5,816 research outputs found

    La política de cooperación al desarrollo como parte de una política exterior y de seguridad de la Comunidad Europea

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    La política de cooperación al desarrollo constituye un aspecto de la política exterior de cada uno de los Estados miembros de la Comunidad pero, hasta la fecha, la CE no se ha dotado aún de una política exterior común. A lo más que se ha llegado es a una cierta Cooperación Política Europea aunque, desde 1960, la Comunidad viene aplicando políticas de cooperación al desarrollo a través de instrumentos específicos que tienen una importante dimensión financiera, pero que no pueden considerarse como la expresión de una política comunitaria de cooperación al desarrollo

    Vacunación en pacientes pediátricos con inmunodepresión secundaria

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    En los últimos años se están incrementando los casos de niños que padecen enfermedades graves y que bien por la propia enfermedad o por el tratamiento de ésta, se encuentran en un estado de inmunodepresión. La vacunación contra enfermedades infecciosas constituye uno de los tratamientos preventivos que más vidas ha salvado en las últimas décadas y tiene especial relevancia en este grupo de pacientes pediátricos, para los cuales contraer una enfermedad infecciosa podría poner en serio riesgo su vida. En este trabajo de fin de grado se plantean los casos más frecuentes de inmunodepresión secundaria y unas recomendaciones en cuanto a pautas de vacunación tanto generales como específicas para cada tipo de paciente. También se hace hincapié en la importancia de la vacunación de los contactos de estos niños inmunodeprimidos ya que juega un papel fundamental en la prevención de la transmisión de enfermedades infecto-contagiosas.Departamento de EnfermeríaGrado en Enfermerí

    Mary richardson contemplando a lady gaga: notas para una lectura feminista del cuerpo

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    Las notables diferencias en la interpretación del cuerpo femenino entre un feminismo que podríamos denominar “puritano” y las posiciones que de manera vaga podríamos englobar bajo la rúbrica postfeminismo exigen replantearse la cuestión del cuerpo. Mi propósito es esbozar una posible genealogía de las aparentes confusiones axiológicas a las que nos enfrentamos, cuando pensamos en la belleza, en la representación del cuerpo femenino, o en su rol políticoWe assist to some remarkable differences in the interpretation of the female body, between a “puritan” feminism and present positions under the rubric of postfeminism, that require rethinking the question of the body. My purpose is to outline a possible genealogy of some apparently axiological confusions we face, when we think of beauty, the representation of the female body, or its political role

    Las primeras bibliotecas públicas en Roma y su impacto en la concepción de la literatura latina

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    Las bibliotecas públicas en Roma surgieron al comienzo del Imperio y, aunque en principio eran continuadoras del espíritu de las bibliotecas privadas de época republicana, el estudio de algunos de sus rasgos –su origen, su uso, la distribución de sus fondos, su diseño, etc. – revela que su aparición aportó novedades que implican un cambio en la concepción de la propia biblioteca, así como en el sistema cultural y literario. Su función canonizadora se acentuó, entre otras cosas por el papel que los emperadores desempeñaron en su creación, de manera que las bibliotecas públicas se convirtieron en una institución literaria fundamental a la hora de construir una literatura latina en pie de igualdad con la literatura griega, sobre cuya configuración también influyeron inevitablemente.Public libraries in Rome appeared at the beginning of the Empire, and even though at first they kept the spirit of private libraries from the Republican era, research on issues such as their origin, use, arrangement of their holdings, design, etc. reveals that their emergence entailed a new concept of what a library was, as well as changes in the cultural and literary systems at large. Public libraries increased their influence in setting literary canons –not least due to the role emperors played in their establishment-, and therefore became major literary institutions which contributed not only to put Latin literature on an equal footing with its Greek counterpart, but also to force the latter to adapt to new trends.Fil: González Marín, Susana. Universidad de Salamanca (España

    Combining molecular dynamics simulations and atomic force microscopy experiments to rationalize the mechanical properties of double-stranded DNA and RNA

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Física Teórica de la Materia Condensada. Fecha de lectura: 06-03-2020Esta tesis tiene embargado el acceso al texto completo hasta el 06-09-202

    Evaluación de la eficiencia de procesos químicos: Reactor i separación

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    Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Química, Facultat de Química, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2017-2018, Tutors: Jordi Bonet Ruiz, Alexandra Elena Bonet RuizChemical sector is one of the big sectors in the world. The shortage of raw materials, the importance in the sustainability, as the environmental requirements, and the increased of competition make the necessity of investigation and application of more efficient and cost-effective processes (Recker et al, 2015). One tool in the search or optimization of process is the use of simulators, which allow us obtaining results quickly and easily in complex processes using simplified models, allowed us to do changes or variations in same process to compare with each other. However, rigorous simulations requires a great effort and therefore it is not suitable for process screening. Due to the shortage of methods that study the efficiency of the process at early process design stages, in this work has been developed a short cut method that allows obtaining the efficiency of the alternative process schemes considering reactor and separation jointly. This method is based on application of DSE (Distillation Sequence Efficiency), to which is added a correction factor to take into consideration the reactor. ETBE (Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether) production process is used as case study. Analyzing the different alternatives of design of the chosen alternative, trough simulations in AspenPlus®, is determined the feasibility of each of the alternatives suggested. The DSE with the correction factors for the calculation of the efficiency is implemented using FORTRAN® in AspenPlus®

    Assessment of the use of preliminary concepts test and rubrics in practical learning at university

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    Comunicació presentada al ICERI 2019 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (Seville, Spain. 11-13 November, 2019).The high number of students and teachers in the laboratory practices of the course Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, shared by several engineering degrees at Universitat Jaume I, makes the teaching planning and evaluation challenging. Some issues were observed in past years, such as differences in the student knowledge of basic concepts, underpreparation before practical classes, poor quality of the written reports, absence of common objective assessment criteria among teachers and low success rate. That led us to the implementation of an action for educational improvement during the academic year 2018-2019. The aim was to improve the students' level of training before attending laboratory practices, to standardize the evaluation among teachers and to involve students in the process of assessment in order to improve learning outcomes and the quality of the reports delivered. The improvement action included, on one side, carrying out an initial evaluation with a diagnostic test. The results of this test were used to estimate the basic knowledge of the students and proposing specific tutorial sessions in order to unify their level of knowledge. This method should increase the students involvement and improve the success while performing the laboratory practices. On the other side, rubrics were created in order to standardize the correction criteria. These rubrics were also made public to the students, before the classes, in an attempt to improve the quality of their reports. In addition, for some of the reports the students were asked to self-assess their own reports following the public rubric. The results indicate that teachers found the rubrics useful for objective and fair evaluation. However, the standard deviation across teachers has not been apparently reduced with respect to the previous year by the use of them, although the differences in the student cohort have to be taken into account. The effect on grades of the factors teacher and session, as well as their interaction, was significant (p<.05) according to the ANOVA tests, as already was prior to the application of the action. It was also found that the student grades in the practical classes did not improved significantly. A low implication in the preparation before classes and a low tutorial attendance were observed in the collective of students, possible explaining in part the discrete improvements obtained. The self-assessment improved the grades on average where it was applied. We concluded that the involvement of both students and teachers is necessary to promote learning quality using these techniques

    "Pastor, a los campos diles", villancico de Navidad de Mateo Romero y Jusepe Ximénez

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    (EN) This paper offers the edition of one tonada attributed to Mateo Romero (Maestro Capitán, master of the Royal Chapel in Madrid), and one responsión apparently added to the previous tonada by Jusepe Ximénez (organist at La Seo in Zaragoza). These two works shows an example of circulation of music attributed to prestigious composers, and gives testimony about the ability of the composers (appreciated by other authors) when adapting and elaborating ('improving') their works(ES) Este artículo presenta la edición de una tonada atribuida a Mateo Romero, alias Maestro Capitán, a la que, aparentemente, se añadió con posterioridad una responsión que la fuente musical atribuye al organista Jusepe Ximénez. Se trata, a la vez, de un ejemplo de circulación de obras de autores de gran prestigio y de su reutilización adaptada en lugares alejados al de su presunta producción, así como de una muestra del valor que en el siglo XVII español se otorgaba a la habilidad para adaptar, contrahacer o incluso "mejorar" obras musicales ajenasPeer reviewe

    El minero de Monclova. Una entrevista

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    "Usted me pregunta que si yo participé en la huelga del cincuenta. ¡Claro que lo hice! No hubo un sólo minero que no participara. Entonces éramos más luchadores. Ahora nos han amansado (...) Nos fuimos a la huelga para defender a nuestros dirigentes y contra las violaciones al contrato. Esos de la empresa 'diatiro' ni la amolaban. No querían pagar las indemnizaciones por muerte ni accidente (...)