809 research outputs found

    Hugo G. Nutini, The Wages of Conquest: The Mexican Aristocracy in the Context of Western Aristocracies

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    Los obispos y las reformas eclesiásticas en la América hispana borbónica

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    Las reformas eclesiásticas emprendidas por el gobierno ilustrado de los Borbones en sus colonias han sido largamente estudiadas, con la idea de que tuvieron lugar a todo lo ancho de los territorios americanos. No obstante, ha habido matices sobre la profundidad de su ejecución o la naturaleza de ésta. Por ello, los trabajos que dan cuerpo a Los obispos y las reformas ... examinan a fondo su aplicación en distintas ciudades y territorios. Mediante el análisis de cartas, edictos y visitas pastorales, informes, misivas al rey, concilios provinciales, sínodos, procesos legales, etcétera, y una sólida puesta al día bibliográfica, asistimos aquí a la manera concreta en que los obispos llevaron a cabo sus tareas con un frágil equilibrio entre el respeto a usos y costumbres y la presión del patronato real, sin perder de vista su labor espiritual ni las contradicciones y dificultades que arrostraba ante geografías, sociedades, etnias y tradiciones muy ajenas a los horizontes europeos y los ideales jurídico-religiosos. Así, la obra nos muestra nuevos ángulos y estratos de la conformación sociocultural de la América hispana y el papel que en ello tuvieron las instituciones clericales.Contenido parcial: El obispo Manuel Antonio de la Torre (1757-1776): de reformador a defensor de los derechos de la Iglesia / Fernando Aguerre Cor

    Efecto de terapias farmacológicas para el control glicémico en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en los desenlaces vasculares

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    Introduction: In the last 5 years the publication of knowledge related to vascular disease and diabetes mellitus type 2 (DT2) has been increasing. However, due to the absence of a review that collects all the vascular outcomes of T2D, the current review of the literature aims to group all vascular outcomes related to T2D and describe how hypoglycemic drug therapy can be effective for the control of these outcomes. Cardiovascular events as the main outcome show that innovative antidiabetic drugs such as empagliflozin and liraglutide can add significant benefits for patients with T2D. Materials and methods: Systematic search of the literature, from which 141 references were obtained, after eliminating duplicates, for paired screening. Subsequently, 21 references were identified that met the inclusion criteria to be considered in the analysis. Results: The effect of good glycemic control on clinical outcomes, specifically in the progression of diabetic kidney disease, has been the objective of multiple large-scale studies, both in type 1 diabetic patients and type 2 diabetics and macrovascular outcome of the primary DMT2, increasing the incidence of comorbidities and in turn representing greater morbidity. Conclusions: Among the main causes of morbidity and mortality of patients with T2D, are those with vascular damage, especially cardiovascular disease and renal involvement. In this context, the pharmacological treatment of diabetes mellitus has focused on finding drugs that reduce the importance of cardiovascular events and that at the same time delay the onset of nephropathy or its progression. Thiazolidinediones, DPP4 inhibitors (alogliptin, saxagliptin and sitagliptin), insulin glargine and degludec have demonstrated cardiovascular safety, but not incremental cardiovascular benefits, in patients with T2D who are at high risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.Introducción: En los últimos 5 años la publicación de conocimiento relacionado con la enfermedad vascular y la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DT2) ha ido en aumento. Sin embargo, debido a la ausencia de una revisión que recopilara todos los desenlaces vasculares de la DT2, la presente revisión de literatura tiene como objetivo agrupar todos los desenlaces vasculares relacionados con la DT2 y describir cómo la terapia farmacológica hipoglicemiante puede ser eficaz para lograr el control de estos desenlaces. Los eventos cardiovasculares como desenlace principal demuestran que los medicamentos antidiabéticos innovadores como la empagliflozina y la liraglutida pueden agregar un beneficio significativo para pacientes con DT2. Materiales y métodos: Búsqueda sistemática de la literatura, de la cual se obtuvieron 141 referencias, después de eliminar duplica- dos, para la tamización pareada. Posterior a esto, se identificaron 21 referencias que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión para ser considerados en el análisis. Resultados: El efecto de un buen control glucémico, sobre los resultados clínicos, específicamente en la progresión de la enfermedad renal diabética, ha sido objetivo de múltiples estudios a gran escala, tanto en pacientes diabéticos tipo 1 como en diabéticos tipo 2. Los desenlaces micro y macrovasculares son los principales desenlaces de la DMT2, que incrementan la incidencia de comorbilidades y representan, a su vez, una mayor morbilidad. Conclusiones: Dentro de las principales causas de morbilidad y mortalidad de los pacientes con DT2, se encuentran las relacionadas con daño vascular, en especial enfermedad cardiovascular y compromiso renal. En este contexto, el tratamiento farmacológico de la diabetes mellitus se ha enfocado en encontrar medicamentos que reduzcan de manera significativa los eventos cardiovasculares y que al mismo tiempo retrasen la aparición de nefropatía o su progresión. Las tiazolidinedionas, los inhibidores de DPP4 (alogliptina, saxagliptina y sitagliptina), la insulina glargina y degludec han demostrado seguridad cardiovascular, pero no beneficio cardiovascular incremental en pacientes con DT2 que tienen alto riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular aterosclerótica

    Planetary Candidates Observed by Kepler. VIII. A Fully Automated Catalog With Measured Completeness and Reliability Based on Data Release 25

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    We present the Kepler Object of Interest (KOI) catalog of transiting exoplanets based on searching four years of Kepler time series photometry (Data Release 25, Q1-Q17). The catalog contains 8054 KOIs of which 4034 are planet candidates with periods between 0.25 and 632 days. Of these candidates, 219 are new and include two in multi-planet systems (KOI-82.06 and KOI-2926.05), and ten high-reliability, terrestrial-size, habitable zone candidates. This catalog was created using a tool called the Robovetter which automatically vets the DR25 Threshold Crossing Events (TCEs, Twicken et al. 2016). The Robovetter also vetted simulated data sets and measured how well it was able to separate TCEs caused by noise from those caused by low signal-to-noise transits. We discusses the Robovetter and the metrics it uses to sort TCEs. For orbital periods less than 100 days the Robovetter completeness (the fraction of simulated transits that are determined to be planet candidates) across all observed stars is greater than 85%. For the same period range, the catalog reliability (the fraction of candidates that are not due to instrumental or stellar noise) is greater than 98%. However, for low signal-to-noise candidates between 200 and 500 days around FGK dwarf stars, the Robovetter is 76.7% complete and the catalog is 50.5% reliable. The KOI catalog, the transit fits and all of the simulated data used to characterize this catalog are available at the NASA Exoplanet Archive.Comment: 61 pages, 23 Figures, 9 Tables, Accepted to The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    The state of the Martian climate

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    60°N was +2.0°C, relative to the 1981–2010 average value (Fig. 5.1). This marks a new high for the record. The average annual surface air temperature (SAT) anomaly for 2016 for land stations north of starting in 1900, and is a significant increase over the previous highest value of +1.2°C, which was observed in 2007, 2011, and 2015. Average global annual temperatures also showed record values in 2015 and 2016. Currently, the Arctic is warming at more than twice the rate of lower latitudes

    Carbon uptake by mature Amazon forests has mitigated Amazon nations' carbon emissions

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    Background: Several independent lines of evidence suggest that Amazon forests have provided a significant carbon sink service, and also that the Amazon carbon sink in intact, mature forests may now be threatened as a result of different processes. There has however been no work done to quantify non-land-use-change forest carbon fluxes on a national basis within Amazonia, or to place these national fluxes and their possible changes in the context of the major anthropogenic carbon fluxes in the region. Here we present a first attempt to interpret results from groundbased monitoring of mature forest carbon fluxes in a biogeographically, politically, and temporally differentiated way. Specifically, using results from a large long-term network of forest plots, we estimate the Amazon biomass carbon balance over the last three decades for the different regions and nine nations of Amazonia, and evaluate the magnitude and trajectory of these differentiated balances in relation to major national anthropogenic carbon emissions. Results: The sink of carbon into mature forests has been remarkably geographically ubiquitous across Amazonia, being substantial and persistent in each of the five biogeographic regions within Amazonia. Between 1980 and 2010, it has more than mitigated the fossil fuel emissions of every single national economy, except that of Venezuela. For most nations (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname) the sink has probably additionally mitigated all anthropogenic carbon emissions due to Amazon deforestation and other land use change. While the sink has weakened in some regions since 2000, our analysis suggests that Amazon nations which are able to conserve large areas of natural and semi-natural landscape still contribute globally-significant carbon sequestration. Conclusions: Mature forests across all of Amazonia have contributed significantly to mitigating climate change for decades. Yet Amazon nations have not directly benefited from providing this global scale ecosystem service. We suggest that better monitoring and reporting of the carbon fluxes within mature forests, and understanding the drivers of changes in their balance, must become national, as well as international, priorities

    The Tree Biodiversity Network (BIOTREE-NET): prospects for biodiversity research and conservation in the Neotropics

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    Biodiversity research and conservation efforts in the tropics are hindered by the lack of knowledge of the assemblages found there, with many species undescribed or poorly known. Our initiative, the Tree Biodiversity Network (BIOTREE-NET), aims to address this problem by assembling georeferenced data from a wide range of sources, making these data easily accessible and easily queried, and promoting data sharing. The database (GIVD ID NA-00-002) currently comprises ca. 50,000 tree records of ca. 5,000 species (230 in the IUCN Red List) from \u3e2,000 forest plots in 11 countries. The focus is on trees because of their pivotal role in tropical forest ecosystems (which contain most of the world\u27s biodiversity) in terms of ecosystem function, carbon storage and effects on other species. BIOTREE-NET currently focuses on southern Mexico and Central America, but we aim to expand coverage to other parts of tropical America. The database is relational, comprising 12 linked data tables. We summarise its structure and contents. Key tables contain data on forest plots (including size, location and date(s) sampled), individual trees (including diameter, when available, and both recorded and standardised species name), species (including biological traits of each species) and the researchers who collected the data. Many types of queries are facilitated and species distribution modelling is enabled. Examining the data in BIOTREE-NET to date, we found an uneven distribution of data in space and across biomes, reflecting the general state of knowledge of the tropics. More than 90% of the data were collected since 1990 and plot size varies widely, but with most less than one hectare in size. A wide range of minimum sizes is used to define a \u27tree\u27. The database helps to identify gaps that need filling by further data collection and collation. The data can be publicly accessed through a web application at http://portal.biotreenet.com. Researchers are invited and encouraged to contribute data to BIOTREE-NET

    Killer immunoglobulin-like Receptors (KIR) haplogroups A and B track with Natural Killer Cells and Cytokine Profile in Aged Subjects: Observations from Octo/Nonagenarians in the Belfast Elderly Longitudinal Free-living Aging STudy (BELFAST)

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    BACKGROUND: Natural Killer Cells (NK) play an important role in detection and elimination of virus-infected, damaged or cancer cells. NK cell function is guided by expression of Killer Immunoglobulin-like Receptors (KIRs) and contributed to by the cytokine milieu. KIR molecules are grouped on NK cells into stimulatory and inhibitory KIR haplotypes A and B, through which NKs sense and tolerate HLA self-antigens or up-regulate the NK-cytotoxic response to cells with altered HLA self-antigens, damaged by viruses or tumours. We have previously described increased numbers of NK and NK-related subsets in association with sIL-2R cytokine serum levels in BELFAST octo/nonagenarians. We hypothesised that changes in KIR A and B haplotype gene frequencies could explain the increased cytokine profiles and NK compartments previously described in Belfast Elderly Longitudinal Free-living Aging STudy (BELFAST) octo/nonagenarians, who show evidence of ageing well. RESULTS: In the BELFAST study, 24% of octo/nonagenarians carried the KIR A haplotype and 76% KIR B haplotype with no differences for KIR A haplogroup frequency between male or female subjects (23% v 24%; p=0.88) or for KIR B haplogroup (77% v 76%; p=0.99). Octo/nonagenarian KIR A haplotype carriers showed increased NK numbers and percentage compared to Group B KIR subjects (p=0.003; p=0.016 respectively). There were no KIR A/ B haplogroup-associated changes for related CD57+CD8 ((high or low)) subsets. Using logistic regression, KIR B carriers were predicted to have higher IL-12 cytokine levels compared to KIR A carriers by about 3% (OR 1.03, confidence limits CI 0.99–1.09; p=0.027) and 14% higher levels for TGF-β (active), a cytokine with an anti-inflammatory role, (OR 1.14, confidence limits CI 0.99–1.09; p=0.002). CONCLUSION: In this observational study, BELFAST octo/nonagenarians carrying KIR A haplotype showed higher NK cell numbers and percentage compared to KIR B carriers. Conversely, KIR B haplotype carriers, with genes encoding for activating KIRs, showed a tendency for higher serum pro-inflammatory cytokines compared to KIR A carriers. While the findings in this study should be considered exploratory they may serve to stimulate debate about the immune signatures of those who appear to age slowly and who represent a model for good quality survivor-hood

    Multiplex Real-Time PCR Assay Using TaqMan Probes for the Identification of Trypanosoma cruzi DTUs in Biological and Clinical Samples

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    Background: Trypanosoma cruzi has been classified into six Discrete Typing Units (DTUs), designated as TcI–TcVI. In order to effectively use this standardized nomenclature, a reproducible genotyping strategy is imperative. Several typing schemes have been developed with variable levels of complexity, selectivity and analytical sensitivity. Most of them can be only applied to cultured stocks. In this context, we aimed to develop a multiplex Real-Time PCR method to identify the six T. cruzi DTUs using TaqMan probes (MTq-PCR).Methods/Principal Findings: The MTq-PCR has been evaluated in 39 cultured stocks and 307 biological samples from vectors, reservoirs and patients from different geographical regions and transmission cycles in comparison with a multi-locus conventional PCR algorithm. The MTq-PCR was inclusive for laboratory stocks and natural isolates and sensitive for direct typing of different biological samples from vectors, reservoirs and patients with acute, congenital infection or Chagas reactivation. The first round SL-IR MTq-PCR detected 1 fg DNA/reaction tube of TcI, TcII and TcIII and 1 pg DNA/reaction tube of TcIV, TcV and TcVI reference strains. The MTq-PCR was able to characterize DTUs in 83% of triatomine and 96% of reservoir samples that had been typed by conventional PCR methods. Regarding clinical samples, 100% of those derived from acute infected patients, 62.5% from congenitally infected children and 50% from patients with clinical reactivation could be genotyped. Sensitivity for direct typing of blood samples from chronic Chagas disease patients (32.8% from asymptomatic and 22.2% from symptomatic patients) and mixed infections was lower than that of the conventional PCR algorithm.Conclusions/Significance: Typing is resolved after a single or a second round of Real-Time PCR, depending on the DTU. This format reduces carryover contamination and is amenable to quantification, automation and kit production.This work received financial support from the Ministry of Science and Technology of Argentina [PICT 2011-0207 to AGS] and the National Scientific and Technical Research Council in Argentina (CONICET) [PIP 112 2011-010-0974 to AGS]. Work related to evaluation of biological samples was partially sponsored by the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) [Small Grants Program PAHO-TDR]; the Drugs and Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi, Geneva, Switzerland), Wellcome Trust (London, United Kingdom), SANOFI-AVENTIS (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and the National Council for Science and Technology in Mexico (CONACYT) [FONSEC 161405 to JMR]

    Exploring the link between MORF4L1 and risk of breast cancer.

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    INTRODUCTION: Proteins encoded by Fanconi anemia (FA) and/or breast cancer (BrCa) susceptibility genes cooperate in a common DNA damage repair signaling pathway. To gain deeper insight into this pathway and its influence on cancer risk, we searched for novel components through protein physical interaction screens. METHODS: Protein physical interactions were screened using the yeast two-hybrid system. Co-affinity purifications and endogenous co-immunoprecipitation assays were performed to corroborate interactions. Biochemical and functional assays in human, mouse and Caenorhabditis elegans models were carried out to characterize pathway components. Thirteen FANCD2-monoubiquitinylation-positive FA cell lines excluded for genetic defects in the downstream pathway components and 300 familial BrCa patients negative for BRCA1/2 mutations were analyzed for genetic mutations. Common genetic variants were genotyped in 9,573 BRCA1/2 mutation carriers for associations with BrCa risk. RESULTS: A previously identified co-purifying protein with PALB2 was identified, MRG15 (MORF4L1 gene). Results in human, mouse and C. elegans models delineate molecular and functional relationships with BRCA2, PALB2, RAD51 and RPA1 that suggest a role for MRG15 in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks. Mrg15-deficient murine embryonic fibroblasts showed moderate sensitivity to γ-irradiation relative to controls and reduced formation of Rad51 nuclear foci. Examination of mutants of MRG15 and BRCA2 C. elegans orthologs revealed phenocopy by accumulation of RPA-1 (human RPA1) nuclear foci and aberrant chromosomal compactions in meiotic cells. However, no alterations or mutations were identified for MRG15/MORF4L1 in unclassified FA patients and BrCa familial cases. Finally, no significant associations between common MORF4L1 variants and BrCa risk for BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers were identified: rs7164529, Ptrend = 0.45 and 0.05, P2df = 0.51 and 0.14, respectively; and rs10519219, Ptrend = 0.92 and 0.72, P2df = 0.76 and 0.07, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: While the present study expands on the role of MRG15 in the control of genomic stability, weak associations cannot be ruled out for potential low-penetrance variants at MORF4L1 and BrCa risk among BRCA2 mutation carriers.RIGHTS : This article is licensed under the BioMed Central licence at http://www.biomedcentral.com/about/license which is similar to the 'Creative Commons Attribution Licence'. In brief you may : copy, distribute, and display the work; make derivative works; or make commercial use of the work - under the following conditions: the original author must be given credit; for any reuse or distribution, it must be made clear to others what the license terms of this work are