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    522 research outputs found

    Bedre skolestart i Trondheim kommune : Utleira- og Åsvangmodellen

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    Denne rapporten beskriver to pilotutprøvinger i Bedre skolestart-prosjektet. Utgangspunktet for Bedre skolestart-prosjektet var et vedtak i formannskapet i Trondheim kommune i oktober 2019 om utredning av mulige modeller for fleksibel skolestart.Bedre skolestart i Trondheim kommune : Utleira- og ÅsvangmodellenpublishedVersio

    Lesbian and gay individuals' path into foster parenting in Norway—Barriers and facilitators at the person and system levels

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    Growing numbers of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning (LGBTQ) people are becoming foster parents in several western countries. The LGBTQ perspective on the child welfare system has received little attention in practice, research and policy. Despite their increased rights, LGBTQ foster parents continue to face challenges related to fostering. Knowledge is needed on LGBTQ individual perceptions of the process of becoming foster parents, including barriers and facilitating factors. This paper reports on the experiences of 13 gay or lesbian foster parents in Norway. The study shows a lack of knowledge about the possibility of becoming foster parents due to lack of information directed at them as a minority group. Participants felt vulnerable and experienced “minority stress” before encountering the child welfare system, while mainly experienced the encounter with the staff as good and respectful. Although several valued being treated “like everyone else” by the system, others questioned why LGBTQ-specific parenting issues were not raised and discussed. Apart from lack of information, the process towards foster parenting seemed mostly hampered by participants' own assumptions that sexual identity would be a barrier and to some extent biological parents' refusal. The study suggests that foster care and child welfare services would benefit from information in recruitment of foster parents, aiming at being more inclusive. Furthermore, we address gender and sexuality diversity related to foster care work and highlight the strengths and challenges it may offer.acceptedVersio

    Ulike faktorer assosiert med avhengighetsproblematikk og pengebruk i Fortnite Battle Royale

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    Denne rapporten presenterer funn fra en undersøkelse om belønningsmekanismer, problematisk spilling og pengebruk i gaming. Undersøkelsen er finansiert av Medietilsynet, og omhandler Fortnite Battle Royale (FBR).Ulike faktorer assosiert med avhengighetsproblematikk og pengebruk i Fortnite Battle RoyalepublishedVersio

    Ny rammeplan i SFO : Evaluering av innføring av ny rammeplan for SFO, delrapport 2

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    Denne rapporten tar for seg innføringen av rammeplanen for SFO og bygger på kvalitative intervjuer og seminararbeid fra syv ulike caser.publishedVersio

    Inkludering og ekskludering i elevers digitale verden : Dypdykk i elevers aktivitet i sosiale medier og gaming og betydning for motivasjon og trivsel på skolen

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    Denne rapporten presenterer det årlige dypdykket tilknyttet Elevundersøkelsen, og tematikken springer ut fra analysene i hovedrapporten. Tema er inkludering og ekskludering i elevers digitale verden, og vi belyser sammenhengen mellom elevers aktivitet på sosiale medier og i gaming og deres opplevelse av motivasjon og trivsel på skolen. Hensikten er å løfte fram elevstemmen for å øke forståelsen av inkludering og ekskludering i elevenes digitale verden, og hvilken betydning stadig økt aktivitet i sosiale medier og gaming har for skolehverdagen. Vi gjør et dypdykk med både kvalitative og kvantitative data, hvor analyse av intervjuer blir sett i sammenheng med kvantitative analyser av en spørreskjemaundersøkelse som er utviklet for dette formålet. Reanalyser av Ungdata-undersøkelsen fungerer som et bakteppe for vår egen datainnsamling til dypdykket. Oppdragsgiver er UtdanningsdirektoratetInkludering og ekskludering i elevers digitale verden : Dypdykk i elevers aktivitet i sosiale medier og gaming og betydning for motivasjon og trivsel på skolenpublishedVersio

    Patients with severe mental illness and the ethical challenges related to confidentiality during family involvement: a scoping review

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    Background: Despite evidence on the significant potential value of family involvement during the treatment of patients with severe mental illness, research has shown that family involvement is largely underused. The duty of confidentiality is reported to be a key barrier to family involvement. To develop more insight into this barrier, this scoping review focuses on the following question: What are the reported ethical challenges related to confidentiality when involving family in the treatment of patients with severe mental illness? Methods: A systematic search into primary studies was conducted using the following databases: Medline (Ovid), PsycINFO (Ovid), CINAHL (EBSCO), and Web of Science core collection (Clarivate). The PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome) scheme and qualitative content analysis were used to make the ethical challenges more explicit. Results: Twelve studies—both qualitative and quantitative—were included. We identified the following main categories of ethical challenges: (1) the best interest of family members vs. confidentiality, (2) the patient's best interest vs. the right to confidentiality, (3) patient trust and alliance as a reason not to involve the relatives or not to share information, and (4) using confidentiality as a smokescreen. We also identified several subcategories and illustrative and concrete examples of ethical challenges. Conclusions: Through a systematic examination, we discovered various types of ethical challenges related to confidentiality when involving the family in the treatment of patients with severe mental illness. However, research on these ethical challenges and the constituents of these challenges remains limited and often implicit. An ethical analysis will create knowledge which may facilitate a more balanced and nuanced approach to respecting the principle of confidentiality while also considering other moral principles. The duty of confidentiality does not always have to be a major barrier to family involvement; this insight and using this ethical analysis in the training of healthcare professionals may benefit the patient, the family, and the services.Patients with severe mental illness and the ethical challenges related to confidentiality during family involvement: a scoping reviewpublishedVersio


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