205 research outputs found

    A moving-point approach to model shallow ice sheets: a study case with radially symmetrical ice sheets

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    Predicting the evolution of ice sheets requires numerical models able to accurately track the migration of ice sheet continental margins or grounding lines. We introduce a physically based moving-point approach for the flow of ice sheets based on the conservation of local masses. This allows the ice sheet margins to be tracked explicitly. Our approach is also well suited to capture waiting-time behaviour efficiently. A finite-difference moving-point scheme is derived and applied in a simplified context (continental radially symmetrical shallow ice approximation). The scheme, which is inexpensive, is verified by comparing the results with steady states obtained from an analytic solution and with exact moving-margin transient solutions. In both cases the scheme is able to track the position of the ice sheet margin with high accuracy


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    Black bear (Ursus americanus) damage to managed conifer stands during the spring in the U.S. Pacific Northwest is a continuing management concern. Because bear damage to managed conifers may reflect the limited availability of nutritious foods, supplemental feeding has been used to decrease damage. Highly palatable, pelleted feed is provided ad libitum from April until late June when berries ripen and such damage stops. We examined black bear use of supplemental feed during the spring and summer of 1998 and 1999 in western Washington. Bears were captured in areas where supplemental feed was provided and in control areas where no effort to reduce conifer damage occurred. Mass gains for bears captured twice were 153 ± 119 g/day (x̅± SD) in the fed areas and 12 ± 104 g/day in non-fed areas. Fat gain for bears in the fed areas was 42 ± 50 g/day and 4 ± 59 g/day in the non-fed areas. However, because age-specific body masses and fat content did not differ between the 2 areas, short-term pellet feeding probably has no long-lasting effect on bear condition or productivity. The diet of bears in the fed areas was 55 ± 22% pelleted feed, 7 ± 7% animal matter, and 38 ± 18% vegetation. The diet of bears in the non-fed areas was 13 ± 17% animal matter and 87 ± 17% vegetation. Grass and sedge composed the majority of vegetation consumed in both areas. The energy content of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and western hemlock ( Tsuga heterophylla) sapwood was more digestible (60-67%) than grasses and forbs (18-47%). Smaller bears (adult females and subadult males and females) may do most of the damage because sapwood harvesting rates minimize nutritional gain to larger adult males

    A physical model for the origin of the diffuse cosmic infrared background

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    We present a physical model for origin of the cosmic diffuse infrared background (CDIRB). By utilizing the observed stellar mass function and its evolution as input to a semi-empirical model of galaxy formation, we isolate the physics driving diffuse IR emission. The model includes contributions from three primary sources of IR emission: steady-state star formation owing to isolated disk galaxies, interaction-driven bursts of star formation owing to close encounters and mergers, and obscured active galactic nuclei (AGN). We find that most of the CDIRB is produced by equal contributions from objects at z=0.5-1 and z>1, as suggested by recent observations. Of those sources, the vast majority of the emission originates in systems with low to moderate IR luminosities (L_{IR}<10^{12} $L_sun); the most luminous objects contribute significant flux only at high-redshifts (z>2). All star formation in ongoing mergers accounts for <10% of the total at all wavelengths and redshifts, while emission directly attributable to the interaction-driven burst itself accounts for <5%. We furthermore find that obscured AGN contribute <1-2% of the CDIRB at all wavelengths and redshifts, with a strong upper limit of less than 4% of the total emission. Finally, since electron-positron pair production interactions with the CDIRB represent the primary source of opacity to very high energy (VHE: E_\gamma > 1 TeV) \gamma-rays, the model provides predictions for the optical depth of the Universe to the most energetic photons. We find that these predictions agree with observations of high-energy cutoffs at TeV energies in nearby blazars, and suggest that while the Universe is extremely optically thick at >10 TeV, the next generation of VHE \gamma-ray telescopes can reasonably expect detections from out to 50-150 Mpc.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, submitted to MNRA

    The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Two-Season ACTPol Spectra and Parameters

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    We present the temperature and polarization angular power spectra measured by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope Polarimeter (ACTPol). We analyze night-time data collected during 2013-14 using two detector arrays at 149 GHz, from 548 deg2^2 of sky on the celestial equator. We use these spectra, and the spectra measured with the MBAC camera on ACT from 2008-10, in combination with Planck and WMAP data to estimate cosmological parameters from the temperature, polarization, and temperature-polarization cross-correlations. We find the new ACTPol data to be consistent with the LCDM model. The ACTPol temperature-polarization cross-spectrum now provides stronger constraints on multiple parameters than the ACTPol temperature spectrum, including the baryon density, the acoustic peak angular scale, and the derived Hubble constant. Adding the new data to planck temperature data tightens the limits on damping tail parameters, for example reducing the joint uncertainty on the number of neutrino species and the primordial helium fraction by 20%.Comment: 23 pages, 25 figure

    Observing the Evolution of the Universe

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    How did the universe evolve? The fine angular scale (l>1000) temperature and polarization anisotropies in the CMB are a Rosetta stone for understanding the evolution of the universe. Through detailed measurements one may address everything from the physics of the birth of the universe to the history of star formation and the process by which galaxies formed. One may in addition track the evolution of the dark energy and discover the net neutrino mass. We are at the dawn of a new era in which hundreds of square degrees of sky can be mapped with arcminute resolution and sensitivities measured in microKelvin. Acquiring these data requires the use of special purpose telescopes such as the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT), located in Chile, and the South Pole Telescope (SPT). These new telescopes are outfitted with a new generation of custom mm-wave kilo-pixel arrays. Additional instruments are in the planning stages.Comment: Science White Paper submitted to the US Astro2010 Decadal Survey. Full list of 177 author available at http://cmbpol.uchicago.ed

    Dust and star formation properties of a complete sample of local galaxies drawn from the Planck Early Release Compact Source Catalogue

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    We combine Planck High Frequency Instrument data at 857, 545, 353 and 217 GHz with data from Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), Spitzer, IRAS and Herschel to investigate the properties of a well-defined, flux-limited sample of local star-forming galaxies. A 545 GHz flux density limit was chosen so that the sample is 80 per cent complete at this frequency, and the resulting sample contains a total of 234 local, star-forming galaxies. We investigate the dust emission and star formation properties of the sample via various models and calculate the local dust mass function. Although single-component-modified blackbodies fit the dust emission longward of 80 \u3bcm very well, with a median \u3b2 = 1.83, the known degeneracy between dust temperature and \u3b2 also means that the spectral energy distributions are very well described by a dust component with dust emissivity index fixed at \u3b2 = 2 and temperature in the range 10-25 K. Although a second, warmer dust component is required to fit shorter wavelength data, and contributes approximately a third of the total infrared emission, its mass is negligible. No evidence is found for a very cold (6-10 K) dust component. The temperature of the cold dust component is strongly influenced by the ratio of the star formation rate to the total dust mass. This implies, contrary to what is often assumed, that a significant fraction of even the emission from \u2dc20 K dust is powered by ongoing star formation, whether or not the dust itself is associated with star-forming clouds or `cirrus'. There is statistical evidence of a free-free contribution to the 217 GHz flux densities of 7220 per cent. We find a median dust-to-stellar mass ratio of 0.0046; and that this ratio is anticorrelated with galaxy mass. There is good correlation between dust mass and atomic gas mass (median Md/MHI = 0.022), suggesting that galaxies that have more dust (higher values of Md/M*) have more interstellar medium in general. Our derived dust mass function implies a mean dust mass density of the local Universe (for dust within galaxies), of 7.0 \ub1 1.4 7 105 M 99 Mpc-3, significantly greater than that found in the most recent estimate using Herschel data. \ua9 2013 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

    Impact of Lyman alpha pressure on metal-poor dwarf galaxies

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    Understanding the origin of strong galactic outflows and the suppression of star formation in dwarf galaxies is a key problem in galaxy formation. Using a set of radiation-hydrodynamic simulations of an isolated dwarf galaxy embedded in a 1010M10^{10}\,M_\odot halo, we show that the momentum transferred from resonantly scattered Lyman-α\alpha (Lya) photons is an important source of stellar feedback which can shape the evolution of galaxies. We find that Lya feedback suppresses star formation by a factor of two in metal-poor galaxies by regulating the dynamics of star-forming clouds before the onset of supernova explosions (SNe). This is possible because each Lya photon resonantly scatters and imparts 10-300 times greater momentum than in the single scattering limit. Consequently, the number of star clusters predicted in the simulations is reduced by a factor of 5\sim 5, compared to the model without the early feedback. More importantly, we find that galactic outflows become weaker in the presence of strong Lya radiation feedback, as star formation and associated SNe become less bursty. We also examine a model in which radiation field is arbitrarily enhanced by a factor of up to 10, and reach the same conclusion. The typical mass loading factors in our metal-poor dwarf system are estimated to be 510\sim5-10 near the mid plane, while it is reduced to 1\sim1 at larger radii. Finally, we find that the escape of ionizing radiation and hence the reionization history of the Universe is unlikely to be strongly affected by Lya feedback

    Quantitative MRI provides markers of intra-, inter-regional, and age-related differences in young adult cortical microstructure

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    Measuring the structural composition of the cortex is critical to understanding typical development, yet few investigations in humans have charted markers in vivo that are sensitive to tissue microstructural attributes. Here, we used a well-validated quantitative MR protocol to measure four parameters (R1, MT, R2*, PD*) that differ in their sensitivity to facets of the tissue microstructural environment (R1, MT: myelin, macromolecular content; R2*: myelin, paramagnetic ions, i.e., iron; PD*: free water content). Mapping these parameters across cortical regions in a young adult cohort (18–39 years, N = 93) revealed expected patterns of increased macromolecular content as well as reduced tissue water content in primary and primary adjacent cortical regions. Mapping across cortical depth within regions showed decreased expression of myelin and related processes – but increased tissue water content – when progressing from the grey/white to the grey/pial boundary, in all regions. Charting developmental change in cortical microstructure cross-sectionally, we found that parameters with sensitivity to tissue myelin (R1 & MT) showed linear increases with age across frontal and parietal cortex (change 0.5–1.0% per year). Overlap of robust age effects for both parameters emerged in left inferior frontal, right parietal and bilateral pre-central regions. Our findings afford an improved understanding of ontogeny in early adulthood and offer normative quantitative MR data for inter- and intra-cortical composition, which may be used as benchmarks in further studies