206 research outputs found

    Importancia del Tratamiento Jurídico de las Criptomonedas en Nicaragua

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    En esta investigación se abordó el tema de la importancia del tratamiento jurídico de las criptomonedas en Nicaragua, debido a que el país no posee una regulación específica de criptoactivos, que permita a los usuarios de esta tecnología, acceder a la justicia para hacer valer sus Derechos o resolver conflictos que surjan de las relaciones contractuales cuyo objeto sean las criptodivisas. Por ello se planteó como objetivo principal: analizar la importancia del tratamiento jurídico de la nueva tecnología de las criptomonedas. Y para dar cumplimiento a este objetivo y respuesta al problema descrito, se utilizó una metodología con enfoque cualitativo, de alcance exploratorio, utilizándose como instrumento el análisis documental y la entrevista semiestructurada escogida por ser la más idónea debido a su naturaleza flexible y abierta. De las entrevistas realizadas y de la revisión de fuentes primarias y secundarias de documentación académica y bibliográfica, se obtuvieron como resultados, que la cuarta revolución industrial no es ajena al Derecho, que trae consigo tecnologías disruptivas como las criptomonedas, que son un tipo de activos digital o valor de unidad virtual, transferibles e intangibles, basadas en un sistema criptográfico, cuyo uso y regulación representa ventajas como los bajos costos de transacción, mayores fuentes de inversión, seguridad informática, mejora la calidad de los servicios públicos, por otra parte las desventajas entre ellas su volatilidad, si los usuarios no están lo suficiente educados sobre esta tecnología, pueden ser víctima de estafadores. Es a partir del análisis y discusión de resultados que se concluyó que es importante el tratamiento jurídico de las criptomonedas en cada uno de sus usos, y es importante empezar a trabajar desde ya en este tema que es el presente y futuro de la economía, de la manera de hacer negocios, de realizar contratos eficaces con bajos costos. Y sobre todo proteger a las personas que hagan uso de este activo virtual. Así como aprovechar estos sistemas en la administración de justicia. Palabras claves: criptomonedas, tecnología, regular, avances, revolució

    Aplicación de la prueba de estrés percibido PSS-14 a estudiantes de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, campus Cali

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    La Escala de Estrés Percibido (PSS-14) de Cohen et al. (1983) es una de las medidas de estrés más utilizadas. Sus propiedades psicométricas han sido estudiadas con muestras de varios países, aunque no existe un acuerdo total sobre su alcance. Además, existen pocos estudios que utilicen la TRI (Teoría de Respuesta al Ítem). Con base en la necesidad de obtener evidencia de las propiedades psicométricas de la escala (versión larga y corta) en nuestro contexto, analizamos la validez de constructo y la precisión de las medidas de la teoría clásica de pruebas (CTT) y la TRI en una muestra de estudiantes. De la facultad de Psicología, de la universidad cooperativa de Colombia campus Cali. El propósito de este artículo es evaluar el nivel de estrés percibido en 24 estudiantes de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia Campus Cali. Se analizó información sociodemográfica y de práctica profesional, se encontraron niveles altos en la población evaluada.The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-14) by Cohen et al. (1983) is one of the most widely used stress measures. Its psychometric properties have been studied with samples from various countries, although there is no complete agreement on its scope. In addition, there are few studies that use IRT (Item Response Theory). Based on the need to obtain evidence of the psychometric properties of the scale (long and short version) in our context, we analyze the construct validity and precision of the measures of the classical test theory (CTT) and the IRT in a student sample. From the Faculty of Psychology, from the Cooperative University of Colombia, Cali campus. The purpose of this article is Exploration and coast of bivariate models The data corresponding to the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-14) was presented, the internal consistency of the scale and its factors were calculated, and the stress level of 24 students of the Faculty of Psychology of the cooperative university of Colombia campus Cali. Questions about socio demographic information and professional practice and application of the PSS-14 scale to the Probability sample of 24 participants

    Las azoteas tradicionales desde la perspectiva del saber local ancestral : investigación local, compilada por las mujeres afrodescendientes de la comunidad de Zaragoza, Valle del Cauca

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    El documento hace énfasis en el proceso de construcción de la estructura de las azoteas o huertas elevadas, teniendo en cuenta los métodos ancestrales y los tipos de azoteas utilizadas por una comunidad de Zaragoza, se describen sus beneficios, plantas cultivadas en las azoteas, épocas de siembra y siembra de plantas medicinales.The document emphasizes the process of construction of the structure of the roofs or raised gardens, taking into account the ancestral methods and the types of roofs used by a community of Zaragoza, its benefits are described, plants grown on the roofs, eras of sowing and planting of medicinal plants.El uso social de las azoteas -- Los tipos de azoteas -- Los beneficios de las azoteas -- Cómo se hacía el amarre en la construcción tradicional de las azoteas -- Los sustratos del cultivo -- La importancia de las plantas cultivadas en las azoteas -- Las asociaciones entre plantas -- La época de siembra de las plantas medicinales -- El proceso de construcción de una azotea en imágenes -- Las plantas medicinales cultivadas por la comunidadn

    ¿Cómo se discute la violencia contra las mujeres en el espacio público digital?: divulgación de resultados investigación-docencia

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    Este documento presenta los resultados más relevantes de un proceso de investigación y docencia desarrollado en el marco de los cursos C-1103 Comunicación y Poder y C-1002 Comunicación Inclusiva de la Concentración en Comunicación Social de la Escuela de Ciencias de la Comunicación Colectiva durante el ciclo II-2020, en articulación con el Programa de Narrativas, Género y Comunicación del Centro de Investigación en Comunicación – CICOM-, de la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR). El proyecto se planteó objetivos en tres ámbitos: el de la investigación, el de la enseñanza-aprendizaje y el de la política pública. En primer lugar, esta investigación responde al esfuerzo de articulación entre el CICOM y el Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres, INAMU, institución que coordina a las 22 instituciones que conforman el Sistema Nacional de prevención y atención de la violencia contra las mujeres e intrafamiliar (Ley 8688), encargado de implementar la Política Nacional para la atención y prevención de la violencia contra las mujeres de todas las edades, PLANOVI 2017-2032 y del cual la UCR es parte. Esta política, particularmente los ejes 1 y 2, centran su interés en la comunicación como vehículo fundamental para conseguir el cambio cultural y propiciar la erradicación de la violencia contra las mujeres y la promoción de las masculinidades no violentas. Para ello, se requiere diseñar e implementar una estrategia integrada de comunicación que exige, como punto de partida, determinar cuáles son los discursos sobre la violencia contra las mujeres que circulan en el espacio público costarricense en la actualidad. Con este documento, aspiramos a generar insumos que impacten en el diseño de dicha estrategia.Universidad de Costa Rica/[]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Sociales::Centro de Investigación en Comunicación (CICOM

    Latin American study of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer LACAM : a genomic epidemiology approach

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    Q2Q1Artículo original1-13Purpose: Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (HBOC) syndrome is responsible for ~5–10% of all diagnosed breast and ovarian cancers. Breast cancer is the most common malignancy and the leading cause of cancer-related mortality among women in Latin America (LA). The main objective of this study was to develop a comprehensive understanding of the genomic epidemiology of HBOC throughout the establishment of The Latin American consortium for HBOC-LACAM, consisting of specialists from 5 countries in LA and the description of the genomic results from the first phase of the study. Methods: We have recruited 403 individuals that fulfilled the criteria for HBOC from 11 health institutions of Argentina, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru. A pilot cohort of 222 individuals was analyzed by NGS gene panels. One hundred forty-three genes were selected on the basis of their putative role in susceptibility to different hereditary cancers. Libraries were sequenced in MiSeq (Illumina, Inc.) and PGM (Ion Torrent-Thermo Fisher Scientific) platforms. Results: The overall prevalence of pathogenic variants was 17% (38/222); the distribution spanned 14 genes and varied by country. The highest relative prevalence of pathogenic variants was found in patients from Argentina (25%, 14/57), followed by Mexico (18%, 12/68), Guatemala (16%, 3/19), and Colombia (13%, 10/78). Pathogenic variants were found in BRCA1 (20%) and BRCA2 (29%) genes. Pathogenic variants were found in other 12 genes, including high and moderate risk genes such as MSH2, MSH6, MUTYH, and PALB2. Additional pathogenic variants were found in HBOC unrelated genes such as DCLRE1C, WRN, PDE11A, and PDGFB. Conclusion: In this first phase of the project, we recruited 403 individuals and evaluated the germline genetic alterations in an initial cohort of 222 patients among 4 countries. Our data show for the first time in LA the distribution of pathogenic variants in a broad set of cancer susceptibility genes in HBOC. Even though we used extended gene panels, there was still a high proportion of patients without any detectable pathogenic variant, which emphasizes the larger, unexplored genetic nature of the disease in these populations

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality

    Global, regional, and national age-sex-specific mortality for 282 causes of death in 195 countries and territories, 1980-2017 : a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017

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    Background Global development goals increasingly rely on country-specific estimates for benchmarking a nation's progress. To meet this need, the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2016 estimated global, regional, national, and, for selected locations, subnational cause-specific mortality beginning in the year 1980. Here we report an update to that study, making use of newly available data and improved methods. GBD 2017 provides a comprehensive assessment of cause-specific mortality for 282 causes in 195 countries and territories from 1980 to 2017. Methods The causes of death database is composed of vital registration (VR), verbal autopsy (VA), registry, survey, police, and surveillance data. GBD 2017 added ten VA studies, 127 country-years of VR data, 502 cancer-registry country-years, and an additional surveillance country-year. Expansions of the GBD cause of death hierarchy resulted in 18 additional causes estimated for GBD 2017. Newly available data led to subnational estimates for five additional countries Ethiopia, Iran, New Zealand, Norway, and Russia. Deaths assigned International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes for non-specific, implausible, or intermediate causes of death were reassigned to underlying causes by redistribution algorithms that were incorporated into uncertainty estimation. We used statistical modelling tools developed for GBD, including the Cause of Death Ensemble model (CODErn), to generate cause fractions and cause specific death rates for each location, year, age, and sex. Instead of using UN estimates as in previous versions, GBD 2017 independently estimated population size and fertility rate for all locations. Years of life lost (YLLs) were then calculated as the sum of each death multiplied by the standard life expectancy at each age. All rates reported here are age-standardised. Findings At the broadest grouping of causes of death (Level 1), non-communicable diseases (NC Ds) comprised the greatest fraction of deaths, contributing to 73.4% (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 72.5-74.1) of total deaths in 2017, while communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional (CMNN) causes accounted for 186% (17.9-19.6), and injuries 8.0% (7.7-8.2). Total numbers of deaths from NCD causes increased from 2007 to 2017 by 22.7% (21.5-23.9), representing an additional 7.61 million (7. 20-8.01) deaths estimated in 2017 versus 2007. The death rate from NCDs decreased globally by 7.9% (7.08.8). The number of deaths for CMNN causes decreased by 222% (20.0-24.0) and the death rate by 31.8% (30.1-33.3). Total deaths from injuries increased by 2.3% (0-5-4-0) between 2007 and 2017, and the death rate from injuries decreased by 13.7% (12.2-15.1) to 57.9 deaths (55.9-59.2) per 100 000 in 2017. Deaths from substance use disorders also increased, rising from 284 000 deaths (268 000-289 000) globally in 2007 to 352 000 (334 000-363 000) in 2017. Between 2007 and 2017, total deaths from conflict and terrorism increased by 118.0% (88.8-148.6). A greater reduction in total deaths and death rates was observed for some CMNN causes among children younger than 5 years than for older adults, such as a 36.4% (32.2-40.6) reduction in deaths from lower respiratory infections for children younger than 5 years compared with a 33.6% (31.2-36.1) increase in adults older than 70 years. Globally, the number of deaths was greater for men than for women at most ages in 2017, except at ages older than 85 years. Trends in global YLLs reflect an epidemiological transition, with decreases in total YLLs from enteric infections, respirator}, infections and tuberculosis, and maternal and neonatal disorders between 1990 and 2017; these were generally greater in magnitude at the lowest levels of the Socio-demographic Index (SDI). At the same time, there were large increases in YLLs from neoplasms and cardiovascular diseases. YLL rates decreased across the five leading Level 2 causes in all SDI quintiles. The leading causes of YLLs in 1990 neonatal disorders, lower respiratory infections, and diarrhoeal diseases were ranked second, fourth, and fifth, in 2017. Meanwhile, estimated YLLs increased for ischaemic heart disease (ranked first in 2017) and stroke (ranked third), even though YLL rates decreased. Population growth contributed to increased total deaths across the 20 leading Level 2 causes of mortality between 2007 and 2017. Decreases in the cause-specific mortality rate reduced the effect of population growth for all but three causes: substance use disorders, neurological disorders, and skin and subcutaneous diseases. Interpretation Improvements in global health have been unevenly distributed among populations. Deaths due to injuries, substance use disorders, armed conflict and terrorism, neoplasms, and cardiovascular disease are expanding threats to global health. For causes of death such as lower respiratory and enteric infections, more rapid progress occurred for children than for the oldest adults, and there is continuing disparity in mortality rates by sex across age groups. Reductions in the death rate of some common diseases are themselves slowing or have ceased, primarily for NCDs, and the death rate for selected causes has increased in the past decade. Copyright (C) 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.Peer reviewe

    Measuring progress from 1990 to 2017 and projecting attainment to 2030 of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals for 195 countries and territories: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017

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    Background: Efforts to establish the 2015 baseline and monitor early implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) highlight both great potential for and threats to improving health by 2030. To fully deliver on the SDG aim of “leaving no one behind”, it is increasingly important to examine the health-related SDGs beyond national-level estimates. As part of the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2017 (GBD 2017), we measured progress on 41 of 52 health-related SDG indicators and estimated the health-related SDG index for 195 countries and territories for the period 1990–2017, projected indicators to 2030, and analysed global attainment. Methods: We measured progress on 41 health-related SDG indicators from 1990 to 2017, an increase of four indicators since GBD 2016 (new indicators were health worker density, sexual violence by non-intimate partners, population census status, and prevalence of physical and sexual violence [reported separately]). We also improved the measurement of several previously reported indicators. We constructed national-level estimates and, for a subset of health-related SDGs, examined indicator-level differences by sex and Socio-demographic Index (SDI) quintile. We also did subnational assessments of performance for selected countries. To construct the health-related SDG index, we transformed the value for each indicator on a scale of 0–100, with 0 as the 2\ub75th percentile and 100 as the 97\ub75th percentile of 1000 draws calculated from 1990 to 2030, and took the geometric mean of the scaled indicators by target. To generate projections through 2030, we used a forecasting framework that drew estimates from the broader GBD study and used weighted averages of indicator-specific and country-specific annualised rates of change from 1990 to 2017 to inform future estimates. We assessed attainment of indicators with defined targets in two ways: first, using mean values projected for 2030, and then using the probability of attainment in 2030 calculated from 1000 draws. We also did a global attainment analysis of the feasibility of attaining SDG targets on the basis of past trends. Using 2015 global averages of indicators with defined SDG targets, we calculated the global annualised rates of change required from 2015 to 2030 to meet these targets, and then identified in what percentiles the required global annualised rates of change fell in the distribution of country-level rates of change from 1990 to 2015. We took the mean of these global percentile values across indicators and applied the past rate of change at this mean global percentile to all health-related SDG indicators, irrespective of target definition, to estimate the equivalent 2030 global average value and percentage change from 2015 to 2030 for each indicator. Findings: The global median health-related SDG index in 2017 was 59\ub74 (IQR 35\ub74–67\ub73), ranging from a low of 11\ub76 (95% uncertainty interval 9\ub76–14\ub70) to a high of 84\ub79 (83\ub71–86\ub77). SDG index values in countries assessed at the subnational level varied substantially, particularly in China and India, although scores in Japan and the UK were more homogeneous. Indicators also varied by SDI quintile and sex, with males having worse outcomes than females for non-communicable disease (NCD) mortality, alcohol use, and smoking, among others. Most countries were projected to have a higher health-related SDG index in 2030 than in 2017, while country-level probabilities of attainment by 2030 varied widely by indicator. Under-5 mortality, neonatal mortality, maternal mortality ratio, and malaria indicators had the most countries with at least 95% probability of target attainment. Other indicators, including NCD mortality and suicide mortality, had no countries projected to meet corresponding SDG targets on the basis of projected mean values for 2030 but showed some probability of attainment by 2030. For some indicators, including child malnutrition, several infectious diseases, and most violence measures, the annualised rates of change required to meet SDG targets far exceeded the pace of progress achieved by any country in the recent past. We found that applying the mean global annualised rate of change to indicators without defined targets would equate to about 19% and 22% reductions in global smoking and alcohol consumption, respectively; a 47% decline in adolescent birth rates; and a more than 85% increase in health worker density per 1000 population by 2030. Interpretation: The GBD study offers a unique, robust platform for monitoring the health-related SDGs across demographic and geographic dimensions. Our findings underscore the importance of increased collection and analysis of disaggregated data and highlight where more deliberate design or targeting of interventions could accelerate progress in attaining the SDGs. Current projections show that many health-related SDG indicators, NCDs, NCD-related risks, and violence-related indicators will require a concerted shift away from what might have driven past gains—curative interventions in the case of NCDs—towards multisectoral, prevention-oriented policy action and investments to achieve SDG aims. Notably, several targets, if they are to be met by 2030, demand a pace of progress that no country has achieved in the recent past. The future is fundamentally uncertain, and no model can fully predict what breakthroughs or events might alter the course of the SDGs. What is clear is that our actions—or inaction—today will ultimately dictate how close the world, collectively, can get to leaving no one behind by 2030

    Measuring progress from 1990 to 2017 and projecting attainment to 2030 of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals for 195 countries and territories: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017.

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    BACKGROUND: Efforts to establish the 2015 baseline and monitor early implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) highlight both great potential for and threats to improving health by 2030. To fully deliver on the SDG aim of 'leaving no one behind', it is increasingly important to examine the health-related SDGs beyond national-level estimates. As part of the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2017 (GBD 2017), we measured progress on 41 of 52 health-related SDG indicators and estimated the health-related SDG index for 195 countries and territories for the period 1990-2017, projected indicators to 2030, and analysed global attainment. METHODS: We measured progress on 41 health-related SDG indicators from 1990 to 2017, an increase of four indicators since GBD 2016 (new indicators were health worker density, sexual violence by non-intimate partners, population census status, and prevalence of physical and sexual violence [reported separately]). We also improved the measurement of several previously reported indicators. We constructed national-level estimates and, for a subset of health-related SDGs, examined indicator-level differences by sex and Socio-demographic Index (SDI) quintile. We also did subnational assessments of performance for selected countries. To construct the health-related SDG index, we transformed the value for each indicator on a scale of 0-100, with 0 as the 2·5th percentile and 100 as the 97·5th percentile of 1000 draws calculated from 1990 to 2030, and took the geometric mean of the scaled indicators by target. To generate projections through 2030, we used a forecasting framework that drew estimates from the broader GBD study and used weighted averages of indicator-specific and country-specific annualised rates of change from 1990 to 2017 to inform future estimates. We assessed attainment of indicators with defined targets in two ways: first, using mean values projected for 2030, and then using the probability of attainment in 2030 calculated from 1000 draws. We also did a global attainment analysis of the feasibility of attaining SDG targets on the basis of past trends. Using 2015 global averages of indicators with defined SDG targets, we calculated the global annualised rates of change required from 2015 to 2030 to meet these targets, and then identified in what percentiles the required global annualised rates of change fell in the distribution of country-level rates of change from 1990 to 2015. We took the mean of these global percentile values across indicators and applied the past rate of change at this mean global percentile to all health-related SDG indicators, irrespective of target definition, to estimate the equivalent 2030 global average value and percentage change from 2015 to 2030 for each indicator