7 research outputs found

    Patient and stakeholder engagement learnings: PREP-IT as a case study

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    Correction to: Cluster identification, selection, and description in Cluster randomized crossover trials: the PREP-IT trials

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    The XXL Survey: XL. Obscuration properties of red AGNs in XXL-N

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    The combination of optical and mid-infrared (MIR) photometry has been extensively used to select red active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Our aim is to explore the obscuration properties of these red AGNs with both X-ray spectroscopy and spectral energy distributions (SEDs). In this study, we re-visit the relation between optical/MIR extinction and X-ray absorption. We use IR selection criteria, specifically the W1 and W2 WISE bands, to identify 4798 AGNs in the XMM-XXL area (∼25 deg2). Application of optical/MIR colours (r−W2 >  6) reveals 561 red AGNs (14%). Of these, 47 have available X-ray spectra with at least 50 net (background-subtracted) counts per detector. For these sources, we construct SEDs from the optical to the MIR using the CIGALE code. The SED fitting shows that 44 of these latter 47 sources present clear signs of obscuration based on the AGN emission and the estimated inclination angle. Fitting the SED also reveals ten systems (∼20%) which are dominated by the galaxy. In these cases, the red colours are attributed to the host galaxy rather than AGN absorption. Excluding these ten systems from our sample and applying X-ray spectral fitting analysis shows that up to 76% (28/37) of the IR red AGNs present signs of X-ray absorption. Thus, there are nine sources (∼20% of the sample) that although optically red, are not substantially X-ray absorbed. Approximately 50% of these sources present broad emission lines in their optical spectra. We suggest that the reason for this apparent discrepancy is that the r−W2 criterion is sensitive to smaller amounts of obscuration relative to the X-ray spectroscopy. In conclusion, it appears that the majority of red AGNs present considerable obscuration levels as shown by their SEDs. Their X-ray absorption is moderate with a mean of NH ∼ 1022 cm−2

    Implementing stakeholder engagement to explore alternative models of consent: An example from the PREP-IT trials

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    Introduction: Cluster randomized crossover trials are often faced with a dilemma when selecting an optimal model of consent, as the traditional model of obtaining informed consent from participant's before initiating any trial related activities may not be suitable. We describe our experience of engaging patient advisors to identify an optimal model of consent for the PREP-IT trials. This paper also examines surrogate measures of success for the selected model of consent. Methods: The PREP-IT program consists of two multi-center cluster randomized crossover trials that engaged patient advisors to determine an optimal model of consent. Patient advisors and stakeholders met regularly and reached consensus on decisions related to the trial design including the model for consent. Patient advisors provided valuable insight on how key decisions on trial design and conduct would be received by participants and the impact these decisions will have. Results: Patient advisors, together with stakeholders, reviewed the pros and cons and the requirements for the traditional model of consent, deferred consent, and waiver of consent. Collectively, they agreed upon a deferred consent model, in which patients may be approached for consent after their fracture surgery and prior to data collection. The consent rate in PREP-IT is 80.7%, and 0.67% of participants have withdrawn consent for participation. Discussion: Involvement of patient advisors in the development of an optimal model of consent has been successful. Engagement of patient advisors is recommended for other large trials where the traditional model of consent may not be optimal