169 research outputs found

    People’s Participation in Health Services: A Study of Bangladesh’s Rural Health Complex

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    Health is a basic requirement to improve the quality of life. A national economic and social development depends on the state of health. A large number of Bangladesh’s people, particularly in rural areas, remained with no or little access to health care facilities. The lack of participation in health service is a problem that has many dimensions and complexities. Education has a significant effect on participation in health services and administrative factors could play a significant role in increasing the people’s participation in Bangladesh’s health sector. But the present health policy is not people oriented. It mainly emphasizes the construction of Thana Health Complexes (THCs) and Union Health and Family Welfare Centers (UHFWCs) without giving much attention to their utilization and delivery services. The study reveals that financial and technical support is very helpful to ensure health service among village people. However, the Government allocates only 5 percent of the budget to the health sector, while it allocates 13 percent for defense. The paper shows that the Government’s allocation and technical support (medical equipments) are not sufficient in the rural health complex and that the people’s participation is far from being satisfactory. The paper concludes with a variety of recommendations.Bangladesh, health, participation, rural health

    Persepsi Orang Tua Tentang Kerentanan Dan Keseriusan Penyakit Terhadap Kekambuhan Ispa Pada Balita Di Puskesmas X Sumba Barat

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    ISPA in toddlers is an infectious disease of the first order of the ten most common diseases at Puskesmas X, West Sumba, and recurrences often occur, the recurrence rate is associated with parents' poor perception of ISPA. The study aimed to analyze the relationship between parents' perceptions of the vulnerability and seriousness of the disease to the recurrence of ISPA in toddlers at Puskesmas X, West Sumba. Cross-sectional study design used, with a population of 105 parents of toddlers with ISPA, a sample of 81 participant selected using purposive sampling. The research instrument was medical record data for ISPA recurrence as well as questionnaires on perceptions of vulnerability and seriousness that had been tested for validity (r count 0.514) and reliability for perceived vulnerability (α=925), and perceived seriousness (α=0786). The results showed that almost half of the parents had perceived susceptibility in the sufficient category (36%) and perceived seriousness in the sufficient category (48%) and more than half of the toddlers experienced relapse (75%). Chi-square test results on parents' perceptions of vulnerability (p-value 0.003); Fisher's exact test (p-value 0.000) revealed that there was a relationship between parents' perceptions of the susceptibility and seriousness of the disease to the recurrence of ISPA in toddlers at Puskesmas X, West Sumba.

    Pengembangan lembar kerja peserta didik (LKPD) model inkuiri terbimbing berbantuan media animasi flash untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik pada pokok bahasan kalor dan perubahan wujud zat di SMAK Frateran Surabaya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) dengan menggunakan model Inkuiri Terbimbing berbantuan media animasi flash pada pokok bahasan kalor dan perubahan wujud zat untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik. Model pengembangan yang digunakan yaitu model ADDIE (Analysis-DesignDevelopment-Implement-Evaluation). Selain LKPD, penulis juga mengembangkan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) dan Rencana Evaluasi (RE) yang berfungsi untuk menunjang proses pembelajaran di kelas. Tingkat kelayakan LKPD diperoleh dari skor penilaian oleh validator ahli dan validator praktisi. Peningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik dilihat dari nilai Standard Gain lembar pretest dan posttest. Berdasarkan hasil validasi yang dilakukan RPP, LKPD,dan RE berkategori sangat valid dengan skor masing-masing yaitu 3.44, 3.53, dan 3.63 (skor maksimal: 4.00). Pengujian dilakukan di SMA Katolik Frateran Surabaya. Hasil keterlaksanaan RPP memperoleh skor 3,44 dengan kategori “Sangat Baik”. Hasil belajar peserta didik mengalami peningkatan dengan rata-rata N-Gain Score 0,69 dengan kategori “Sedang” dan respon peserta didik adalah 90,56% dengan kategori “Sangat Baik”. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa LKPD yang dikembangkan penulis pada pokok bahasan kalor dan perubahan wujud zat dengan menggunakan model Inkuiri Terbimbing dapat melatih keterampilan proses sains dan meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik SMA Katolik Frateran Surabaya

    Motilitas dan viabilitas spermatozoa ayam kampung pada suhu 5°c menggunakan pengencer dan lama simpan yang berbeda

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    Abstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui motilitas dan viabilitas spermatozoa ayam kampung pada sushu 5oc menggunakan pengencer dan lama simpan yang berbeda. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian laboratorium menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) Faktorial. Variabel yang diamati pada penelitian ini adalah Jenis pengencer ringer lactat solution dan air kelapa dan Lama simpan 0. 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 ,18, 21, 24, 27, 30 dan 1-10 ulangan. Hasil analisis data yang diperoleh tiddak ditemukan pengaruh nyata yang sangat signifikan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan pengencer ( kontrol ) tanpa pengencer, ringer lactat solution dan air kelapa dan lama simpan ( 0 , 3 , 6 , 9 , 12 , 15 , 18 , 21 , 24 , 27 , 30 ) yang berbeda  tidak ditemukan pengaruh motilitas dan viabilitas yang nyata terhadap kualitas spermatozoa ayam kampung pada suhu  50C dan dapat disimpulkan juga bahwa kualitas spermatozoa tanpa pengencer lebih  baik daripada pengencer ringer lactat solution dan air kelapa .Sehingga dalam studi ini kualitas spermatozoa tidak dapat pengaruh yang nyata ( P>0.05 ) .   Abstract This study was conducted to know sperm motility and viability of kampung chicken at 5oC uses different of diluent and strorage time. Methods used in this study was experimental laboratories using completely random design of factorials. Variable of this study was sperm motility and viability. Treatment dilvent used was (control), ringer lactat solution and coconut water.Which was conducted from 0 , 3 , 6 , 9 , 12 , 15 , 18 , 21 , 24 , 27 , 30 hours .Treatment was repeated 10 times .The results of the analysis were the data collected from the study found not signifikan different.Based on the research done it can be concluded that the use of diluent (control) without diluent, ringer lactat solution and coconut water and long save (0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30) is not found the influence of viaabilitas motility and a clear on the quality of spermatozoa cement chicken at a temperature of 50C and it can be concluded also that the quality of spermatozoa without diluent better than diluent ringer lactat solution and coconut water. So that in this study the quality of spermatozoa could not real impact (P> 0.05)

    COVID-19 in Ghana: Knowledge, perception and practice among health trainees

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    Objective: This study assessed the knowledge, perceptions and practices among health trainees in Ghana regarding COVID-19. Understanding the knowledge, perception and practices among health trainees can provide important information for policy formulations and proper planning.Method: The survey was conducted through a Google form link shared on students’ social media networks mainly through Facebook, and WhatsApp platforms. Responses received were imported to SPSS version 24 for cleaning and analysis. Output measures were demonstrated in simple frequency and percentages, using tables and charts. Fisher’s exact test was used to assess the effect of potential covariate on practice of preventive measures with their corresponding p-values.  Results: Twenty-five percent (25%) of respondents had good knowledge, 69% had moderate knowledge and 6% had poor knowledge on COVID-19. Regarding perception of health students on COVID-19, 8.47% indicated that drinking alcohol could protect them from the virus. More than 90% of participants’ practice the general preventive measures. Gender and level of program of study was found to be significantly associated with practice of preventive measure. Male students (54.64%) were engaged in good preventive practices compared to female students (43.75%).Conclusion: Majority of the health trainees had basic information and proactive practice towards COVID-19. Most trainees had good perception on the disease, however, a few still believe that drinking alcohol will prevent them from being infected with the disease. Gender and level of trainees are significant predictors of proactive practices towards COVID-19

    Motilitas dan Vabilitas Spermatozoa Ayam Kampung pada Suhu 5°C Menggunakan Pengencer dan Lama Simpan yang Berbeda

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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui motilitas dan viabilitas spermatozoa ayam kampung pada suhu 5oC menggunakan pengencer dan lama simpan yang berbeda. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian laboratorium menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) Faktorial dengan pengencer ringer lactat solution, air kelapa dan tanpa pengencer serta lama simpan 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, masing-masing diulang 10 kali. Variabel yang diamati yaitu motilitas dan viabilitas spermatozoa. Analisa data yang digunakan adalah analisis varian. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa motilitas dan viabilitas spermatozoa menggunakan pengencer ringer lactat solution lebih tinggi (P<0,01) serta dapat bertahan sampai lama simpan 24 jam dibandingkan air kelapa dan tanpa pengencer. Adapun nilai motilitas ringer lactat solution, air kelapa dan tanpa pengencer pada lama simpan 24 jam masing-masing sebesar 43,5±17,17%; 8±4,83%; 6,5±2,4%, sedangkan nilai viabilitasnya sebesar 83,2±7,25%; 64,6±3,20%; dan 63,1±2,33%. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah ringer lactat solution lebih baik dibandingkan air kelapa dan tanpa pengencer dalam mempertahankan kualitas semen ayam kampung pada suhu simpan 5oC sampai lama simpan 24 jam.Kata Kunci : air kelapa, ayam kampung, motilitas, spermatozoa, viabilitas  ABSTRACTThis study was conducted to determine the motility and viability of spermatozoa of Native chickens at 5oC using different diluents and time storage. The method used in this study was laboratory research using Factorial Completely Randomized Design with ringer lactate solution, coconut water and without diluent at 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30 hours of time storage each repeated 10 times. The variables observed were motility and viability of sperm. Data analysis used is variance analysis. The results of data analysis showed that the motility and viability of spermatozoa using ringer lactate solution diluents was higher (P <0.05) than coconut water and without diluents. The motility values of ringer lactat solution, coconut water and without diluents were 43,5±17,17%; 8±4,83%; 6,5±2,4% respectively, while the viability values were 83,2±7,25%; 64,6±3,20% and 63,1±2,33%. The conclusion of this study is that ringer lactat solution is better than coconut water an without diluents in maintaining the quality of Native chicken semen at a storage temperature of 5oC until 24 hours.Keywords: coconut water, motility, native chicken, sperm, viabilit
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