosis awal pasien sepsis di RSU Bahteramas Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara.Kata Kunci: Sepsis, qSOFA, Uji Diagnosti

    Physical Education Teacher Attitudes towards the Effectiveness of Sport activities in Nortern-East Badia

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate Physical Education Teacher Attitudes towards the Effectiveness of Sport activities in Nortern-east Badia.  . The study population consisted of all teachers of Physical Education who is studying curriculum of physical education in schools affiliated to the Directorate of Education of the brigade desert north-east, due to the small size of the study population has been taken in full has been numbered (158) teachers who are studying education curriculum sports, has They distributed questionnaires and retrieved them Researcher (104) form a percentage of (65.8%) of the study, for the purposes of the study, the researcher using the questionnaire as the Chairperson of the data collection. The questionnaire of two parts: the first, and include personal information about the study sample, such as race and stage of teaching experience, and the second consists of 16 items distributed on two areas, namely: (classroom management, personal competence) describe each paragraph, including trends teachers of physical education toward the effectiveness of sports activities, and after data collection and discharge have been processed using statistical methods and descriptive and analytical occasion. The study showed the following results: the trends of teachers of physical education to the effectiveness of sports activities in the desert north-east (medium) where the arithmetic average of the responses of the sample (3.57: 5.00), and their attitudes toward the effectiveness of classroom management in sports activities (medium) with a mean ( 3.40: 5.00), and their attitudes toward the effectiveness of personal competence (high) with a mean (3.75: 5.00), and the lack of statistically significant differences attributable to the variables of gender and stage of teaching experience, and the existence of differences in favor of the stage, teaching in favor of secondary schools in the area (personal competence), and in the light the results of this study, the researcher recommended a number of recommendations. Keywords: Trends, Physical Education, the effectiveness of sports activities, North-East Badia

    Proximal soil sensors and geostatistical tools in precision agriculture applications

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    Recognition of spatial variability is very important in precision agriculture applications. The use of proximal soil sensors and geostatistical techniques is highly recommended worldwide to detect spatial variation not only in fields but also within-field (micro-scale). This study involves, as a first step, the use of visible and near infrared (vis-NIR) spectroscopy to estimate soil key properties (6) and obtain high resolution maps that allow us to model the spatial variability in the soil. Different calibration models were developed using partial least square regression (PLSR) for different soil properties. These calibration models were evaluated by both cross-validation and independent validation. Results show good to excellent calibration models for most of soil properties under study in both cross-validation and independent validation. The on-line maps created using the collected on-line spectra and the calibration models previously estimated for each soil property were compared with three different maps (measured, predicted, error). The second step uses multivariate geostatistical analysis to develop three different geostatistical models (soil, spectral, fusion). The soil model includes 8 soil properties, spectral model includes 4 soil properties and the fusion model includes 12 soil properties. The three models were evaluated by cross-validation and the results show that the goodness of fitting can be considered as satisfactory for the soil model, whereas the performance of the spectral model was quite poor. Regarding the fusion model, it performed quite well, though the model generally underestimated the high values and overestimated the low values. An independent validation data set was used to evaluate the performance of the three models calculating three statistics: mean error (ME), as an indicator of bias; mean standardized squared error (MSSE), as an indicator of accuracy, and root mean squared error (RMSE), as an indicator of precision of estimation. Synthetically, the two, soil and fusion, models performed quite similarly, whereas the performance of the spectral model was much poorer. With regard to delineation of management zones (MZs), the factor cokriging analysis was applied using the three different models. The first factor (F1) for the soil and fusion models was related to soil properties that affect soil fertility, whereas for the spectral model was related to P (-0.88) and pH (-0.42). Based on the first factor of the soil and fusion models, three management zones were delineated and classified as low, medium and high fertility zones using isofrequency classes. Spatial similarity between the yield map and delineated MZs maps based on F1 for the soil and fusion models was calculated. The overall accordance between the two maps was 40.0 % for the soil model and 38.6 % for the fusion model. The two models performed quite similarly. These results can be interpreted as more than 50% of the yield variation was ascribable to more dynamic factors than soil parameters not included in this study, such as agro-meteorological conditions, plant diseases, nutrition stresses, etc. However, the results are quite promising for the application of the proposed approach in site-specific management.</br

    Petrography and Geochemistry of Metals in Almahata Sitta Ureilites

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    Ureilites are ultramafic achondrites, predominantly composed of olivine and pyroxenes with accessory carbon, metal and sulfide. The majority of ureilites are believed to represent the mantle of the ureilite parent body (UPB) [1]. Although ureilites have lost much of their original metal [2], the metal that remains retains a record of the formative processes. Almahata Sitta is predominantly composed of unbrecciated ureilites with a wide range of silicate compositions [3,4]. As a fall it presents a rare opportunity to examine fresh ureilite metal in-situ, and analyzing their highly siderophile element (HSE) ratios gives clues to their formation. Bulk siderophile element analyses of Almahata Sitta fall within the range observed in other ureilites [5]. We have examined the metals in seven ureilitic samples of Almahata Sitta (AS) and one associated chondrite fragment (AS#25)

    Optimizing Antimicrobial Drug Use in Surgery: An Intervention Strategy in A Sudanese Hospital to Combat The Emergence of Bacterial Resistant

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    Background: Antimicrobial control programs are widely used to decrease antibiotic utilization, but effects on antimicrobial resistance and outcomes for patients remain controversial. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of rotation of antibiotic classes used as empirical surgical prophylaxis on the emergence of bacterial resistance organisms and antibiotics drug use when compared with non-rotation period.Method: Three core, broad spectrum agents (cephalosporins, beta-lactam-inhibitors, and fluoroquinolones) were selected for inclusion in the quaternary rotation for 21 months, based on prior 8 months baseline data from GIT and urology surgical wards in Ibn Sina hospital. Intensivesurveillance done for patients admitted to the selected settings.Results: 1681 surveillance samples obtained from 2359 eligible inpatients admitted to hospital from Jan 2008 to May 2010. A significant reduction in the percentage of positive growth had been observed with antibiotic rotation for both wards from 65% and 49% in baseline to 59% and 33% inrotation (1) and 25% and 33% in rotation (2) in GIT and urology ward respectively (p` 0.0001). As general there was a divergent effect of the antimicrobial rotation on the prevalence of resistance among G+ve and G-ve bacteria.Conclusion: We concluded that antimicrobial drug use in surgical departments could be optimized after implementation of antimicrobial cycling policy, and associated in reduction in the incidence of infectious mortality and morbidity but stabilize antibiotic resistance, without significant reduction