164 research outputs found

    Active Power Filters in Zero Energy Buildings

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    Master's thesis Renewable Energy ENE500 - University of Agder 2017With an increasing focus on the environment and moving from fossil to renewable energy, there has and is an increasing interest in zero energy buildings. Zero energy buildings often utilize local intermittent renewable energies such as wind and solar energy, and are going to play an important role in the smart grid development with their distributed generation and energy storage etc. In Southern Norway, the smart village Skarpnes is utilizing building integrated photovoltaic systems and is developed for studying zero energy buildings and its impact on electricity demand and power quality. Power electronic based equipment such as uninterruptible power supplies, adjustable speed drives, personal computers and more have all enhanced our daily lives by providing an efficient and reliable way of utilizing the electrical energy. Because of their non-linear behaviour, they are responsible for harmonic currents causing additional losses and harmful effects. In this thesis, a shunt active power filter based on the instantaneous power theory used for power quality improvement is studied. This involves harmonic current, reactive power and neutral current compensation, where load data is obtained from the smart village Skarpnes project. Investigating the operation of the shunt active power filter during import and export of power, during load changes and operation during distorted and unbalanced utility voltage. Based on simulations using MATLAB/Simulink the three-phase, four-wire shunt active power filter is able to compensate the harmonic currents, reactive power and neutral current. The total harmonic distortion in the source current after compensation is below limits proposed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standard 519-2014 for all test case

    Prevalence of mental distress and factors associated with symptoms of major depression among people living with HIV in Norway

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    For people living with HIV (PLHIV) who can access lifesaving treatment, HIV has become a chronic lifelong condition; however, PLHIV have more mental and somatic comorbidities than their HIV-negative peers. In this cross-sectional study, we assessed the prevalence of mental distress and identified factors associated with major depression among 244 well-treated PLHIV residing in Norway. Participants completed validated questionnaires covering mental and somatic health. The prevalence of mental distress, defined as a score on the Hopkins Symptom Check List-25 >1.75, was 32%, and that of symptoms of major depression, defined as a score on the Beck Depression Inventory-II ≥20, was 15%. The factors associated with major depressive symptoms identified using logistic regression were risk of drug abuse (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) 15.1, 95% confidence interval (CI) 3.28, 69.3), fatigue (AOR 12.5, 95% CI 3.90, 40.0), trouble sleeping (AOR 7.90, 95% CI 2.85, 21.9), African origin (AOR 3.90, 95% CI 1.28, 11.9), low education (AOR 3.31, 95% CI 1.18, 9.30), and non-disclosure (AOR 3.22, 95% CI 1.04, 10.0). Our findings indicate that the prevalence rates of mental distress and major depressive symptoms are higher among well-treated PLHIV residing in Norway than in the general population. These conditions are under-diagnosed and under-treated, and increased awareness is needed

    Prevalence and predictors of fatigue among people living with HIV in Norway

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    Fatigue is the most commonly noted symptom among people living with human immunodeficiency virus (PLHIV). The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence and predictors of fatigue among PLHIV in Norway. Two hundred and forty-four people were recruited from two hospitals to participate in a survey, which contained seven instruments used to investigate mental health, addiction, quality of life, and fatigue. More than a third of the participants (38.5%) suffered from fatigue. Predictors of fatigue were the presence of mental distress (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] 8.98, 95%CI 3.81, 21.15), multimorbidity (AOR 5.13, 95%CI 1.40, 18.73), living alone (AOR 2.99, 95%CI 1.36, 6.56), trouble sleeping (AOR 2.67, 95%CI 1.06, 6.71), and increased body pain (AOR 1.44, 95%CI 1.25, 1.67). To improve the quality of life for many PLHIV, the continuum of HIV care must address fatigue and its predictors

    Factors associated with health-related quality of life in people living with HIV in Norway

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    Background - Despite the advances in the treatment of HIV, people living with HIV (PLHIV) still experience impairment of health-related quality of life (HRQOL). The aim of the study was to explore factors associated with HRQOL in a well-treated Norwegian HIV population. Methods - Two hundred and forty-five patients were recruited from two outpatient clinics to participate in this cross-sectional study of addiction, mental distress, post-traumatic stress disorder, fatigue, somatic health, and HRQOL. The latter was measured using the 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36). Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis was used to examine the adjusted associations between demographic and disease-related variables and HRQOL. Results - The study population was virologically and immunologically stable. Their mean age was 43.8 (SD = 11.7) years, 131 (54%) were men, and 33% were native Norwegians. Compared with the general population (published in previous studies), patients reported worse SF-36 scores for five of eight domains: mental health, general health, social function, physical role limitation, and emotional role limitation (all p  Conclusions - HRQOL was poorer in PLHIV than in the general population in Norway. It is important to focus on somatic and mental comorbidities when delivering health-care services in the ageing population of PLHIV to improve HRQOL even among a well-treated group of PLHIV as found in Norway

    Kunsten å “sette teamet” : Utfordringer og muligheter ved bruk av oppstartsverktøy

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    I denne masteroppgaven har vi undersøkt hvordan bruken av oppstartsverktøy oppleves i team, og hvilke forhold som er sentrale for at team kan lykkes med oppstartsverktøy. Gjennom en kvalitativ casestudie har vi intervjuet ni informanter fra samme casebedrift om deres erfaring med å ta i bruk et oppstartsverktøy. Slik har vi dratt nytte av perspektivene fra ledere, teammedlemmer og en fasilitator for å belyse hva som skal til for at team kan lykkes med oppstartsverktøy. Vår studie kan oppsummeres i tre hovedfunn. Det første er at vi fant at det er avvik mellom hvordan oppstartsverktøyet er designet for å bli brukt, og hvordan teamene drar nytte av det i praksis. Dette kommer blant annet av at teamene opplever å være presset på tid, særlig i oppstartsfasen. Likevel oppleves det som om bruk leder til økt bevisstgjøring på viktigheten av relasjoner og forventningsavklaringer. Det andre funnet var at tre hovedfaktorer - eierskap, sårbarhet og tilstedeværelse - var avgjørende for å få til gode diskusjoner i oppstartsverktøyets sesjoner. Disse ledet til det vi har valgt å kalle fortrolighetsfellesskap. Dette beskriver et trygt samtalerom som oppsto i forbindelse med oppstartsverktøyets øvelser, der teammedlemmene forholdt seg til hverandre på en måte som var annerledes enn i andre møter. I dette fortrolighetsfellesskapet klarte de å ha gode samtaler om hvordan de opplevde at teamet fungerte, og være ærlige om egne oppfatninger. Til slutt fant vi at to roller, fasilitator og leder, hadde stor påvirkning på hvordan man lykkes med bruk av oppstartsverktøy. Informantene var svært fornøyde med å benytte seg av en ekstern fasilitator som tilrettelegger for oppstartsverktøyet. Det virket også som tilstedeværelsen av fasilitator bidro til å styrke fortrolighetsfellesskapet. Ved at fasilitator i sin rolle ble sett på som en nøytral moderator fikk denne rom til å utfordre teamet i diskusjoner, som også bidro til å styrke fortrolighetsfellesskapet. Ettersom fasilitator hadde ansvar for å lede sesjonene, opplevde lederne at dette ga dem mulighet til å føle seg som en del av teamet på lik linje med de andre teammedlemmene. Dette gjorde at lederne klarte å være mer til stede og by på egen sårbarhet, som også styrket fortrolighetsfellesskapet. Samlet kan dette tyde på at det er gode muligheter for at organisasjoner kan forbedre arbeidet i egne team ved å introdusere oppstartsverktøy ved hjelp av fasilitatorer.nhhma

    Effectiveness of 'motivational interviewing' on sick leave: a randomized controlled trial in a social insurance setting

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    Objective This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of motivational interviewing (MI) – a counselling approach offered by caseworkers at the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration (NAV) – on return to work (RTW) for individuals sick-listed for ≥8 weeks due to any diagnoses. MI was compared to usual case management and an active control during 12 months of follow-up. Methods In a randomized clinical trial with three parallel arms, participants were randomized to MI (N=257), usual case management (N=266), or an active control group (N=252). MI consisted of two MI sessions while the active control involved two sessions without MI, both were offered in addition to usual case management. The primary outcome was number of sickness absence days based on registry data. Secondary outcomes included time to sustainable RTW, defined as four consecutive weeks without medical benefits. Results The median number of sickness absence days for the MI group was 73 days [interquartile range (IQR) 31–147], 76 days (35–134) for usual care, and 75 days (34–155) for active control. In total 89%, 88% and 86% of the participants, respectively, achieved sustainable RTW. The adjusted hazard ratio (HR) for time to sustainable RTW was 1.12 (95% CI 0.90–1.40) for MI compared to usual case management and HR 1.16 (95% CI 0.93–1.44) compared to the active control. Conclusions This study did not provide evidence that MI offered by NAV caseworkers to sick-listed individuals was more effective on RTW than usual case management or an active control. Providing MI in this context could be challenging as only half of the MI group received the intervention.publishedVersio

    Validity and reliability of the Norwegian version of the Musculoskeletal Health Questionnaire in people on sick leave.

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    BACKGROUND: The Musculoskeletal Health Questionnaire (MSK-HQ) is a recently developed generic questionnaire that consists of 14 items assessing health status in people with musculoskeletal disorders. The objective was to translate and cross-culturally adapt the MSK-HQ into Norwegian and to examine its construct validity and reliability in people on sick leave with musculoskeletal disorders. METHODS: A prospective cohort study was carried out in Norway on people between 18 and 67 years of age and sick leave due to a musculoskeletal disorder. The participants were recruited through the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration during November 2018-January 2019 and responded to the MSK-HQ at inclusion and after four weeks. Internal consistency was assessed by Cronbach's alpha, and structural validity with a factor analysis. Construct validity was assessed by eight "a priori" defined hypotheses regarding correlations between the MSK-HQ and other reference scales. Correlations were analyzed by Spearman's- or Pearson's correlation coefficient and interpreted as high with values ≥ 0.50, moderate between 0.30-0.49, and low < 0.29. Reliability was tested with test-retest, standard error of measurement (SEM) and smallest detectable change (SDC). RESULTS: A total of 549 patients, mean age (SD) 48.6 (10.7), 309 women (56.3%), were included. The mean (SD) MSK-HQ sum scores (min-max 3-56) were 27.7 (8.2). Internal consistency was 0.86 and a three-factor structure was determined by factor analysis. Construct validity was supported by the confirmation of all hypotheses; high correlation with HRQOL, psychosocial risk profile, and self-perceived health; moderate correlation with physical activity, self-perceived work ability, and work presenteeism; and low correlation with the number of sick days. The test-retest reliability was good with an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.83 (95% CI, 0.74-0.89), SEM was 2.3 and SDC 6.5. CONCLUSIONS: The Norwegian version of the MSK-HQ demonstrated high internal consistency, a three-factor structure, good construct validity and good test-retest reliability when used among people on sick leave due to musculoskeletal disorders

    Hvordan har tannhelsetjenesten i Norge håndtert pasienter og smittevern under den mest akutte fasen av covid-19-pandemien?

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    Source at https://www.tannlegetidende.no/i/2020/9/m-1912. The original research paper that is discussed is available in Munin at https://hdl.handle.net/10037/18994.Tannhelsetjenestens kompetansesenter Øst (TkØ) har gjennomført en spørreundersøkelse om tannhelsepersonells erfaringer under nedstenging i perioden 13. mars–17. april 2020. Første del av studien er nå publisert i International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health og er den første norske studien som omhandler håndtering av covid-19-pandemien i tannhelsetjenesten

    Principles of Periodontology

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    Periodontal diseases are among the most common diseases affecting humans. Dental biofilm is a contributor to the etiology of most periodontal diseases. It is also widely accepted that immunological and inflammatory responses to biofilm components are manifested by signs and symptoms of periodontal disease. The outcome of such interaction is modulated by risk factors (modifiers), either inherent (genetic) or acquired (environmental), significantly affecting the initiation and progression of different periodontal disease phenotypes. While definitive genetic determinants responsible for either susceptibility or resistance to periodontal disease have yet to be identified, many factors affecting the pathogenesis have been described, including smoking, diabetes, obesity, medications, and nutrition. Currently, periodontal diseases are classified based upon clinical disease traits using radiographs and clinical examination. Advances in genomics, molecular biology, and personalized medicine may result in new guidelines for unambiguous disease definition and diagnosis in the future. Recent studies have implied relationships between periodontal diseases and systemic conditions. Answering critical questions regarding host‐parasite interactions in periodontal diseases may provide new insight in the pathogenesis of other biomedical disorders. Therapeutic efforts have focused on the microbial nature of the infection, as active treatment centers on biofilm disruption by non‐surgical mechanical debridement with antimicrobial and sometimes anti‐inflammatory adjuncts. The surgical treatment aims at gaining access to periodontal lesions and correcting unfavorable gingival/osseous contours to achieve a periodontal architecture that will provide for more effective oral hygiene and periodontal maintenance. In addition, advances in tissue engineering have provided innovative means to regenerate/repair periodontal defects, based upon principles of guided tissue regeneration and utilization of growth factors/biologic mediators. To maintain periodontal stability, these treatments need to be supplemented with long‐term maintenance (supportive periodontal therapy) programs

    Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Packaging Systems for Extended Shelf Life Milk

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    The aim of this study is to carry out a comparative analysis of the environmental impact of different packaging systems used for extended shelf life milk. The analysis, carried out exploiting the life cycle assessment approach, takes into account the packaging manufacturing process, the food packaging process, the transport phases and the end-of-life management of the different packaging systems. The packaging end of-life is modelled by considering three possible options, such as recycling, thermo-valorization with energy recovery and landfill. One litre of extended shelf life milk is used as the reference unit, while multilayer cartons, polyethylene terephthalate bottles labelled with shrink sleeve film and high-density polyethylene bottles are analysed as the packaging types. The key characteristics of each component of the three packaging systems were either provided by packaging manufacturers or derived from data available in literature. The evaluation of the end-of-life impact was performed considering the Italian scenario, exploiting, in particular, the data provided by specific Italian consortia. Other data for the inventory analysis phase were extrapolated from the SimaPro databases (e.g. Ecoinvent or Plastic Europe Database). Cumulative energy demand and CML2001 were adopted as the impact assessment methods. The results obtained show that the multilayer carton system is the less environmentally impactful option for almost all the considered impact categories and that its environmental impacts are, on average, more than 12% lower than high-density polyethylene system and more than 34% lower than polyethylene terephthalate with shrink sleeve label