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    Ciencias da Educación: sexenios 2023

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    Material empregado na sesión formativa desenvolvida pola Biblioteca de Psicoloxía e CC Eduación da USC para o persoal docente e investigador da Facultade de CC da Educación, acerca das novidades introducidas pola ANECA na convocatoria de sexenios de 2023. Inclúe recomendacións para elaborar as narrativas das achegas presentadas á convocatoria e pautas para atopar os distintos indicios de calidade requiridos para acadar unha avaliación positiva do/s tramo/s sometido/s a avaliación.Material empleado en la sesión formativa desarrollada por la Biblioteca de Psicología y CC Eduación de la USC para el personal docente e investigador de la Facultad de CC de la Educación, acerca de las novedades introducidas por la ANECA en la convocatoria de sexenios de 2023. Incluye recomendaciones para elaborar las narrativas de las aportaciones presentadas a la convocatoria y pautas para encontrar los distintos indicios de calidad requeridos para alcanzar una evaluación positiva del tramo o tramos sometido/s a evaluación

    Targeting cancer stem cell OXPHOS with tailored ruthenium complexes as a new anti-cancer strategy

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    Background Previous studies by our group have shown that oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) is the main pathway by which pancreatic cancer stem cells (CSCs) meet their energetic requirements; therefore, OXPHOS represents an Achille’s heel of these highly tumorigenic cells. Unfortunately, therapies that target OXPHOS in CSCs are lacking. Methods The safety and anti-CSC activity of a ruthenium complex featuring bipyridine and terpyridine ligands and one coordination labile position (Ru1) were evaluated across primary pancreatic cancer cultures and in vivo, using 8 patient-derived xenografts (PDXs). RNAseq analysis followed by mitochondria-specific molecular assays were used to determine the mechanism of action. Results We show that Ru1 is capable of inhibiting CSC OXPHOS function in vitro, and more importantly, it presents excellent anti-cancer activity, with low toxicity, across a large panel of human pancreatic PDXs, as well as in colorectal cancer and osteosarcoma PDXs. Mechanistic studies suggest that this activity stems from Ru1 binding to the D-loop region of the mitochondrial DNA of CSCs, inhibiting OXPHOS complex-associated transcription, leading to reduced mitochondrial oxygen consumption, membrane potential, and ATP production, all of which are necessary for CSCs, which heavily depend on mitochondrial respiration. Conclusions Overall, the coordination complex Ru1 represents not only an exciting new anti-cancer agent, but also a molecular tool to dissect the role of OXPHOS in CSCs. Results indicating that the compound is safe, non-toxic and highly effective in vivo are extremely exciting, and have allowed us to uncover unprecedented mechanistic possibilities to fight different cancer types based on targeting CSC OXPHOS.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This study was supported by a Fero Foundation Grant (B.S.,Jr.); Rámon y Cajal Merit Award (RYC-2012-12104) from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain (B.S.,Jr.); funding from the Beca Carmen Delgado/Miguel Pérez-Mateo from AESPANC-ACANPAN Spain (B.S.,Jr.); a Conquer Cancer Now Grant from the Concern Foundation (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (B.S.,Jr.); a Coordinated grant (GC16173694BARB; B.S.,Jr.) and SEED grant (IDEAS222917FERN; M.A.F.-M.) from the Fundación Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC); FIS grants PI18/00757 and PI21/01110 (B.S.,Jr.) and PT20/00045 (A.M.T.R and B.S.,Jr.), (co-fnanced through Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) “Una manera de hacer Europa”); an IGNICIA proof of concept grant (IN855A-2018/16) “RuCSC - targeting cancer stem cells using ruthenium compounds”, an initiative of the Agencia Gallega de Innovación (GAIN) to facilitate the access of I+D+i projects to the market (J.L.M and B.S.,Jr.), a La Caixa Research Consolidate grant (CC21-20122; J.L.M and B.S.,Jr.); Spanish national grants PID2019-110320RB-I00 (M.A.F.-M.) from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN), IJC2019-040358-I funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (J.R.), PID2019-108624RB-I00, PDC2021121508-I00, PID2022-137318OB-I00 and ORFEO-CINQA network RED2018102387-T (J.L.M.), the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Univer‑ sitaria 2015-CP082, IN855A 2018/16, ED431C-2021/25 and Centro Singular de Investigación de Galicia accreditation 2019-2022: ED431G 2019/03 (J.L.M.), the European Union (European Regional Development Fund-ERDF correspond‑ ing to the multiannual fnancial framework 2014-2020), and the European Research Council Advanced Grant No. 340055, Proof-of-concept Grant No. 899334 (J.L.M.). a Max Eder Fellowship of the German Cancer Aid (111746) (P.C.H.); the German Research Foundation (DFG, CRC 1279 “Exploiting the human peptidome for Novel Antimicrobial and Anticancer Agents”) (P.C.H.).S

    Transparency on YouTube for radon risk communication

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    Introducción: La evidencia científica ha demostrado la relación entre la exposición al radón en entornos interiores y el cáncer de pulmón. Por esta razón, el gas radón se considera una amenaza para la salud pública. Además, se ha confirmado que YouTube es una fuente de información médica. Metodología: Esta investigación examina YouTube como un medio para la difusión global de información sobre el radón. Se identifican todos los canales que contienen videos sobre este gas, junto con las áreas geográficas en las que operan, el idioma que utilizan para transmitir, el número de suscriptores y la cantidad de visualizaciones que acumulan. Utilizando una muestra de canales específicamente centrados en el radón, se examina la presencia de este tema en YouTube mediante un modelo metodológico que explora temas, narrativas y estrategias de difusión. Resultados: Los resultados revelan la ausencia de cámaras de eco y la falta de conciencia en esta red social con respecto a los problemas de salud pública relacionados con el gas radón. Discusión y Conclusiones: El estudio destaca la presencia limitada de vídeos relacionados con el radón en YouTube, con una predominancia de contenido en inglés, que restringe la accesibilidad en regiones no anglófonas. Los canales sobre el radón infrautilizan las funciones de YouTube y carecen de participación de la comunidad, revelando una brecha significativa en el reconocimiento del radón como un problema de salud pública en la plataforma. Aunque algunos canales exitosos demuestran buenas prácticas, la conciencia general sigue siendo insuficiente.Radon in Spain: Perception of public opinion, media agenda and risk communication (RAPAC). Nuclear Safety Council (Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear) (SUBV-13/2021).S

    ¿Botas en verano frente a sandalias en invierno? El dilema que hace que eliminar el cambio de hora sea complicado

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    This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review (when applicable) and is subject to Springer Nature’s AM terms of use, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: short take on the pros and cons associated with daylight saving time2024-07-26S

    Concentration of Migrant Students in Santiago (Chile) and Institutional Discourses: Differences with the Spanish Case

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    En el contexto de un creciente incremento de población migrante en Chile, analizamos la desigual distribución y problemática incorporación de este alumnado en escuelas de Santiago, donde el fenómeno de la segregación escolar alcanza mayor magnitud. Mediante una metodología de análisis mixta –cuantitativa, geográfica y cualitativa– presentamos una radiografía de la concentración escolar en el “Gran Santiago”, calculada a través de indicadores de segregación, y llevamos a cabo un análisis discursivo mediante entrevistas a responsables de centros de alta concentración (CAC) sobre las razones de esta concentración. Finalmente, comparamos los resultados con un estudio de caso similar llevado a cabo en España. Los resultados apuntan, en primer lugar, a unos niveles de segregación muy elevados y heterogéneos en la capital chilena; en segundo lugar, a una localización desigual de las escuelas en el territorio, que dibuja y reproduce niveles de concentración escolar desiguales por comuna; en tercer lugar, aparecen CAC encargados de la escolarización de alumnado migrante que reproducen dinámicas de concentración escolar institucionalizada. La discusión de resultados en clave comparada sugiere diferencias en la concepción de la concentración escolar, más normativizada, funcional y aceptada en el caso chileno, probablemente como resultado de lógicas de mercado educativo más arraigadas.In the context of a growing increase in the migrant population in Chile, we analyze the uneven distribution and problematic incorporation of these students in schools of Santiago, where the segregation reaches its greatest magnitude. Through a mixed methods analysis –quantitative, geographical and qualitative– we present a picture of the school concentration in “Greater Santiago” calculated through indicators of segregation, and a discursive analysis of heads of high-concentration schools (CAC) about the reasons for this concentration. Finally, we compare the results with a similar case study carried out in Spain. The results point, firstly, to very high and heterogeneous levels of segregation in the Chilean capital; secondly, to an unequal location of schools in the territory, which draws and reproduces unequal levels of school concentration by district; thirdly, there are CACs in charge of the schooling of migrant students that reproduce dynamics of institutionalized school concentration. The discussion of comparative results suggests differences in the conception of school concentration, more standardized, functional and accepted in the Chilean case, probably as a result of more deeply rooted educational market logics.Este trabajo procede de la Tesis Doctoral que recibió el Premio Enrique Fuentes Quintana de Funcas – Categoría de Ciencias Políticas, Sociología y Comunicación – Convocatoria 2020-2021. La investigación ha sido apoyada económicamente por la Escuela de Doctorado de la Universidad de Jaén, en el marco de las ayudas para la realización de estancias para la obtención de Mención Internacional.S

    Variação semanal da osmolaridade do filme lacrimal em indivíduos saudáveis e com síndrome do olho seco

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    Purpose: The possible variability in diagnostic test results is a statistical feature of dry eye disease patients. The clinician should consider tear film variations over time since the timing of tear film measurements is important for proper diagnosis. The purpose of the present study was to analyze the inter-week variation of osmolarity measurement in healthy and dry eye disease participants. Methods: Based on the Dry Eye Workshop II (DEWS-II) diagnostic methodology report criteria, a battery of tests (Ocular Surface Disease Index [OSDI] questionnaire, breakup time, and corneal staining) was administered to rule out the presence of dry eye disease. A total of 40 qualified volunteers were recruited into two groups: with only 20 healthy and 20 dry eye disease participants. The inter-week variation of osmolarity in the two groups was measured using a TearLab osmometer in two sessions one-week apart. The differences between the results were calculated. Results: There were no significant differences in osmolarity between the two sessions for either the healthy (paired t-test; p=0.085) or dry eye disease (paired t-test; p=0.093) participants. Moreover, there was no significant correlation between the means and differences in either session on healthy (Pearson correlation: r=0.020; p=0.935) or dry eye disease (Pearson correlation: r=-0.022; p=0.928) participants. In session 1, there was a significant difference in osmolarity values between groups (unpaired t-test; p=0.001), but no difference was found in session 2 (unpaired t-test; p=0.292). Conclusions: The present study discovered no inter-week variation in the tear film osmolarity of healthy and dry eye disease participants classified based on the DEWS-II criteria.Objetivo: A possível variabilidade nos resultados de testes diagnósticos é uma característica estatística dos pacientes com síndrome do olho seco. O médico deve considerar as variações do filme lacrimal ao longo do tempo, pois o momento em que o filme lacrimal é medido pode ser crítico para o diagnóstico adequado. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a variação semanal da osmolaridade do filme lacrimal em participantes saudáveis e em outros com síndrome do olho seco. Métodos: Com base nos critérios da metodologia de diagnóstico do relatório da Dry Eye Workshop II (DEWSII), foi aplicada uma bateria de testes (questionário do índice de doença da superfície ocular [OSDI], tempo de ruptura do filme lacrimal e coloração da córnea) para descartar a presença de síndrome do olho seco. Um total de 40 voluntários qualificados foi recrutado e distribuído em dois grupos de 20 participantes saudáveis e 20 participantes com síndrome do olho seco. A variação da osmolaridade entre semanas foi medida com um osmômetro TearLab em duas sessões com uma semana de intervalo nos dois grupos. As diferenças entre os resultados foram então calculadas. Resultados: Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas na osmolaridade entre as medidas obtidas nas duas sessões, nem no grupo de participantes saudáveis (teste de t pareado; p=0,085), nem no de participantes com síndrome do olho seco (teste de t pareado; p=0,093). Não foi detectada nenhuma correlação significativa entre as médias e diferenças entre as duas sessões entre participantes saudáveis (correlação de Pearson: r=0,020, p=0,935) e aqueles com síndrome do olho seco (correlação Pearson: r=-0,022, p=0,928). Foi encontrada uma diferença significativa nos valores de osmolaridade entre os dois grupos na primeira sessão (teste de t não pareado; p=0,001), mas nenhuma diferença foi encontrada na segunda sessão (teste de t não pareado; p=0,292). Conclusões: O presente estudo não encontrou variação entre semanas consecutivas na osmolaridade do filme lacrimal em participantes saudáveis e com síndrome do olho seco, classificados com base nos critérios do DEWSIIS

    Evaluation of haptoglobin concentration in clinically healthy dairy cows: correlation between serum and milk levels

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    The study aimed to analyse serum haptoglobin concentrations by calving number and lactation phase in clinically healthy dairy cattle and to determine the correlation between concentrations in serum and milk samples. For this purpose, serum samples were collected from 228 clinically healthy cows after milking from 14 randomly selected herds. Additionally, milk samples were collected from 80 out of the 228 cows from the milking prior to blood collection. Both serum and milk samples were analysed with a commercial ELISA test. The effect of the calving number and lactation phase on mean serum haptoglobin concentrations was examined by Kruskal–Wallis/Jonckheere–Terpstra tests. After that, in a multivariate approach, a mixed-effects linear model was also performed. In addition, intraclass correlation coefficients were used to evaluate the correlation between concentrations in serum and milk samples. Results indicated a downward trend in haptoglobin concentrations throughout lactation, that was statistically significant when comparing fresh cows with the remaining lactation phases. The higher haptoglobin concentrations in fresh cows could be the result of inflammatory illnesses without clinical disease, stress or variations within the physiological state. Although previous studies showed some discrepancies, a good correlation between serum and milk concentrations has been observed in the present paper.This research isincluded in IN852B 2021/17 Conecta HUBs project (Digital certification of traceability through facilitating tools in the value chain of the dairy industry).S

    Synthesis and applications of lanthanoid complexes of pentadentate and hexadentate N5 and N6 macrocycles: A review

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    In this paper, the lanthanoid complexes of N5 and N6 macrocycle ligands, without pendant arms or additional heteroatoms, are surveyed. This review covers the period from 2015 to the current date, since in 2014 Schiff base macrocyclic ligands incorporating the pyridine moiety, and their complexes, were revised, and in 2015 the chemistry of pentaaza macrocycle ligands with rare earth metals was also summarized. Porphyrin and phthalocyanine ligands are not included in this review, which primarily focuses on complexes with Schiff bases and amines without pendant arms or any additional donor other than nitrogen. The synthetic methods, structural characterization, based on single X-ray crystal data, and properties of the lanthanoid complexes, with special attention to magneto-structural correlations, are presented herein.J.C-V acknowledges Xunta de Galicia for his postdoctoral fellowship (ED481B-2022-068). P.O-M. thanks the Fundación Segundo Gil Davila for her PhD fellowship.S

    Instrucción 1/2024 de la Secretaría General de la USC sobre la organización del espacio de trabajo en intranet de las unidades administrativas y la creación de archivos digitales de oficina.

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    A irrupción da Administración Electrónica na actividade administrativa e de xestión da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) trouxo aparellado un importante cambio na forma de traballar, nos medios e recursos de tramitación e na maneira de conformar, arquivar e preservar as evidencias documentais que testemuñan o importante servizo público que presta a USC á comunidade universitaria e á sociedade en xeral. De igual modo, é importante subliñar que a documentación electrónica que se está a crear nos distintos servizos e unidades administrativas é de vital importancia tanto desde un punto de vista xurídico -por dar soporte e valor probatorio aos dereitos e deberes das persoas administradas e do propio persoal da USC- como pola súa consideración legal de patrimonio documental desde o mesmo momento da súa creación. Tomando en consideración estas premisas e valorando a problemática subxacente á tramitación electrónica e os riscos que contempla, faise necesario normalizar a organización da documentación electrónica, a conformación de expedientes dixitais e o seu arquivado nas unidades ou servizos

    Tribological behavior of electric vehicle transmission oils using Al2O3 nanoadditives

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    Antifriction and antiwear performances of Al2O3 nanoparticles (NPs) as additives of an automatic transmission fluid, ATF, are presented in this research. For this purpose, four nanodispersions were formulated: ATF + 0.05 wt% Al2O3 NPs, ATF + 0.10 wt% Al2O3 NPs, ATF + 0.15 wt% Al2O3 NPs and ATF + 0.20 wt% Al2O3 NPs to identify the optimal concentration of additive. Tribological experiments were taken at pure sliding conditions, with the formulated nanolubricants and the ATF, under a working load of 20 N. The four nanolubricants tested resulted in lower friction coefficients than those obtained using ATF, reaching a maximum reduction of 6 % with the ATF + 0.10 wt% Al2O3 nanolubricant. The tribological pairs tested with the Al2O3 nanolubricants show lower wear than those tested with the ATF, having the best wear decrease with the ATF + 0.10 wt% Al2O3 nanolubricant, with reductions of 45, 57 and 78 %, respectively, in diameter, depth and area of the wear scar. Furthermore, by means of confocal Raman microscopy, roughness evaluation and SEM-EDX of the worn tribological specimens, it can be determined that mending, tribo-sintering as well as rolling mechanisms occur.This research is supported by Xunta de Galicia (ED431C 2020/10) and by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 through the PID2020-112846RB-C22 project. JMLdR is grateful for financial support through the Margarita Salas program, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and “NextGenerationEU/PRTR”. Furthermore, authors are also grateful to Repsol Lubricants for providing the ATF and to RIAIDT-USC for its analytical facilities.S


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